
#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

author:Keping Dong drinks notes

2021/06/30 Wednesday Shanghai-Chengdu

Flying to Chengdu in the morning, delayed forty minutes to land in Chengdu, Zhiyu and Songchen picked me up and went directly to Nantang to listen to Xiangxiang and have lunch. Liu Xin, Old Demon, Wang Gang, and Chunhui had been waiting for me there hungry for more than two hours. Thank you friends, but also thank you Wang Zhengjin boss for a piece of enthusiasm. Nantang Tingxiang (Nantangguan) is my favorite restaurant, and every time I come to Chengdu, I always have a meal in the Nantang series. I said that the cuisine of Nantang Hall is positive, and Lan Minglu said that Wang Zhengjin's dishes are integrated with experience, and the aroma is the first, which is loved. Spicy moderate, fragrant first rich. A meal of 90 minutes is enough to comfort the desire to refuse a plane meal.

Roasted peppers like mussels

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

Bean puree crab legs

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

Fish spicy Mindong one fish big yellow croaker.

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

Fish-flavored eggplant sea cucumber.

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

Hot and crispy, what you want is the pot gas and taste.

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

Red oil dumplings, matsutake stuffed.

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

Back to the room to clean up a bit, go downstairs to participate in the Phoenix Network Food Festival "2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Release" activity. There are many restaurants in Sichuan and Chongqing that have won awards, and the development momentum of catering in the southwest region is strong.

Mr. Da Dong, Life Chairman of the Jury, delivered a speech.

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

As Mr. Liu Chun said, the Sichuan-Chongqing region has a series of spicy and fragrant delicacies that make thousands of diners think about it. But Sichuan and Chongqing never stop at the fiery, one dish and one grid, a hundred dishes and a hundred flavors, here are amazing cooking techniques, there is a unique flavoring philosophy. From the budding of ancient Bashu, to the mature stereotype of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and then to the development direction of modernization and refinement today, the process of Sichuan cuisine from the grass and the rivers and lakes into the house is the history of the struggle of generations of catering people.

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

I am fortunate to be happy at a grand event.

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

Take a group photo with friends.

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

Judges from Kunming

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

Me and Lanming Road

#Start Diary #1614 2021 Golden Wutong Chuanyu Restaurant Guide Released

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