
Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

author:Slant moon outside the building

For many Chinese, Brazil is generally the impression that it is a large area, a long distance from China, a good football game, a lot of iron ore, and nothing more.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

Today, the oblique moon outside the building will introduce you to the country on the other side of the earth: Brazil.

Brazil is the largest country in South America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean in the east, with a coastline of more than 7,400 kilometers, and Ten countries or regions bordering Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana, with an area of 8.5149 million square kilometers, ranking fifth in the world in terms of land area, second only to Russia, China, the United States and Canada.

Rich in natural resources, complete industrial system, gdp ranked first in South America, Brazil is one of the world's seven largest economies, is an important developing country in the world, and is also a powerful aviation manufacturing country in the world.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

The topography of Brazil is mainly divided into four parts:

(1) Brazilian Plateau.

The Brazilian plateau is the largest plateau in the world (after the Antarctic plateau), covering an area of more than 5 million square kilometers, accounting for about 60% of Brazil's total area.

The Brazilian plateau is bordered by the Amazon Plain to the north, the Andes Mountains to the west, the Plain of La Plata to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, with an altitude of between 300 and 1500 meters.

The Brazilian plateau is an important production area of Brazilian agriculture and animal husbandry, but also a mineral-rich area, the main mineral resources are iron, manganese, lead, zinc, chromium, nickel, tin, quartz crystals, mica, etc., especially high-quality iron ore is famous around the world.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

Spindle trees are the main landscape of the Brazilian plateau, the tree is about 30 meters high, the two ends are thin, the middle is expanded, the thickest place can reach a diameter of more than 5 meters, and it can store 2 tons of water inside.

The spindle tree looks like a big turnip from a distance, and once the rainy season has passed, the dry season has come, the green leaves have withered, and the red flowers have bloomed, which is extremely beautiful.

(2) Amazon Plain.

The Amazon Plain is the largest in the world, covering an area of 5.6 million square kilometers, most of which is located in Brazil, accounting for about one-third of Brazil's total area. The Amazon plains are low and flat, with most of the elevations at around 150 meters.

The Amazon Plain is between the Brazilian Plateau and the Guiana Plateau, stretching from the Andean Mountains to the west to the Atlantic Ocean in the east, spanning Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, of which Brazil has about 220 square kilometers.

The tropical rainforest of the Amazon Plain is the largest tropical rainforest area in the world (the second largest tropical rainforest area is located in Kalimantan), accounting for 50% of the world's tropical rainforest area, containing one-fifth of the world's forest resources, rich in mahogany, ebony, greenwood and other valuable trees.

Much of the Amazon Plain is sparsely populated, or uninhabited, and inaccessible.

There are many species of animals in the Amazon plain, mainly hummingbirds, sloths, manatees, dolphins, jaguars, tapirs, armadillos, forest nymphs and so on.

*Except for a small part of the Amazon Plain in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, most of it is in Brazil.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

(3) Paraguay Basin.

The Paraguay Basin is the world's largest flooded swamp, located in the upper paraguay river, south of the Mato Grosso Plateau.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

* Only a small part of the Paraguay Basin is located in Paraguay and Bolivia, and most of it belongs to Brazil.

The Pantanal Wetlands in the Paraguay Basin are the largest wetlands in the world, spanning Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, and are the richest areas in the world for aquatic plants.

(4) Guiana Plateau.

The Guiana Plateau is the world's famous plateau, second only to the Brazilian Plateau in South America, spanning five countries or regions of Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Brazil and French Guiana, with an altitude of about 300 to 1500 meters.

The Barata gum, sugar gum gum, vanilla, gold mine, diamond, iron ore and so on in the Guiana plateau are famous.

※ There is angel waterfall in the world with the largest drop in the Guiana plateau, Angel Falls, with a drop of 979 meters and a bottom width of 150 meters.

