
How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

During the Republic of China, Sichuan Province, located in the southwest of the motherland, was probably one of the most chaotic provinces in China. Since ancient times, Sichuan, the country of Tianfu, has always been a place of contention for soldiers because of its fertile land, rich resources and large population.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?


Therefore, at the time of the war in the Republic of China, the environment in Sichuan not only did not become a paradise because of the closed traffic, but the warlords were the most fierce. Throughout the Republic of China period, Sichuan never had a moment of cessation.

Many Sichuan warlords were constantly in strife, they divided one side, and for personal gain, fierce and extremely fierce disputes broke out. However, although there are many warlords in Sichuan, there are actually very few who really have the strength and opportunity to compete for the throne of "King of Sichuan".

In addition to Liu Xiang and Liu Wenhui's uncles and nephews, among the many warlords in Sichuan, Yang Sen, who is known for his many wives and concubines, is also the Sichuan warlord with the most strength to win the throne of the King of Sichuan. Moreover, at the height of his glory, Yang Sen not only served as the military governor of Sichuan and became the supreme ruler of Sichuan, but also launched the War to unify the whole of Sichuan in an attempt to become a veritable king of Sichuan.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?


Although Janssen did not succeed in the end, it can also be seen that Janssen's territory was large and strong at that time. In addition to his strong strength, another characteristic of Janssen is that he has many wives and concubines. It is said that Janssen only has a first name and a surname. The number of publicly acknowledged wives and concubines was as high as 12, and there were as many as 43 children, a figure that was outlier even among unscrupulous and extravagant warlords.

So, how did Janssen rise? At his peak, how many troops did he have, and dare he have the courage to launch a war to unify the whole of Sichuan? How did he end up?

Like most warlords, he was able to rise to become the leader of the warlords in Sichuan thanks to The fact that Yang Sen was a local. Yang Sen was born in 1882 at Longtai Temple in Guang'an County, Sichuan. Moreover, his family is also quite good, and his father even served as a pawnbroker in the Qing Dynasty, a position that is not an official, but it is a typical ground snake, and the oil and water are also quite rich.

Therefore, thanks to a good family situation, Yang Sen has the opportunity to study, he has studied in Guang'an Zijing Academy, United Middle School and other schools, because of the freedom to learn martial arts, unwilling to settle down, therefore, Yang Sen after graduating from the United Middle School, admitted to the newly established Sichuan Army Accelerated School Benmu Team, ready to become a soldier.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

After the Benmu Team, Yang Sen successively entered the Sichuan Higher Military Training Institute, the Sichuan Army Accelerated School and other military academies to study. Sichuan Army Accelerated School, is it familiar to see this school? Yes, a considerable number of warlords in Sichuan have risen here.

At that time, Yang Sen's classmates included Liu Xiang, who had become the king of Sichuan, and the Sichuan warlords Tang Shizun, Pan Wenhua, and Wang Zanxu, who had a separate side. It is precisely because of this origin that among the Sichuan warlords, these people formed a quick lineage headed by Liu Xiang and Yang Sen.

In the first year of the Qing Dynasty's reunification, in 1909 AD, Yang Sen, who had graduated from the Accelerated Academy, was sent to the Sichuan Army and became a platoon commander in the seventeenth town of the Sichuan New Army, and Yang Sen, who had just entered the army, performed very well, he trained seriously, his mind was flexible, and he rarely paid attention to internal affairs, so Yang Sen was soon promoted to the right team officer of the first battalion of the 33rd Mixed Brigade of the Sichuan Army, and it was during this period that he joined the League.

After the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, Sichuan also became a province of the corresponding revolution. However, the Sichuan Han military government headed by Pu Dianjun was unable to control the situation, the patrol battalion mutinied, and Chengdu was in chaos, and it was only by Relying on Yin Changheng to lead the new army to break through the governor's office and kill the governor Zhao Erfeng to control the situation.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?


At that time, Yin Changheng suppressed the rebellion together with Yang Changheng, including Yang Sen's 65 biao. Therefore, after quelling the rebellion, Janssen was appointed commander of the second battalion. However, due to the discord between Yang Sen and his then immediate superior, the regimental commander Zhang Bangben, Zhang Bangben used his status as the regimental commander to suppress Yang Sen in every way, and Yang Sen was simply untenable in the army.

In the end, Yang Sen, who was unable to compete with Zhang Bangben, was removed, and interestingly, it was his classmate Liu Xiang who took over the position of camp commander of Yang Sen. After losing his position as battalion commander, Yang Sen began to look for a way out in Chengdu.

