
Do you know the story of filial piety in ancient times? Let's take a look

author:Lanjiang carp

1. Liu Yinxiao adopted his grandmother, and Ye Defu killed his grandmother

During the Jin Dynasty, there was a child named Liu Yin, whose parents died early and depended on his grandmother for his life. When he was nine years old, his grandmother wanted to eat wild vegetables one day, but it was already a cold winter moon, and Liu Yin was very filial to his grandmother, and after hearing about it, he carried a basket to the wild. In the ice and snow, where you can see a little green, the trace of wild vegetables is nowhere to be found. Liu Yin had been searching in the snow, his clothes were soaked, and he was as cold as if he was wearing an iron coat, and after looking for a long time, he still found nothing. Thinking about going home empty-handed, the grandmother at home must be extremely disappointed, and can't help but lose her voice and suffer. As Liu Yin cried and walked back, he vaguely heard someone shouting, "Stop, don't go first!" Liu Yin heard it, stopped crying, wiped away his tears, fixed his eyes on it, a lot of wild vegetables suddenly appeared at his feet, tender and green, Liu Yin quickly picked a basket, stepped home, and made a dish to eat with his grandmother.

Do you know the story of filial piety in ancient times? Let's take a look

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Later, after several days, Liu Yin heard someone tell him in a dream that there was a bag of grain in the corner of the west courtyard of his house. Liu Yin woke up from his sleep, got up and went outside, dug up the soil layer in the west corner of the courtyard wall, and really dug out a rice bag, which was about fifty liters. This bag of grain was enough for the two of them to eat for a long time.

After this incident spread, people said that Liu Yin's adoptive grandmother was moved by the heavens, and Liu Yin also became an official of taibao after that.

In history, if there are filial pieties, there are disobedient grandchildren. During the Song Dynasty, there was a man named Ye Defu. He lived with his grandmother in Jianye, and when he was twenty-one years old, the family was robbed, and Ye Defu escaped alone, ignoring his grandmother, resulting in the killing of his grandmother. When the grandmother was dying, she muttered to herself, "Grandson is rebellious, regardless of my life and death, I will go to Hades to sue you." After Ye Defu escaped, he came to Shudi at that time, and met a Xiangshi Han Yu on the street, and he went up to ask for advice and ask for a career, and Han Yu went up and down a lot, saying, "If you don't study, you can also become an official, that is, to look at your face, as if you lack virtue, you want to see Li Qiu, and then tell you again." After Ye Defu returned, after half a month, he was sick and bedridden, vomiting blood, trembling all over his body, and kept saying nonsense to the air, "Mother-in-law let me go, don't put me to death", and finally died of excessive blood loss.

Second, Gu Zhongli's sense of filial piety drives away locusts And his daughter-in-law does not filial piety become a beast

During the Song Dynasty, there was a man named Gu Zhongli in Baoding Province, who was very filial to his mother. One year, Baoding encountered a fierce year, the field was not harvested, Gu Zhongli could not carry his mother to move to another country, and lived in a different place for seven years. Thinking that it would be better to go back to his hometown, he and his mother returned to their hometown. Who would have thought that this year, when a locust plague broke out in Baoding, Gu Zhongli looked at the locusts flying in the sky, pounced on the grain in the field, and wept to the sky, "You locust, eat my grain, how do you tell us to live?" As soon as the words fell, a gust of wind blew up in the flat ground, blowing the locusts without a trace, and the grain in the fields was preserved. When Gu Zhongli was sixty years old, his mother died, and he built a straw hut in front of her mother's grave and lived in it for three years. After this was known to the imperial court, the emperor was touched by his filial piety and rewarded him with ten catties of gold.

