
Meizhou: Read the "three-character recipe" to build a civilized city

author:Overseas network

Source: Nanfang Daily

Meizhou Meijiang District Menan compound, the elderly are talking on the bench of the community, after the transformation and upgrading of the community road is cleaner, the environment is more refreshing, adding comfort to the residents' happy life; a garbage classification publicity activity has become the flavoring agent for the life of the residents of the Meixian District Zhuangyuanfu Community, the activities not only send fun to the residents, but also help residents develop the habit of garbage classification; in Fengshun County, the new era civilization practice centers (institutes, stations) are dotted with dots, becoming the "horns" that transmit good sounds...

The appearance of the city has changed, the urban management has been continuously optimized, and the spiritual outlook of the residents is constantly improving... The world's guest capital is entering a new year with a new atmosphere and a new look.

In recent years, Meizhou has continued to carry out the creation of civilized cities across the country, focusing on the "1+1+9" work deployment of the provincial party committee and solidly promoting the creation of spiritual civilization. Recite the three words of "tree, construction, and office", through setting an example, building a place, running activities, etc., lead the new trend of social civilization with the power of example, rely on the new era civilization practice center (institute, station), carry out colorful volunteer activities, enrich the amateur life of the masses, and promote the continuous improvement of citizens' civilized quality and moral accomplishment.

New era, new journey. Meizhou solidly promotes a new round of work to create a national civilized city, strives to improve the level of spiritual civilization construction in the new era, integrates the creation of civilization into all aspects of the city, and creates for the people, creates benefits for the people, and creates benefits for the people, providing spiritual support for the development of Meizhou.

Tree role models

Gather the strength of endeavor with the spirit of example

In the center of Meizhou' city, there is a good people park.

Strolling through the Meizhou Good People Park, the Meizhou Good People Deeds hanging on the wooden corridor is a unique scenery. Some of these good people in Meizhou are entrepreneurs or village sages who are willing to give charity, some are village cadres who relieve the people's worries, and some are ordinary people who see righteousness and courage.

It is understood that at present, a total of 121 advanced and typical deeds in Meizhou are displayed in the park, which are typical from the role model selection carried out by Meizhou City every year. "We have selected models in various fields, carried out various role model selection activities such as 'moral model', 'good people around', 'good guests', 'the most beautiful volunteers', 'civilized families', 'good teenagers in the new era', etc., and set up the banner of learning." The establishment of the Good People Park in the downtown area can play a more important role in guiding everyone to see the wise and think together, choose the good and follow the good. The relevant person in charge of the office of the Meizhou Spiritual Civilization Construction Committee introduced.

The development of a city is inseparable from the support of the spirit; the progress of a society is inseparable from the power of example. In the construction of spiritual civilization, Meizhou adheres to the guidance of values, takes the selection of role models as an important starting point for the creation of a civilized atmosphere, vigorously carries out advanced typical selection and publicity activities such as "Meizhou City Moral Model", "Meizhou Good People", "Filial Piety and Respect for Relatives and Good Daughters-in-Law", "Learning Lei Feng Volunteer Service", relying on media platforms such as one newspaper and two stations, one micro and one end, to set off an upsurge of "learning from examples and striving to be models" in the city.

Under the guidance of the role model, the individual behavior of Meizhou's role models is being transformed into a group effect, out of Meizhou, out of Guangdong. The data shows that as of now, Meizhou has a total of 6 good people in China, 2 civilized families in the country, 9 most beautiful families in the country, 3 provincial civilized families, and 96 civilized families at the municipal level.

It is worth mentioning that Meizhou has focused on selecting young people's role models, holding activities such as "telling red stories and passing on red genes" in Meizhou City, "telling red stories and passing on red genes", "flashing red stars" story meetings, and "children's hearts to the party and I salute the party flag", giving play to the leading role of young people's role models, so that the majority of minors can learn from examples, catch up with the direction, and guide the majority of minors to "buckle the first button of life".

Build a place

The coverage rate of the New Era Civilization Practice Center (Institute, Station) reaches 100%

In the evening, before the sunset in the sky had dissipated, the New Era Civilization Practice Station in Xinling Village, Tangxi Town, Fengshun County, gathered many villagers to dance, play chess, chat... The sound of music, the sound of conversation, and laughter are intertwined, and a three-dimensional "evening picture of the countryside" is about to come out.

