
Why are Cantonese people inseparable from herbal tea? Several classic recipes are recommended to you herbal tea historical origin geographical factors composed of classification classic formula taboo crowd considerations

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Author: Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University Zhu Sha

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="94" > herbal tea</h1>

Why are Cantonese people inseparable from herbal tea? Several classic recipes are recommended to you herbal tea historical origin geographical factors composed of classification classic formula taboo crowd considerations

Guangzhou is a famous food paradise, and the streets and alleys are full of food. In addition to morning tea, desserts, snacks, there are also many herbal tea shops. Walking on the streets of Guangzhou, herbal tea shops of all sizes can be seen everywhere. Whether you're on fire, catch a cold, or just thirsty, there's something to solve your pressing needs. A small bottle of herbal tea, or bitter, or sweet, a cup of belly, the whole person immediately spirited. If it is said that the blood of the northeast people is wine, and the blood of the Sichuan people is smooth red oil, then the blood of the Guangdong people must be herbal tea! Herbal tea may only be a hot pot companion in the eyes of northerners, but in the eyes of southerners, especially in Guangdong, Guangxi and Hong Kong, it "cures all diseases". Commonly known as "drinking a cup of herbal tea, no need to find a doctor", many Cantonese people, in the face of some similar "damp heat" diseases or just started a cold, the first reaction is not to see a doctor, but to drink herbal tea. Herbal tea for Guangdong people, it can be said that "life comes from water, health comes from herbal tea".

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > historical origins</h1>

According to legend, in 306 AD, the Eastern Jin Dynasty Taoist pharmacist Ge Hong came to Lingnan, felt the climate in the Lingnan region, damp and hot, miasma epidemic, so he carefully studied various warm disease medicines in Lingnan, leaving a large number of medical monographs for the characteristics of lingnan climate, the people of Lingnan according to Ge Hong's medical theory, combined with people's rich experience in the long-term prevention and treatment of diseases, with medicinal cold, summer disinfection of Chinese herbs, boiling water to drink, the formation of a deep Lingnan cultural heritage of herbal tea. Historical allusions and folklore about herbal tea have been widely circulated in Lingnan and overseas for a long time. For hundreds of years, herbal tea shops in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau have formed a unique landscape of Lingnan culture. In the eighth year of Qing Daoguang (1828), Wang Zebang, the founder of "Wang Laoji", opened the legendary first herbal tea shop in Jingyuan Street in the thirteen lines of Guangzhou. In May 2006, with the approval of the State Council, herbal tea was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list as the only "food culture", which together with Cantonese opera, Cantonese cuisine and Cantonese language constituted a unique Lingnan culture. At the time of the epidemic last year, Guangzhou made herbal tea "Yue Kang No. 1" with traditional Chinese medicine and included it in the "Guangdong Province Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Close Contacts Traditional Chinese Medicine Intervention Plan" and recommended it to the public to drink.

Why are Cantonese people inseparable from herbal tea? Several classic recipes are recommended to you herbal tea historical origin geographical factors composed of classification classic formula taboo crowd considerations

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="95" > geographic factors</h1>

Chen Zhaoyu of the Song Dynasty pointed out in the "Taiping Shenghuifang": "The land in Lingnan is humble and humid, the climate is different, the summer is hot and poisonous, the winter is warm and snowless, and the rheumatic atmosphere is easy to hurt people." "Herbal tea is popular in the two Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao regions, and has a lot to do with the climate and water and soil of Lingnan. Guangdong region is located in the subtropics, hot summer, rainy and humid, water quality is hot, and the summer heat time is relatively long, hot and humid climate is easy to make people gastrointestinal disorders, coupled with some people are spicy, heavy food, and accustomed to sleeping late, so it is easier to produce "hot gas". Cantonese people are really very easy to catch fire, and the common symptoms are: constant acne on the face, sores on the mouth and tongue, inflammation of the tonsils, and swelling and sore throat. So in South China, there are often such scenes - cold? Drink a cup of herbal tea first! sore throat? Drink a cup of herbal tea first! Heat stroke? Drink a cup of herbal tea first! Headache brain fever? Drink a cup of herbal tea first! In Guangdong, it is completely unworkable to advise "drink more hot water", but "drink more herbal tea" is very kind!

