
This country fights very hard, there is an animal soldier that no one can beat, but only one Chinese

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

Some people say that the Ming Dynasty was a dynasty that was abandoned, and some people say that the Ming Dynasty was a glorious era, with the Son of Heaven guarding the gates of the country and the kings dying. In any case, there is no denying that two of the sixteen emperors of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, are two fathers and sons, comparable to the first emperor of the ages.

If you have to compare these two emperors, if you have to divide them into high and low, you will definitely not be able to distinguish them. However, if you say who is more aggressive externally, there is no doubt that it is Zhu Di.

The reason why the Ming Dynasty called it Gangming is far more than the simplicity of the Son of Heaven guarding the gate of the country, but also part of it comes from Zhu Di, who never made peace, never cut the land, and never paid compensation. In the less than three hundred years of rule of the Qing Dynasty, it is said that China has never suffered a loss since ancient times. Moreover, Zhu Di also had a high enough imperial achievement, that is, he sent Zheng He.

Zheng He alone went to the West, it was enough for Zhu Digong to become famous, but the world only remembers Zheng He going to the West, but does not remember who let Zheng He go to the West.

This country fights very hard, there is an animal soldier that no one can beat, but only one Chinese

Zhu Di was a man of both literature and martial arts, heavy on literature and heavy martial arts, and the Ming Dynasty advanced rapidly under his leadership. As the most rigid emperor of the Ming Dynasty, his brilliant deeds are many. The royal driving pro-conquest of Mongolia, once is not enough, and then four times, a full five imperial conquests, beat the Mongolian obedience. In addition to this, there is another merit, but few historical records, that is, he destroyed Vietnam.

During the Qin Dynasty, Vietnam was Chinese territory. In 111 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty destroyed the State of Nanyue and established the three counties of Jiaojiao, Jiuzhen and Nichinan in northern and central Vietnam. For more than a thousand years, north-central Vietnam was the direct territory of various Dynasties of China (Han Dynasty, Eastern Wu Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, Southern Dynasty, Sui Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Southern Han Dynasty), which is known in Vietnamese history as the "Northern Period" or "County Era".

This country fights very hard, there is an animal soldier that no one can beat, but only one Chinese

Vietnam was located on the border of Daming at that time, as a small country, it did not have a full understanding of itself, and repeatedly provoked the Ming Dynasty, and was suppressed again and again, without any remorse. The Ming Dynasty, as a big country, did not bother to pay attention to these little lice, but when Zhu Yuanzhang was busy stabilizing Daming, this flea actually wanted to dominate one side, and after hegemony, he made a more crazy provocation against Daming, which was simply incomparable.

After Zhu Di launched the Battle of Jingnan to ascend to the throne, he also intended to maintain the conservatism of a big country and did not want to worry too much about Vietnam. However, Vietnam did something that made Zhu Di have to destroy him.

This country fights very hard, there is an animal soldier that no one can beat, but only one Chinese

This brings us to the Vietnamese minister, who was in the Chen Dynasty at that time, and the minister was a man named Hu Yiyuan. Hu Yiyuan's real name was Le Ji Yeon, and when he was in power, he exterminated the entire Vietnamese Chen royal family, and even destroyed this line, and supported a puppet, that is, his son Hu Hancang, who hid himself behind the scenes, thus controlling the entire country and achieving his ambitions.

According to the Complete History of The Great Yue:

Hu Yiyuan's ancestor was named Hu Xingyi, a native of Zhejiang, China, who came to Annam during the Five Seasons of the Later Han Dynasty and guarded Yanzhou. Since then, the home has become the owner of the local village. When it came to the Li Dynasty, he married the princess of the moon and gave birth to the princess of the moon. Hu Xingyi's twelfth-generation grandson Hu Lian moved to Daguan Township in Qinghua and became the son of Xuanwei Li Xunyi, and has since changed his surname to Li.

This country fights very hard, there is an animal soldier that no one can beat, but only one Chinese

Hu Yiyuan was the fourth grandson of Hu Lian, the sixteenth grandson of Hu Xingyi. Hu Yiyuan's family was prominent, and two aunts, Empress Mingci and Empress Dowager Huanci, were both married to Chen Mingzong. Empress Mingci gave birth to Chen Yizong, and Empress Dowager Mingci gave birth to Chen Ruizong. Hu Yiyuan had a sister who later married Chen Ruizong and became empress, giving birth to Emperor Chen.

