
Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

author:Pony food diagram

Out of several issues of chicken recipe articles, are full of dry goods, the response feels good, this issue combined with the previous article included about 50 chicken-based dishes, want to know friends to see, there is no your hometown cuisine, there is no chicken you like, each one is delicious, worth our inheritance and development. It's worth letting more food lovers learn from gourmet cooks, so let's take a look at these exquisite dishes

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Zigong small fried chicken

Ingredients: Baby rooster thigh, lettuce, celery, pickled chili pepper, ginger slices, garlic slices, green onion, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, sugar, monosodium glutamate, water bean powder, fresh soup, lard.

1. Cut the pickled chili pepper and green onion into a "horse ear" shape, and the celery yellow into 3.3 cm knots. The chicken thigh meat is deboned and loosened with a knife, poked with the heel of the knife (not pierced), cut into a small note about 5 cm long and 1 cm wide, put it into a bowl, add salt, cooking wine, and water bean powder and mix well. Cut the lettuce into chopstick strips 4 cm long and 0.7 cm thick and kill them with a little salt.

2. Mix soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, water bean powder and fresh soup into a sauce.

3. Put the wok on the high heat, put the lard to 60% of the oil temperature, add chicken and fry the seeds, add the pickled pepper, ginger slices, garlic slices and fry a few times, then put the lettuce strips, celery yellow, green onion and stir-fry evenly, cook into the juice, after the juice is brightened, the pot is plated.

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Vinegar slippery chicken

Ingredients: Baby rooster thigh, cooked winter shoots, pickled chili pepper, ginger, garlic, shallots, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, monosodium glutamate, water bean powder, fresh soup, egg white bean powder, salt, lard, cooking wine.

1. Remove the bones of the baby rooster leg and cut it into diagonal squares with a diagonal width of two centimeters. The winter shoots are cut into a "comb back" shape. Cut the ginger and garlic into small pieces, soak the peppers and remove the seeds with a knife.

2. Mix the chicken nuggets with salt and egg white bean flour. Salt, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, water bean powder, fresh soup into a sauce and set aside.

3. When the pot is on high heat, put in the lard and burn it to 40% of the oil temperature, put in the mixed chicken nuggets and winter shoots, quickly disperse the seeds and decant the oil, leave the remaining oil in the pot, stir-fry the chili peppers until the oil is red, then add ginger, garlic and green onion to fry the aroma, spray in the juice, and after the juice is collected, start the pot and plate it.

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Gourd chicken

Ingredients: chicken, sliced ginger, soy sauce, shallot knots, spices (fennel, cinnamon), salt, rice wine, rapeseed oil, salt.

1. Kill the chicken, remove the hair, remove the internal organs, head, feet, claws, wash the blood and water, and tie the chicken into a "gourd" shape with a clean rope.

2. Bring the water to a boil, put in the chicken and cook for 20-30 minutes, remove it from the steamer, pour in the broth (submerge the chicken body), add salt, soy sauce, rice wine, spices (first pack in a cloth bag, tie the mouth tightly) and green onion knots, ginger slices, basket and steam over high heat.

3. Then heat the rapeseed oil to 80%, put in the whole chicken and fry, when frying, gently turn it with a hand spoon, until the chicken is golden brown, remove the oil, plate, and add 1 fluttershy with pretzel.

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Stir-fried chicken with pickled peppers

Ingredients: Baby chicken thigh, seven-star pickled pepper, pickled ginger, small green pepper, green onion, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, sugar, cooking wine, pine meat powder, jishi powder, egg white, dry starch, vegetable oil, ginger and shallots.

1. Wash the chicken thighs, cut them into 2 cm pieces, then put them in a basin, add salt, cooking wine, pine meat powder, cheese powder, egg white, dry starch, vegetable oil, ginger and shallot water, beat well, refrigerate and let stand for 2 hours before taking out.

2. Seven-star pickled chili peppers, half chopped into small pieces; pickled ginger cut into nail slices; small green peppers removed, cleaned, cut into horse ears; green onions washed, take their green onions white, cut into horse ear shape.

3. Put the pot on medium heat, burn the oil to 40% heat, add the chicken pieces, slip until cooked, remove the drainage oil; leave a little oil in the pot, burn until it is 40% hot, add seven stars of pickled peppers and minced, pickled ginger, small green peppers, green onions, stir-fried and colored, pour in chicken pieces, cooking wine, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, stir-fry evenly.

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Farmhouse pepper chicken

Ingredients: baby chicken thighs, small green peppers, green beans, pine meat powder, salt, cooking wine, starch, pepper, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, watercress, ginger, green onion, garlic, pickled chili pepper, hot pot oil, large ingredients, cinnamon, shanna, grass fruit, sesame oil, vegetable oil, fresh soup.

