
Learn to | contemporary art appreciation and writing

Learn to | contemporary art appreciation and writing

Nam-joon Paik, TV Buddha, 1974

Text | Cui Yang

Watching and speaking, penetrating ordinary daily life, containing countless vitality, art allows viewing to look back at the outside from time to time, find yourself in the object, and explore the expression and sensitivity of the skin. In this event, we will take contemporary art as the object of discussion, and ask questions about the works, as well as about the self and environment reflected in the works. The format of the activity is to be guided by the sharer and supplemented by writing.

Artists, Bibliographies:

Xu Bing, Bai Nanzhun, Yin Xiuzhen, Zhang Xiaogang, Song Dong, Xiang Jing, Zeng Fanzhi, Yue Minjun, Wang Guangyi, Liu Jianhua, Xu Lei, Cai Guoqiang, Luo Zhongzhong, Wang Yidong, Sui Jianguo, Zhao Wenzhu, etc

Amnesia and Memory: A Collection of Letters from Zhang Xiaogang 1981-1996, Zhang Xiaogang, Zhu Zhu, Grey Carnival: Chinese Contemporary Art since 2000, Wu Hong, And Li Jian, Theory of Contemporary Art in an Interdisciplinary Perspective

(The artist and his works and the above bibliography are the approximate material range, and the content is not determined, but will be temporarily selected, replaced or added or subtracted according to the activity.) )

The event will be held in 2022

January 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 Goda

January 20, 21, 24, 25, 26

(Closed on the 15th, 16th, 22nd, and 23rd)

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Since presence


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