
European Olympic Committee President Spyros Capralos: I believe that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a great Olympic Games

European Olympic Committee President Spyros Capralos: I believe that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a great Olympic Games
European Olympic Committee President Spyros Capralos: I believe that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a great Olympic Games

Good luck at the Beijing Winter Olympics!

China's history, culture, traditions and great love of sports make us sure that you will host an outstanding Olympic Games!

— The President of the European Olympic Committee, Spiras Capralos

In a recent written interview with this reporter, European Olympic Committee President Spyros Capralos said that the European Olympic Committee and the European Olympic Committees fully support the athletes in preparing for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and he is full of confidence in the performance of European athletes. The European Olympic Committee is firmly opposed to the politicization of the Winter Olympics and sport and will continue its efforts to keep European athletes undisturbed during their preparations. He believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be a great Olympic Games.

European athletes are fully prepared

"Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, European athletes are constantly looking for new ways to prepare for the Beijing Winter Olympics. The Olympic Committees of many European countries have developed special programs to support their athletes in the best possible way so that they can be prepared to compete when they arrive in Beijing. Capralos said that the European Olympic Committee has also provided additional financial support to the European Olympic Committees to assist them in implementing these plans.

Looking ahead to the performance of European athletes at the Beijing Winter Olympics, Capralos is full of confidence, "Traditionally, Europe has performed well at the Winter Olympics, winning more than 70% of the winter Olympic medals in history. We hope that this time we will have a similar success. ”

With the opening of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics still a month away, the ongoing spread of the epidemic has brought different pressures to the hosting of the Winter Olympics. Capralos admits that in these challenging times, communication and engagement with all stakeholders has become particularly important. Caplalos said that from the current information and the information provided by the IOC's "Epidemic Prevention Manual", the European Olympic Committee believes that the Beijing Winter Olympics will be successfully held and provide a safe environment for all relevant personnel.

Guests from all over the world are welcome to the European Games

In 2015 and 2019, the first and second European Games were held in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, and Minsk, the capital of Belarus, respectively. In 2023, a year before the Paris Summer Olympics, the third European Games will be held in Krakow, Poland.

Capralos admits that giving European athletes the opportunity to compete at the highest level before the Summer Olympics is one of the important points of hosting the European Games. It is understood that some European Games projects are directly linked to the qualification of the Summer Olympic Games, such as the 2019 European Games in Minsk, where European table tennis players competed fiercely for places to participate in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.

Compared with the Summer Olympic Games, the strength of European athletes in the Winter Olympic Games is more prominent, does the European Olympic Committee have plans to create the European Winter Games in the future? Capralos told reporters that the European Olympic Committee has recently discussed the feasibility of hosting the European Winter Games, but for now, the first priority is to ensure the success and continuity of the European Summer Games, in order to consolidate its position in global sports events.

"We look forward to welcoming guests from all over the world at the 2023 European Games in Krakow, Poland!" Capralos sent out invitations to the world through the Beijing Daily client.

Firmly oppose the politicization of sport

In preparation for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, China has put forward the goal of "300 million people participating in ice and snow sports" and has made many efforts, including inviting outstanding European winter project coaches to coach in China and cooperating with European companies to build winter project infrastructure. "European coaches and companies are helping China develop ice and snow sports, which is a good thing. The infrastructure that China has built for the development of winter projects is truly amazing and will certainly promote the development of winter sports. Capralos said it is very important for Europe and China to establish a cooperative relationship in winter sports, and such cooperation reflects the value of the Olympic spirit.

In response to the noise of a small number of countries "not sending officials to the Beijing Winter Olympics", Capralos made it clear: "The european olympic committee's position is the same as that of the International Olympic Committee, and we firmly oppose the politicization of the Winter Olympic Games and sports, while stressing that the European Olympic Committee remains politically neutral." The European Olympic Committee will continue to work with European National Olympic Committees to ensure that whatever happens at the political level does not distract the sports community so that European athletes are not disturbed during their preparations. ”

"We believe that the Beijing Winter Olympics in February will be a great Olympic Games." Capralos finally said.

Source: Beijing Daily

Reporter: Bai Bo, Liu Wei

Process Editor: Yan Shengmiao

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