"Life at night is enriched, singing, dancing, playing chess, and occasionally having open-air movie screenings, and I prefer to stay in the countryside now." Resident Chen Qingxin said. It is understood that in addition to the activities organized by the villagers themselves, the staff of the Tangxi Town Cultural Station will also go to the New Era Civilization Practice Station to teach the villagers to dance, and the Meizhou Mountain Opera Troupe will occasionally perform in the village to send a feast of "visual + hearing" to the villagers.

A new era civilization practice center (institute, station) is a loudspeaker that transmits the voice of the government. In recent years, Meizhou has promoted the construction of civilization practice centers (institutes and stations) in the new era through the method of "pilot first, point with surface". Among them, the second batch of national pilot counties Fengshun County and provincial pilot counties Meixian District and Dapu County of the New Era Civilization Practice Center have solidly promoted the work of the pilot task according to the requirements of the pilot work and combined with local realities, and through the pilot site construction, the replicable experience has been summarized and promoted in the city.

Driven by the pilot, all parts of the city have comprehensively rolled out the construction of civilization practice centers (institutes and stations) in the new era according to local conditions and combined with reality, and built a complete three-level civilization practice system for counties, towns and villages. Up to now, the city has set up 8 county-level new era civilization practice centers, 151 practice institutes, and 2395 practice stations, with a coverage rate of 100%.

Due to different industries, the political voices transmitted are not the same. Meizhou encourages all organs and units to fully tap their characteristics, work around the center, actively explore their own distinctive and fruitful path models, carry out civilized practice activities in the new era according to local conditions, and let the party's innovative theories and good policies enter the grassroots.

Last year, 45 financial institutions in the city combined the construction of spiritual civilization with the study and education of party history, and established the "Meizhou Financial Institutions New Era Civilization Practice Center" to let the financial policy of benefiting the people be transmitted to the people in a more vivid and grounded form, and better meet the new expectations and new requirements of the people for financial institutions.

Meizhou also relies on the New Era Civilization Practice Center (Institute, Station) to promote red culture.

Meizhou is a famous cultural town, and it is also the only prefecture-level city in Guangdong that belongs to the former Central Soviet District, with rich local cultural resources and red cultural resources. Meizhou innovated the dissemination of red cultural resources, and built the New Era Civilization Practice Center (station, institute) in the Revolutionary Martyrs' Memorial Park, Heroes' Memorial Hall, Folk Culture Studio and other places.

Wuhua County New Era Civilization Practice Center, New Era Red Culture Training Center and Meizhou Party History Education Base were listed in The Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Park of Puliding Forest Park, and the Meizhou New Era Civilization Practice Station was listed in the National Intangible Cultural Heritage (Hakka Mountain Song) Ketianxia Exhibition Hall and Pan Qian Cultural Exchange (Hakka Mountain Opera) Studio... One by one, the new era civilization practice centers (institutes and stations) with red genes have sprung up like mushrooms, making red stories "come alive" and local culture "move".

Organize events

Volunteer activities enrich the daily lives of the masses

On holidays, students from the First Central Primary School in Tangkeng Town, Fengshun County, form a "team of docents" to volunteer at the Jianzhen Memorial Hall to provide volunteer services for visitors. They provide advice, guidance and interpretation services for each visitor, and become a beautiful scenery in the museum.

"Li Jianzhen is really a famous revolutionary, and letting primary school students take advantage of their holidays to come to the New Era Civilization Practice Station as volunteer docents can not only improve the children's speech level, but also learn Li Jianzhen's revolutionary spirit, inherit the red gene, and help them grow up healthily." Cai Yibin, vice president of the school, introduced.

Where there are volunteers, there is civilization shining. In Meizhou, volunteer activities have been normalized.

In recent years, Meizhou has built the organizational structure of the Volunteer Service Corps of the New Era Civilization Practice Center, actively promoted the establishment of a county-level volunteer service corps, established and improved the "1+8+N" organizational system for volunteer service, and established county-level volunteer service promotion centers in 8 counties (cities, districts), forming a "four-level linkage" work model and further normalizing and institutionalizing civilized practice activities.

