
Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

author:Sister Ziyu loves food

Late autumn, is a good season to eat sweet potatoes, how to eat sweet potatoes after frost is sweet, haha I love this bite the most. But the child is a little bit not very fond of eating, today a new pattern, with a simple sweet potato puree, made of sweet potato crisp, did not expect to eat soon.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Took a photo and sent a circle of friends, friends laughed and said that you made sweet potatoes into a look that you can't afford to eat, I told her that it was actually very simple, just an oven, a little pure milk, a cooked sweet potato plus a little white sesame seeds, she still didn't believe it. Then follow my steps.

【Preparation materials: 250 grams of sweet potatoes, 250 grams of pure milk, 25 grams of white sesame seeds】

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > production began</h1>

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

The sand sweet potatoes sold at the door, 10 yuan a bag, about five or six pounds, washed several at once.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Today is a bit lazy, simply boiled with corn, haha boiled sweet potatoes will not also have the sweetness of corn.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Its practical use is not too much, steamed and went out to run errands, so when I came back, I had already cooled down, peeled a roughly large one, about 250 grams, and prepared the pure milk of Deyun and the last little peeled white sesame seeds.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Pure milk and sweet potatoes together in my mini wall breaker, if the amount is large, it is recommended to use a large wall breaker, my sweet potato is actually quite soft, but still 1:1 ratio put milk, made to the consistency is just right, friends use sweet potatoes are not the same, so it is recommended to add milk weight is not the same Oh.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Such a viscosity is sufficient.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Add the white sesame seeds and mix well.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Place in a framed bag.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Squeeze on a non-stick baking sheet, if you are using a normal baking sheet, it is recommended to spread baking oil paper.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Squeeze it all on a baking sheet, the size of a dollar coin, squeeze it and shake the plate. This is flattened, and there are not too many peeled white sesame seeds before, so I sprinkled a little white sesame seeds on it. Good looking sweet potato crisp ready? Isn't it beautiful?

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Put in the preheated air stove 160 degrees, timing 35 minutes, if it is a household oven, it is recommended to 180 degrees, 20 minutes to see the state, as long as the color you think it can be Oh.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

I used a wind stove, baked at 160 degrees for 35 minutes, came out of such a color, I myself prefer to like a slightly accented color, let it cool, just out of the oven do not move, will break.

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

After cooling, is it beautiful to put on the plate?

Simple sweet potato puree, make a delicious sweet potato crisp, friends praise this way to eat too fresh to start making tips: you can have a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low gluten powder, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better.

Take a bite, crispy and fragrant, very tasty, the key is this low card low fat Oh, like friends can do to try ha.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > tip: you can add a little more milk, and then add a little 20 grams of low-gluten flour, so that the baked sweet potato sesame crisp support should be better. </h1>

I am Ziyu, like food like to share, if you like my article, please like, favorite, forward Oh, I will share the food practice every day, thank you for the fate, thank you for meeting, welcome to pay attention.