Do you know the story of filial piety in ancient times? Let's take a look

Meng Zong cried bamboo shoots

In Zhangpu County, Fujian Province, there are three concubines who are extremely unfilial to their mother-in-law. Every day, they speak evilly to each other, either fist and foot hospitality, or cold porridge and cold rice. One day, on a sunny day, there was a sudden thunderclap. After a burst of fire, the three of them disappeared out of thin air, and there were three more animals on the ground, namely cattle, sheep, and dogs. Thor stared in the air for a long time before he disappeared. These three animals grew the heads of three daughters-in-law, and when they saw people, they just shed tears, but they could not speak human words. After Hearing about this, Chen Ying of Zhixian County, Zhangpu County, carved their bad deeds on wooden boards and hung them at the city gate, telling people that this was a punishment for filial piety.

Third, Pan Zong saved his father's thief's knife Xu surnamed abandoned his mother and was struck by lightning

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sun Enluxun broke out a peasant uprising in eastern Zhejiang, and a filial son named Pan Zong fled to the mountains in order to escape the military turmoil. On the way, a group of robbers chased after them. Pan Biao was old, slow to move, and seeing that he was about to be chased by robbers, he told Pan Zong, you yourself will escape first, leave me alone. Pan Zong looked at his father and went to meet the robbers. When he reached the robber, he knelt down and pleaded, "My father is old, you will spare his life, if you want to kill me, kill me", and Pan Biao caught up, but he interceded for his son in every way, the robber burst into flames, raised the knife high, Pan Zong pounced on it at once, took his father in his arms, cut it down, and cut a deep wound on Pan Zong's face, and a robber next to him saw this scene and said, "If you kill the filial piety, you will be punished, or let them go." The robbers heeded the advice, and The Pan son escaped.

Do you know the story of filial piety in ancient times? Let's take a look

Min lost a single dress shunmu

During the Song Dynasty, there were two brothers surnamed Xu in Longyou, the older brother's family was in difficulty, and the younger brother's family was well-off. The two brothers serve their mother together, rotating every five days. This time, it was my brother's turn to serve his mother, and three days had passed, and two days remained to expire. But my brother went through the family's savings and couldn't find a grain of grain, so he told his mother that he would go to my brother's house first, and in a few days, when I had food, I would repay it to my brother. Mothers think that they are all sons, and the opening of motherhood is not always a problem. When I came to my brother's house, before I entered the door, my brother stopped at the door and didn't let my mother in, and said that there were still two days left, how did you come early. The mother forced her resentment and told her brother what she meant, and the younger brother refused. When the sister-in-law in the house heard this, she quickly put a piece of rice on the bed and covered it with a quilt so that no one could see it. After coming out, he also had a handful of snot and a handful of tears, and told his mother that there was no food in the house, and he was still worried about how to live these two days. When this side was loaded with vigor, there was a thunder in the air, and a god appeared in the sky, and the quilt was lifted at once, and the rice dumplings were taken out, and another thunder stunded the brother-in-law at the door, and another muffled thunder, and the younger brother was also shocked in front of the church.

Do you know the story of filial piety in ancient times? Let's take a look

Fourth, Yan Zhen cut the stock to cure the father's disease The fishermen hid the fish and were badly punished

At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the Yan Zhen family in Jiaxing Province practiced medicine for generations, lost his mother at an early age, and took care of his father in every way. His father was suffering from a vicious disease, but he could not be cured, and Yan Zhen was anxious day and night, and often cried alone behind his father's back. One day, after praying before the divine case, he cut off a piece of flesh from his thigh, boiled it into a soup, and served it to his father. Because my father had not eaten for a long time, he smelled the fragrance and did not feel that his appetite was greatly opened, so he drank a bowl of soup containing Yan Zhen's leg meat to the sky. Who knows, after drinking this bowl of soup, my father suddenly recovered as before. Yan Zhen saw that his father was well, and he was also full of joy, and he did not tell his father the reason. At night, Yan Zhen dreamed that a fairy sent him a handful of immortal grass, saying that it was Shunxiao grass, and if you applied it to the wound, the wound would be fine. After Yan Zhen woke up from the dream, he saw a handful of grass with a strange fragrance at the head of the bed, he took it and smeared it on the wound, and where he passed, the blood stains immediately disappeared, the wound was gone, the pain was gone, and the thighs were as if they had not been cut.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a fisherman on the edge of the Changxi River, who gave it to others. One day, his mother came to visit them at his house, and when the fishermen saw their mother coming, they were not happy, and they came in and out, all with black faces and no anger. The mother saw her son like this, and when her son went out fishing, she secretly told her daughter-in-law, I will go back now, you don't tell your son. When the daughter-in-law saw that her mother was leaving, she desperately tried to keep her, and had to say that she would stay for one night before leaving. The mother had to obey her daughter-in-law and stayed for the time being.