Mount Rorai on the Guiana Plateau is 2810 meters above sea level, is the border mountain of Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana, with a summit area of about 31 square kilometers and a cliff of 400 meters down, which is very famous in the world. The highest peak in Brazil is Neblina Peak, with an altitude of 2994 meters, which is higher than the most famous Mount Tai in China.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

There are many rivers in Brazil, long rivers and large amounts of water, mainly the Amazon River, paraná River, and San Francisco River.

(1) The Amazon River has a total length of 6436 kilometers, and its length exceeds that of the Nile River, which is the longest river in the world, running through northwestern Brazil, with a basin area of 6,915,000 square kilometers, of which the basin area in Brazil is 3.9 million square kilometers.

※ The Amazon River is the largest, largest basin area and most tributary river in the world, and its flow is several times larger than the sum of the three rivers of the Nile, Yangtze and Mississippi, which is equivalent to the flow of 7 Yangtze Rivers. The estuary of the Amazon River is 240 kilometers wide and flows 10 times as much during the flooding period as the Mississippi River.

※ The Amazon River is wide, most of the water depth is more than 45 meters, and the water near Manaus is 99 meters deep, which is deeper than China's West Lake.

When the Amazon River surges, the sea tide can be traced up 600 to 1000 kilometers, and the tide head is as high as 1 to 5 meters, which is almost comparable to the tide of the Qiantang River.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

With more than 15,000 tributaries, the Amazon River has the largest number of tributaries in the world.

(2) The Paraná river system includes the Paraná and Paraguay rivers, many rapids and waterfalls.

The Paraná River is the second largest river in South America, ranked 13th in the world, with a total length of more than 4,100 kilometers and a basin area of 4 million square kilometers.

(3) The San Francisco River has a total length of 2914 kilometers, is the fourth largest river in South America, and is also an inland river in Brazil, with a basin area of about 631133 square kilometers.

Brazil has a tropical rainforest climate in the north, a savannah climate in the central part, and a humid monsoon climate in the south. Temperatures are high throughout the year and precipitation is abundant.

Brazil is rich in mineral resources, with 29 kinds of mineral reserves such as niobium, manganese, titanium, aluminum, lead, tin, iron and uranium ranking among the top in the world.

※ Brazil's niobium ore production accounts for more than 90% of the world's total output, niobium, tantalum, talc, pyrophyllite reserves rank first in the world, iron ore and graphite production ranks second in the world, oil proven reserves rank second in South America, bauxite, manganese, nickel, tin, zinc reserves rank third in the world, of which bauxite exports in the world second only to Australia. Other minerals include natural gas, uranium, coal, gold, copper, chromium, lead, titanium, zirconium, aged soil, asbestos, phosphate ore, fluorite, vermiculite, magnesite and so on.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

Brazil is the second largest oil and gas resource country in South America after Venezuela.

Brazil's proven iron ore reserves account for 17.1% of the world's total reserves, ranking second in the world, and the Brazilian Caragas iron ore mine is a world-class super-large iron-rich deposit.

Brazil is one of the world's top 10 gold resources, with gold mines distributed throughout the country.

The production and export of Brazilian kaolin is second only to the United States and the United Kingdom, ranking third in the world, with high quality and quantity.

Brazil's magnesite proven reserves rank 4th in the world.

The proven reserves of vermiculite in Brazil are about 2.2 million tons, ranking third in the world.

Brazil is the country that produces the most phosphate in South America.

Note: Niobium is widely used in the steel industry, aerospace industry, superconducting materials. About 95% of the world's niobium reserves are in Brazil, while the rest are in Canada and Africa.

※ China's niobium resources mainly rely on imports, and mainly imported from Brazil.

Brazil is tropical, with 62% forest coverage and one-fifth of the world's timber reserves.

Brazil's total population is about 208.6 million (2017 data), ranking fifth in the world, second only to China, India, the United States, Indonesia four countries, in addition to the indigenous population, mainly Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Japan and other countries of immigrants, several mixed races, ethnic complexity. Among them, there are about 1.3 million Japanese and about 250,000 Chinese.

