
White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

author:Mr. Fan Yun Fan
White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

Beijing, the weather gradually turned cooler, today when walking in the park, I saw that there was a grandpa and aunt under the ginkgo tree carrying a pocket to pick up the ginkgo fruit - white fruit, I leaned over to see that there were still a lot under the tree, said to take home and fry to eat, the taste is good, but also useful for coughing, when I left, the uncle also instructed me, "Things are good things, but don't eat more, or you won't be killed!" ”

White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning
White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

Uncle said that the white fruit has been good medicine and food since ancient times, and our ancestors realized that the white fruit is poisonous hundreds of years ago. Now our surrounding greenery is getting better and better, more and more ginkgo trees, some places have become street wood, to the late autumn to pick up white fruit people are quite a lot, today I will talk to you about what the role of white fruit and how to avoid poisoning, if you think it is good, you will bother to pay attention to and forward Ha.

White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

The ginkgo biloba tree is a gymnosperm unique to China and a relict plant in the history of biological evolution. One year to plant trees, twenty years to become a tree, forty years to produce a large number of fruits, so there is a saying that "public planting trees and Sun gets fruit", so ginkgo biloba trees are also called "Gongsun trees". Because the ginkgo biloba leaves are shaped like duck paws, they are commonly known as "duck feet". According to some sources, the world's largest Gongsun tree is in Fuquan, Guizhou, with an age of more than 5,000 years, and it takes ten people to hug. I found two pictures of ginkgo trees to give everyone an intuitive feeling. Ginkgo biloba trees are found throughout the country, the seeds mature in September and October, after the mature seeds are harvested, the fleshy outer skin is removed, washed, dried, and the white fruit is obtained. Because of its appearance like a small apricot and a milky white surface, it was named "white fruit".

White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning
White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

Baiguo, first published in the Yuan Dynasty "Daily Materia Medica". The Ming Dynasty "Materia Medica Mengxiao" records: "(A ginkgo biloba, commonly known as duck feet. In every place, the trees are large and tall. Two more flowering, three more fruitful. Autumn ripe shoot down, shell white flesh green. Raw food on the throat, fried food taste sweet and bitter. Eat less tea and wine, and eat more to make phlegm. Eat a thousand, let people die less. The fruit of yin poison must be prevented. The ancient formula took what it could, and only cured the white turbidity to get the effect. Children should not eat, very easy to panic. ”

White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

The Ming Dynasty "Compendium of Materia Medica" made a very comprehensive record of white fruit. Plant description: "Native Jiangnan, the leaves resemble duck paws, because of the name duck feet." Song initially paid tribute, changed to ginkgo biloba, because of its shape like a small apricot and the core color is white. Now known as White Fruit. Ginkgo biloba is born in Jiangnan, and the Xuancheng one wins. The tree is two or three feet tall. The leaves are thin and longitudinal, like the palm of a duck, with a gap, and a green face and a light back. In February, the flowers bloom into clusters, blue and white, and the two more flower, and then unload, which is rare for people. A branch of a hundred and ten knots, shaped like neem, is ripe and rotten through frost. Remove the flesh and take the core as a fruit, and its core is pointed at both ends, the three edges are male, and the two edges are female..."; in terms of efficacy, the raw and cooked uses are recorded separately: "Cooked food warm lungs and vitality, fixed wheezing, reduced stool, and stopped white turbidity." Raw food reduces phlegm, disinfects and kills insects. In terms of safety, it is believed that "cooked food, small bitterness and sweetness, sexual temperature has a small poison ... However, if you eat too much, the order is too much, which makes people feel inflated and dizzy. Therefore, the "Sense of Objects" says: Ginkgo biloba can be intoxicating. And the "Book of Three Yuans of Life Extension" says: Those who eat a thousand white fruits die. Youyun: In the past, there were hungry people who were full of white fruits instead of food, and they all died the next day. ”

White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

The "Pharmacopoeia" records that the white fruit tastes sweet, bitter, astringent, flat, toxic, has the effect of suppressing the lungs and asthma, stopping the shrinkage of the urine, used for sputum and coughing, with white turbidity, enuresis and frequent urination.