Relying on the New Era Civilization Practice Center, all parts of Meizhou have conscientiously planned and carried out rich and diverse volunteer activities, and since last year, they have continued to organize and carry out voluntary activities such as intangible cultural heritage entering the community and entering the campus and civilized transportation, constantly enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the masses, and opening up the "last kilometer" of spiritual civilization construction to radiate the masses, influence the masses, and serve the masses.

Nowadays, with the expansion of volunteer groups and the increase in the frequency of volunteer services, the tentacles of volunteer service organizations and volunteers have been extended to many fields such as emergency rescue and disaster relief, environmental protection, food and shopping, etc., which have played an important role in promoting the formation of civilized customs and gradually produced social and economic benefits.

Last year, under the impetus of the Meizhou Spiritual Civilization Construction Committee Office, the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, the Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and the Municipal Catering Industry Association, the "Civilized Table Action Volunteer Service Team" composed of shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels and restaurants, and small catering shops was officially established, and the member units of the volunteer service team set an example by passing on the concept of "frugality and moral cultivation and civilized dining" to consumers and creating a good civilized fashion.

"We adopt the 'N-1' (N is the number of customers) ordering system when customers order food, and ask the waiter to take the initiative to prompt the customer to pack the service." Huang Junpeng, president of the Meijiang District Catering Industry Association and general manager of Jinyuan Restaurant, said.

"We will divide each dish into examples and middle portions, and if the number of people is small, we recommend the sample portion, and if there are more people recommending the middle portion, it will not be wasted." Wu Tingting, the manager of the Impression Friend Restaurant, said, "When we meet guests who can't stop ordering, we will consciously guide them, such as letting them 'eat first, not enough to add dishes'." ”

Visiting large shopping malls and catering shops in Meizhou Urban Area, "consumption is not wasted, discs are more glorious", "civilized dining, there are me", "public spoon chopsticks, clean and hygienic" and other civilized dining tables, DISC action public service advertisements can be seen everywhere, the use of public chopsticks and spoons, the promotion of "half a dish" and "small dishes" and other civilized table behaviors have become popular.

Numbers say civilization

Up to now, Meizhou has a total of 6 good chinese people, 2 national civilized families, 9 most beautiful families in the country, 3 provincial civilized families, and 96 municipal civilized families.

14 civilized villages and towns in China, 11 civilized villages and towns in Guangdong Province, 100% of 2042 villages and 194 communities have completed the revision and improvement of village rules and residents' conventions.

At present, Meizhou has 3 national civilized campuses, 5 civilized campuses in Guangdong Province, and 15 advanced schools in Guangdong Province.

Promote the pilot construction of the rural "Rejuvenation Children's Palace" in all counties (cities, districts) of the city. At present, the city has piloted the construction of 52 rural "rejuvenation children's palaces", including 1 national pilot, 20 at the municipal level, and 31 at the county level (and below).

Coordinate and promote 1,626 educational practice activities such as "Children's Hearts to the Party and I Salute the Party Banner" in various localities and units, collect hand-copied newspapers and paintings and select 136 outstanding works at the municipal level, select 158 outstanding works in essay collection activities, organize students to watch 298 red films, visit 135 old revolutionary sites, and participate in 1.742 million teachers and students; carry out 3658 activities such as poetry recitations, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, etc., with 528,000 teachers and students participating.

Fengshun County, a pilot county in the country, has built a county-level new era civilization practice center, 17 town (field) new era civilization practice centers, and 282 village (community) new era civilization practice stations, and achieved 100% full coverage of the county, town (field) and village (community) civilization practice positions.

1,832 newly established volunteer service teams, 168063 newly registered volunteers, 15,846 volunteer service projects were released, and more than 34,000 volunteer service activities were carried out, including 2,230 party history study and education practice themes and 1,962 rural revitalization civilization practice theme activities.

Mortal acts of kindness

Chen Yingtong, the Ninth Meizhou Model of Ethics and Director of the Office of the Leading Group for the Comprehensive Improvement of Urban and Rural Habitat in Meijiang District:

The "guardian of urban civilization" in the eyes of the masses

"If there is water on the ground, the garbage is not cleaned up, and the stalls are not placed according to the position, everyone must take action, and the environment of the vegetable market must be jointly maintained by everyone." Every morning, the voice of Chen Yingtong, director of the office of the leading group for the comprehensive improvement of urban and rural settlements in Meijiang District, will echo in various vegetable markets in Meijiang District, the voice is slightly hoarse but full of breath, just like the whistle in the mouth of the physical education teacher, as long as it is blown, it can make the vegetable market become orderly.