Why are Cantonese people inseparable from herbal tea? Several classic recipes are recommended to you herbal tea historical origin geographical factors composed of classification classic formula taboo crowd considerations

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="96" > make up the classification</h1>

In addition to clearing heat and detoxification, quenching thirst, clearing lungs and moisturizing, dispelling dampness and relieving heat, herbal tea can also clear fire, eyesight, loose knots, reduce swelling, etc., can treat red headache, dizziness and tinnitus, boils and swelling and hypertension, summer can be used as a cool drink to drink. The herbs used in making herbal tea can effectively remove toxins from the human body, improve the body's immunity, resist bacterial and viral infections, balance yin and yang, and soften the skin.

Why are Cantonese people inseparable from herbal tea? Several classic recipes are recommended to you herbal tea historical origin geographical factors composed of classification classic formula taboo crowd considerations

According to the different effects of herbal tea, herbal tea is mainly divided into 4 categories.

1. Detoxifying tea

Mainly suitable for people with internal heat and heavy fire, such as people who are prone to acne and dysentery need to detoxify in the body, focus on heat and detoxification, suitable for drinking in spring, summer and autumn. Representative medicinal herbs include honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, lotus leaf, mountain gardenia, skullcap and so on.

2. Anti-sensory tea

It can also be called a kind of cold tea, which mainly treats external wind and fever, four colds and flu, and can alleviate wind fever colds and sore throats. Representative medicinal herbs include honeysuckle, wild chrysanthemum, dandelion, houttuynia cordata, mulberry leaves, white grass root, plate blue root and so on. This tea is suitable for drinking all seasons.

3. Clear heat and moisturize dry tea

This kind of herbal tea is especially suitable for dry summer and autumn, and has a good effect on dry mouth, dry tongue, cough and fire. Representative medicinal herbs include sand ginseng, jade bamboo, dragon leaf, wheat dong, white fungus, luo han guo, fat sea, lily and so on.

4. Clear heat and wet tea

It is aimed at people such as damp and hot gas, large breath, thick tongue, yellow and red face, etc., suitable for summer wet and hot heavy, rainy days sleepy and tired when drinking. Representative medicinal herbs include kapok, honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, mianyin chen, soil poria and so on.

According to the modern dosage form of herbal tea, it can be divided into 3 categories.

1. Liquid dosage form

Solution agents (including cans, polyester bottles, Tetra Pak cartons, composite films, etc.) and so on.

2. Semi-solid dosage form

Extracts (ointments), jelly, ice cream, etc.

3. Solid dosage form

Granules (punches, instant teas, effervescent granules), bag bubbles, tablets (lozenges, effervescent tablets), chewing gum, popsicles, etc.

According to the taste, it can be divided into two kinds of bitter tea and sweet tea.

1. Bitter tea

It is herbal tea based on hard, bitter, cold and cold Chinese medicine, such as zhen zhen and twenty-four flavor herbal tea.

2. Sweet tea

It is a herbal tea based on qingrun sweet herbs, such as thatched bamboo cane water, luo han guo five-flower tea, etc.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="106" > classic recipe</h1>

1. Summer mulberry chrysanthemum

Composition: Summer dry grass 15g, mulberry leaves 15g, chrysanthemum 15g.

Effect: Clear liver and eyes, relieve wind and heat, detoxify sores.

Indications: Cold wind fever. Symptoms include red headache, dizziness, tinnitus, bitter mouth, sore throat, cough and other symptoms. And can be used for hypertension, carbuncle swelling and other symptoms. Can also be used as a refreshing drink.

2. Remove damp tea

Composition: Kapok 10g, Rush Flower 10, 10g, Coix Kernel 30g, Lentils 30g, Lotus 1 to 2.

Benefits: Clears the heat of the summer heat, relieves moisture stagnation.

Indications: Prevention of heat stroke, also with the feeling of heat light evidence, see chest tightness, tiredness, dry mouth, sluggishness.