However, although Yang Sen, who had bad luck, was introduced to the 3rd Division of the Sichuan Army as the education chief of the non-commissioned officer, he did not stay long before the commander of the 1st Division accused Yang Sen of selling guns and eating short salaries when he was the battalion commander, so he ordered him to be wanted.

The official did not succeed, Yang Sen fled in a daze, and the desperate Yang Sen defected to the teacher of the Accelerated Academy, and Wang Lingji, who was already the leader of the model regiment at this time, hid in the model regiment. After the outbreak of the Second Revolution in 1913, Xiong Kewu, commander of the 5th Division of the Army stationed in Chongqing, led his troops in response and declared independence, taking this opportunity to secretly run to Chongqing and secretly surrender to Xiong Kewu.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

Xiong Kewu

However, Yang Sen's bad luck was still not over, and before he stayed in Xiong Kewu's army for long, the Yunnan warlord Tang Jiyao defeated Xiong Kewu and captured Chongqing, and it was in Chongqing Xiong Kewu's army that Yang Sen also became a prisoner of the Dian army.

However, although he became a prisoner, because of his birth in the class and the fact that he was an officer, the courageous Yang Sen still stood out, and he was appreciated by Huang Yucheng, the commander of the mixed brigade of the Yunnan Army, and brought him back to the headquarters as an aide-de-camp of the mixed brigade. Subsequently, as Tang Jiyao prepared to withdraw to Yunnan, Huang Yucheng also led his troops to withdraw from Sichuan.

After Yang Sen arrived in Yunnan with his troops, his luck deteriorated again, and Huang Yucheng, who appreciated him, lost his military power, and he was relieved of his post as brigade commander of the Huancheng Brigade by Tang Jiyao, leaving only the idle post of senior adviser, and Yang Sen, who was already only Huang Yucheng could rely on, once again had nowhere to go and was forced to become a diner in the Huang family.

However, Yang Sen was not willing to be lonely, and Yang Sen, who was also extremely flexible, began to use Huang Yucheng's relationship to get acquainted with a large number of officers of the Dian Army. At the same time, because Yunnan is a famous opium-producing area, the opium produced in Yunnan is even more famous, so Yang Sen, who was not promoted to a higher rank, decided to get rich and began to sell opium with the officers of the Yunnan Army he met, but because of this, he contracted the problem of smoking opium.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

The warlord Tang Jiyao who ruled Yunnan at the time

In 1915, due to Yuan Shikai's restoration as emperor, it aroused the opposition of the people of the whole country, and the Patriotic War broke out. Under the leadership of Cai Yi, the Defending Army, mainly the Dian Army, began to march to Sichuan. Because Yang Sen was a native of Sichuan and had many classmates in the Sichuan Army, Yang Sen became a lieutenant colonel staff officer under Zhao Youxin, the commander of the second echelon of the Patriotic Army, on the recommendation of Huang Yucheng.

In August 1917, the War of Defending France broke out again, and Xiong Kewu, who was the governor of Sichuan, reorganized the Sixth and Seventh Divisions of the Dian Army stationed in Sichuan into the First Army and the Second Army of the Jingguo Army, of which the commander of the Second Army was Zhao Youxin. Therefore, Zhao Youxin, who admired Yang Sen quite much, appointed Yang Sen as the chief of staff of the army.

Later, when Huang Yucheng became the commander-in-chief of the Jingguo Army and the commander of the Fourth Army stationed in Sichuan and Yunnan, Huang Yucheng transferred Yang Sen to the chief of staff of the headquarters and the commander of the city defense of The Syrian Province. It can be said that after a long time in the Dian army, Yang Sen finally rose again with his cleverness and the appreciation of nobles.

However, because Yang Jie, the commander of the 1st Column, was resentful that Yang Sen had taken the post of commander of the city defense of Xusu Province, yang Jie directly sent troops to break into Yang Sen's home and arrest him, and prepared to let Yang Sen parade through the streets with his own smoking equipment.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

Huang Yucheng

It was still relying on Huang Yucheng's rescue that Yang Sen survived, but because of this, he lost the position of commander of the city defense of Xufu, the commander of the city defense could not continue, Yang Sen had to return to Zhao Youxin's army as chief of staff, it was precisely because of this incident that Yang Sen directly quit opium smoke.

