
Literary criticism | essay of the year from a regional perspective
Literary criticism | essay of the year from a regional perspective

Qi Baishi "Spring And Autumn Reality"

Spring and autumn are fruitful, and the years are abundant.

The harvest season of literature, such as the farmer planting crops, inventory, review, outlook, although the wind and rain for four seasons, but also unlimited scenery. Just say this prose.

Due to different geographical orientations, cultural differences, and the influence of customs and customs, prose styles vary from north to south. Deserts, plateaus, forests, and long rivers constitute the vast and rugged natural environment and humanistic style of the north, and the writers' pens, humanistic history, natural customs, and daily life show a tenacious sense of life, a majestic and long emotion, and a simple and resolute style.

The great literary territory of the north has been talented and has a good appearance in recent years. New Gan Qingning, Meng Hei Liaoji, Su General Yingfa, New Sharp Progressive. Among the current active people, there are Zhou Tao, Liu Liangcheng, Li Juan, Wang Min, Shen Wei, Guo Wenbin, Mei Zhuo, Qi Jianqing, Xi Xi, Ma Busheng, Liu Zhaolin, Su Su, Baoerji Yuanye, Chi Zijian, Ah Cheng, Ai Ping, Ren Linju, Dongzhu and others, each with strong strength, forming a strong position of northwest and northeast prose.

In the northwest territory, Jin and Shaanxi, Han and Tang dynasties rhyme, and the context is deep and long. In a corner of Shaanxi alone, there are Xiao Yunru, Jia Pingwa, Zhu Hong, Mu Tao, Chen Changyin, Li Hanrong, Wu Kejing, Xing Xiaojun, Wang Jie, and so on; in Shanxi, there are Zhang Ruifeng, Wang Xiangfu, Jiang Yun, Han Shishan, Jiang Zhu, and others; and there are also essays written by Li Jianyong, a jin man who has specialized in essays for many years, who has been engaged in writing essays in Beijing and Jin Dynasty, talking about the past and the present, and zhangyang thought essays. Northern prose may not be a textual concept, but it is mixed, humorous, and melancholy, showing a similar literary temperament.

The highlight of the north, Beijing and Tianjin are similar in culture, open vision, elite tradition, high sentiment and righteousness, and innovation. There are many people in Beijing and Tianjin culture, and the circle is scattered and mixed, and the style is different. Or the waves of the pen, the anxiety and anger, the feelings of home and country, the heart of the text; or the feelings of life, the analysis of emotions; or the historical facts crawl combing, asking the classics; or respecting nature, documentary. The old are stronger, and the new people are successful. Most obviously, innovative awareness, thematic writing. Liang Heng has been committed to cultural travelogues for many years, writing "political affairs", and in recent years, he has examined ecological humanities from ancient trees. He Jianming's red figure, interview comb, righteousness and affection, are a good tribute to the centenary of the founding of the party. Li Qingsong is an enthusiast of ecological nature and an early pedestrian, and has gradually become a meteorologist. Li Jingze's happy reading of history, mysterious thinking in one, "new story" to write spring and autumn characters. The search for reasons for ancient Greek culture is intended to reinterpret Homer's epic poems. Xiao's revival of the capital compound culture, from the past to the city figures, has its own system. Zhu Yong's examination of historical facts and the exploration of the humanistic pearls of the deep palace. Liu Qiong read ancient poems, picked flowers and composed, sent out ancient thoughts, and wrote splendid flowers. Professional writers, occasionally shot. Mo Yan is made of calligraphy and literature, new vitality. There are also writers and media people, such as Wang Meng, Liu Xinwu, Wang Jucai, Chen Jiangong, Gao Hongbo, Liu Qingbang, Du Weidong, Akbar Mijiti, Xu Jian, Wang Jiuxin, Yang Xiaosheng, Liang Hongying, Peng Cheng, Peng Xueming, Shi Yining, Xu Ke, Xu Zechen, Wang Zhaosheng, Ning Ken, Hong Bao, Wang Tong, Wang Guoping, Yu Sheng, Chen Tao, etc., and there are new works from time to time. Elderly writers do not show weakness, ninety Xie Mian still has "anti-seasonal writing", writing about the Yanyuan Chronicle, and is spontaneous. Yan Gang is close to the age of the back, sketch notes, and high feelings. Splendid by female writers. Ye Mei, He Xiangyang, Li Fang, Han Xiaohui, Feng Qiuzi, Yang Haidi, Zhou Xiaofeng, Liang Hong, Sun Xiaoning, Wang Zijun, young Wen Zhen, Sun Di Mai, etc., are elegant and magnificent, and their academic theory, intellect and momentum do not allow eyebrows to be raised. It is said that literature has no circle, but there are like-minded people hugging the group, and the mobile phone prose circle of "weekend fivesome" is quietly born, the style is similar, and the handwriting is handwritten. There are Hua Jing, Jian Jun, Li Peiyu, Shen Junfeng, Jing Fengqiu and others.

