
Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne as empress, what was his favorite dish to eat?

author:I am starfruit

 Speaking of Zhu Yuanzhang, what will everyone think of? The following interesting history editor introduces the historical deeds of this person for you.

  Zhu Yuanzhang came from a poor family, and finally became the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, which can be regarded as the glory of the ancestors. However, after Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor, the taste still did not change much, and he still liked to eat pasta, so do you know what Zhu Yuanzhang's favorite dish is? It was still relatively rare at the time, but now it has become a home-cooked dish that the people of the whole country will eat. In fact, it is said that Zhu Yuanzhang sometimes has a more grumpy temper, which is aimed at the ministers, he is very strict in managing the government, but he is very good to the people, after all, he himself knows the sufferings of the people from the bottom, and he does not covet fun all day long because he became emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne as empress, what was his favorite dish to eat?

  As the saying goes: the people take food as the sky, and no country has ever studied deeply and broadly in the aspect of eating like our Chinese. It can be said that the history of Chinese civilization of 5,000 years is a history of Chinese people's food culture. Chinese food culture, with its own unique charm, is world-renowned and mouth-watering.

  I don't need to say how much the Chinese people pay attention to eating, everyone knows that the three animals and plants of the sea, land and air are difficult to escape the belly of the national population. Chinese behind the good color and flavor of each dish, it also gives it a deep cultural background, and almost every famous dish can be named. The stories behind famous dishes such as Buddha jumping off the wall, kung pao chicken, boiling water cabbage, Dongpo cuisine, and Peking duck are always introduced, sometimes even more interesting than the dish itself.

Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne as empress, what was his favorite dish to eat?

  Today to tell you the story of a pasta, everyone has eaten, for northerners, almost every day to eat, presumably you have guessed it, it is steamed bread.

  The origin of steamed buns dates back to the Three Kingdoms period, and it is said that the inventor was Zhuge Liang, who was originally used for sacrifice. Zhuge Liang invented the steamed bun process is more complex and varied, which is wrapped in beef, sheep and pork filling, and later people omitted the filling process, which became the current steamed bun. It is said that the promotion and popularization of steamed buns has a certain relationship with Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancestor of the Ming Dynasty.

  After Zhu Yuanzhang swept the crowd and won the world, he held a celebration banquet at the imperial palace. He deliberately ordered a dim sum called "Silver Ruyi" to treat the courtiers, which was difficult for the imperial cooks, and they were in a hurry, they had never heard of this dim sum, let alone how to do it.

  This was heard by Empress Ma, who said to the imperial cooks, This "silver ruyi" is not difficult to do, and I will teach you how to do it. It turned out that Zhu Yuanzhang had initially defected to the Red Turban Army and obeyed orders under Empress Ma's righteous father, Guo Zixing. Zhu Yuanzhang, who had just joined the Red Turban Army, had not made any achievements and often went to help the kitchen to burn the fire. Guo Zixing's cooks made a good hand of noodles, one of which was called "Silver Ruyi".

Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne as empress, what was his favorite dish to eat?

  The practice of this "silver ruyi" is to knead well with fermented flour and lye water, remove the sour taste and mix it with white sugar and steam it over a rapid fire, which is white and soft, sweet and delicious, and the top shape is like a flower opening petals. Ma Niangniang was familiar with Zhu Yuanzhang's living habits and eating hobbies, so she told the imperial kitchen about the practice of "Silver Ruyi".

  According to the method taught by Empress Ma, the imperial cooks quickly made a "silver ruyi" to serve a feast. After eating at the banquet, the ministers of culture and military affairs were full of praise, saying that they were more enjoyable than eating meat. Later, the noodle dish "Silver Ruyi" spread to the people, but where did the people dare to use the name "Silver Ruyi" like the emperor, changing the name to "Blossom Steamed Buns", and then derived flower rolls, sugar horns and other foods!

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