Subsequently, in the battle between the Dian army and the Sichuan warlords, due to the bravery and excellent performance of the battle, Yang Sen also gained more and more trust from Zhao Youxin. However, for other generals of the Dian Army, such as Luo Peijin, Tang Jiyao and others, they were very unoptimistic about Yang Sen.

Tang Jiyao even suggested that Zhao Youxin "kill at the right time to eliminate the troubles", and in the warlord troops with strong regional colors, the generals of the Dian Army were also dissatisfied with Yang Sen, who held an important position as a Sichuanese.

Therefore, although Zhao Youxin did not heed the advice of these people, Yang Sen was still very frightened after hearing the news, and he began to find a way to break away from the Dian army.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

In 1918, in order to compete for the right to rule Sichuan, Tang Jiyao and Xiong Kewu broke out again, and at that time, Yang Sen was ordered by Zhao Youxin to persuade Liu Xiang, who had already served as the commander of the 2nd Division of the Sichuan Army, to turn against Xiong Kewu, however, Yang Sen, who had already planned, took the opportunity to show Liu Xiang that he was in Cao Ying's heart in Han.

This attitude was naturally supported by many Sichuan generals, including Liu Xiang. Therefore, after Tang Jiyao's war against Xiong Kewu broke out, after leading a new independent regiment of Zhao to Anyue in the name of supporting Liu Xiang, Yang Sen cooperated with Liu Xiang to kill the disobedient Dian army officers and led the independent regiment of the Dian army to the Sichuan army.

After breaking away from the Dian Army, Yang Sen was appointed by Xiong Kewu as the brigade commander of the 9th Mixed Brigade. In order to support Yang Sen, Liu Xiang, an old classmate who was quite righteous, classified the Wang Zanxu Regiment of the 8th Regiment under his command into Yang Sen, and also transferred a number of county regiments to be trained and incorporated into Yang Sen's troops, so Yang Sen's troops were greatly expanded.

At the same time, due to the continuous defeats in the war against Tang Jiyao, in order to boost morale, Xiong Kewu promoted all the officers of the Sichuan Army to one position, and Yang Sen was also appointed as the commander of the 9th Division.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

Warlords divided Sichuan

In the battle against the Dian Army, Yang Sen was familiar with the situation of the Dian Army and bravely moved forward during the battle, so he made many military achievements. After defeating the Dian army, Yang Sen was even more desperate to catch up, and in the process of pursuing, Yang Sen led his troops to directly attack Zhao Youxin's army, resulting in Zhao Youxin's troops being defeated and shot and killed.

Zhao Youxin, who had greatly appreciated Yang Sen among the Dian army and promoted him many times, was eventually killed by Yang Sen's troops, which was indeed regrettable. Zhao Youxin's ending really responded to Tang Jiyao's telegram to Zhao Youxin: "Yang Sen knew at a glance that it was cruel and dangerous, and that it must not be reused."

After repeated achievements in the battle against the Dian Army, Yang Sen became famous among the warlords of Sichuan and Sichuan. In the process of pursuing the Dian army, Yang Sen took the opportunity to garrison his 9th Division in Luzhou, southern Sichuan, and combined the local military and civilian wealth and power to become a warlord worthy of the name of dividing the territory. After occupying southern Sichuan, Janssen began to build schools, set up arsenals, and ran his own territory in a big way.

While expanding his power, Yang Sen and his old classmate Liu Xiang joined forces and began to seek greater power. After the defeat of the War of Aid to Hubei, because Liu Xiang was the governor of Sichuan Province and the commander-in-chief of the Sichuan Army at that time, Liu Xiang became the target of accusations, and Liu Xiang, who was unable to deal with the warlords of Sichuan, took retreat as an advance, resigned from the post of commander-in-chief of the Sichuan armies, retreated into the background, and ceded the position of commander of the Second Army to Yang Sen.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

Liu Xiang

At this time, the contradiction between the Second Army led by Liu Xiang and Yang Sen and Xiong Kewu, who controlled the First Army, became more and more acute. However, when the ambitious Janssen led the Second Army to decide to defeat the First Army in one fell swoop, the proud and light enemy Yang Sen never expected that his Second Army would directly encounter an ambush, and Janssen was defeated by the First Army and its allies.

Subsequently, Xiong Kewu's First Army joined forces with its allies Deng Xihou, Chen Guodong and others to begin to pursue Yang Sen, and in the end, Yang Sen was almost completely annihilated, and Yang Sen fled from Sichuan with his remnants and retreated to the western part of Hubei.