Tianjin has many masters, living up to the reputation of the prose town, humanistic atmosphere, affinity, humor, and continuation of the openness and thoughtfulness of The Jinwei culture. Jiang Zilong, Feng Jicai, Zhao Mei, Ren Fukang, Huang Guiyuan, Wang Huiren, Xiao Kefan, Long Yi, Wu Xin and others, with open thinking and strong penmanship. Jiang Zilong's deep exploration of the world's Taoist people's hearts, Feng Jicai's daily affairs, reading with feelings, Ren Fukang's Jiren reminiscences, Spring and Autumn brushwork, etc., Jinmen prose, still blow a strong and magnificent wind.

In the land of the north, we must not ignore Lu and Yu. The key places of literature are slightly lighter than the novels and the prose of the two places. Zhang Wei is a prose hero among the novelists. More than ten years ago, there were 25 collections of essays in the Xiang edition, and in recent years, I have read ancient poetry and literary classics to pay tribute to the classics. The new collection of essays, "My Feast in the Wilderness", uses the "poetic record" of 300 plant species to write about the life of the earth and the human nature. In addition, Guo Baolin's thickness, The richness of Jian Mo, the solidity of Geng Li, wang Yuepeng and other newcomers joined. Henan prose has been inherited from generation to generation, representing the high-level prose selection of the "Prose Selection", which has been done with sound and color. Wang Jianbing has repeatedly sounded, and the recent "Series on the Mountain" and many walking texts have maintained their texture. Shao Li's delicacy sees momentum, Qiao Ye's agility and wisdom, Zheng Yanying's solidity, Feng Tang's new sharpness, He Pin's leisure, like a novel, the prose Yujun is regrouping.

Southern prose can be described as a high platform hall of modern and contemporary prose. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hugan, Sanxiang Bachu, Bamin, Liangguang, Hainan, mostly prose rich production areas, talents, traditional context, deep and continuous. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, landscape and humanities, rich and submerged, is a treasure land of prose. Zhejiang modern and contemporary prose is a leader in many generations. At present, the active people have inherited the Zhejiang school of culture, and there are many sounds. Lu Chunxiang, Zhao Baitian and others were obsessed with reading history and studying the ancients, and they chose to use the present, which was difficult for others to do. Lu's exhaustive research and search, and then visited the style, the pen is quaint. There are also Zhou Huacheng, Ma Xu, etc., paying attention to reality, and there are many excellent works. Women's prose is a bright spot. Su Cang's folk culture and persistent search for old-time crafts, Huang Yongmei's daily and emotional narrative, Shi Lisong and Lai Saifei's writing of the humanistic customs of the seaside, the poetic record of Rong Rong's living things, and the works of newcomers such as Zhou Jimin and Cao Bai, are dressed up as rich scenery of Zhejiang prose.

