
After entering the autumn, don't miss this "lung-moisturizing" ingredient, and white fungus is a perfect match, and it is delicious to moisten the throat and reduce dryness

author:Deer delicacies

August is a very seasonally changing month, this August, we greeted the end of the unbearable hot three-volt day, ushered in the seasonal change of solar terms, so the climate during this time is very strong.

The most obvious performance, is that during the day when the sun is hanging high, the hot and dry feeling of the air is stronger than the three volt days, and when going out for a walk at night, the autumn wind is still a little cool, very comfortable, but the autumn dryness is a little strong, drinking water from morning to night, and also feel that I can't quench my thirst, dry mouth and tongue are very uncomfortable, plus it is the decoration season, dust everywhere, very unfriendly to the throat and lungs, if you eat some hot food, throat dry throat pain is inevitable, so after autumn, I will use lily stew soup for my family to drink, Because the lung moisturizing effect of lilies is really good.

After entering the autumn, don't miss this "lung-moisturizing" ingredient, and white fungus is a perfect match, and it is delicious to moisten the throat and reduce dryness

Lily whether it is a fresh lily or a dried lily, which is rich in protein, vitamin C, various trace elements, pectin and other nutrients, lilies also belong to the medicinal and food homologous ingredients, the main edible effect is to calm the mind, whiten the skin and clear the lungs and lungs, very suitable for autumn This is easy to make people dry and intolerable, dry throat is easy to fire season to eat more.

And the use of lilies and white fungus together to stew soup can be said to be a perfect match, because both have the same effect in moisturizing and clearing heat, with stew soup to moisten the throat and reduce dryness, a bowl of lily white fungus soup under the belly, not only the whole person is refreshing, and especially moist and very comfortable, now officially into autumn, here we recommend that you do not miss this "run lung" ingredients, and white fungus is a perfect match, throat dryness is also delicious.

After entering the autumn, don't miss this "lung-moisturizing" ingredient, and white fungus is a perfect match, and it is delicious to moisten the throat and reduce dryness

Lily White Fungus Soup & Material List:

Fresh lilies, white fungus, red dates, goji berries, rock sugar

Production process:

Step 1| after washing the white fungus, soak the whole flower in water for about 10 minutes, let the white fungus slightly soaked, then pick it up from the water, cut off the yellow hard stem at the bottom, and then tear it into small pieces, continue to soak in water for about 1 hour, let the white fungus completely absorb the water, soak until softened.

After entering the autumn, don't miss this "lung-moisturizing" ingredient, and white fungus is a perfect match, and it is delicious to moisten the throat and reduce dryness

Step 2| cut off the root of the fresh lily and the coke at the top, and then break it piece by piece, rinse the mud under the flowing water, wash the red dates simply, remove the kernel, and wash the goji berries.

After entering the autumn, don't miss this "lung-moisturizing" ingredient, and white fungus is a perfect match, and it is delicious to moisten the throat and reduce dryness

Step 3| choose the laziest method, simmer the lily white fungus soup in the rice cooker, fill the rice cooker with enough water, put the red dates, fresh lilies and white fungus into the rice cooker together, press the soup cooking function, and simmer for 1 hour.

After entering the autumn, don't miss this "lung-moisturizing" ingredient, and white fungus is a perfect match, and it is delicious to moisten the throat and reduce dryness

Step 4| after the stew to the point, open the pot and then put the rock sugar, cinnamon balls, goji berries into the pot, stir well, continue to simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, let the taste of these ingredients dissolve into the soup, you can switch to the insulation function for stuffing, sullen 20 to 30 minutes is enough, you can come out of the pot and drink cold.

After entering the autumn, don't miss this "lung-moisturizing" ingredient, and white fungus is a perfect match, and it is delicious to moisten the throat and reduce dryness

Lily Silver Ear Soup & Cooking Tips:

1, some friends will dislike the trouble of soaking white fungus and choose to soak overnight, in this point to focus on it, white fungus is not suitable for soaking for so long, before and after the soaking time should not exceed two hours, otherwise the nutrition of white fungus will not only be lost in large quantities, but also will produce harmful substances, harmful to the body.

2, because the sealing in the rice cooker is better, the white fungus can be easier to stew out of the gelatinous, stewed soft glutinous, before and after stewing for an hour is enough, if it is stewed with a soup pot, when stewing the white fungus, it is recommended that you put some rock sugar and a small amount of baking soda auxiliary, so that the white fungus can be stewed in a short period of time.

After entering the autumn, don't miss this "lung-moisturizing" ingredient, and white fungus is a perfect match, and it is delicious to moisten the throat and reduce dryness

Fawn has something to say:

Now that it is officially into autumn, the autumn dryness is strong and uncomfortable, it is recommended that you do not miss the hundred engaged in this "lung-moisturizing" ingredients, and the white ear stew soup is a perfect match, a full bowl of belly, not only moisturizing the throat to reduce dryness, but also very delicious, and lilies and white fungus also have a beauty and beauty effect, and girls who love beauty can not miss Oh.

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