1. Remove the chicken thighs from the hair residue, wash them, chop them into pieces with a knife, then put them in a bowl, add salt, cooking wine, pine meat powder, starch, marinate, let stand for 15 minutes; small green peppers are removed from the seeds and washed, cut into horse ears shape; green beans are cooked and fished out and thrown cold; watercress is finely chopped; ginger and garlic are peeled and washed, cut into nail slices, soaked peppers to remove seeds, cut into pepper segments.

2. Put the pot on high heat, heat the vegetable oil to 60%, add the chicken thigh meat to slip and scatter, decant the remaining oil, add the watercress, sauté to color, add ginger slices, green onions, garlic slices, pickled pepper segments, large ingredients, cinnamon, sannai, grass fruits, stir-fry the aroma, add small green peppers, add fresh soup, add salt, cooking wine, pepper, bring to boil until boiling, skim off the foam, and cook until the meat is cooked.

3. Pour in the green beans and evenly, use starch to collect the juice, until thick, cook the hot pot oil, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, stir-fry evenly.

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Bashu Nine Flavor Chicken

Ingredients: chicken, white brine soup, ginger, green onion, salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, green peppercorns, red oil, special sesame oil, sugar, cooked sesame seeds, salt fried peanuts, vinegar, cooked vegetable oil.

1. Remove the hair, remove the internal organs, clean the chicken, wash the ginger and green onion, and beat it with a knife; remove the seeds of the green peppercorns, chop them into small pieces, put them into about 30% of the oil-warmed cooked vegetable oil to make pepper oil; sauté peanuts and rice in salt, peel them, crush them with a knife and chop them into powder.

2. Put the pot on medium heat, cook the white brine soup until boiling, add the chicken, add salt, cooking wine, ginger, green onion, boil to remove the foam, move to a low heat, slowly marinate until the meat is cooked, remove the cold, cut into cubes of about 2 cm squares, and put it on the plate.

3. Take a seasoning jar, mix salt, white brine soup, monosodium glutamate, sugar, vinegar, red oil, special sesame oil, pepper oil, and peanut minced into a sauce, drizzle on chicken nuggets, sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds and serve.

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Glutinous rice chicken

Ingredients: chicken, glutinous rice, red dates, minced ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, dry starch.

1. Slaughter the chickens, cook them in a pot until semi-cooked, remove them and chop them into strips, add salt, monosodium glutamate and ginger to a bowl; rinse the glutinous rice, cook them in a pot and half cook them; wash the dates.

2. Place the glutinous rice and red dates on the chicken strips in a bowl, steam them in a cage until the chickens are cooked and take them out of the flip plate, and drizzle on the chicken strips with the original chicken broth.

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Bean blossom chicken

Ingredients: Cooked chicken, boxed tofu, coriander leaves, chili oil, salt, MONOS GLUG.

1. Chop the cooked chicken into large pieces and plate for later.

2. Mix chili oil and MSG into a sauce.

3. Heat the boxed tofu in a large bowl, add the chicken pieces, drizzle with the prepared sauce, and garnish with coriander leaves.

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Chili chicken with tangerine peel

Ingredients: chicken for children, cooked white sesame seeds, ginger slices, garlic slices, fragrant leaves, dried chili pepper segments, tangerine peel sauce, cooking wine, salt.

1. Wash the chicken after slaughter, chop into pieces, add ginger slices, garlic slices, cooking wine, salt and marinate for 2 hours, pick off the ginger slices and garlic slices and set aside.

2. Heat the oil pot, add the marinated chicken nuggets and sauté over high heat, sauté until the chicken nuggets evaporate and dry, then add the tangerine peel sauce and dried chili peppers and sauté until the chili peppers are crispy.

3. Stir-fry the cooked white sesame seeds in the pot and stir-fry well, and finally garnish with fragrant leaves.

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Chicken with sharp peppers

Ingredients: Chicken, garlic flakes, millet pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar.

1. Remove the chicken and wash it, cut the knife into 2 cm squares, marinate it with salt, wash the pepper, cut the hob pieces and set aside.

2. Add oil to the pan, fry the chicken nuggets thoroughly, leave a little bottom oil in the pan, sauté the small pepper pieces, garlic slices until fragrant, then pour in the chicken nuggets, add salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar to taste, and put on the plate.

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Dry steamed chicken

Ingredients: Hen, cinnamon, green onion, ginger, vinegar, fennel, salt, peppercorns.

