
The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

author:A purse that will eat

Sting, also known as "enlightenment", is the third of the twenty-four solar terms. "The light rain is new, and a thunder begins." The arrival of the sting festival, the revival of all things, and the stronger spring, marking the beginning of the mid-spring season, therefore, the sting has always been regarded as a more important festival, and there will be a lot of attention to eating. Many places have the habit of eating pears. The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth.

The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

Why do you want to eat pears? Pears are harmonious with "away", and there are insect pests away from the crops, so that the farmer uncle has the meaning of a good harvest. On this day, the whole family ate pears, full of people's good wishes for prosperity.

As the saying goes: if you eat a pear, you have spirit for a year. Therefore, the stinging of eating pears also has a good meaning of a year of health! The old man's statement is indeed very reasonable. Although the weather is warmer, it is still warm and cold, cold and warm, the air is relatively dry, people are prone to dry mouth, produce internal fire, and eat pears at this time are both moist and unsatisfied.

The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

Anyway, it's not wrong to be surprised to eat pears. But pears are relatively cold to eat, especially the elderly, children and women, this season to eat pears, or cooked before eating. Below is to share 6 kinds of food made of pears, do not forget to give the family to eat, it is recommended to collect!

【Milk stewed pear】

The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

Ingredients: pear, dried lilies, dates, milk, rock sugar.


1️ Rinse the lilies dry and soak in warm water for half an hour.

2. Wash the pears and peel them.

3. Make pear cups. Cut a piece from the top of the pear to make the top cover of the pear cup and use a spoon to dig out the core.

4️ Put dried lilies, dates and rock sugar in a pear cup and steam them in a pot for 30 minutes after steaming.

5. After the pears are steamed, pour in the milk, cover the pot and simmer for 5 minutes, the milk can be warm.

When pitting pears, pay attention to the bottom to leave a little more, if you like a softer and stickier taste, then extend the steaming time.

【Eight Treasure Pear】

The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

Ingredients: Pear, black glutinous rice, black sesame seeds, walnuts, dates, raisins, brown sugar.

1️ Black glutinous rice and black sesame seeds are washed together. Add the right amount of water and steam.

2. Prepare the ingredients such as walnuts, dates, raisins and other ingredients.

3. Wash the pear, peel off the peel, and follow the above method to make a pear cup.

4. After the eight treasure rice is steamed, pour in the ingredients and brown sugar, stir and mix well.

5. Fill the filling in a pear cup, cover the pear and steam for another 15 minutes.

Do not cut the pear too early, it will not oxidize and turn black. It is better to eat the eight treasure pears while hot, do not let it cold to eat, so as not to increase the burden.

【Canned pear】

The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

Ingredients: Pear and rock sugar, a pinch of salt.

1️ Wash the pears first and remove the peel. The peel of the peeled pear should not be wasted, and it can be boiled and drunk.

2️ Cut the pear from the middle and pit it into good-sized pear pieces. Soak the chopped pears in light salt water and set aside.

3️ In a clean oil-free pot, add the right amount of water and rock sugar, and cook the rock sugar over high heat to melt completely.

4️ Pour in the pears, and the water should not pass the pear pieces. Bring to a boil again, turn to medium-low heat and cook for about 15 minutes.

5️ Put the boiled pears into the canned bottle that was brushed clean in advance, steam in the steamer for 10 minutes, and quickly tighten the lid when opening the lid, so that the seal of the container can be completely closed, which is more conducive to storage.

The container for canned pears should be clean and oil-free and resistant to high temperatures. Rock sugar can play a role in preserving the practice, if properly preserved, it is not bad to put it for 2 months, but because there is no preservative, it cannot be left for too long.

【Sydney kumquat rice porridge】

The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

Ingredients: Sydney pear, kumquat, millet and rice.

1️ Rinse the millet and rice and soak in water for 20 minutes.

2️ Kumquats are scrubbed repeatedly with starch water, rinsed with water and cut into thin slices.

3️ Bring the water to a boil and pour in the rice, bring to a boil on high heat, then reduce the heat and simmer for half an hour. Try to add enough water to avoid adding water in the middle.

4️ Peel the pear, pit it and cut into small pieces.

5️ After the rice porridge is cooked for half an hour, add the pears and kumquat and continue to cook on low heat for 15 minutes.

Pears and kumquats can be eaten raw, so don't cook them in a pot with rice. If the peel is thoroughly cleaned, you can also not remove the peel.

【Osmanthus soaked pear】

The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

Ingredients: pear, osmanthus flower, honey.

1️ Wash the pears with salt water. To make osmanthus soaked pears, you should choose smaller pears, nanguo pears or crispy pears.

2️ Add water to the pot, add the nanguo pear and start steaming. Steam on high heat for 5 minutes, adjust to simmer, time for 15 minutes. When the pears are steamed soft and sticky, take out the steamed pears and let them cool.

3️ After the steamed pears are cooled, soak them in honey water and sprinkle with a handful of osmanthus flowers. Soak in for 2 hours and eat. If you don't have dried osmanthus flowers at home, you can also switch to sugar osmanthus flowers.

When soaking the pears with honey water, there is no more rock sugar, you can add it as you like.

【Luo Han Guo Tangerine Peel Stewed Pear】

The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

Ingredients: Sydney pear, monk fruit, tangerine peel, rock sugar.

1️ Rinse the pear with running water, scrub the surface with salt, and scrub a few more times to remove the residue.

2️ Take a small amount of pulp and wash it.

3️ After the pears are pitted, cut into slices and set aside.

4️ Put the pear, monk fruit and tangerine peel together in a casserole dish and add the right amount of water and cook for 20 minutes. Add some rock sugar and cook until melted. When stewing pears, you can add some monk fruit and tangerine peel, but do not drink a lot.

The old tradition is to eat pears, teach you to use pears to make 6 dishes, implying health and wealth

The above are 6 dishes made of pears, and the stings should be eaten for the family. In different places, the sting is also different. Spring is the time of year! No matter what is exquisite, we all hope that the new year will be healthy and rich, and we should not lose the old tradition. Friends, what do you eat there?

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