
Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story

author:Dark Horse Recreation
Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story

Text | Dark Horse Recreation

Edited | Dark Horse Sports Entertainment

As we all know, the United States as an immigrant country, black and white people mixed living, living together, building a seemingly harmonious and prosperous but actually undercurrent of the United States of America, and in the NBA League, because black people are physically talented, so they occupy most of the entire league, and many of these black players grew up in a bad environment, slum-born they have long seen the gangster's misdeeds, but in order to survive, many players will continue to have friendly contacts with these gangster friends after becoming famous. First, it is more convenient to deal with some unseemly things. So today, let dark horse take everyone to take stock of the top ten players with gangster backgrounds in the NBA league.

Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story


10th place Zakrandorff

Nicknamed "Big Black Bear", Randolph grew up with a poor life, his mother needed to support four children on the basis of relief money, sometimes even food and clothing, it is said that when he was a child, he also stole from the store because he did not wear pants, however, the mistakes of childhood can be understood, but randolph after growing up, in fact, has a legitimate industry, 19th place into the NBA, the salary is not low, but during his playing, or frequent negative information related to the gang.

It is said that he once invited many du sellers to his home to discuss important matters in the name of holding a party, but he did not expect that there was a dispute in the middle of the way, and even attracted the police to solve the matter, in fact, Randolph has long had many experiences of hiding du, and once the police found du in his car. His younger brother is said to have been shot and killed by others because of the underworld dispute, so for the happiness of himself and his family, he must stay away from drug crimes and gangster forces.

Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story

Demon Knife JR Smith

Ninth place Demon Knife JR Smith

When JR Smith first entered the league, his physical state exploded, and he often staged a flying dunk, but with the rise of age, he once flew in the sky and had to play health basketball, but this did not actually affect his play on the court, because his tricks were changeable, he could suddenly shoot, so he was also named the title of demon knife, and the reason why everyone thought that JR had a gangster background was because he often used K instead of C in the word when he posted dynamics on Twitter, which is usually the way gangsters use it. Another reason is that during his time on the Boring Team, JR also posed as a gangster after scoring goals in live games.

Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story


Eighth place Iverson

Iverson is arguably the most successful small player in NBA history, his strength is known to the world, especially his classic crossover move, which still attracts many people to imitate and practice to this day, but in fact, this talented player did not live happily when he was a child, he grew up in the slums and has seen a lot of gangster behavior since he was a child, and some of his friends are also related to gangsters.

It is said that marbury once provoked a powerful du dealer, scared to be hidden in the hotel and dare not go out, and this du dealer has been arrogant twice publicly slapped Marbury, bragging father originally wanted the two to solve this problem in a street-headed way, Iverson heard about it, directly arranged friends to communicate with each other, this drug dealer knows that Marbury is Iverson's friend, directly admit and say sorry: I did not know that he is a friend of the respected Mr. Iverson. This shows Iverson's influence and prestige in the local gang.

Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story

Youngest MVP

Seventh place Rose

As a guard star known for his violent aesthetic in the NBA league, Rose was once liked by everyone for his explosive physical talent, flowing pull-on layup, and unecontrolled change of direction, and he also won the honor of the youngest MVP in NBA history. However, although Rose is very beautiful on the field, but because of the problems of his family members are also criticized a lot, it is said that his three brothers are the local gang well-known big names, but there is also an advantage of such an older brother, that is, no one in the social school dares to bully Rose, and Rose can also play with full concentration.

At the same time, Rose is very grateful for the care of his brothers, it is said that the night before the Bulls were ready to select Rose, the Bulls management had called Rose, hoping that he could cut off contact with his brothers, after all, signing a star with a gangster background, no one dared to determine what impact on the team, but the grateful Rose did not choose to give up his feelings with his brothers because of his career, he directly and clearly said to the management: "If you want to use my feelings with my brother as a condition, then please don't choose me", It can be seen that Rose is indeed a person who attaches great importance to feelings, and it can also be seen that Rose has a transcendent confidence in his own strength, he believes that even if there is no Chicago Bulls, there will be another team that chooses him because of his basketball skills, and the facts have proved that Rose is indeed worthy of the title of the champion of the year.

Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story

Antoni Guago

Sixth place Antoni Guago

People don't talk much, the society I Guago, almost all basketball enthusiasts, are inexplicably familiar with this sentence of evaluation of Guago, as one of the basketball stars of the golden generation in 2003, Guago Antoni has walked the rivers and lakes as a home star since entering the league, plus the city where the Knicks are located is big city New York in the United States, so Guago's influence is famous both in the league field and outside the court, and there was a cigarette in Guago, and the rumors of Half the Sky in New York.