1. Chop off the head, claws and wing tips of the hen, open the chamber from the back, remove the internal organs and wash it, rub the skin of the chicken with salt, sprinkle salt and vinegar in the chamber and marinate well.

2. Wrap the fennel, peppercorns and cinnamon in a cloth, put them in the chicken chamber together with the green onion and ginger pieces, steam them on high heat in the basket drawer, and remove the fennel, ginger pieces and other ingredients.

3. Let the chicken cool and remove the bones, then cut into strips and place the yard on the plate.

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Steamed ham chicken

Ingredients: tender hen, cooked ham, rice wine, green onion, ginger, MONOS glutama, salt, chicken broth, coriander, pepper.

1. Cut the hen to clean the internal organs, tidy up, and remove it from the pot of water.

2. Wash the blood foam, put it in the basin, add ginger, green onion, rice wine, cooked ham, chicken soup on the basket drawer steamed and take out the ginger and shallots, add salt, MSG to taste, add a little pepper, coriander leaves and serve.

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Jar chicken

Ingredients: light tender chicken, net cooked cloud legs, fresh mushrooms, dried scallops, rice wine, soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, vegetable oil.

1. Wash the light and tender chickens, cut off the head, claws, and tear off the bones. Chop into large pieces, wipe with a little soy sauce, pour in 80% or 90% hot vegetable oil pan and fry to color and fish out. Cut the net cooked cloud legs into 12 small domino pieces, peel off the old meat and put them on the plate, add ginger, green onion, rice wine, water basket steamed and take out, remove the green onion and ginger, and set aside.

2. Heat the pot with vegetable oil, add ginger and green onion and sauté, add chicken nuggets and stir-fry well, cook rice wine, soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate and water to boil, put the chicken nuggets into the jar with soup, and then put the cloud leg pieces, fresh mushrooms, and dried scallops on top of the chicken nuggets, cover and simmer for an hour, and the original cup is ready.

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Whole chicken with fragrant sauce


1: Clean the chicken, cut it from the back, cut it 3 times horizontally, put the chicken belly into the stew bowl upwards, spread the ham slices, shiitake mushrooms, add spices and chicken soup.

2: Put a small cup filled with sorghum wine and cloves in the bowl, cover and seal it tightly, steam for 2 hours and then take out the small cup in the bowl.

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Back to the pot chicken

Ingredients: Baby rooster, garlic sprouts, squeezed vegetables, small green peppers, watercress, dried chili pepper segments, red soy sauce, cooking wine, sweet noodle sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, lard, vegetable oil.

1. Wash the rooster, cut into small pieces, wash the garlic seedlings, cut into sections, remove the seeds from the small green peppers, wash them, cut them diagonally into segments, and chop the watercress finely.

2. Place the pot on medium heat, add small green peppers, sauté with salt and stir-fry.

3. Heat lard and vegetable oil in the pot to 60%, add chicken nuggets and cooking wine to dry the water, add watercress, sweet noodle sauce, red soy sauce, sugar, dried chili pepper segments, salt and stir-fry well, then add small green pepper segments, squeezed vegetables, garlic seedlings and stir-fry to make the aroma, cook in MSG, chicken essence, push and evenly, and put it on the plate.

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Wine soaked fat chicken

Ingredients: Fat and tender light chicken (baby hen), fatty pork slices, ginger, green onion, light soup, flower carving wine, oyster sauce, honey, monosodium glutamate, salt, lard or peanut oil.

1. Blanch the fat and tender chicken in boiling water for about 2 minutes, scoop up and roll slightly, scoop up and dry, spread the honey on top and let dry. Add MSG, salt, oyster sauce and the remaining honey to the egg broth and set aside.

2. Heat the oil pan over high heat, add the fatty pork slices, fry the oil, put the above processed chicken in, fry until both sides are golden brown, that is, add ginger and green onion and mix well, pour in the flower carving wine, fry for a while and put in the sauce, add the lid of the pot and cook on high heat for 10 minutes, and cook the pot back to the heat for 10 minutes.

3. Remove the chicken and cut into pieces, arrange it in the shape of a chicken in a dish, and drizzle with the original hot sauce.

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Lollipop chicken

Ingredients: Chicken thighs, ground peanuts, cooked sesame seeds, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, peanut butter, chili oil, sesame oil.

1. Cook the eggs, cool them thoroughly, remove the bones, gently break them with a wooden stick, tear them into strips and plate them. Mix the various condiments well, pour over the shredded chicken, sprinkle with ground peanuts and cooked sesame seeds.

