
Let the light of goodness that has been distributed three times continue

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

Street talk

On January 2, Xie Yang (pseudonym), a senior at Southwest University for Nationalities, turned to the media to find a Hangzhou pilot who had sponsored him to attend school for many years.

Xie Yang's hometown is in Qiandong, his family is poor, and Xie Yang, who was in high school, met the "ice brother" who was walking on foot. Since then, Ice Brother has been funding him. The first time, "Ice Brother" took out 1,000 yuan in cash. Subsequently, hundreds of financial aides have been remitted. After Xie Yang went to college, "Ice Brother" would send money twice a year as a bursary, and usually he would play money and send something, but never left his personal information. On January 1, "Ice Brother" transferred another 6,000 yuan to Xie Yang in a bursary, and wrote a long letter to encourage him, and then said: My task is complete. Subsequently, BingGe deleted Xie Yang's WeChat.

In the end, the reporter found "Ice Brother". "Brother Bing" is 32 years old this year, born in a remote county in Fujian Province, grew up with his grandmother, and his family is not rich. Up to now, "Ice Brother" said that he has sponsored seven or eight students, and they all delete their contact information when they are about to graduate from their senior year.

"Ice Brother" is actually a messenger of love. Brother Bing told reporters that in his own growth process, he also met a kind big brother to help. After helping, the other party deleted the contact information, and only said one sentence before, hoping that he could help others when he had the ability. He remembered the words and passed on the love, without asking for anything in return, even gracefully disappearing from the life of the person being helped.

It is not difficult to imagine that many years ago, the person who helped Brother Bing was like a beam of light illuminating his heart, and this cluster of flames remained in his heart and illuminated Xie Yang. Xie Yang, who insists on finding his benefactor now, must be a person who knows the rewards of gratitude. This retribution is not to repay Brother Bing, but to become stronger in time and to help other weak and poor people. The light of goodness stretches on like this.

There is nothing better in this world than love in circulation and kindness being transmitted. After the helped person is strong, he becomes a new helper, and every transmission will warm others. Together, good deeds can fill society with more love, empathy, and compassion.

This is the example and spiritual strength needed for the third distribution advocated today. What Bingge did was a typical third assignment.

Different from primary distribution and redistribution, the third distribution is mainly distributed by high-income people on a voluntary basis, in the form of fundraising, donation and funding, which is a useful supplement to primary distribution and redistribution, which is conducive to narrowing the social gap and achieving a more reasonable income distribution.

The three distributions follow "moral principles", rely on "spiritual strength", and obtain "spiritual sublimation". People's happiness is not only self-interested, but also makes them happy when they give. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the highest level is the need for self-actualization, some people's self-actualization is above others, and the self-actualization of noble people is to help others, and to get heartfelt happiness from helping others.

In a way, the reason why people become human beings is that we can be "altruistic." Evolutionary biology giant Edward Wilson, in his book Genesis: From Cell to Civilization, the Deep Origins of Society, expresses the view that for groups, altruism gives them a greater advantage. Wilson even argues that humanity, as a true social group, benefits from this altruistic model in order to leapfrog our other primates and become the masters of the planet in the process of evolution. Because of this, our intuition, our culture, naturally likes warm-hearted, kind people.

2021 has just passed, this year is difficult for many people, but with more of these sympathies and help for others in society, we can have more confidence in the future. Whether it is to reduce carbon emissions from the side, or to help each other and sympathize with compassion in the lockdown of the epidemic, it will make society better, let people in difficulty feel hope, and let people in the dark have light in their eyes. □ Liu Yuanju