I personally use white fruit mainly in two aspects: with the ding asthma soup "Shoot the Magic Formula", of which the classic match is ephedra + white fruit (three or seven pieces, shelled and chopped, fried), for the external wind chill, internal phlegm fever asthma acute attack treatment effect is very good; with ephedra + white fruit treatment of children's enuresis, mainly used for children sleep deeply, wake up difficulties, nocturnal urine unknown situation.

A small number of ancient Materia Medica, such as "Yunnan Materia Medica" and "Materia Medica Renewal", believe that white fruit is non-toxic, while most of the Materia Medica recognizes the toxicity of white fruit and records the poisoning situation: "Those who are poisoned by it are dizzy and drunk... Eat too much, not even save" "Recipes for Living with the Breath"

The Qing Dynasty's "Four Disciplines of Simplified Effect" describes it as: "Suddenly, that is, the fainter is also." And recorded the method of rescue: "White fruit shell frying." White carp head decoction is frequently filled. Boiling water grinds wood incense, into the musk a little irrigation. ”

Just on the "CNKI", 3498 articles were searched with the theme word "white fruit poisoning", which shows that "white fruit poisoning" is also relatively clear in modern medicine.

White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

Pharmacological studies have confirmed that Ginkgo biloba is a toxic product, and its toxic components are Ginkgo biloba poison and white fruit neutrals (white fruit acid, white fruit alcohol and white fruit phenol, etc.). Symptoms of intoxication are nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, fever, irritability, convulsions, mental conundrum, dyspnea, cyanosis, coma, pupils are slow or disappearing to light, and in severe cases death due to paralysis of the respiratory center. The main symptoms are convulsions and nausea and vomiting. Clinically, there have been reports of taking 7 ginkgo biloba (children) and eating a large number of people to cause death, and a series of articles have reported the clinical characteristics of white fruit poisoning and rescue methods.

White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

Ginkgo biloba is a poisonous substance, especially raw food, and green germ is the most toxic, if the dosage is too large, it is easy to cause poisoning. The toxic components of white fruit can be dissolved in water, and can be destroyed by heating, so the toxicity of this product is small. If used as food, it should be removed from the seed coat and germ, soaked for more than half a day, and cooked thoroughly before eating. The normal dosage is 5-10g, and the maximum is generally not more than 15g.

In addition, the outer seed coat of the white fruit contains ginkgolic acid that causes dermatitis, which can cause contact dermatitis, so when processing the white fruit to remove the outer skin and take the seed kernel, pay attention to wearing gloves!

White fruit - medicinal and food dual-use products, but pay attention to safe consumption to avoid poisoning

White fruit can not only be used in medicine to cure diseases, but also because of its delicious taste and rich nutrition, it has become a highly respected delicacy, and it is one of the famous dried fruits in China, which was listed as a royal tribute as early as the Song Dynasty. Now it is the season when the white fruit is ripe, and there are still many uncles and aunts who pick up and process the white fruit by themselves, and the poisoning due to eating the white fruit also occurs occasionally. In order to eat white fruit safely and avoid poisoning, give everyone a few suggestions, if you find it useful, remember to pay attention to and forward.

1. White fruit, must not be eaten raw.

2. Appropriate processing to reduce toxicity: first knock the white fruit open, go to the hard shell and put it into boiling water, remove the outer skin, get the nuts of the white fruit, remove the heart (green germ) in the middle of the nuts, cook for half an hour, fish out and soak in water for more than two days, so that the toxicity is greatly reduced, and then fried to make dried fruits or add pigs, sheep, beef and other foods to eat.

3. Do not eat more, eat about 10g at a time.

4. Children should not eat white fruit: the severity of poisoning and poisoning is closely related to age and physical strength, and the younger the age, the greater the possibility of poisoning.

5. If you feel nausea and other discomfort after eating, seek medical attention in time!

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