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Confused chicken

Ingredients: three yellow chicken, pickled chili pepper, pepper noodles, green onion, ginger pieces, minced garlic, cooking wine, sugar, vinegar, salt, chicken essence, chili oil, sesame seeds, chives, cold chicken soup.

1. Soak the three yellow chickens in water and wash the blood. Ginger pat loose and set aside.

2. Add water to the pot, add ginger, green onion, salt, cooking wine, boil over high heat, add chicken, reduce heat to cook, fish out, put in cold chicken broth for 30 minutes and then take out, cut into strips, plate and set aside. Pick the chili peppers and finely chop them, add sugar, vinegar, chicken essence, garlic grains, pepper noodles, chili oil to form a sauce, evenly drizzle on the cut chicken strips, and finally sprinkle sesame seeds and chives.

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Weird chicken

Ingredients: chicken, salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, vinegar, cooking wine, pepper oil, chili oil, chili pepper, peanut butter, green onion, ginger pieces, peppercorns, ginger and shallots.

1. Put the chicken into the pot, add the shallots, ginger pieces, peppercorns, salt, cooking wine and cook, then fish out, change the knife to the plate, sprinkle the green onion and ginger shreds.

2. Salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, vinegar, pepper oil, chili oil, minced chili pepper and peanut butter are mixed together in a bowl and poured over the chicken.

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Chicken with garlic

Ingredients: Chicken, salt, minced garlic, monosodium glutamate water, sesame oil, spring onion.

1. Wash the chicken, cook it in a pot and chop a note.

2. Mix the minced garlic, MSG water, sesame oil and salt, drizzle over the chicken and sprinkle with green onions.

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Spit chicken

Ingredients: Baby rooster, black sesame seeds, crispy peanut kernels, peanut butter, chili oil, pepper noodles, salt, monosodium glutamate, cold chicken broth, spring onion, sesame oil.

1. Wash the shallots, cut into green onions, stir-fry black sesame seeds, and smash the crispy peanuts with the back of a knife into minced pieces. The baby rooster is slaughtered and cleaned, boiled in a pot of boiling water soup until it is just cooked, then cooled and chopped into strips, and plated for use. Stir the peanut butter in sesame oil, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chili oil, cold chicken broth, pepper oil, black sesame seeds, and crispy peanut kernels, mix well, mix into a spicy sauce, drizzle over the chicken, sprinkle with green onions and serve.

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Stew whole chicken

Ingredients: Hen, cooking wine, salt, pepper, ginger shallots, water.

1. After the chicken has been initially processed, cut off the feet and mouth shell, put it in the fresh soup and blanch it, fish it out and wash it. Put the chicken in a casserole dish, add water to the boil over high heat, skim off the foam, put the cooking wine, ginger, green onion, turn the heat to simmer until the chicken is cooked through, the soup is fresh, pick the ginger and onion, add pepper, salt and simmer for another ten minutes, put the chicken into the container, pour the original soup and serve.

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Octopus steamed chicken

Ingredients: light chicken, dried octopus, cooking wine, ginger slices, fresh milk, soup, ham juice, monosodium glutamate, salt.

1. Kill the dried octopus and cut into small pieces.

2. Wash the light chicken, put the chicken belly up into the cup, put the octopus on the chicken, add the soup, ham juice, monosodium glutamate, salt, cooking wine, ginger slices, steamed in water, remove the ginger slices, add fresh milk, and steam for another 15 minutes.

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Sesame oil to tear chicken

Ingredients: tender hen, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, sugar, peppercorns, starch, spicy soy sauce, sesame oil, lard.

1. Cut the tender chicken from the back with a knife, take out the internal organs and wash it, then cut off the head and feet, remove the bones, put it in the basin and add cooking wine, green onion, ginger, sugar, soy sauce, salt and peppercorns, mix well, and marinate for about 30 minutes.

2. Heat the wok on the fire, pour in the lard and heat it to 80%, spread the starch on the inside and outside of the chicken, fry it in the pan, fry it on high heat first, and then use medium heat until it is golden brown.

3. Take another pot, put the sesame oil, sugar and spicy soy sauce into the pot and stir-fry slightly, then add the fried chicken, turn it over and take it out, tear it into small pieces by hand and plate it.

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Sichuan chili chicken

Ingredients: Egg, onion slices, small green pepper segments, small red pepper segments, green onion, ginger, garlic flakes, cooking wine, salt, sugar, soy sauce, Sichuan chili sauce, peppercorns.

1. Wash the chicken thighs, drain, remove the bones and leave the meat, cut into pieces, macerate with cooking wine and salt for 20 minutes, then fry in a hot oil pan until 70% hot, then set aside.

