
Visual fatigue, dry eyes, swelling and pain, the doctor does not give sick leave, what to do?

Preparing for the exam, working overtime, chasing dramas, holding books or facing the screen all day, you will feel that your eyes are sour and astringent, and sometimes, you will feel blurred in vision, when you look at things, there will be ghosting, and even start to have headaches, nausea, vomiting, do not want to open your eyes, but you have to open your eyes. Finally couldn't help it, rushed to the hospital, hoping to get a sick note to help him lie flat completely. However, after examination, the doctor said that all symptoms were caused by visual fatigue and could only be given rehabilitation guidance. What's going on? Hang up the specialist number, not even a sick leave note? What to do? Go home with eye drops, or hot compresses? How does visual fatigue come about? What methods can be used to save your eyes? Let's solve the problem now.

Visual fatigue, dry eyes, swelling and pain, the doctor does not give sick leave, what to do?

Visual fatigue refers to temporary discomfort or pain in or around the eyes, and the root of this feeling is the tension in the muscles around the eyes caused by frowning or squinting. Thus, visual fatigue, strictly speaking, is not a formal medical term, nor is it a diagnostic conclusion for a certain disease. Formal hospitals, whether making a diagnosis or providing a treatment plan, need to follow the relevant criteria. Fatigue, in layman's terms, is tiredness, feeling tired, and may be one of the manifestations of a certain disease, but fatigue itself is not the name of the disease. Therefore, visual fatigue, in the eyes of doctors, is only a temporary phenomenon caused by inappropriate eye behavior, not a disease, of course, can not prescribe sick leave, let alone prescribe medicine, can only carry out health guidance. That is to say, to solve the problem, you have to rely on yourself.

Visual fatigue, dry eyes, swelling and pain, the doctor does not give sick leave, what to do?

Visual fatigue, has not been formally included in the disease classification diagnostic criteria, however, because of the same problem and seek medical advice too many people, so, in recent years, the medical community has appeared visual fatigue syndrome, that visual fatigue is a long-term, excessive nervous activity, more than the functional solvency of the eyes, resulting in the eyes and other parts of the body abnormal 1 group of symptoms, usually manifested as redness of the eyes, fatigue, tightness, blurred vision, occasional ghosting when looking at things, dry eyes, astringent, sour, Lacrimation, itching, foreign body sensation in the eyes, headache, and severe symptoms may cause nausea and vomiting.

Visual fatigue, dry eyes, swelling and pain, the doctor does not give sick leave, what to do?

To find out the causes of visual fatigue, we need to review the relevant physiological knowledge first. The structure of the eye is quite complex, and the muscles that are responsible for eye rotation are 6 extraocular muscles, such as the upper rectus muscle, the lower rectus muscle, the internal rectus muscle, the external rectus muscle, the superior oblique muscle, and the inferior oblique muscle. The iris sphincter and dilated muscles are managed by pupil contraction and dilation. The ciliary muscle is responsible for regulating the lens, the orbicularis eyelid muscle, and the levator blersal muscle to manage eyelid opening and closing. The continuous contraction of these muscles will produce tension, resulting in slow or stasis of blood flow, affecting nerve signaling, and visual function is managed by 3 pairs of central nervous and ophthalmic nerves. When you're looking at a handsome guy or a beautiful woman, or interacting with images and colors on a screen, every muscle and nerve associated with it is working. Do you feel tired muscles and nerves? Of course it will be tired, but it will not bark.

Visual fatigue, dry eyes, swelling and pain, the doctor does not give sick leave, what to do?

Let's take an example. When the light is too strong, the pupil will contract and continue to contract, and the iris sphincter will not be able to stand it. When the light is too weak, it will cause tension in the optic nerve, and while adjusting the lens, it will cause ciliary muscle fatigue. If you squint at something, it will cause tension in the extraocular muscles. In times of lack of sleep, the internal rectus muscle is affected. When we look at things, we need to use the axis of sight to align the object, if frequently adjusted, the balance relationship is broken, it will cause eye muscle fatigue. Therefore, the cause of visual fatigue is the overuse of eye muscles and nerves, and the lack of timely rest is caused.

Visual fatigue, dry eyes, swelling and pain, the doctor does not give sick leave, what to do?

Why can't our eyes resist fatigue? This truth can be understood only if it is analyzed from the perspective of human evolution. In fact, there is still a difference between the vision of our ancestors and modern people. For example, hunting required better farsightedness, but, in that era, snipers did not exist, so the ability to stare at objects for a long time without blinking was not exercised. In the agricultural era, being able to distinguish between wheat seedlings and weeds was a basic visual ability. However, at that time, there was no electricity, it was dark, I slept, and the eye muscles and nerves would be rested in time. In other words, the vision capabilities that our ancestors left us with could not meet the needs of the electronic age. Therefore, when we stare at the screen of electronic products for more than ten hours a day, the number of blinks is reduced, the secretion of tears is insufficient, the muscles and nerves are highly tense, the screen flicker brings additional strong stimulation, and the eye muscles and nerves are not tired, which is strange. Perhaps, in a few million years, the eyes of our descendants will accumulate super adjustment ability in evolution, and they will no longer be plagued by visual fatigue.

Visual fatigue, dry eyes, swelling and pain, the doctor does not give sick leave, what to do?

So, can eye drops, hot compresses, and nutritional agents solve the problem of visual fatigue? Let's do a simple experiment. Find a few rubber bands and pull them repeatedly to see what happens? Can dripping some oil and hot water on the rubber band stop the elasticity from weakening? Believe that smart people like you have got the right answer. The best way to solve the problem of visual fatigue is to let the eyes rest. However, there are two key issues to be aware of. The first problem is that visual fatigue can aggravate various eye diseases and should be paid attention to. The second problem is that visual fatigue and dry eye disease often exist at the same time and affect each other. Therefore, it is first necessary to check to confirm whether you have dry eye. Dry eye disease, which is an eye disease caused by impaired tear secretion, itching in both eyes, foreign body sensation, burning sensation, photophobia, sensitivity to irritation, etc. are the main symptoms, and need to be treated by methods such as supplementing artificial tear fluid.

Whoever loves, pass on health to whom.

Your health, my concern. Professionals observe health from a scientific and humanistic perspective, including a series of express reports, details, reminders, doubts, observations, opinions, historical stories, etc., with the content of the original works of the author Wei Hongling and the team. All forms of misappropriation and reproduction without permission will be refused, otherwise they will be prosecuted in accordance with relevant laws.

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