Shanghai prose, poets, novelists and critics are keen, into a variety of styles. Zhao Lihong's poetic narrative is plain and tasteful. Wang Anyi occasionally made a shot, and the old way was deep. Pan Xiangli's ancient poems are newly read, and the style is elegant. Lu Mei's love for natural flowers and trees, Chen Xingeng's essays, and the difficult work of writing in history, the heart of literature is high. There are also Ye Xin, Mao Shi'an, Wang Jiren, Qin Wenjun, Peng Ruigao, Shi Lei, Shen Jialu, Chen Danyan, Zhang Yiwei and others, zhong Yizhang's brisk realism, more flavorful.

Because of the connection between a large river (Yangtze River) and countless Tang poems and Song poems, Jiangsu has concluded a literary agility and affection, especially the humanistic atmosphere that flows through the ages. The poetic culture of the Yangtze River has a long history, and the Suzhong area has produced many famous novelists and prose masters, such as Lu Wenfu, Wang Zengqi, Gao Xiaosheng, etc. in contemporary times, and now, Fan Xiaoqing, Su Tong, Ye Zhaoyan, Bi Feiyu, Chu Fujin, Jia Mengwei, Xu Feng, Ding Fan, Wang Yao, Zhou Tonggan, Xiang Xun, Liu Xianghe, etc., sometimes have excellent works. Xu Feng recently paid attention to the prosperity and desolation of jiangnan for a hundred years, the transformation of time and space, and the deep and complex. Writing Jiangnan, or the Jiangnan charm in prose, may become a major landscape because of the sudden progress of the cluster of writers in Suzhou.

Jiangxi prose such as Spring Peony, Yao Huang Wei Zi, competing for Yan, collective eruption. Li Xiaojun's life essay, reading historical texts, lifting weights is light, wet and elegant. Jiangzi's humanistic visits, material affairs Sokao, Boya Hanyong. Fu Fei's natural style and geographical and humanistic writing are self-explanatory. In addition, Liu Shangyang, Zhu Fayuan, Fan Xiaobo, Chen Weiwen, Wang Xiaoli, Wang Yun, Zhu Qiang, Anran, Zhan Wenge, Chao Yan, Hong Zhongpei, Jian Xin, and other prose generals, each holding Sui Zhu Kunyu, with a self-sufficient style, and many young faces, the literary atmosphere was so old that they formed a potential phalanx of the Gan army and became a grand view. The Anhui writers in the neighborhood have a look. Xu Hui's writing is old, and he traces his sons back to the past, and is quaint and knowledgeable. Hu Zhufeng's miscellaneous and rich production, Qian Hongli's elegance and beauty, and the Anhui Army prose team are capable, but the battle is thin, looking forward to the coming day.

Mindi prose has long been a style, and its reputation is well-known. There are many masters who insist on becoming a heavy place. Sun Shaozhen, Nan Fan, Shu Ting, Lin Nabei, Huang Wenshan, Zhu Guzhong, Makadan, Shi Huapeng and others have many new works. Eight Fujian meteorology, mountains and seas, humanistic nature, mixed and refined, a scene of its own. Nan Fan's prose is full of daily things, philosophical and witty, and amiable; Zhu Isaac's works are rich in literary style and bookish flavor, and the two have become "prose labor models".

In the south of the south, there is the central Huxiang, there are two guangdong and Hainan, which is also a gathering place for essayists. South of the river, mei of the sea, wide lake and hainan, there are many residents. And the influence of the leaders on the prose is self-evident. Han Shaogong is an ideological writer, and his prose has long become imposing. The feelings of The two places in Xiangzhong, Hainan, and the countryside of Jielu later, the people's livelihood feelings, the people's consciousness, and the speculative nature of his prose are consistent and quite favored by readers. In recent years, Kong Jian has been thinking about essays a lot, and even a high-headed "Biography of Hainan Island" is an excellent prose reading in documentary literature.

