
Rise to the occasion! The only answer is self-reliance

author:Bright Net

【Youth Narration】

Narrator: Wen Xin, a young professor at Hohai University

When I heard President Xi Jinping say these eight words, I suddenly recalled the busy days and nights for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.

As the world's largest and most complex super-large cross-basin water transfer project, the scientific dispatch and safe operation of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is a worldwide problem. Since I was a doctoral student in 2009, I have begun to study the eastern route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and I have traveled more than 1,000 kilometers in nearly a month, and I have traveled every river channel of the Eastern Route Project. With the gradual completion of the eastern line project, the test of water and the stable operation, our research on the eastern line project has also been deepened, and a series of problems such as the joint optimization and scheduling of complex rivers and lakes stations and the emergency regulation of hydraulic power under complex boundaries have been overcome continuously, providing important support for the safe operation of the project for nine consecutive years.

In 2021, the Eastern Route dispatching and operation management system that I participated in the construction was officially put into operation, realizing the automatic scheduling decision of the large-scale cascade pump station group engineering system for the first time. Under the support of this system, the Jiangsu Centralized Control Center for the South-to-North Water Diversion Project has been officially put into use. At the same time, we are also continuing to carry out research on follow-up projects, and do a good job in technical demonstration and program design for the future construction of national water networks.

Water, wind and solar multi-energy complementarity is an innovative model for China's contribution to the world's energy transformation, representing an important direction for China's hydropower development and energy system transformation in the future. Beipanjiang is the first cascade multi-energy complementary system in China's pilot construction, and it is urgently needed to have a set of effective scheduling rules and software systems, but this has no precedent in the country or even the world. When we received this task, we were only 3 months away from the flood season examination.

We must face the difficulties! We have been fighting for more than 100 consecutive days, overcoming a series of complex scientific and technological problems, and finally proposing the first cascade complementary scheduling rules and professional models in river basins at home and abroad. Watching the project successfully connected to the grid to generate electricity, the sense of achievement in my heart is really indescribable.

Since the grand idea of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project was proposed, we have never stopped. To be honest, the research topics we are facing have no experience to refer to in China or even the world, and independent innovation and self-reliance are the only way out. Whenever I think of this, there is a sense of honor and mission that is not waiting for me to push me to persist in struggle and move forward steadily.

If you don't want to do anything, it will not be so easy to realize your dreams. For our young scientific and technological workers, what needs to be done is to firmly believe that Qingshan will not relax, persevere, strive for self-improvement, shoulder the historical responsibility of scientific and technological innovation, and continuously promote the high-quality development of China's water conservancy and hydropower undertakings.

(Project team: Guangming Daily reporters Zhang Sheng, Wang Simin, Gao Jianjin, Song Xiqun, Wang Bingya, Wang Jianhong, Zhang Wenpan, Yan Shenghe)

Guangming Daily ( 2022-01-07 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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