
The popular science works of the nursing team of Yueyang Central Hospital won the second prize of the first surgical health science popularization competition

The popular science works of the nursing team of Yueyang Central Hospital won the second prize of the first surgical health science popularization competition

Group photo at the award ceremony.

Red Network Moment January 5 news (correspondent Pan Lingli Deng Qian) Recently, in the first surgical health science popularization competition held by the Surgical Professional Committee of Hunan Nursing Association, the "Journey to the West to Descending Stones - Fine Care of T Tubes, Enjoy a New Life" selected by Yueyang Central Hospital won the second prize of the stage crew.

The event was hosted by the Hunan Nursing Society, and a total of 27 programs from major hospitals in the province participated in the competition, which were divided into PPT groups and stage crews. Yueyang Central Hospital Nursing Department selected and sent the "Journey to the West to Descend stones" to integrate the health science knowledge of bile duct stones into the classic story of the journey to the west, the stage performance is lively and flexible, the form of mission is novel and interesting, the popular science content is easy to understand, leaving a deep impression on the judges and the audience, and finally stood out among all the participating teams and won the second prize. The entire race was broadcast live on the web, with more than 1 million viewers.

The object of health science popularization is ordinary people, and the most important and difficult thing is that the subject of science popularization can understand, understand, and learn. The relevant person in charge of the Nursing Department of Yueyang Central Hospital said that the department will take this competition as an opportunity to disseminate health knowledge and advocate a healthy lifestyle as the goal, strengthen the construction of surgical science talents, enhance the ability of nurses to popularize science, do good, tasteful and interesting health science, and contribute its wisdom and strength to Healthy China.

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