Brazil was historically a Portuguese colony and, under its influence, brazil is now the official language of Portuguese.

Brazil's population is geographically unevenly distributed, densely populated along the Atlantic coast and less populated inland areas.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

Brazil has the largest economic strength in Latin America and the 8th place in the world (2017 data), and is an exporter of a wide range of agricultural and mineral products.

*Brazil's production and exports of coffee, cocoa, citrus, sugarcane, corn, and soybeans are among the highest in the world, and the number of cattle stored in Brazil ranks second in the world after India, making it the world's largest exporter of beef and chicken.

Brazil's agricultural production and export volume rank first in the world for coffee, alcohol, sugar and citrus. The world's largest export volume of agricultural products includes soybeans, beef, chicken, tobacco and leather. In addition, Brazil's pork, aquatic products, cotton, corn, biofuels, rice, fruits, dried fruits, cassava, bananas, etc. occupy an important position in the world market.

Brazil's agricultural resources are unique, the conditions are superior, but the utilization rate is low, and there is great potential for increasing production.

Brazil's soybean production is second only to the United States, and 82.4% of its total soybean production is exported to China.

Brazil is the world's third largest exporter of agricultural products.

With the exception of wheat, Brazil's main agricultural products are self-sufficient and export in large quantities.

Brazil's biofuel technology is relatively advanced, and the use of sugarcane, soybeans, oil palm and other crops to extract fuels to generate electricity accounts for 41.1% of renewable energy.

Brazil is a major producer and exporter of biofuels in the world, and the only country in the world that does not use pure gasoline nationwide. It is said that 46% of the fuel consumed in Brazil is renewable resources such as ethanol (extracted from soybeans, sugar cane, oil palms).

Brazil has a strong industrial base and complete categories, petrochemical, mining, steel, automobile industry, etc. are relatively developed, and the civil regional aircraft manufacturing industry and biofuel industry are in the leading position in the world.

The main industrial sectors in Brazil are steel, automobiles, shipbuilding, petroleum, cement, chemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, construction, textiles, footwear, papermaking, food, medicine, plastics, electrical appliances, nuclear power, aircraft manufacturing, military industry, communication equipment, transportation equipment, etc.

※ The automobile industry is an extremely important economic pillar of Brazil, contributing 20% of Brazil's industrial output value, and also driving the steel, auto parts and other industries, in 2013, Brazil's total national automobile production ranked seventh in the world.

* Brazil's civil aviation manufacturing industry has an important position in the world, and is second only to Boeing and Airbus as a civil aviation aircraft manufacturer. Brazil now accounts for 48% of the global commercial regional aircraft market with less than 120 seats and is the world's largest producer of regional jet airliners.

※ On the U.S. air transport line, more than 800 Brazilian-made aircraft are flying. China is also the main sales market for Brazilian aircraft, and more than 70% of the aircraft used in China's regional lines are imported from Brazil.

Compared with Brazil, China's civil aviation manufacturing industry is still very large.

* In China-Pakistan trade, Brazil is in a surplus position. China is brazil's biggest buyer of soybeans, pork, barley and iron ore.

Brazil is China's third-largest supplier of crude oil, and China imports 70% of Brazil's total crude oil exports.

The four major destinations for Brazil's exports of foreign goods are China, the United States, the Netherlands and Argentina.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

The main sources of Brazil's imports are China, the United States, Argentina and Germany, and brazil accounts for 59% of Brazil's total trade surplus in trade with China.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

Brazil's foreign trade

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

China-Pakistan trade

In recent years, Brazil has repeatedly played the toll card and set up trade barriers for goods from China. Since the beginning of the year, Brazil has charged additional fees for various goods such as Chinese ceramic tableware, nylon yarn, motorcycle tires, bicycle tires and other goods in four months in three months. Brazil has also launched a sunset review survey of aluminum pre-coated photosensitive panels from China, which are subject to additional costs.