And the reason why it can have such an influence, one is because Guago's basketball skills are excellent, excellent mid-range jumpers, perfect single back play, so that Guago Antoni has been standing in the league for many years, and in addition to technical reasons, his own power background is also an important reason why Guago is often talked about, it is said that Guago's underworld background is an important reason why everyone hammers, it is because Guago has starred in a gangster internal deterrent gang members of the film "Refuse to Inform", This infamous film tells the story of a drug dealer who betrays another member in order to save himself, and Anthony has several outbound shots in it, although it is not much, but it also proves that Guago may indeed have an affair with the gang forces, which is the main reason why everyone thinks that Guago has gang forces.

Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story

Brandon Roy

Fifth place Brandon Roy

Black Man Barcobe has left us, but his spirit of not accepting defeat is always in our hearts, and in the NBA league, there is another one who can use the title of "Mamba Snake", that is, the once famous Pacers star, Yellow Man Baba Brandon Roy, like Kobe, Yellow Man Baroy has a key big heart on the court, always able to throw that damn ball at the most critical time, if it is not the cause of injury, he may be the strongest scoring guard in the league after Kobe, but success always requires a little luck, Although Roy's ball skills are excellent and his scoring ability is explosive, in the NBA, which is full of strong men, it is really difficult to win the championship, and Roy was also the nightmare of the Rockets and Maddy, because it was he who successfully blocked the Rockets from entering the second round of the playoffs. So, about Brandon Roy, how do you know that he has a strong underworld background?

The reason is this, it is said that many years ago, Roy's gang had an armed conflict with other gang forces, the two sides fought non-stop, even Roy, in that battle, regretted the lottery, although later he clarified that he just happened to pass there, and had nothing to do with the conflict, but the clear-eyed people knew that it was just his family's words, with his daily style of behavior on the team, everyone knew that he belonged to the gang.

Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story

Brandon Roy shook hands with Bryant

Fourth place Nikolapevich

Nikolavić is said to be one of the largest members of the underworld force in the league, it is said that his family is the chief leader of the gang in montenegro, not only the control of the gangster resources of montenegro, but also in Serbia and other places, in the NBA this intricate relationship league, the status of players is often reflected in the position of the locker room, it is said that Korvic has a high voice in the locker room, even the most like to spray garbage Garnett, in Korvich is also polite when communicating, All this is due to the underworld forces of the family behind him, after all, no player wants to offend a future underworld godfather.

Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story


Third place Jokic

Although Jokic looks good-looking, usually treats media reporters is also polite, but in fact, on the court is also a fierce role that no one is afraid of, in the previous game with the Heat, Jokic and Morris broke out in conflict, facing Morris who fouled himself, Jokic directly slammed into each other to make the other party fall to the ground, and this also caused the heat leader Butler and Morris's brother to be dissatisfied, it is said that Butler also threatened to block the Nuggets locker room.

But after the game, Butler instead of the flag, no longer pursue the matter, one of the most important reasons is that Jokic's two brothers, his two brothers are well-known in the local area of the fierce role, the NBA star once provoked, even Butler's level will have a lot of trouble, and this may be an important reason why the two sides will no longer pursue this matter later.

Inventory the top ten NBA stars with underworld backgrounds, Iverson Roses background is not shallow, Guago has a story

Ci Shiping

2nd Place Artest

Artest had a hot temper in his early years, often broke out fierce conflicts with people on the court, but his tough defensive ability is indeed commendable, and speaking of Atai's black history, the Oban Palace fight incident can be described as infamous, due to the clash with Ben Wallace on the field, the referee's judgment made him dissatisfied, so Artay lay on the technical table to express his dissatisfaction, did not expect that at this time a spectator on the sidelines could not look down, directly threw a glass of beer at Atay, which caused Attay to be angry, Directly rushed to the audience and beat up this audience, Stephen Jackson was also a participant in this conflict, and both were seriously dealt with by the league afterwards, and Arte was banned for 73 games, suspended from all salaries that season, and lost millions of salaries.

Later, in order to show his remorse, Atai even changed his name to World Peace, reminding himself to remain friendly.

The reason why Ah Tai has a background in the underworld is because it is said that his father once worked as a boxer for a black boss, and he naturally has an inextricable and mysterious relationship with the gang since he was a child.

1st place Unknown

In fact, in the NBA League, a huge and countless basketball holy land, the background of the players is naturally very different, the above ranking is only the personal opinion of the editor, if there are other views, welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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