
Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the minister to be beheaded, but the minister pulled out the gold medal for avoiding death, and the emperor laughed: Look at the back!

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

The gold medal for avoiding death, as the name suggests, can be exempted from criminal responsibility, it has a lot of power, and the directness represents the meaning of the emperor, which is the reward of the ancient emperor for the meritorious service to the country. It began to rise from the Han Dynasty, was cast by the emperor Liu Bang at that time, and it had a real name - Danshu Iron Coupon.

Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the minister to be beheaded, but the minister pulled out the gold medal for avoiding death, and the emperor laughed: Look at the back!

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu Yuanzhang's founding heroes with him were naturally rewarded, Zhu Yuanzhang made Li Shanchang, Xu Da and others officials, and after that, Zhu Yuanzhang, in order to consolidate his power, married the Li and Xu families, so that the power, status and money of both families were acquired. But after all, the companion is like a companion of the tiger, Zhu Yuanzhang in order to dispel their doubts, so he rewarded the minister with a gold medal to avoid death, the gold medal for avoiding death himself can be avoided 9 times, and the descendants can be exempted from death 3 times.

Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the minister to be beheaded, but the minister pulled out the gold medal for avoiding death, and the emperor laughed: Look at the back!

This hero is no one else, he is Li Shanchang, he showed outstanding talent from a young age, but also a famous talent at that time, at that time there was a sentence that judged him and said, "Less reading has wisdom, learning the fa and speaking, and planning a lot", at that time, when Zhu Yuanzhang was attacking Chuzhou, Li Shanchang took the initiative to defect to Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhu Yuanzhang also had great respect for this sage, and since then he has left him by his side.

Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the minister to be beheaded, but the minister pulled out the gold medal for avoiding death, and the emperor laughed: Look at the back!

Li Shanchang was really capable, and also recommended capable people to Zhu Yuanzhang, and Hu Weiyong, who Li Shanchang recommended, wanted to kill Zhu Yuanzhang himself as emperor, but after being discovered later, he was punished. Zhu Yuanzhang remembered his previous feelings and did not let him be punished. But he did not expect such a thing to happen again ten years later, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered that he wanted to kill his entire family, and Li Shanchang said: You can't kill me. Then he took out the deathless gold medal.

Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the minister to be beheaded, but the minister pulled out the gold medal for avoiding death, and the emperor laughed: Look at the back!

Although the death-free gold medal can be exempted from capital crimes, but not all crimes can be exempted, he took out the death-free gold medal and said to the emperor: I have a death-free gold medal. But the emperor said to him: "Do you take a closer look at what is written on the opposite side?" As a result, Li Shanchang still could not escape a death, in fact, the gold medal for avoiding death was written behind it: "Avoid death and eliminate rebellion.". Although the gold medal for avoiding death can be exempted from death, in the face of imperial power, the crime of treason cannot be forgiven under any circumstances, and in the period of imperial power, imperial authority is absolutely not allowed to trample on.

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