※ Due to China's large imports of iron ore and soybeans from Brazil, the price of soybeans and iron ore in Brazil is constantly rising.

Brazil's imports from China are mainly mechanical and electrical products and chemical products.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

*Brazil mainly imports wheat, machinery and equipment, electronic equipment, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, automobiles and spare parts, etc., and Brazil mainly exports automobiles and spare parts, aircraft, steel, soybeans, pharmaceuticals, and mineral products (mainly iron ore).

In 2017, Brazil ranked sixth in the world in terms of foreign investment, and the main investment countries are the United States, China, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Japan, Spain, France and Australia.

Tell you a few little things about Brazil.

(1) In the staple food of Brazilians, black beans occupy a place, and the proportion of pork and beef in the food they eat is very large.

(2) The butterfly is a symbol of auspiciousness in Brazil, and Brazilians are afraid of the number "13".

(3) Brazilian barbecue is Brazil's national signature dish, mainly based on roast beef, which is characterized by its eating method.

※(4) Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer and exporter, coffee production once accounted for more than 75% of the world's total coffee production, Roeb's coffee enjoys a global reputation.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

(5) Brazil's bean stew is Brazil's national Diners, and it is the most important home-cooked dish for people.

*(6) Brazil is the seventh country in the world to possess a nuclear submarine after the United States, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, China, and India.

※(7) The largest port in Brazil is not Rio de Janeiro, but the port of Santos that you don't know, accounting for one-third of the national cargo throughput of Brazil.

(8) Brazil's software exports rank 7th in the world software market, second only to the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, and Italy.

(9) Brazil's aviation industry is developed, capable of independently designing and mass-producing a variety of aircraft, most of which are exported to developed countries.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

(10) Brazil has developed tourism and is one of the world's top ten tourism foreign exchange earners, the main tourist destinations are Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Manaus, Parana Stone Forest, Marsh, Iguazu Falls, etc.

※ Iguazu Falls is the widest waterfall in the world, but also the largest waterfall in South America, located on the border between Brazil and Argentina, 82 meters high, 4000 meters wide, with an average drop of 75 meters, and its width is 4 times that of Nicaragua Falls, which is comparable to the Huangguoshu Waterfall in China.

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

Note: The four most famous waterfalls in the world are Niagara Falls, Victoria Falls, Iguazu Falls, and Huangguoshu Falls. Huangguoshu Waterfall is located in the territory of Guizhou Province, China, and is known for its huge water potential in the world, the waterfall is 78 meters high, 101 meters wide, and the top of the main waterfall is 83.3 meters wide.

※ Itaipu Hydropower Station is the second largest hydropower station in the world after China's Three Gorges Hydropower Station, located on the Paraná River on the border between Brazil and Uruguay, with magnificent momentum. With a water storage depth of 250 meters and a storage area of 1,350 square kilometers, the hydropower station is the largest hydropower station in the world today (the second largest in the world in installed capacity).

Brazil: Tell you a real Brazil

※ Samba is a symbol of Brazil and Brazilian carnival, one of the most popular forms of expression of Brazilian culture, of which the Bahia circle samba dance has been included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Teaching Organization.

※The largest lake in Brazil is Lake Patus, the second largest lake in South America, with an area of about 10,200 square kilometers.

(Note: China's Qinghai Lake covers an area of 4543 square kilometers, and Dongting Lake covers an area of 2579 square kilometers)

※ The largest island in Brazil is Malajo Island, located at the mouth of the Amazon River, is the world's largest estuarine alluvial island, and the largest island in the world surrounded by fresh water, 295 kilometers long, about 200 kilometers wide, with a total area of 40,100 square kilometers, which is about the same size as Taiwan Island in China.

(Note: China's Taiwan Island covers an area of 35,800 square kilometers, and Hainan Island covers an area of 35,400 square kilometers.) )

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