
Chinese medicine words children丨 baby pneumonia after discharge, what do you need to pay attention to at home?

Chinese medicine words children丨 baby pneumonia after discharge, what do you need to pay attention to at home?

Pneumonia, which Is called "pneumonia wheezing" in Traditional Chinese medicine, has the characteristics of "heat, cough, phlegm, and wheezing". The disease can occur all year round, and the incidence is high or even epidemic in winter and spring every year. This year coincides with the outbreak of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia and lobar pneumonia is more common, and after children are admitted to the hospital due to pneumonia, the hospital stay time is as little as 7 days and more than a month, which greatly consumes the energy of parents. Moreover, there are not a few children with pneumonia who are readmitted to the hospital in the short term after discharge. This is really painful for parents. So after the pneumonia is discharged from the hospital, what should home care pay attention to?

Chinese medicine words children丨 baby pneumonia after discharge, what do you need to pay attention to at home?

First, diet

In the "Neijing" of the four classics of Chinese medicine, it is concluded: "The fever has been cured, and there are those who have been left behind. Qi Bo Yue: The remnants, the heat and even the strong food, so there are some leftovers.

Chinese medicine words children丨 baby pneumonia after discharge, what do you need to pay attention to at home?

"Strong food" is an excessive replenishment of energy. It is recommended to give nutritious, easily digestible foods according to the age characteristics of the child. Breastfeeding children are mainly milk, you can drink some water appropriately; if you feed milk, you can add water to dilute a little, feed less each time, and appropriately increase the number of feedings. If choking occurs, remove the milk in the nostrils in time.

Elderly children can eat nutritious, easily digestible, light food, eat a moderate amount of fruits and vegetables, and drink more water. However, it is necessary to avoid excessive high-protein diets, polysaccharides, and spicy foods that are greasy and raw and cold. When there are symptoms such as fever, avoid taking antipyretic drugs indiscriminately, abusing antipyretic drugs, etc.

2. Nursing

Factors such as rain, cold, and exertion can easily cause infection, so these factors should be avoided as much as possible. It is worth mentioning that "second-hand smoke" is an important factor for some children with pneumonia and cough for a long time after being discharged from the hospital. Therefore, parents who smoke at home need to pay attention.

Chinese medicine words children丨 baby pneumonia after discharge, what do you need to pay attention to at home?

Some children will experience a brief temporary repyretic episode after discharge. Parents can use physical cooling and other ways to help their children cool down, and pay close attention to changes in body temperature. At the same time as cooling, let the child drink more water, if the physical cooling effect is not obvious, you can use the drug cooling method. If the fever exceeds 24 hours, you need to go to the hospital.

Chinese medicine words children丨 baby pneumonia after discharge, what do you need to pay attention to at home?

Many children may still have coughs and sputum when they are discharged from the hospital, and parents can pat the child's back during home care to promote sputum removal. If the sputum is more viscous and not easy to cough up, it can be used externally to dissolve sputum, or oral Chinese medicine decoction.

Chinese medicine words children丨 baby pneumonia after discharge, what do you need to pay attention to at home?

Third, exercise

Parents can take their children to outdoor activities to exercise, let children bask in the sun, and improve their ability to adapt to temperature changes. Children of different ages are suitable for different exercise methods, parents should appropriately arrange children to carry out physical exercise according to their own situation, but to ensure that the activity site should have fresh air and the intensity of activity should be appropriate. Avoid cross-infection less in public places. Keep the indoor air clean and fresh when you are at home, and don't be too dry in the room, so that the child is in a clean living environment.

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