
Develop original ecological art to inherit the culture of Changbai Mountain

Recently, the "Changbai Mountain Original Ecological Art Network" led by Jilin Art Institute will be officially launched, with Changbai Mountain as the core and the Sanjiang River Basin as the radiation, showing the cultural relics, archaeological discoveries, historical materials, inheritance of people and contemporary art achievements in the northeast region.

Develop original ecological art to inherit the culture of Changbai Mountain

Meng Qiu: Have you ever been to Changbai Mountain?

Citizen: I have been to Changbai Mountain many times, and I like the scenery of Changbai Mountain very much.

Citizen: I haven't been there at present, but I want to go, especially now that the high-speed rail is open, it is convenient to go to Changbai Mountain!

Meng Qiu: Do you know about the culture of Changbai Mountain?

Citizen: I still have some understanding of culture, like there is an ancient city of Nayin over there, which has some relics and culture about the Manchus.

Citizen: Although I have never been there, natural resource cultures such as Tianchi and primary forests are still very famous.

Culture is like a living body, in the long river of history, it nurtures the roots and soul of a nation. For the Jilin people, Changbaishan culture, as a unique landmark culture in this land, has rich connotations and broad extensions, and is an important part of the "pluralistic and integrated" culture of the Chinese nation. For a long time, many cultural and artistic workers have been committed to excavating, rescuing and protecting the culture of Changbai Mountain, but they have not received the expected results in dissemination, promotion and popularization.

Nowadays, with the network platform as the carrier and the new communication method as the means, the true color of the "original ecology" is smudged with the novelty of the "Internet", and I believe that more and more Jilin people will understand the "five absolute" culture of Changbai Mountain represented by the "Mahu Ancient Drama", "Primitive Totem", "Forest Symbol", "Speaking Goddess", "Manchu Mask", and establish our own cultural self-confidence in the era of digital protection.

Reporter: Zhao Mengqiu and Jiang Liwen

Editor: Chen Xin ShuRan

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