
The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

The Weibo of the other day was really lively, on the one hand

The Princess of Thailand was degraded

, on one side is

Emperor Toki Of Japan

And I thought to myself

Travel back in time to ancient times

Although it is already 9012,

There are many countries where monarchs exist

, for example, the Queen of England, and the Emperor of Thailand.

But in between,

The most topical

That is

Emperor of Japan


The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

Emperor Naruhito of Japan

After all, the History of the United Kingdom has also experienced the Tudor Dynasty, the Stuart Dynasty, and Thailand has also changed dynasties.

But the emperor of Japan has always been the same family.

This is Chinese

"The prince will be phased, Ning has a kind of hu"

In terms of concept, the emperor of Japan is simply an incredible existence.

As early as the Northern Song Dynasty

When Emperor Taizong of Song heard from a Japanese monk from afar that the Japanese monarch was a lineage of ten thousand generations, he lamented to the prime minister: "China has divided the world since the Tang Dynasty, and the lifeblood of the dynasty in the five generations is particularly short, while Japan has been a long-lived family. ”

Don't say Song Taizong, even modern people can't understand it.

As a matter of fact

The Emperor of Japan is not comparable to the Emperor of China

, just from the literal meaning, it is often "mistaken for Feng Jing as Ma Liang." ”

What did the Emperor of Japan do?

"Left Transmission" Cloud:

"The great affairs of the country are only the ones that are dedicated to the gods."

In the early civilization of mankind, the leader of a country was nothing more than that

Religious leaders and military leaders

Two, let's call them the Witch King and the Hero King.

The former organizes everyone to produce, the latter protects everyone's results, and when necessary, pulls everyone together to grab other people's things.

In primitive tribes, shamans and wizards had a much higher status than those warriors who fought bravely, because people first had to come into contact with nature, and filling their stomachs was the first need.

However, the ability of ancient humans to obtain resources directly from nature is limited, and it is a good choice to grab others' ready-made ones.

From small-scale friction to large-scale war, the status of the hero king will continue to rise.

In the end, either the Yellow Emperor of China, the Pharaoh of Egypt, and the ancient King of Babylon, who had both a witch king and a hero king, appeared, or, as in ancient Greece, the hero king came to the fore and the witch king became the priest who assisted the military leader.

At all costs

It is inevitable that the pure witch king will gradually fade out of the stage of history.

But there are exceptions to everything, and on a remote island that is nearly isolated from the world, there will be a religious leader who could almost only exist in prehistoric times, that is, the Japanese emperor who was then known as the Great King.

The Emperor of Japan established his dominance over various regions mainly by giving names, that is, words.

Moreover, from ancient times to the present, the Japanese emperor has spent most of his life busy presiding over various ritual activities, and individual sacrifices are protracted.

The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

A festival presided over by the Emperor of Japan


Emperor of Japan

More similar to the Witch King,

Is a religious leader

This is the law of the initial development of a nation.

Therefore, the early history of Japan was actually a tribe called yamato kingdom that unified the whole country, and the priests of this tribe became therefore

Priesthood throughout Japan

, that is, the Emperor of Japan.

Emperors who want to become Chinese-style emperors

The first emperor to try to establish absolute kingship was called

Emperor Xiongluo

His reign was during China's Southern and Northern Dynasties.

At that time, the Korean Peninsula was divided between three countries, including Baekje, who often harassed the Japanese border, and Japan's relations with several countries on the Korean Peninsula were tense.

All three countries chose to recognize the Northern Dynasty of the Southern and Northern Dynasties as their big brothers, while maintaining good relations with the Southern Dynasties regime.

Not to be outdone, Emperor Xiongluo chose to be the younger brother of the Southern Dynasty in order to counter Korea, and frequently interacted with the Northern Dynasty.

The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

Images of the Ancient Emperor of Japan

When Emperor Xiongluo was crown prince, he killed several brothers and destroyed the Katsuragi clan, the largest of the clans.

Subsequently, the rebellion of powerful clans such as the Jibei clan and the Daeban clan was quelled, and the foreign countries repeatedly sent troops to the Korean Peninsula to run the Renna region.

This jianwen zhi wugong, according to the standards of Chinese history, is called the male lord of the Ming Dynasty, but it does not seem to be pleasing to the Japanese.

Not only was he called a jackal-like evil man during his lifetime, but he was even called a wolf in the Nihon Shoki compiled by later generations

"The Great Evil Emperor"

Words say the Prince of Virtue

Seiko Ono

(Don't be confused by the name, this is a man) After the Sui Dynasty, he began to learn from the Central Plains, and after years of accumulation, he was overwhelmed, thinking that he could eat back the Central Plains civilization, but

The Battle of Baijiangkou

But he was taught to be a man by the Tang Dynasty, so he started again


After this, Emperor Tianwu was a proper pro-Tang faction, and some people even suspected that he was a Han Chinese.

Emperor Tianwu fully introduced the Tang Dynasty's legal system, learned from Emperor Gaozong of Tang, and changed his title of "Great King" to "Emperor", which is also true

The first one was called the Emperor


However, Emperor Tenmu forgot that he was able to ascend to the throne and replace Emperor Tenchi precisely because of the support of local magnates, and his way of strengthening the centralization of power made those who supported him become opponents, and Emperor Tenmu was soon overthrown.