At this time, the Ming Dynasty was still in power of Zhu Yuanzhang, and the Intelligence Network of the Ming Dynasty naturally inquired about this matter, and Zhu Yuanzhang also learned of this time, but was busy annihilating the remnants of the Yuan Army and did not pay much attention. It was precisely because of Zhu Yuanzhang's disregard that he gave Hu Yiyuan enough confidence to think that Daming was afraid of him, otherwise how could he not even pay attention to his own plot to usurp the throne.

This country fights very hard, there is an animal soldier that no one can beat, but only one Chinese

After Zhu Yuanzhang's death, Hu Yiyuan's ambitions could not be controlled and he directly established himself as emperor. Daming also had a coup d'état, at which point Zhu Di took the throne. After he heard about this matter, he couldn't help but be furious, and a beam-jumping clown dared to establish himself as emperor, which clearly did not put himself in his eyes, and planned to destroy Vietnam in one fell swoop.

When Hu Yiyuan heard such news, he was very frightened, and he had also heard quite a bit about Zhu Di's methods, afraid that he would be more truthful with himself. So, at the first time, an emissary was sent to ask for forgiveness. After the emissary arrived, he knelt on the ground and cried while telling Zhu Di that the Chen royal family was sick and the whole clan was destroyed, and Hu Yiyuan only stood up and picked up the girder, saying that the emperor was only trying to appease the people and did not intend to fight with Daming.

This country fights very hard, there is an animal soldier that no one can beat, but only one Chinese

Zhu Di also sent an emissary to investigate whether it was true, and this emissary was bribed by Hu Yiyuan to tell Zhu Di false news, and Zhu Di gave up.

At this time, Lü Bohao, an old minister of the Chen Dynasty, jumped out and pointed out that Hu Yiyuan had murdered the Chen clan and seized the throne. When Zhu Di learned that Hu Yiyuan was deceiving himself, he was angry and could not help himself, at this time Hu Yiyuan hurriedly admitted his mistake again and promised to return the throne to the Chen clan, and at this time, the Chen clan also had the last single seedling.

Zhu Di did not want to hurt the people and money, so he agreed again. He was also a little more defensive, so he sent five thousand Daming elite soldiers to escort Chen Tianping, the only seedling of the Chen clan, away.

This country fights very hard, there is an animal soldier that no one can beat, but only one Chinese

However, what he never expected was that Hu Yiyuan actually had the audacity to do so, in front of the Five Thousand Ming Army, Ling Delayed Chen's single seedling, and it was precisely such a move that completely broke Zhu Di's lower limit.

Three days later, the Ming army had been fully assembled, and Zhu Di personally went to send it off to Longjiang, and when the army crossed the river, the momentum was huge, which could be called the most powerful crusade since the founding of the Ming Dynasty. Hu Yiyuan's father and son were defeated and could not form an army, throwing away their armor all the way, and at the end of the day, they claimed to have gathered tens of thousands of troops and fought a decisive battle with the Ming army.

And these tens of thousands of troops are war elephants, vietnam's unique war machine, which can break through a thousand. However, the Ming army did not have the imaginary defeat, but took out a firearm, and the burned elephant lost itself, trampling the Vietnamese soldiers to pieces.

This country fights very hard, there is an animal soldier that no one can beat, but only one Chinese

In 1407 (the fourth year of Hu Kaida and the fifth year of Ming Yongle), Zhu Di, after destroying Hu Yiyuan, incorporated Vietnam into the territory of his country, far from being comparable to previous vassal states. At this point, in Vietnam, Zhu Di's name has also become a taboo, hearing everyone endanger themselves, and babies stop crying.

Later, Hu Yiyuan's father and son were captured and escorted to Jinling (金陵, in modern Nanjing, Jiangsu), the capital of the Ming Dynasty, along with many of Hu Dynasty's military generals. It is mentioned in the Lone Tree That Hu Jiyun was buried in Jinling after his death, and later his descendants moved his tomb to Zhongshan (present-day Purple Mountain, Nanjing).

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