
How cruel were the martyrdoms of the ancients? Children are not spared, and the process of martyrdom is even more indignant!

There is a big difference between burial and burial, and martyrdom is to put utensils and domestic animals into the tomb with the deceased, hoping that the deceased will not be alone. Burial by human beings is a common custom of ancient funerals, but it is divided into two ways: voluntary or persecution. Today we will take a look at the most brutal living burials of ancient emperors after their deaths.

How cruel were the martyrdoms of the ancients? Children are not spared, and the process of martyrdom is even more indignant!

There are many records in China's history books about the burial of living people. When a person of high status dies, they will have a martyr. And it is the burial of the living, not only so that the dead will not be alone on the way to heaven, but also so that the noble status of the deceased can be displayed.

How cruel were the martyrdoms of the ancients? Children are not spared, and the process of martyrdom is even more indignant!

According to the relevant records: "Qin Wugong died, and 66 people were martyred at the beginning"; "Qin Mugong died" from the deceased 177 people", and three of their former cronies were buried with them. Before Qin Mugong died, he wanted the Qunchen to die with him, so at the cocktail party, he took advantage of the dizziness of the public and said: "We monarchs and courtiers, when we are born, we will also mourn together." The three ministers of Dying, Zhongxing, and Needle Tiger did not know why: "I would like to follow Qin Mu to drive the crane west." "No one expected that when Mu Gong died, they really followed him into the Qin Mu Cemetery."

How cruel were the martyrdoms of the ancients? Children are not spared, and the process of martyrdom is even more indignant!

Do you think this is the highest level of burial for the living? No, it's far from the most brutal. From May 1987 to September 1988, the Ministry of Cultural Relics jointly introduced the Yellow Conditioning Pond Engineering Team to excavate three groups of mussels during the Yangshao civilization period on the west slope of the southwest corner of Puyang County. At the same time, chinese archaeologists also found three teenagers. They were in the east, west and north of the tomb, and their western niches were 1.15 meters long, like women, about twelve years old, with blade wounds on their heads, very miserable, like martyrs.

How cruel were the martyrdoms of the ancients? Children are not spared, and the process of martyrdom is even more indignant!

After the coffin was unearthed, historians did a serious study of the three teenagers and had an unexpected result: when the children were alive, they actually drank a stomach of mercury. Not only that, but there are many other holes in their bodies. Their skin was also coated with a layer of silver powder. This makes them a veritable "specimen" whose skin and flesh will not spoil even for thousands of years. What a loss of conscience, such as the abuse of young children and the contempt for human rights. The real reason behind it also makes the Chinese people resentful!

How cruel were the martyrdoms of the ancients? Children are not spared, and the process of martyrdom is even more indignant!

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