
If the vehicle is scratched, do I have to repaint it?

The paint of the car has been scratched, do I have to repaint it? In fact, for this question, it can be said that the answer is not absolute, but needs to be analyzed according to the actual situation. We all know that after the car paint is scratched, it will give people a very disharmonious feeling, after all, the car paint scratches the appearance of the vehicle has a great impact, I believe that many car owners will always try to repair the car paint in various ways after the car paint scratch, in order to restore the original state of the car paint. Below I will analyze the problem of whether the vehicle is scratched and whether it must be repainted, hoping to give you a little inspiration to better deal with the problem of car paint scratches.

If the vehicle is scratched, do I have to repaint it?

Generally speaking, when the car paint is scratched, the problem of whether it must be painted is mainly to see the degree of car paint scratches, such as the car paint is only scratched partially, or a large area is scratched, as long as the scope of the car paint scratch is clear, it is more able to take a reasonable and correct approach to deal with. If the car paint is only partially scratched, the owner does not need to repaint the paint, after all, the small area of the car paint scratch, as long as a simple polishing and waxing work, you can basically solve the problem; if the area of the car paint scratch is larger, you can consider spraying the entire surface at this time, but in addition to the high cost of spray paint, and the later stage will also be due to the new car paint and the original paint color difference, the appearance of the vehicle itself will be affected.

If the vehicle is scratched, do I have to repaint it?

In fact, the original paint quality of the car is now very good, even if the vehicle has the phenomenon of car paint scratching, as long as the degree of scratching is not too large, such as just scratching the surface of the car paint, and not hurting the bottom paint, there is no need to re-paint, just a simple operation can solve the problem. For example, the owner of the car can take the toothpaste used daily, apply the toothpaste to the soft towel, and wipe and grind the scratched part of the car paint, and to a certain extent, the scratched paint surface can be repaired. In addition, if the scratched part is only the dirt on the surface of the car paint, you can use a towel to dip a small amount of glass water to wipe the scratch of the car paint, and the part of the car paint scratch can also be cleaned.

If the vehicle is scratched, do I have to repaint it?

When the paint of the vehicle is scratched, if the scratched part exposes the primer, from the principle of vehicle value preservation, it is also not recommended to re-paint, after all, re-painting will lead to the depreciation of the vehicle. For example, even if the original car paint has scratches, its paint is also the original paint, coupled with the paint spraying process and raw material composition, the car paint that is re-sprayed in the later stage is simply irreplaceable. Especially after the vehicle is used to a certain age, the car paint re-sprayed in the later stage will have cracks, shedding and other phenomena, which can be said to have a great impact on the residual value of the vehicle. Take the used car sale as an example, the used car appraiser will first test the paint, the purpose is to confirm whether the vehicle is the original paint.

If the vehicle is scratched, do I have to repaint it?

Of course, the analysis here, perhaps there are car owners friends to ask questions, when the car paint is scratched and exposed primer, if you do not re-spray paint will not affect the value of the face? In fact, this is also can be used to repair the car paint scratches, for example, the car paint scratch area is larger, you can choose the form of self-spray paint to make up the scratched parts, and the effect of the paint repair and re-spray paint is not much different; in addition, for the local or car paint scratches are not serious but expose the primer part, the owner can choose the paint pen to simply repair, repair the car paint before the first use of sandpaper to polish the scratches, and then use the paint pen to apply the car paint scratches, you can easily repair the car paint scratches, And the use of paint retouching pen to repair car paint, not only low cost but also very good effect.

If the vehicle is scratched, do I have to repaint it?

Analyzing so much is actually a purpose, when the car paint is scratched, do not rush to re-paint, as long as the car paint scratches the appropriate repair, you can completely solve the big problem, and can also save a large amount of re-painting costs, is simply not happy?

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