Do you know the story of filial piety in ancient times? Let's take a look

Yang Xiang suppressed the tiger

When the son returned from fishing, he heard that his mother was still in the house and did not leave, so he hid the fish he caught, came in and told his daughter-in-law that there was a strong wind on the river today, and he pounced on an empty space, and did not catch a single fish. The mother had seen it from the window, did not say a word, picked up her luggage and went back home. The daughter-in-law looked at her mother resolutely and did not retain it any longer. When the mother went far, she blamed her husband, how do you say that there is no fish caught. The husband scolded the daughter-in-law angrily, do you know what kind of fish you caught today? They are all big eels, why do you bother to leave this old woman behind? When you're done, go get the fish that you've hidden. Who knows, when he ran to the place where the fish was hidden and took out the fish basket, where there was a trace of the fish, it was full of a basket of poisonous snakes, the largest of which suddenly came out, held his head high, opened his mouth, and bit the throat of the fisherman, and the fisherman was bitten by the poisonous snake, the fish basket fell to the ground, and the poisonous snake fled everywhere.

V. Zhang's Filial Piety To Avoid Lightning Strikes Chen Nan was bitten by a tiger

In the Song Dynasty, there was an official named Gu Deqian, his wife Zhang Shi. One day, in her sleep, she saw a god tell her that she had done evil in her previous life and would die tomorrow when she was struck by lightning. After Zhang Shi woke up in a dream, he knew that he would be struck by lightning tomorrow, depressed and unhappy, and did not feel that he was shedding tears. When her mother-in-law heard the crying, she was a little strange and came over to ask what was going on. Zhang Shi refused to open his mouth, just sobbed. One night, the two sat until dawn.

Do you know the story of filial piety in ancient times? Let's take a look

The Tian brothers cried live redbud trees

The next day, sure enough, there was a thunderstorm in the sky, and it was dark. Zhang Shi knew that he would undoubtedly die today, and he thought about it, being struck by lightning at home, the death was terrible, it would scare his mother-in-law, or it was better to run outside alone. So, he changed his clothes, went outside, and ran under a tree, standing and waiting for death. After a while, I heard someone in heaven say, "Zhang Shi, you should have died, because of your thoughts, you have a filial piety, you are exempt from capital crimes, and in the future you will do more good deeds so that you can do it yourself." After saying that, the sky is clear.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a man named Chen Twenty-three who was very disobedient to his father. After Father Chen was abused by him, he ran to the ancestral hall at the mouth of the village, prayed for the land, and said that his son was disobedient and did not practice filial piety, and after I died, I blessed my son to be bitten by a poisonous snake and eaten by a tiger. Shortly after Chen Laohan's death, Chen Twenty-three went to the mountains to cut down trees. Just after entering the forest, suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and a tiger with golden eyes and a large forehead swooped out and pounced on Chen Twenty-Three, Chen Twenty-three was caught off guard, and the tiger bit his throat in one bite, and the tiger swallowed Chen Twenty-three into his abdomen in a few bites.

Vi. Xu Tan Saves His Father from Hukou Chen Nan's mother died suddenly

In Xin'an County, Tang Dynasty, there was a child named Xu Tan. When he was ten years old, he followed his father to the mountains to collect medicine, and on the way he met a tiger, and after Xu's father was bitten by a tiger, his life was in danger. Xu Tan saw it, not afraid, raised the wooden stick, ran up to fight with the tiger, the wooden stick hit the tiger at once, the tiger was hit by Xu Tan's non-stop wooden stick, covered his head, let go of the mouth and threw away Xu Father, and fled into the deep mountains. When Tang Taizong heard this news, he told his attendants that although Xu Tan was a child, he could sacrifice his life to save his father, and his filial piety was commendable and should be rewarded. Therefore, he ordered the courtiers to send a lot of cloth and gold and silver treasures to Xu Tan's family.