2. Heat the oil in the pan and sauté the pesto slices, minced ginger, green onion, peppercorns, small green pepper segments, small red pepper segments and onion slices to create a spicy flavor.

3. Stir-fry the chicken thighs, then mix the sugar, soy sauce and Sichuan chili sauce into the pot, fry until the chicken pieces are colored and cooked thoroughly.

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Chicken in shallot oil

Ingredients: tender chicken, green onion white silk, ginger, salt, water starch, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, sesame oil, white brine, peppercorns.

1. Wash the chicken, blanch it in a pot of boiling water, remove the blood and water, remove it and wash it.

2. Bring white brine to a boil in the pot, soak the chicken into the pan until it is cooked, drain it, smear it with sesame oil all over the chicken body, chop it into strips after cooling through, and plate it neatly according to its original shape.

3. Add a small amount of raw soup to the pot, add cooking wine, salt, sugar and MONOS glutamate to a boil, add water starch and pour evenly into the dish.

4. Heat the oil over medium heat, sauté the white shredded green onion and minced ginger until fragrant, and pour over the chicken.

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Chuandong flavor chicken

Ingredients: chicken breast, green pepper, red pepper, pickled pepper, minced garlic, salt.

1. Wash the chicken breast, cut into strips, wash the green and red peppers and cut into sections.

2. Heat the pan, add oil and heat it, sauté the minced garlic until fragrant, and sauté the chicken breast strips until they change color.

3. Add salt, green pepper, red pepper, pickled pepper and continue to fry.

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Hot pot chicken

Ingredients: three yellow chicken, coriander leaves, dried chili pepper segments, salt, fin rice pepper, watercress, peppercorns, fresh soup, five spices.

1. After cleaning up the three yellow chickens, blanch them in a pot of boiling water, drain and set aside.

2. Heat the oil pot, sauté the fragrant rice dumplings, watercress, dried pepper segments, peppercorns, add fresh soup to boil, add five spices, boil to make a spicy brine, and finally the three yellow chickens are cooked in the pot, sprinkle with coriander leaves.

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Green pepper sautéed chicken

Ingredients: chicken, green pepper, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate.

1. Wash the chicken and chop it into 1 cm cubes, wash the green peppers and cut into horse ear-shaped segments, and wash and slice the ginger.

2. Heat the oil in the pot, fry the chicken nuggets until the surface is golden, leave a little bottom oil in the pan, put down the green pepper segments, ginger slices, simmer the aroma on low heat, then add the chicken cubes and simmer, add salt and MSG and stir-fry well, put on the plate.

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Skewered chicken with fries

Ingredients: Chicken belly, potatoes, white sesame seeds, salt, paprika, peppercorns, monosodium glutamate.

1. Wash and slice the chicken belly, put on skewers, wash the potatoes and cut into strips.

2. Heat the frying pan, fry the potato chips until golden brown, remove and place on the plate.

3. Leave oil in the pan, sauté the paprika, peppercorns, salt and MSG and scoop into the dish of potato chips.

4. Heat the oil in the pan, fry the chicken strips, put them on the potatoes, sprinkle with white sesame seeds.

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Hometown salted chicken

Ingredients: white chicken, salt, chicken essence, soy sauce, sesame oil.

1. Wash the white chicken, drain, smooth the surface of the chicken with salt, wrap in a layer of plastic wrap, and refrigerate for one hour.

2. Bring water to a boil in a pot, add chicken brine and cook for about 15 minutes, drain, let cool, cut into chunks and plate.

3. Add salt, chicken essence, soy sauce and sesame oil to the plate and mix well.

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Chicken with braised peppercorns

Ingredients: white strips of tender chicken, lotus leaves, salt, peppercorns, sesame oil.

1. Wash the white strips of tender chicken and lotus leaves separately and drain.

2. Put salt and peppercorns in the pot, stir-fry slightly, put it cold, evenly rub it on the surface of the chicken body and the chicken belly, the lotus leaves are stuffed into the chicken belly, marinate for 10 hours and then take out the lotus leaves, wash the chicken, put water and chicken in the pot, boil on high heat and skim off the foam, change to low heat and cook until the chicken is tender, let it cool from the fire; fish out the tender chicken, smear with sesame oil, cut into pieces and plate.

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Luohan bamboo shoot red soup chicken

Ingredients: Luohan shoots, chicken, salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger pieces, cooking wine, chili oil, chicken broth, pepper, green onion, cooked sesame seeds.