However, Yang Sen was not willing to lose, and he decided to go to Wu Peifu, the leader of the warlords he had already met. At that time, Wu Peifu, who was in Luoyang and decided to unify the world by force, was preparing to plot against Sichuan at this time, so the two sides hit it off.

Wu Peifu decided to intervene in Sichuan with Yang Sen as the forward, and he appointed Yang Sen as the commander of the Army's 16th Division and the commander-in-chief of the former enemy, so that he could fight back to Sichuan, while Yang Sen led two mixed brigades of the well-equipped and well-trained 16th Division and the 7th 8th Division to begin a large-scale counterattack on Sichuan in conjunction with the Sichuan warlords Liu Cunhou, Deng Xihou, Tian Songyao, Liu Wenhui and others.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

Wu Peifu

After several dogfights, Yang Sen led his troops to successfully capture Chengdu and oversaw the military and political power in Sichuan in the name of the commander of the Second Army. Yang Sen thus became Wu Peifu's agent in Sichuan. On May 26, 1924, under the control of Wu Peifu, Yang Sen was justifiably became the acting military affairs of Sichuan, equivalent to the status of the governor of Sichuan.

However, at this time, although Yang Sen became the nominal supreme ruler of Sichuan and also had a powerful Second Army, there were still warlords all over Sichuan. Therefore, the ambitious Yang Sen decided to live up to his name and truly unify Sichuan as the king of Sichuan.

This ambition of Yang Sen naturally produced a huge contradiction with other Sichuan warlords, and Liu Xiang, who had served as the commander-in-chief of the Sichuan Army and the governor of Sichuan Province, also parted ways with Yang Sen, and Liu Xiang, who was ostensibly silent, secretly contacted the Sichuan warlords Liu Chengxun, Liu Wenhui, Lai Xinhui and others, forming an anti-Yang alliance of "three Liu and one Lai".

At the same time, after Feng Yuxiang launched the Beijing coup, Wu Peifu fell, and Duan Qirui became the ruler of the Beiyang government again. As a result, Janssen also lost wu Peifu's support. After Liu Xiang defected to Duan Qirui, Duan Qirui appointed Liu Xiang as the governor of the Chuankang Border Department, with the right to control the entire Sichuan army, while Yang Sen was removed from his post, and in this case, Yang Sen lost the name of the great righteousness of unifying Sichuan by force.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

However, even so, Janssen, arrogantly armed, decided to launch a war for unification. At the beginning of the war, Yang Sen quickly occupied 72 counties in Sichuan, and the army also expanded to 19 divisions and 12 mixed brigades, with a strength of more than 100,000 troops, and Yang Sen became the warlord force with the widest territory and the largest number of troops in Sichuan.

In the face of Yang Sen's aggressive momentum, Lai Xinhui, Liu Chengxun, Liu Wenhui, Liu Xiang, and others united with Deng Xihou and Yuan Zuming's troops to form the Sichuan-Qianqian Coalition Army, and publicly promoted Yuan Zuming as the commander-in-chief of the coalition army and began to fight against Yang Sen. The two sides fought fierce battles in many places, winning and losing each other.

However, at the critical moment, because The commander of Yang Sen's main division, Wang Zhanxu, betrayed Yang Sen and defected to Liu Xiang, which eventually caused the Yang Sen front to shake across the board, and in the end, Yang Sen's troops were defeated by the coalition forces, and Yang Sen, who was almost completely destroyed, was forced to electrify and hand over his troops to Liu Xiang's control, and he led the remnants of his troops to retreat to Yibin and turn to Wu Peifu again.

At this time, Wu Peifu had just made a comeback and organized a coalition of 14 provinces to fight thieves, so he appointed Yang Sen as the commander-in-chief of the 1st Road of the Sichuan Thief Coalition Army, and sent him back to Sichuan to gather the old department.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

Liu Xiang (middle)

Moreover, just when Yang Sen returned to Sichuan with the remnants, the various units of the coalition army that united to defeat Yang Sen broke out again because of their interests. Yuan Zuming of the Qian army, the Sichuan warlords Deng Xihou, Tian Songyao, and Liu Xiang had fierce contradictions due to the uneven division of the spoils, and in this case, Yang Sen, who was defeated by them, became the object of the two factions' scramble.

With the advantage of left and right Fengyuan, Yang Sen, who returned to Sichuan, took the opportunity to expand his strength. In March 1926, Yang Sen set up a headquarters in Wanxian County, Sichuan, on the one hand, he recruited troops in the local area, on the other hand, began to assemble the old troops in eastern Sichuan, Yang Sen's troops were rapidly expanded, in just over a month, Yang Sen expanded the troops to 10 divisions, with a total strength of about 70,000.