Hubei culture, north and south blend, east and west convergence. Li Xiuwen's walking words and the prose essay of "Poetry I See Each Other" have sprung up, and the high style of writing is also grounded. Liu Xinglong wrote from the high sentiments and righteousness of his family and the people, and also had ordinary personnel, and his pen power shared the beauty of poetry. Chen Yingsong Shennongjia natural notes, see things to see people, science and humanities are mutually beneficial. Chi Li's daily writing is small and big, elegant and deep. In addition, Xiong Zhaozheng, Liu Shiwei, Liu Yishan, Lan Shanqing, Ren Meng and others occasionally saw new works, and the strength of Chudi prose was mottled and refined.

Convenient location, but also convenient prose. Natural green, humanistic highlights, or red genes, are the birthplaces of Articles by Xiangzhong Writers. Tan Zhongchi, Tan Tan, Shui Yunxian, He Liwei, Nie Xinsen, Wang Yuewen, Xie Zongyu, Liu Kebang, Gong Shuguang, Shen Nian and other famous artists continue to make new works. In Guangdong, the three major cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai are also cities of guest residence, with mixed cultures and collisions of ideas. There are Chen Shixu, Nan Xiang, Xiong Yuqun, Zhang Xin, Tian Ying, Zhang Hong, Zhan Gufeng, Yang Wenfeng, Nie Xiongqian, Ding Yan, Siren, Huang Lantern and others, most of whom are guests living in Southern Guangdong, and the prose is mostly amateur exercises. As a whole, the strength of Lingnan prose remains to be seen. Adjacent to it, Guangxi prose is slightly reserved. In addition to the veteran Feng Yi and the national writer Pan Qi, there are Lian Ting and other people after the nineties, who are analogous with novels and other disciplines, which are slightly silent.

In BashuYu, there are often new scenes. Alai's prose is comparable to the novel, Shen Xiong is a wonder, especially obsessed with plant writing, humanistic nature, and a wonderful scene. Qiu Shanshan, Jiang Lan, Luo Weizhang, Yang Xianping, Wu Liyang, He Dacao, Lu Yiping, Convex Concave, Chen Xin and others have often made new works. Qiu Shan Shan's prose is rich in meaning, easy to come by hand, and interesting at the same time. Yang Xianping is counted as a prose specialist, living in Sichuan, looking back at his hometown Nantaihang series, writing the history of civilization, and sighing in vicissitudes. In Chongqing, there was Wu Jiajun, Shaohua in that year, writing daily things, writing old.

In the south of the clouds, new and old writers are not to mention many, which constitutes a beautiful scenery of prose and humanities, literature and customs. Tang Shijie has been engaged in prose for many years, and he always shoots and excels in good quality. Recently, in the "People's Literature" and shanghai "three newspapers" (Wenhui, Liberation, Xinmin) of the return to the hometown series, the world, things, family affection, writing peaceful, gentle, elegant. Zhang Qingguo's documentary prose, with the new bird watching in Yunnan, witnesses the social world, ecological nature, people's livelihood customs, hook and mix, scene, creativity, and things, enriching the prose's unique style. In addition, Yu Jian, Fan Wen, Hu Xianxing, Ban Xia, Ye Qianyun, Lei Pingyang and others have no shortage of new works, strong pen strength, and the beauty of the colorful Yunnan humanities. The prose on The Yunnan, the natural scenery is vivid, and the humanistic story is magnificent, decorating the new scenery of the southwest prose territory.

In the ugly years, the world is magnificent and the human feelings are warm; the literature is magnificent and colorful, and the bustle is as old as ever, but the prose is calm and self-sustaining. I think that all kinds of major events during the year, the people's hearts and minds, and the timely performance and writing are the requirements of society for literature and the obligation of literature to society. Specifically, writers who have formed stability have many excellent works and form thematic creations. From the perspective of production, some key newspapers and periodicals focusing on prose give strength, such as "Essays", "American Texts", "Selected Essays", etc., to become the progenitors of excellent essayists and masterpieces, because they (they), the annual prose, steady forward, like a decent. With the blessing of periodicals, literature is more beautiful.

Author: Wang Bisheng

Planner: Shao Ling

Editor: Zhou Minxian

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