1. Wash and blanch the bamboo shoots, drain and pott the chicken. Bring some water to a boil in a pot, add chicken, green onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, cook until the meat is cooked, remove and cool, cut into strips, put into the Luohan bamboo shoot pot and mix well; add chicken broth, chili oil, monosodium glutamate, pepper to the pot, mix well, sprinkle with green onions and cooked sesame seeds.

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Marinate the tender chicken

Ingredients: Cooked white chicken, five spice packets (peppercorns, cinnamon, large ingredients, grass fruits, tangerine peel, licorice, cloves), salt, sugar, soy sauce.

1. Wash the tender chicken, stuff the chicken thighs into the belly of the chicken, pour water into the pot, add the five spice packets, add sugar, salt and soy sauce, bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat and cook for 1 hour.

2. Put the tender white chicken in the pot, cook for 10 minutes, remove, pour out the brine in the chicken belly, put it in the pot, cook until the meat is cooked, and plate it.

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Chicken with fragrant marinated oil

Ingredients: white chicken, green onion, ginger pieces, peppercorns, large ingredients, cooking wine, salt. Shredded red pepper, coriander segments.

1. Wash the white chicken, blanch it in a pot of boiling water, remove and wash and drain.

2. Pour water into the pot, add shallots, ginger pieces, peppercorns, large ingredients, salt, cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, add white chicken, simmer over low heat until the chicken is cooked, drain and let cool and cut into pieces.

3. Take a large plate, add chicken nuggets, sprinkle with shredded red peppers, coriander segments, drizzle with boiled chicken juice and mix well.

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Cold stir spicy chicken

Ingredients: native chicken, chopped coriander, green cabbage leaves, salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, chili oil.

1. After slaughtering the chicken, wash it and put it in boiling water to remove the blood stains, then boil it in boiling water with salt, fish it out and chop it into small pieces and let it cool.

2. Mix the chicken cubes into a larger vessel, mix salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, sesame oil, pepper oil, chopped coriander, chili oil and mix well on a plate spread over the green leaves.

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Sichuan-flavored pepper chicken

Ingredients: Chicken, minced green onion leaves, minced ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, sesame oil, cold chicken broth, minced peppercorns.

1. Wash the chicken, bring it to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook, remove the chicken bones, cut into pieces and plate.

2. Mix the minced green onion leaves, minced ginger, minced peppercorns, salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, sesame oil and cold chicken broth to make a sauce and drizzle over the chicken nuggets.

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Strange smell of hand-torn chicken

Ingredients: Chicken belly, minced ginger, sliced ginger, green onion, garlic, red pepper oil, salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper powder, chicken broth.

1. Wash the chicken belly, blanch it in a pot of boiling water with ginger slices, skim off the foam, cook over medium heat until cooked through, and remove.

2. Place the garlic slices in a bowl, add minced ginger, green onion, red pepper oil, salt, sugar, vinegar, peppercorn powder and chicken broth and mix well to form a sauce.

3. Tear the chilled chicken belly into strips by hand and place on a plate.

4. Pour the sauce into a dish and mix well.

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Ginger hot chicken

Ingredients: Cooked chicken, ginger rice, green onion, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, water bean flour, fresh soup, mixed oil.

1. Cut the chicken into 3 cm square pieces.

2. When the frying pan is placed on medium heat and mixed with oil to 60% oil temperature, add chicken nuggets, ginger rice to fry out the aroma, add fresh soup, salt, soy sauce and cook until flavored, then add green onion, hook the second-rate mustard with water starch, add vinegar and stir-fry well, and then put it on the plate.

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Too white chicken

Ingredients: Baby rooster thigh, dried chili pepper, pickled red pepper, salt, peppercorns, ginger, monosodium glutamate, mash juice, sugar, cooking wine, sugar color, sesame oil, pepper, lard, fresh soup.

1. Cut the legs into cubes of about 4 cm, soak the red peppers, dried peppers and remove the seeds.

2. Place the pot on high heat, put the lard and heat it to 60%, put the chicken nuggets in oil, then remove and set aside.

3. When the oil in the pot is boiled to 40% oil temperature, put the dried chili peppers and fry them, then sauté the red peppers until the oil is reddish, put the ginger and shallots and stir-fry until fragrant, add fresh soup, chicken nuggets, salt, cooking wine, sugar, sugar, boil to remove the foam, move to the low heat, wrap the peppers in gauze, put them in the pot and cook them together until the juice is thick, when the meat is cooked through, pick out the ginger onions, pick up the ginger and pepper, dried peppers, peppercorns, peppercorns, put pepper powder, MONOSG, collect the juice over medium heat, drizzle the oil, drizzle the sesame oil, and plate it into a dish.

