
Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

author:Sui hand

"Ace Troops", known as the ceiling of military dramas, is being broadcast, although it is still an old-fashioned revolutionary costume, without the heroic domineering spirit of today's military uniform, but it does not affect the audience's excitement, touch and heartbeat.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person
On the training ground, they are all opponents, you fight for each other, do not give in to each other, and even look down on each other; on the battlefield, flesh and blood, help each other, never give up on any one, this is the glory of soldiers.
Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

The quenching of blood and fire is good steel on the blade.

When I first started watching this drama, I always felt that sorghum hanging erlang dang, no right shape, impulsive, unreliable, some of the city's anger, not very like.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person
In contrast, Gu Yiye is more rational, knowledgeable, courageous, and strategic, with excellent achievements, and a proper professional military style, which feels that this can better represent the great image of Chinese soldiers.
Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person
But as I watched the episodes, I was really touched by Sorghum, he may not be so professional, maybe he is still so crazy, but his iron-blooded tenderness is also the epitome of Chinese soldiers.
Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

1. Dare to fight and dare to fight, and give up life and forget death

Sorghum's dare to break into trouble, love to break into trouble is famous. When he first enlisted in the army, he dared to steal the uniform of the old squad leader and dress up as a veteran, scaring the officers and men into a stunned state.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

Together with Gu Yiye, he punctured the tricks of the "enemy army" in the exercise and earned honor for the troops he was about to enlist, but he was almost discharged.

There are also follow-up wild boar catching incidents, and Jiangnan Zheng violating the law to meet at night, and so on. His boldness is indeed not ordinary.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

However, such a seemingly unreliable middle school recruit, in the case of the troops facing a dangerous situation and about to destroy the entire army, he broke out of the encirclement circle and used himself to attract firepower and exchange the first-line vitality of his comrades-in-arms.

The bullets ran out, the grenades were thrown away, and he jumped off the cliff, preferring to die as a prisoner.

It turned out that he could not only break into trouble, but also break through on the battlefield, dare to break through, and break out a way of life for everyone.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

2. Cherish love and righteousness, wronged yourself, and perfected others

He admired Jiang Nanzheng, and everyone saw it; Jiang Nanzheng had no love for him, he also understood, but he still silently guarded her and did his best to give her the best.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

She went on a debt and lived in vain for the rest of her life, just to let her wear a beautiful dress. His love is deep and equally thick, even if he has loved it to the bone, but he is still doing his best to think about the people he loves.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

He knew that Gu Yiye and Jiang Nanzheng were involved with each other, and although the two had broken up nominally, their love for each other had never diminished, so he tried everything he could to complete the two.

Gu Yiye fell after the war, he sent a letter to Jiang Nanzheng to comfort and persuade; the company did not have enough places to go to school, and after complaining about it, he chose to give up the quota and complete the two of them to go to the military academy for further study.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

Although he is always hard-mouthed and unwilling to accept defeat, he is always so bright and upright, and his love is deep and straight.

3. Be meticulous and treat others with sincerity

It is hard to imagine that such a big soldier loves to brag, can break into trouble, is not in tune, is unreliable, but he is still meticulous and treats people with sincerity.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

A sudden battle crippled the Ninth Company and destroyed Gu Yiye and others, and it was difficult for them to accept that their comrades-in-arms who had been with them day and night could never come back, so they all sank and had no fighting spirit.

Equally sad and sad was the iron-blooded and tender division commander, the veteran who regarded the officers and soldiers as children.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

At this time, everyone understands their suffering, and everyone is powerless to do anything but come out on their own.

Again, the hairy sorghum invited the division commander, organized a dinner, drank well, vented the pain, and grew. This is still an iron army that cannot be defeated.

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

It is difficult to understand that such a careful and resourceful soldier would be the thorn in the head of the thorn who always broke into trouble.

It turned out that the love in his heart was a deep and thick true love, a great love. Beneath his appearance, he hides his love for military life, his love for his relatives in the army, and his love for the people of the motherland.

Wronged yourself, fulfill others, sorghum, well-deserved military pride!

Ace Troops: Always wronging themselves, on the surface hanging ErLang Dang's sorghum, is the most kind person

Sui hand: life is colorful, share the insight together!

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