
The crown prince was seriously ill, and the young man said: Let me take care of it, I am not afraid of being infected, and as a result, I gave birth to an emperor for thousands of years

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

Since the ancient emperors have many legends, whether it is the pat of the horse in the history of zhengshi or the interesting talk of wild history, the birth of an emperor is always accompanied by auspiciousness and visions. As one of the founders of the "Prosperous Era of Kangqian", Qianlong's legend about it is even more wonderful, the most popular of which is the mystery of his mysterious identity, and the most puzzling thing is who his biological mother really is. This argument has been debated endlessly by historians. It is said that he was the emperor, and there should be many records about him, but somehow in this matter, the history books deliberately left blank, leaving it to posterity to guess.

Qianlong as the king of a country, the mystery of his identity has attracted the attention of many people, but also some people have come to a big reveal in a historical novel, the content of which is that his mother is Han, has no intention of bearing the grace to give birth to him, but neither identity nor status allows this birth mother to appear, so Qianlong was taken back to the palace and raised by a concubine with a name and a surname. This story has been said by historians to be nonsense, which is simply to smear the Qianlong Emperor.

The crown prince was seriously ill, and the young man said: Let me take care of it, I am not afraid of being infected, and as a result, I gave birth to an emperor for thousands of years

So, who gave birth to Qianlong? In fact, there are still records, and this is in the "Jade Butterfly" that specifically records the affairs of the emperor's harem. According to records, this person is the NiuHulu clan, her uncle and grandfather is one of the founding fathers of the Qing Dynasty, so it is also one of the ten major families of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but because her grandfather does not have any title, only a relative of the founding father, the natural identity is a bit embarrassing.

Although her identity is not rich and noble, at least it is also on the edge, which is the way she can enter the palace. But having a doorway does not mean that it is a shortcut to wealth, perhaps it is really the heavens have sent great responsibilities to her, and they will work her body and mind. "Although the Cardamom-aged Niuhulu Clan came to the Baylor Mansion, but waiting for her was nothing more than a noble status, doing the most despicable work, such a person and Belle Grandpa are simply one in the sky and one on the ground, doomed to have no intersection.

The crown prince was seriously ill, and the young man said: Let me take care of it, I am not afraid of being infected, and as a result, I gave birth to an emperor for thousands of years

With the name of "Gege" and the tired work of doing rude and handsome, after five or six years, she may not have any more expectations for how to get out and be looked at by Baylor! But when she was 19 years old, she ushered in an opportunity. Of course, it was not a good opportunity, because it was because Grandpa Belle was sick, and it was a contagious disease, and it was easy to die in such a situation when the medical conditions were so poor at that time.

When this illness came, the concubines who said that they would not hesitate to go to the soup and go to the fire on weekdays all retreated from Grandpa Belle. As the most inferior servant, Niu Hulu was pushed to the front of Grandpa Belle, and she was also a very brave person, with the excellent physical qualities accumulated by her long-term work, under her single-minded care, two months later Grandpa Belle was well.

The crown prince was seriously ill, and the young man said: Let me take care of it, I am not afraid of being infected, and as a result, I gave birth to an emperor for thousands of years

It is these two months of getting along day and night, so that Niu Hulu is pregnant, the child born is the future Qianlong, many people may think that her life is really good, but do not know that all this is exchanged for life. Because after having a child, her identity was correspondingly much better, but she was still called "Gege", and later After Grandpa Belle became the Yongzheng Emperor, she was named "Concubine Xi". With Qianlong becoming the crown prince, her status at this time was already second only to that of the empress, although she had not been sealed, but her status was also unshakable.

Once this person has gone through good luck, he will continue to the end. After Qianlong ascended to the throne, the first thing he did was to make Qiu Lu the empress dowager, which shows that her relationship with Qianlong is self-evident.

Although Niu Hulu had done a lot of dirty work and tired work in her life because of her status, it was precisely because of this that she had a healthy body that she could accompany Yongzheng through the most difficult two months, thus turning her sparrow into a phoenix. And her good body has made her live to more than eighty years old, and her high life is good, which is the best ending of the great wealth and wealth that people envy.

And according to genetics, Qianlong also acquired this physical trait, and was the longest-lived emperor (89 years old) in the entire Qing Dynasty. All of the above does not show that Niu Hulu is the best candidate for Qianlong's birth mother?

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