In addition to these special emperors, most of the Japanese emperors are not energetic, do not want to toss, and have no ambition, we often say "can't afford to support Adou",

Most of Japan's emperors are not as good as Adou, they just want to lie down.

The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

Liu Chan in film and television dramas

Since sacrifices occupied most of the emperor's time, during the Yamato regime, the emperor's wives, sons, fathers-in-law, and other relatives often presided over the emperor's government, such as the foreign relative Fujiwara clan, who often held the position of Sekibai and dominated the national administration.

In the Heian period, there was even a very institutionalized one

Regency politics

The Emperor of Japan is an ornament?

The emperor went to the front desk, personally grasped the power unsuccessfully, the sacrifice had to occupy most of the time, some emperors chose to "retreat to the second place", and took the initiative to become a Zen seat when they reigned.

In the temple, he handled government affairs as the head of the heavenly emperor, called "yuanzheng".

The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

This move stripped the Fujiwara clan of its executive power in regency politics, but did not touch the sacrificial power of the reigning emperor in the slightest.

In the political process of replacing "regents" with "regents", both sides had to rely heavily on local lords, which brought the shogunate politics of the Genrai Dynasty and its Kanto samurai to the forefront.

After political turmoil,

The shogunate held real power

Individual shoguns had the idea of replacing the emperor.

The grandson of ashikaga Takashi, the shogun who made a great appearance in "The Wise One"

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

It can be called The Japanese Cao Pi and Sima Yan

He is the only person in Japan from ancient times to the present who is considered to have the intention of usurping the throne.

After unifying Japan, he not only engaged in diplomatic activities with the Ming Dynasty in the name of the Japanese rulers and won the title of King of Japan, but also intended to make his son Ashikaga Yoshihitoshi crown prince.

However, like the emperors of the past who tried to monopolize power, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu could not escape the fate of the people.

The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

Ashikaga Yoshimitsu

After Ashikaga Yoshimitsu's death, he was stripped of the title of "Emperor Taikami of Shikaen", and his son Ashikaga Yoshihito, who nearly became crown prince, was killed shortly after.

Since the emperor is only an ornament, why does Japan keep it?

This is because,

First, although the emperor only had the right to sacrifice, he had the sacredness, and if the shogun wanted to replace him, it was difficult to find a suitable substitute.

Second, the emperor is only responsible for sacrifices, and the mistakes in realpolitik have nothing to do with him, and if he is to be abolished, he cannot find a proper reason.

On a realistic level,

The internal structure of the shogunate was a collegial system of many local powers

It is not the shogun "Ichigoku", they all have their own forces in the locality, and although the shogun can bully the emperor, he cannot ignore these powerful forces.

Instead of risking the world's great disobedience and replacing the emperor and causing trouble, it is better to keep the emperor real.

In the same way, although the emperor is the symbol of a head of state, it is not very useful, but it is still indispensable.

The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

For example, Emperor Naruhito's ascension to the throne has a series of processes, even Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Three shouts "Long live"

But it was also on this occasion that, looking back, it was the prime minister who represented Japan internationally, and the people were not satisfied with the administration, and the target of the fire must be Abe.

Why can't Japan learn from the centralization of power in ancient China?

Different moral standards reflect the differences in the social consciousness of the country, and because of the difference in social consciousness, the history of various countries has also developed in different directions.

Confucius's thought has both a side of serving the monarch and a side of demanding of the monarch.

The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

The image of Confucius in film and television dramas

For example, benevolence requires rulers to be benevolent and righteous, and to govern benevolently, while the tyranny of the monarch is listed as the object of criticism, so the loyalty of the courtiers to the king is conditional.

In the history of tyrants, there are courtiers who defect and find another Lord who is not criticized, such as Jiang Shang, who supported King Wen of Zhou and King Wu of Zhou, who was originally a courtier of Shang.

Although Japan also regards itself as a Confucian tradition, and the emperor's ascension to the throne is full of Chinese clothes, we put "benevolence" in the first place.

The Japanese, on the other hand, regard "loyalty and courage" as the first.

Loyalty and courage are not to be unconditionally obeyed and absolutely loyal because they are virtuous or unwise.

But when Japan, whether it is a lord or a general, when asking others to be loyal to themselves, they often pull the emperor down.

The Japanese Emperor is obviously just a puppet and can't control anything, but why can he achieve the same lineage?

Japanese Samurai

In addition, an important means of supporting the great unification regime was to bring the elite together, and the Inspection system of the Han Dynasty to the Examination system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties accomplished this goal.

Overall, China's elite entered the core regime, a slow but uninterrupted process that kept the society alive.

Japan did not introduce the imperial examination system, and the shogunate that actually ruled and the local clans were hereditary.

The entire social class is seriously solidified

Even if you want to establish a centralized government, you are more than enough and insufficient.

There is nothing else that can match the imperial examination system with the unified country and play it well, except for us.

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