In the Song Dynasty, there was a man named Chen XIV who lived in Ganzhou, Jiangxi. Extremely unfilial to his mother. One day, he got into a dispute with his neighbors, returned home, consulted with his wife, and pulled out the sick old mother of the family to fight with the neighbors, and the murder case could be denied to the neighbors. Together, the two of them really pulled their mother out of the hospital bed and returned to the neighbor's house. A few words did not coincide, the two sides fought, the mother was pulled, fell down, got up, got up and was pushed again, and finally died in the fight. Chen Shisi filed a complaint and sued the neighbor to the yamen. After Zhixian received the complaint, he had some doubts, so he ordered his subordinates to summon Chen FOURTEEN to ask him clearly, who expected that Chen Fourteen would die on the road. Chen Shisi's wife and several sons were also struck and killed by lightning.

Do you know the story of filial piety in ancient times? Let's take a look

Bao went out of the thief to rescue his mother

Seventh, Zhao E's tenth year reported that her father, Jing Zhang, bought and was killed

In ancient times, there was a woman named Zhao E, her father was killed by her fellow villagers, and the three Zhao E brothers were often in the countryside, and the family situation was not familiar. But in private, Zhao E secretly resolved that she must avenge her father's murder. After learning about the situation of the enemy, Zhao E hid the blade next to her, disguised herself as a man, pushed the trolley, and secretly sneaked back to her hometown to wait for the enemy to appear. Once not, twice again, one year, not the next year. After ten years of this, Zhao E finally met the enemy in Duting. Without saying a word, Zhao E drew her knife and greeted him and killed the enemy. After that, he came to the county court and turned himself in. In the hall, he asked the county official, "My father's revenge has been repaid, please sentence her to death", the county official felt that she was avenging her father, was a righteous daughter, and intended to let her go, but Zhao E zhengzheng had a voice, "I have revenge, it is the righteousness of my children; and it is the common sense for your county officials to handle cases and kill people to pay for their lives, and I do not want you to pervert the law and derelict my duties for me", and the county officials had to temporarily take Zhao E into custody. In the end, coinciding with the amnesty of the imperial court, Zhao E was released to return home. When Emperor Renzong of Song heard of this, he issued a special decree to show his reward.

Do you know the story of filial piety in ancient times? Let's take a look

The seventy-six sons were filial to their one-hundred-and-six-year-old mother

There was a man named Guo Zhang in Sichuan in the Tang Dynasty, after one day of drunkenness, he became drunk and went crazy, and took a poor man Zhao An who passed by, and slammed the wine note into the brain shell three or four centimeters deep, and Zhao An died innocently. Guo Zhang saw that there was a dead person, and the wine also woke up at once. Quickly find Zhao An's son Zhao Jingzhang, the two bargained, and in the end, Zhao Jingzhang and Guo Zhang privately bought peace with money and no longer sued the officials for prosecution. After a year, Zhao Jingzhang suddenly grew a bad sore on his brain shell, which had rotted all the way to his head, three or four centimeters deep, and often bled non-stop, Zhao Jingzhang often talked nonsense, and Zhao An came to ask for his life. Half a month later, Zhao Jingzhang died. And Guo Zhang also grew a sore on his forehead, looking for a lot of doctors, can not be healed, a year later, this sore has been rotten, rotten to the throat, but also died. Before he died, people often heard Guo Zhang summon, "Brother Zhao An spares his life."

The filial piety of the ancients, when read by today's people, seems to be suspicious of being wordy, and the retribution of gods and ghosts is also a joke to my generation. "The mother's hand is threaded, and the wanderer's body is clothed", every child of man will always recite the verse "Gao Tang Mingjing sad white hair, towards the green silk twilight into snow", because we are a nation that advocates filial piety, which is the gene in our bones.

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