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Crispy chicken

Ingredients: Chicken, cooking wine, salt, peppercorns, ginger and shallots, soy sauce, dried fine bean flour, salad oil.

1. Wash the chicken, smear it with cooking wine, rub it with salt, sprinkle with peppercorns, stuff the chicken belly with green onions and ginger shreds for a while, and steam it in the basket.

2. Remove the green onion and ginger shreds and peppercorns, smear them with soy sauce, hang up the dried fine bean flour and fry them until golden brown, cut into small pieces and serve on a plate.

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Spicy chicken

Ingredients: Chicken thigh, dried chili pepper, peppercorns, green peppercorns, white sesame seeds, ginger, minced garlic, green onion, cooking wine, salt, chili oil, peppercorn oil.

1. Cut the chicken thigh into small pieces, mix well with salt and cooking wine and marinate slightly, and set aside.

2. Heat the pan in oil until 80% hot, fry the marinated chicken nuggets until dark brown, drain and set aside.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add peppercorns, dried chili peppers and stir-fry until they change color, add green onion, ginger and minced garlic to fry out the aroma, add chicken nuggets, add salt to taste, sprinkle white sesame seeds, drizzle with spicy oil, sesame oil, stir-fry well and then put on the pan.

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Garlic fat sausage chicken

Ingredients: earth rooster, fat intestines, garlic, green pepper blocks, red pepper blocks, mountain chestnut, star anise, grass fruit, cinnamon, cumin, sesame oil, flower pepper, beautiful umami juice, dried peppercorns, watercress, pickled pepper, cooking wine, rapeseed oil, fresh soup.

1, the earth rooster slaughtered and cleaned, chopped into pieces, fat intestines cut hob, garlic washed.

2: Heat the vegetable oil to 40% in a net pot, stir-fry the chicken nuggets and fat intestines until fragrant, add the mountain chestnut, star anise, grass fruit, cinnamon, cumin, dried peppercorns, watercress, pickled pepper, and then cook in cooking wine, sesame oil 3 grams, Beautiful umami juice, fresh soup and bring to a boil, then add garlic and simmer for 20 minutes.

3, another oil pot, sauté fragrant green, red pepper pieces, put into the container to base, and then put in the boiled fat intestines, chicken, sprinkle flowers and peppers before the pot, pour sesame oil.

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Large plate of chicken with roasted pepper

Ingredients: net black chicken, salt, chicken essence, salt, spicy fresh sauce, white wine, green pepper, green onion, millet pepper festival,

1. Cut the net black chicken into cubes after removing the large bones, and add salt, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, spicy fresh sauce and white wine to the pot. Put the green pepper on a charcoal fire and burn it into a roasted pepper, and chop it with a knife to the size of a nail slice.

2. Heat the oil in the net pot, add the diced black chicken and pour out the drainage oil. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the pepper and add the diced black chicken to stir-fry well, then add salt and MSG to taste, fry until slightly dry and fragrant, plate the pot, and finally sprinkle with green onions and a little millet pepper knot, and use hot oil to stir the aroma to make a dish.

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Sichuan-flavored yellow stewed chicken

Ingredients: Baby rooster, lettuce, salt, cooking wine, pepper, fresh soup, water bean powder, green onion, monosodium glutamate, sugar color, lard.

1. Cut the lettuce into rolling pieces, blanch the water and rinse to preserve the color. Cut the chicken into cubes about 4 cm square, the ginger is broken, and the green onion is knotted.

2. When the wok is placed on the high heat and the lard is heated to 60% oil temperature, put the chicken nuggets over the oil to remove some of the water, put it into the aluminum pot, add fresh soup to boil, skim off the foam, add salt, sugar color, cooking wine, ginger and green onion, cover and turn to medium heat to simmer, add lettuce, simmer until the meat pieces are cooked thoroughly, after the lettuce is cooked, pick the ginger and shallots, put in the MONOSG, and put the pot into the dish.

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Char siu chicken

Ingredients: baby rooster, sprouts, pork fat lean meat, ginger shredded, green onion shredded, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, caramel, lard, monosodium glutamate, fresh soup, shallot sauce sauce dish (green onion and sweet sauce), sesame oil.

1. Kill the chicken to remove the feathers, make a 5 cm opening under the ribs of the right wing, remove the internal organs and wash. Spread the inside and outside of the chicken with cooking wine and salt. Wash the sprouts and chop them. Pork fat lean meat cut into two coarse strips.