Although it did not live up to the peak of the 72 county territory and 100,000 troops, it was also quite not weak, so Yang Sen's ambitions sprouted again, and on May 5, Yang Sen, who felt that he had fledging wings, once again joined forces with his old classmate Liu Xiang and began to attack Yuan Zuming's Qian army. Yang Sen and Liu Xiang's connection was successful, and Yuan Zuming was successfully expelled from Sichuan. Janssen's territory also expanded dramatically, and he once again controlled the counties of eastern Sichuan.

It was also at this time that the Nationalist government in Guangzhou swore an oath to the Northern Expedition, and forced by the situation of the Northern Expedition, most of the warlords in Sichuan sent telegrams to attack Wu Peifu. However, Yang Sen, who was closely related to Wu Peifu, not only did not have a telegram to join the Northern Expeditionary Army, but instead took up the post of governor of Sichuan appointed by Wu Peifu.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

The warlords of Sichuan

Of course, with the northern expeditionary army conquering Wuhan and having become the most powerful force in the land of China, Yang Sen saw the wind and steered the helm, on the one hand, he took up the post of commander-in-chief of the first road of Wu Peifu's thief-seeking coalition army, and on the other hand, he accepted the post of commander of the Twentieth Army of the National Revolutionary Army and commander of the Border Defense of Sichuan and Hubei appointed by the Northern Expeditionary Army.

However, although forced to join the Northern Expeditionary Army, whether it was feelings or practical interests, Yang Sen preferred Wu Peifu's side, so he did not obediently join the Northern Expeditionary Army, on the contrary, in the name of the Northern Expedition, Yang Sen cooperated with Wu Peifu's army, and also snatched the western part of Hubei from the hands of the Northern Expeditionary Army and began to attack the heart of Hubei.

However, Yang Sen did not expect that his troops were not opponents of the Northern Expeditionary Army at all, and Yang Sen's troops had just advanced into Hubei and were annihilated by the National Revolutionary Army not long after. In the end, seeing that the general trend had gone, Yang Sen withdrew to Wanxian County, and changed all his units to the name of the National Revolutionary Army, at that time, Yang Sen's subordinates had two border road troops, 7 divisions, and 5 mixed brigades.

At this time, Sichuan was in chaos, and the Nationalist government was not much better. After the victory of the Northern Expedition, fierce contradictions broke out within the Nationalist government, and the Nationalist Government in Wuhan and the Nationalist Government in Nanjing directly confronted each other. Therefore, Yang Sen thought he saw an opportunity, and in April 1927, he went out of Sichuan again and led his troops to attack the Wuhan Nationalist government on the orders of Chiang Kai-shek.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

Chiang Kai-shek

However, after the initial victory, in the face of the attack of Tang Shengzhi of the Nationalist government in Wuhan, Yang Sen was almost completely annihilated and once again fled back to Sichuan. In November of the same year, Chiang Kai-shek was very angry because of the custody of Wu Peifu, so Yang Sen was removed from his post as commander of the 20th Army, and at the same time, Chiang Kai-shek also ordered Liu Xiang, Lai Xinhui and other Sichuan warlords to attack Yang Sen.

The house leaked in the rainy season, and after the defeat, it faced the attack of other Sichuan warlords, and yang Sen faced an extremely critical situation. However, Yang Sen is like a small strong who can't die, and he can survive every time after a big defeat, and this time is no exception.

Perhaps the mourning troops would be victorious, but the inferior Yang Sen led his troops to victory in the Battle of Xiachuandong, and thus resumed the post of commander of the Twentieth Army. Seeing That Yang Sen had won the victory, the Nationalist Government in Nanjing, which could not reach the whip, also got off the donkey and announced that Yang Sen was "exempted from investigation."

Unfortunately, at the end of the same year, due to Yang Sen's attack on Liu Xiang in conjunction with Li Jiayu, Lai Xinhui and others, and was defeated by Liu Xiang, Yang Sen's strength was greatly reduced, and his troops not only had 6 mutilated mixed brigades left, but also lost almost all the territory in eastern Sichuan.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

However, this still did not discourage Janssen. Unwilling to accept defeat, Yang Sen joined forces with Luo Zezhou and others to launch a war against Liu Wenhui in an attempt to restore his strength, but was once again defeated by Liu Wenhui and almost lost all his troops. However, after Yang Sen once again joined forces with Li Jiayu to expel Chen Hongwen, he occupied the territory of 4 counties, including Yingshan and Guang'an, and the strength of the army was expanded to 6 mixed brigades and a direct subordinate team.

