
The new moringa-flavored sand cake is sweet and not greasy

author:Chongzuo Radio and Television Station

【New Year walk grassroots ・ New Year's taste in the heart】 New moringa flavor sand cake is sweet and not greasy

For many Chongzuo people, sand cake is an indispensable New Year product for the Spring Festival. Because the "cake" of sand cake is homophonous with the "high" of gaosheng, it means that life and career are rising step by step. Near the Spring Festival, every household began to make or buy sand cakes. However, this year, the reporter found that in addition to the traditional sesame and bean paste flavored sand cakes, a variety of creative new sand cakes that cater to the tastes of the public are also emerging. Moringa paste, I don't know if you heard about it in front of the TV? In the end, what is different about it, let's follow the grassroots reporters to inquire.

Song Xiaoqun, an authentic Ningming Haiyuan person, told reporters that in their Haiyuan, every Spring Festival, every household will make sand cakes, and when visiting relatives and friends, sending sand cakes is a new year blessing for relatives and friends. Song Xiaoqun has been making sand cakes since she was a child, and although many small workshops are now on the market, many small workshops have begun to introduce machines to produce sand cakes, but she still insists on making them by hand. This year, in addition to the common sesame flavor and bean flavor, she also tried to make sand cakes with moringa as a raw material.

It is understood that moringa belongs to tropical plants, can be medicinal and edible, in the domestic market, mainly picking moringa leaves for food, its fresh leaves as vegetables to eat, rich in protein, vitamins and other nutrients; old leaves made of moringa tea, has the effect of reducing "three highs" and eliminating fatigue. And Song Xiaoqun's moringa sand cake uses old leaf moringa.

Moringa leaves are powdered dark green, and in a certain proportion, they are mixed evenly with cooked glutinous rice flour and peanut oil to serve as the skin of the sand cake. The production of sand cake filling, the process is more complicated, you have to mix it with brown sugar, sesame seeds, constantly rolling, filtering, to ensure that the sand cake filling is delicate and soft. Unlike the way in which the sand cake was cut and then packaged after a whole piece was done, Song Xiaoqun used abrasives to put the cake skin on the bottom layer, put the sesame filling in the middle, and then put the cake skin in the upper layer, and gently pressed, it became this small mooncake-shaped moringa sand cake, and also independently packaged, which is about 8 days longer than the traditional paper-wrapped sand cake.

The finished moringa cake, its whole body is green, making people look very appetizing. Compared with traditional sand cakes, moringa sticky cakes not only have the unique sticky aroma of sand cakes, but also have a faint aroma of moringa, which is sweet and not greasy to eat, and is popular with diners.

Song Xiaoqun told reporters that the month before the Spring Festival is the peak period for making sand cakes, and they will make more than 2,000 sand cakes every day, of which moringa flavored sand cakes account for more than half. She said that although moringa paste is a new flavor, the public also likes it very much. In the future, she will continue to try to make various flavors of sand cakes to continuously enrich the types of sand cakes.