3. Five-flower tea

Composition: Kapok 15g, Honeysuckle 15g, Locust Flower 15g, Frangipani 15g, Kudzu 10g.

Benefits: Clears heat and dampness.

Indications: abdominal pain, bloating, bitter mouth, loose stool or accompanied by pus and blood, red tongue, yellow moss, pulse number caused by damp heat and humidity of the large intestine.

4. Compound monk fruit tea

Composition: 1/8 monk fruit, 5 red dates, 6 roses, 10 goji berries.

Effect: Clears heat and moisturizes the lungs, relieves cough and dissolves phlegm.

Indications: Suitable for cough, phlegm caused by lung fever, lung dryness, sore throat, thirst, dry mouth, hoarseness and other symptoms. It is most suitable for people who smoke too much alcohol and often stay up late.

5. Clear liver and bright eye tea

Composition: Summer dry grass 15 grams, mulberry leaves 10 grams, wild chrysanthemum flowers 15 grams, mountain gardenia 15 grams, Mianyin Chen 15 grams, xihuang grass 15 grams, psyllium 10 grams, skullcap 10 grams.

Effect: Clear heat and dampness, clear liver and eyes.

Indications: Suitable for hepatobiliary damp heat evidence: head swelling and pain, irritability and irritability, eye feces, bitter mouth, red or itchy eyes or tears, poor sleep, hard or rotten stools, yellow urine, yellow tongue.

6. Children's herbal tea

Composition: Forsythia 8 grams, light bamboo leaves 5 grams, cordial flowers 5 zha, hawthorn 8 grams, honeysuckle 8 grams, reed root 8 grams, charcoal mother 8 grams, mountain gardenia 8 grams, Huaishan 10 grams, Mai Dong 8 grams.

Effect: Clears heat and vitality, relieves fire and detoxifies.

Indications: Suitable for children's heart and liver fire evidence: irritability, poor sleep, poor appetite, hard stool, bad breath, mouth ulcers, eye feces and so on.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="112" > contraindicated people</h1>

1. Spleen and stomach deficiency: herbal tea contains a large number of cold Chinese herbal ingredients, spleen and stomach deficiency cold people use caution.

2. Patients with gastrointestinal diseases: patients with excessive stomach acid, long-term diarrhea, colitis and other patients who mistakenly drink herbal tea may harm the stomach and intestines and aggravate the symptoms.

3. Cold and cold: Cold caused by cold, such as cold intolerance, runny nose, and then drink herbal tea is very easy to aggravate the symptoms, delay the condition.

4. Menstruating women: drinking herbal tea during menstruation is easy to cause qi and blood to be cold and coagulated, menstrual blood discharge is not smooth, causing dysmenorrhea, and serious cases can cause menstrual irregularities.

5, pregnant women and lactating women: expectant mothers are best not to drink herbal tea, the new mother who has just given birth to the baby is extremely weak, drinking herbal tea is not only not conducive to the recovery of postpartum organ function, but also may hurt the spleen and stomach, causing cold pain in the abdomen in the future.

6. The elderly and children under three years old: the yang of the elderly is gradually weakening, and there may be digestive system problems due to the cold stimulation of herbal tea; the spleen and stomach digestion and regulation function of young children has not yet been perfected, if the herbal tea is too cold to drink, it will cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and a series of gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="113" > considerations</h1>

1, in the boiling herbal tea should be boiled in a casserole, do not use an iron pot to cook, in addition to herbal tea should be boiled on the same day, drink on the same day, do not drink overnight.

2, herbal tea is after all a traditional Chinese medicine, the right medicine can be effective. Before drinking, the necessary understanding and consultation should be carried out, and herbal tea should be selected according to the individual's own condition, and it is best not to take it continuously for more than three days.

Reviewer: Ye Yingxia, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University

The above is the original work of the volunteers of the "Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance", if you reprint, please indicate the author and source!

【Medicine Shield Public Welfare】PSM Pharmaceutical Shield Public Welfare (public number: PSMChina), a public welfare organization jointly initiated and established by the China Over-the-Counter Drug Association, the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, etc., gathers resources, gathers strength, and promotes the safety of public medication.