2. When the wok is placed on a high heat to burn the lard to 50% oil temperature, put the shredded meat and fry the seeds, add sprouts, peppercorns, shredded chili peppers, ginger shreds, salt and soy sauce, stir-fry well, put it into the belly of the chicken, and seal the opening and anus firmly with a bamboo skewer.

3. Use a steel fork to fork in from both sides of the chicken leg and under the chicken wings, and wear it through the neck with a fork tip, and the other fork tip to bend the chicken head and penetrate it from the chicken eye. The chicken wings are then folded on the back and placed in a ventilated place to dry the water vapor.

4. Add water to the pot and boil, scoop up the boiling water with a scoop and pour it on the chicken, when the chicken skin is heated and tightened, twist the water dry, mix the cooking wine and caramel and spread it on the chicken.

5. Use a brick square roasting pool, burn the charcoal and put it around the pool, put a bowl in the middle, and then put the steel fork of the chicken skin flat on the grilling pool, slowly rotate the fork handle in your hand, brush the sesame oil while baking, bake until the chicken skin is crisp and the meat is cooked, first use a towel to clean the fork tip, remove the chicken, and then take out the various spices in the chicken belly, put it in one end of the large bowl, the chicken is cut into 4 cm long and 2 cm wide pieces, and placed in the shape of the chicken into the other end of the plate; soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, fresh soup are mixed into flavor juice, drizzled on the chicken nuggets. Serve with a saucer of onion and ginger and a lotus leaf cake.

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Double pepper boy chicken

Ingredients: Running pheasant, green onion, cooked sesame seeds, seven-star pepper, lettuce cubes, salt, cooking wine, ginger chunks, green onion knots, bean paste, ginger slices, green onion segments, garlic slices, dried peppercorns, Boryeong vinegar, rapeseed oil each appropriate amount.

1. Slaughter the running pheasant, cut it into dice the size of the head of the thumb, add salt, cooking wine, ginger pieces, and green onion knots in the pot, and marinate for 1 to 2 minutes. Cut the pepper into granules, put the lettuce into a pot of water, fish it out and set aside.

2. Scoop in the canola oil into the pot, when it is 40% or 50% hot, pour in the diced chicken oil, fish out and drain the oil.

3. Heat the rapeseed oil in the pot, add a small amount of bean paste, ginger slices, green onion, garlic slices, dried peppercorns and stir-fry until spicy, pour in the chicken cubes with good oil, add lettuce cubes, add salt, cooking wine, add a little Boryeong vinegar after cooking, put it into the container, sprinkle some green onions and cooked sesame seeds, you can.

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Chicken with sharp peppers

Ingredients: Chicken, chili pepper, fresh chaotian pepper, flower pepper, green onion, garlic, ginger, oil, salt to taste, starch, sugar, soy sauce, rice wine, sesame oil.

1. Wash and cut the pepper and chaotian pepper into sections, cut the onion, ginger and garlic into sections or slices.

2. Wash and chop the chicken, use starch, soy sauce, rice wine, pepper and salt to taste well for 5-10 minutes.

3. Pour oil into a pan, add the diced chicken over a warm heat, fry the water and put it out. Add peppercorns to stir-fry until fragrant, add chili peppers and ginger garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add chicken cubes and stir-fry slightly, add green onion, salt and sugar, drizzle with a little sesame oil, and push well to raise the pan.

Choose from a selection of 50 chicken-based dishes, and let's collect any of your favorite chickens

Meta treasure chicken

Ingredients: chicken, salt, sugar, cooking wine, fire salt, pepper powder, allspice powder, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil.

1. After the chicken has undergone preliminary processing, cut off the wing tips, chicken feet, cut off the anus, and clean.

2. Stir-fry hot fish and other spices in salt and spread well inside and outside the chicken body, put it in the tank and marinate for 3 days, turning the tank once in the middle.

3. After getting up the cylinder, the chicken knee fracture is broken, the legs are crossed and tied with hemp rope into the abdomen, the leg bundle rope is pulled out from the opening of the chicken element, the wings are twisted back to the back, the hemp rope is worn up, the chicken head is pulled from the back opening into the abdomen and tied together with the hemp rope tied to the foot, and then a small bamboo pipe is used to prop up the small opening on the back to make the chicken into the shape of a yuan treasure. Put it in boiling water and blanch it, tie the neck of the chicken with a hemp rope, and hang it in a cool and ventilated place to blow dry.

4. When eating, use warm water to clean, put into the basket and steam, after cold, cut into strips about 5 cm long and 2.5 cm wide, put into a dish, sesame oil and MSG are evenly drizzled on the chicken.

Chicken methods are far more than this, there are too many delicious methods, first introduce here, friends we will see you in the next issue.

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