Chen Yingtong, 60, is the director of the office of the leading group for the comprehensive improvement of urban and rural human settlements in Meijiang District, the executive deputy director of the office of the district headquarters for the creation of a national civilized city and the executive deputy director of the district two United States offices, although he is almost at the age of retirement, he still gets up early every day and goes to the front line of the work of creating a national civilized city, is the "artificial navigation" in the eyes of colleagues, and is the "guardian of urban civilization" in the eyes of the masses.

"Director Yingtong does not like to sit in the office, he likes to walk the streets and alleys to find problems, and if he does not go for a day, he is still panicked, and there is no place in Meijiang District that he is not familiar with, even if it is an alley or a street corner." Chen Yingtong's colleague told reporters.

When you wake up at 5 o'clock, the wet market is the office

After getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning every day to help his family buy vegetables and make breakfast, Chen Yingtong's "first stop" for work was not the office, but directly to the major markets and streets and alleys. "Old Deng, the garbage bag in front of the door should be put in the garbage can across the road, don't be troublesome, the environment depends on everyone." "Who made this beach?" Contact the management of the market, pay close attention to clean up, it is difficult to clean up when there are more people buying vegetables. Although he is over sixty years old, even the smallest environmental stain cannot escape his "legal eye".

After entering the winter, the morning temperature was bone-chilling, but the cold could not stop his pace. "Citizens have to visit the wet market all year round, checking the environmental hygiene of the market, which can not be serious." Chen Yingtong said with a smile. Even on weekends or holidays such as the Spring Festival, Chen Yingtong often rides a motorcycle and inspects the phenomenon of "dirty mess".

In recent years, Chen Yingtong has become the link and the "backbone" of the rectification action that coordinates the various rectification units in the jurisdiction. He had the courage to overcome difficulties, never flinched, and in the face of illegal obstructionists attacking their backs with bricks and biting their thighs, he still endured the pain and stuck to his post and led the team to complete the rectification task.

Talking about the "interludes" encountered in the process of rectification, Chen Yingtong always downplayed it. "Every job has its own difficulties, the party organization put me in this post, I have to shoulder the responsibility of this post."

In 2018, Chen Yingtong led a team to demolish an illegal structure. "The scene was very passive, and the builders kept cursing and grinning, and from time to time they used sticks and bricks to demonstrate to us and block our actions." Everyone is at a loss.

Chen Ying took the lead and took the tool himself and went forward to begin the demolition. Suddenly, a brick "slammed" and landed on his back. "At that time, everyone was worried about Director Yingtong, but he just frowned and continued to bow his head and dismantle the illegal building." Colleagues on the side told reporters.

Driven by him, everyone no longer paid attention to the unreasonable insults, threw themselves into work, and successfully completed the rectification task.

Contribute to the creation of a civilized city in the country

"The changes brought to Meizhou by the creation of a national civilized city are obvious to everyone." Chen Yingtong said.

In recent years, Meizhou's cityscape has been continuously improved, the streets are cleaner and cleaner, pedestrians are more orderly, and urban construction has gradually improved. "The improvement of the appearance of the city is a dynamic process, it is impossible to do it once and for all; the creation of a national civilized city is both a tough battle and a protracted battle, as a participant in the creation of a national civilized city, we cannot stop." Chen Yingtong said.

Under the infection of Chen Yingtong, his colleagues around him also worked together and were full of energy, and went all out to put into the rectification work.

After 12 years in the environmental improvement post, Chen Yingtong was pleased that the creation of a national civilized city has gradually improved the phenomenon of "dirty and chaotic" urban and rural environment in Meijiang District, and has also boosted the entrepreneurial spirit of officials, enhanced the combat effectiveness of the team, and strengthened Meizhou's confidence in creating a national civilized city.

Nanfang Daily reporter Liang Shiyu correspondent Zhong Hua Liao Jian

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