In March 1931, the Sichuan warlord melee broke out again, and Yang Sen was defeated by the combined forces of Liu Wenhui and Deng Xihou and forced to defect to his old classmate Liu Xiang. In May 1932, after the Red Fourth Front entered Sichuan and opened up the Sichuan-Shaanxi revolutionary base area, Yang Sen was ordered by Chiang Kai-shek to start encircling and suppressing the Red Army.

Also in 1932, in order to compete for the supreme rule of Sichuan, the Second Liu War broke out between Liu Xiang and Liu Wenhui, who were originally uncles and nephews, and Yang Sen chose to side with Liu Xiang. In the end, Liu Wenhui was defeated, and Liu Xiang became the strongest force in Sichuan and successfully ascended to the throne of the King of Sichuan.

Yang Sen, who helped Liu Xiang defeat Liu Wenhui, was rewarded for his merits and strength. In May 1935, Janssen's Twentieth Army was officially given the title, and at that time, the Twentieth Army had three divisions under its command, namely the 133rd Division, the 134th Division, and the 135th Division.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

In 1937, the all-out War of Resistance broke out, and the Twentieth Army to which Yang Sen belonged and the Million Sichuan Army went out to Sichuan to resist the war together. Yang Sen led the Twentieth Army to participate in the Battle of Songhu first. Subsequently, Janssen's Twentieth Army was expanded into the Sixth Army, with Janssen as the commander of the corps, but the units under it did not change, still three divisions.

In 1938, Yang Sen led his troops to participate in the Battle of Xuzhou. Janssen's unit was changed again, and the name became the 27th Army. However, even in the fierce War of Resistance Against Japan, Chiang Kai-shek's means of eliminating dissidents still did not give up, and although the number of Yang Sen's troops was getting bigger and bigger, the strength of yang Sen's Twentieth Army was getting smaller and smaller.

Due to the heavy losses in the battle against Japan, Janssen, who had been promoted to commander-in-chief of the 27th Army, did not have enough troops to replenish, and in the end, he was forced to abolish the 135th Division, leaving only the 133rd and 134th Divisions of the Twentieth Army.

In October 1939, Yang Sen was promoted to deputy commander of the Ninth Theater of Operations, and once again led his troops to participate in the Battle of Nanchang and the Battle of Changsha. Even in the phase of relatively few stalemates, Yang Sen still led his troops to participate in the Battle of Western Hubei, the Battle of Changde, the Battle of Changheng, the Battle of Guiliu and other battles, almost covering the entire 8-year War of Resistance.

How did Yang Sen, who had launched the war to unify the whole sichuan, rise? How many troops does he have?

Sichuan anti-Japanese Sichuan army

Moreover, like the vast majority of Sichuan army units that went out to fight against Japan in Sichuan, although Yang Sen's Sichuan army was poorly equipped and poorly supplied, Yang Sen and his troops still made repeated achievements in fighting against Japan and played the momentum of Chinese soldiers.

Because of his meritorious service in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the appreciation of Chiang Kai-shek as a man, In December 1944, Yang Sen was appointed chairman of Guizhou Province. However, due to Yang Sen's re-emergence, he wantonly purged dissidents in Guizhou, and the looting was too heavy, and after only three years as the chairman of Guizhou Province, Guizhou was boiled by the toss of public resentment.

In 1947, Chiang Kai-shek dismissed Yang Sen from his post as chairman of Guizhou Province and transferred him back to Chongqing as mayor of Chongqing. At this time, although it was the second year of the Liberation War, the Kuomintang had shown a downward trend.

Therefore, although Yang Sen continued to dispatch troops to clear and suppress the guerrilla revolutionary base areas in northern Sichuan, this still could not stop the pace of Chiang Kai-shek's fiasco, and in April 1949, Yang Sen's starting force, the Twentieth Army, was completely annihilated in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu.

In November 1949, after the liberation of Chongqing, Yang Sen first fled to Chengdu and then to Taiwan by plane. After fleeing to Taiwan, Yang Sen, like the big man of the vast majority of the people, lost his real power and only served as a national policy adviser, and on May 17, 1977, at the age of 95, Yang Sen died of illness in Taipei.

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