
Learn from others or be yourself? Iran's path explores the past

author:Zygote's monologue

You have come to a fork in the road, there are two ways to choose? One is to walk the road paved by others, but for a fee, and to be controlled by others to control your walking rhythm; the other is that you need to walk your own way in a muddy field, the advantage is that it is free, and you can freely decide where you want to go.

The countries of the Islamic world have different choices between the path of secularization in the West and the exploration of Islamization. Iran chose the latter, embarking on a path of "theocracy" for the revitalization of the Islamized industry. Unique in the Islamic world. Thus it went to the opposite side of the Western world and got rid of the control of the United States. To this end, the United States has listed Iran as the "axis of evil in the world."

Today bloggers take a peek at Iran's road exploration process.

The awakening of nationalism in the Islamic world

The Middle East has always been a battleground for great power games. Oil interests are the most important focus of this.

In the book "The Silk Road : A New World History", the author tells how Britain used to manipulate regime change in Persia, Iraq and other countries in the Middle East for its own oil interests. The Englishman William Knox Darcy once owned 60 years of exploration and exploitation rights throughout Persia. Subsequently, Russia and the United States both aimed at Persian oil interests, and the major powers staged one "game of thrones" after another. The British took control of the Persian "jewel in the crown", and persian nationalism awakened. The Islamic world gradually began to doubt, wary, and reject the control of the West.

After Britain's national strength weakened, the United States supported the Pahlavi dynasty. A steady stream of money and technology is being imported into Iran. Iran's economy has grown rapidly, but only the upper nobility has benefited. The king was too close to Britain and the United States, and the oil wealth granted to all Iranians Allah could not benefit ordinary people.

Thus, Iran ushered in rebels. Mohammed Mossade, dissatisfied with the steady flow of Iranian oil to Europe, argued in a parliamentary session that Iran could not and should not be manipulated and coerced by foreign powers, and that the wealth buried under its own soil had brought only very limited benefits to the Iranians, and that it should belong to all its citizens.

Learn from others or be yourself? Iran's path explores the past

Oil is just a primer. Iranians are beginning to realize that from visible oil to invisible national personality and dignity, it is time to return to the Iranians themselves. Mossade was elected prime minister, and he advocated the elimination of Western power in Iran and the nationalization of oil fields. The British fear that the nationalization of Iran was only the beginning, followed by Egypt, India... Mossade became a thorn in the side of the West.

Learn from others or be yourself? Iran's path explores the past

Britain and the United States befriended key figures in Iran, and through the media to pressure the king, Mossatae was arrested and imprisoned, where he died. But his claims gradually spread in the Islamic world. Iran began to remind the Islamic world that the world order needed to be restructured. Subsequently, Egypt also began the nationalization of the Suez Canal. Saddam Hussein, Nasser and more other successors began to take over his baton and purge Western power in the Middle East. Among them, the religious leader Khomeini is one of the most influential.

A turning point at an intersection

Talk about Iran, the country is inseparable from Islam. Iranian Muslims are largely Shiite, which is a minority throughout the Arab world. The islamic congregation of this sect must follow a religious scholar in the study of the Quran. Shiites differ from Sunnis in their pyramid structure. The entire sect is divided into grades from top to bottom, and the missionaries are divided into the Great Ayatollah, Ayatollah and Khojat Islam. Under the saint Muhammad, among mortal Muslims, the Great Ayatollah became the highest religious scholar. They had supreme influence among Muslims, and Khomeini was a great ayatollah.

The king was the supreme leader of secular power, and the Great Ayatollah was the religious leader of the spiritual world. Between these two powers, is it a division or a sum? This has become a key point in the path of regime change in Iran. The Pahlavi dynasty chose to divide, deviated from Islam, and began a secular reform.

The whole process is more radical. In terms of justice, King Reza Khan used the French code as a model to reformulate the law, and implemented commercial law and criminal law to remove the influence of Islam. Deprive and limit the clergy's power to administer justice and bring them into government. In all rural areas, impartial courts must be established and completely replaced by religious courts. Prior to this, Iranian law was based on the Quran and Sharia law.

Learn from others or be yourself? Iran's path explores the past

In terms of socio-cultural education, the reforms removed the control of schools by Islamic clerics, prohibited women from wearing burqas, and allowed women to go to school and wear Western-style dresses. Economically, sharecropping was abolished. The land occupied by the large landowners was redistributed to the peasants. Universal suffrage was introduced in the political system, and women had the right to vote. Because of the radical reform of the whole process, it was once strongly resisted by the forces of the Islamic tradition, and the king did not hesitate to send troops to suppress it. In terms of economy, the gap between the lives of civilians and the upper classes is getting wider and wider, and the subversion of the spiritual world has also made many people dissatisfied and miserable.

The monarchy was corrupt, the economy was depressed, the tyranny of the regime, and the people, dissatisfied with reality, began to miss their inner religious conversions. Khomeini, who is living in exile, declares that he will find a cure for Iran's ills and cure them. Millions welcomed him home as if they were a national hero. The King of Iran, who had high hopes from the United States, was ruthlessly abandoned by his people. U.S. policy is ineffective. Khomeini issued a clear declaration for this purpose: "The root of all the problems in the East comes from foreigners in the West, and now it is Americans." All of our problems are caused by the Americans. "Clear cuts became an icon of epoch-making. Iran officially abandoned the path of Westernization and began Islamization.

Learn from others or be yourself? Iran's path explores the past

In response, the Americans imposed an oil embargo on Iran, confiscated Iranian assets, and brought the Iranian king to the United States for protection. To no avail, Khomeini ordered a siege of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking its personnel hostage. President Carter ordered a helicopter rescue, which not only failed, but also caused 8 American soldiers casualties. Mistakes in dealing with Iran directly affected President Carter's re-election. Iran's successful counterattack has inspired more latecomers. It toppled the first domino that the United States had erected in the Middle East.

When Khomeini came to power, he not only closed the door to cooperation with the United States, but also the Soviet Union was turned away. The Soviets tried to use Khomeini's anti-American stance to approach him, but they did not share a common language. Iran is not trying to choose between the United States and the Soviet Union. It is to be on its own, to explore the path of industrialization in the Islamic world in its own way.

(End of full text, source network, intrusion and deletion)

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Original is not easy, please indicate the source of reprint. From: Headline "Monologue of Zygo".

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