
Why was The Super League over Why was Jin Softjing absent from the awards ceremony? Get the reason why fans like Jingo!

The 2021-2022 Volleyball Super League officially came to an end on January 5. Tianjin women's volleyball team, Jiangsu women's volleyball team, Shanghai women's volleyball team won the first and second places. Congratulations to the above three teams. However, in the process of awarding, there are still many slots that confuse fans. Including why didn't Jin Softjing attend the award ceremony?

Why was The Super League over Why was Jin Softjing absent from the awards ceremony? Get the reason why fans like Jingo!

There is no podium award ceremony

In the past awards ceremony, there will be a podium for the champion and runner-up. In fact, there is no need to deliberately build, that is, to get some wooden materials. May be limited by the holding of the competition during the epidemic period, everything from the principle of simplicity, the super competition canceled the setting of the podium. This factor is also understandable, after all, it is good to be able to hold a competition. The three winning teams stood in their respective positions according to their respective performances. You can see that everyone is very happy. Whether it is the champion, the second place or the third place, it is not easy to fight in the end.

Why was The Super League over Why was Jin Softjing absent from the awards ceremony? Get the reason why fans like Jingo!
Why was The Super League over Why was Jin Softjing absent from the awards ceremony? Get the reason why fans like Jingo!

Jin Softjing was absent from the award ceremony

Before the awards began, teams waited at the entrance to the stadium. At that time, Wang Yuanyuan of the Tianjin women's volleyball team and Diao Linyu of the Jiangsu women's volleyball team were chatting hotly. Yang Yi also chatted cordially with the members of the Shanghai women's volleyball team. But sharp-eyed fans found that Jin Softjing was not in the team, and only foreign aid Larson stood alone in front of the team.

Why was The Super League over Why was Jin Softjing absent from the awards ceremony? Get the reason why fans like Jingo!

Until the award ceremony officially began, there was no figure of Jin Softjing among the players of the Shanghai team. Why didn't Jin Softjing attend the award ceremony? Is it because you didn't get good grades? Or is it because something left first? As for why Jin Softjing did not appear at the award ceremony, it triggered speculation among the majority of fans.

Why was The Super League over Why was Jin Softjing absent from the awards ceremony? Get the reason why fans like Jingo!

Until the end of the award ceremony, the official media account of the Shanghai women's volleyball team made an explanation. It turned out that the volleyball association had limited the number of award recipients for each team. In order to take care of many little sisters who have not played before, Jin Softjing can have the opportunity to receive the award, so he decisively gave up this opportunity. After learning the reason, fans praised the golden soft spot. At the same time, it also complained again about the operation of the volleyball association. Originally, after the start of the game, the changes to restrict the foreign aid from playing had already caused dissatisfaction among the fans. Nowadays, there are restrictions on the number of awards, which is more or less unreasonable.

Why was The Super League over Why was Jin Softjing absent from the awards ceremony? Get the reason why fans like Jingo!

However, this provision may not really be temporarily changed by the Volleyball Association. Because after the start of the second stage of the game, the Tianjin women's volleyball team also withdrew from Chen Boya because of the return of Yuan Xinyue. It may also be due to the fact that the Volleyball Association has clear rules on the number of people. The 33-year-old Jin Softjing has reached the end of his career, twice joined the Shanghai women's volleyball team to get a runner-up and a third place, I don't know if the two sides will continue to cooperate next season. Can Jin Softjing help the Shanghai women's volleyball team stand on the championship podium?

Why was The Super League over Why was Jin Softjing absent from the awards ceremony? Get the reason why fans like Jingo!
Why was The Super League over Why was Jin Softjing absent from the awards ceremony? Get the reason why fans like Jingo!

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