
A New Chapter in the Network Gift Spectrum - A Review of the First Changji Prefecture Internet Culture Festival

author:NetEase Xinjiang

In order to further promote the "cultural run Xinjiang" project, on May 25, 2021, the first Changji Prefecture Internet Culture Festival was officially launched, which lasted half a year, under the guidance and support of the Cyberspace Office of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee, the Fujian Forward Command for Aiding Xinjiang, and the Propaganda Department of the Prefecture Party Committee, the Cyberspace Office of the Prefecture Party Committee coordinated the resources of the whole prefecture, organized and carried out 42 online and offline network cultural activities, created and disseminated a large number of upward and benevolent network cultural works, and released a total of 6745 positive energy manuscripts (articles) in the activities. It has been read 320 million times, liked 4.203 million times, forwarded 787,000 times, and commented on 237,000 times, comprehensively demonstrating the great achievements of Changji Prefecture's economic and social development and improvement of people's livelihood.

e heart to the party --- a century-old colorful dream road

In the "Centennial Birthday Chapter", the Internet Information Office of the Manas County CPC Committee launched a short video contest on "Jittering Red Songs and Remembering the Party's Grace"; the Longyan Aid xinjiang Sub-Headquarters and the Hutubi County Internet Association jointly launched the "Struggle for a Hundred Years Road, Set Sail for a New Journey -- A Hundred Poems and Praises the Party"; the Cyberspace Office of the Changji Municipal Party Committee launched the "E-Praise Centenary Of the Centenary Of The Telling of Pioneers" theme video story collection activity; the Xiamen Aid Xinjiang Branch Headquarters and the Jimsar County CPC Committee Cyberspace Office jointly held a series of network culture activities of "Party Flag Gathering E Space Red Culture RunBeiting" The Cyberspace Administration of the Qitai County CPC Committee and the County Education Bureau jointly carried out the online recitation activity of "Listening to the Voice of History from the Party with Children's Hearts"; the Zhangzhou Aid to Xinjiang Branch Headquarters, the Propaganda Department of the Mulei County CPC Committee, and the Cyberspace Administration jointly held the "Art Exhibition Of Change and Feeling the Gratitude of the Party" - an exhibition of online silhouette calligraphy and painting works. In the "Chapter on the Practice of Studying History," the Changji Prefecture Party Committee Lecturer Group carried out the "Cloud Propaganda" on the special topic of party history study and education; the Changji Prefecture "Visiting Huiju" Office launched a series of propaganda works on the theme of "Studying Party History and Following the Party"; the Changji Radio and Television Station held a propaganda and education activity on "Telling Everyone's Party History Stories"; and the Changji Prefecture Federation of Literature and Literature held an exhibition of 100 themed calligraphy works on the study and education of party history "Han Mo Song Brilliant". The activities focused on using the party's course of struggle and great achievements to inspire fighting spirit and clarify the direction, to use the party's glorious traditions and fine work style to strengthen faith and gather strength, and to use the party's practice and historical experience to enlighten wisdom and improve character, and effectively stimulated the feelings of local netizens to "listen to the party, feel the gratitude of the party, and follow the party."

E road peers--- please come to Damei Changji

New media, new horizons, this year's Internet Culture Festival fully excavates the power of local new media people and network big V, and uses their wonderful perspectives and exquisite brushstrokes to vividly show the new life and new appearance of the people of all ethnic groups on the land of Tingzhou. In the "Rural Revitalization Chapter", the State Women's Federation launched the "Beautiful Courtyard" hand-clapping works exhibition and broadcast activity; the Propaganda Department of the Mulei County CPC Committee and the Cyberspace Administration of the Communist Party of China jointly held the "Go, Go to MuleiHe" online audio exhibition and broadcast activity; the Cyberspace Administration of the Changji Municipal Party Committee held a short video collection activity of "Happy Changji People Chasing Dreams in Changji City"; and the Xinjiang Agricultural Vocational and Technical College carried out the "Rural Revitalization" summer practice activity. In the "Discover Changji Chapter", the Changji Internet Association organized the "Net Red Visiting the Night Market" network live broadcast publicity activity; the Fukang Tenagle New Media Association held the "Aerial Photography Fukang" work exhibition and broadcast activity; and the Qitai County Internet Association launched the "Look at Qitai" Douyin Video Collection Contest. At the end of October, the second season of "Xinjiang Memory • Changji Impression" network theme dissemination activity was successfully held, using a week to travel through the seven counties and cities of Changji Prefecture, @Winnie Bear from Guangdong and Fujian, @ QuanzhouFu, @ Wired Reporter, @ Zhangzhou Toutiao and other network big V all the way with "Xinjiang Memory Changji Impression", "Please come to Damei Changji", "Ten Thousand People Say Xinjiang Changji" and other network topic words, published graphics, audio and video manuscripts on various new media platforms, with a cumulative reading volume of more than 300 million during the event, Among them, the number of Weibo topics read reached 180 million, allowing the high-value Changji to brush the circle of friends.

E-colorful --- gather positive energy of the network

If the positive energy in cyberspace is not abundant, the network ecology will be overgrown. In the "Forge Ahead", the Cyberspace Administration of the State Party Committee initiated the establishment of the "Tianshan New Media Alliance" and held the "E-Road Peer Network Gathering and Win-win" new media exchange salon to promote the local new media to abide by the law and self-discipline, mutual benefit and win-win results, unity and empowerment, and forge ahead in cyberspace. From November 21st to 27th, with the support of the Fujian Forward Command for Aiding Xinjiang, the Tianshan New Media Alliance went to Fujian to carry out the "Symphony of Mountains and Seas and the Dream of the Internet" Tianshan New Media Fujian Tour, and the new media people of the two places had in-depth exchanges and jointly interpreted a vivid movement of "Symphony of Mountains and Seas and Fujian Changqing". In order to deeply cultivate the "Cultural Run Xinjiang" project, the Fuzhou Aid Xinjiang Branch Headquarters and the Qitai County Cultural and Tourism Bureau jointly carried out the "Book E Book and Book Fragrance Inheritance" reading classic online reading exchange activity to create an upward and benevolent network cultural atmosphere. In order to better tell the story of Changji, the Cyberspace Office of the State Party Committee launched the Changji Prefecture Internet Culture IP Image Creation Solicitation Activity, which as one of the core activities of the first Changji Prefecture Internet Culture Festival, aims to display the scenery beauty, industrial beauty and harmonious beauty of Changji Prefecture through a unified network culture IP image, the theme of Changji State Network Culture IP is: "Seven Swords Under the Heavenly Mountain", later the plane and three-dimensional animation image will be announced to the public, it will set off a different wave of "speaking for Changji Prefecture" online and offline.

e-network affection - draw concentric circles with love

In order to make the positive energy of public welfare boost the cyberspace cleaner, the whole state has joined hands. The State Public Security Bureau and the new media of the local government affairs carried out the "e-start anti-fraud" network publicity activity; Changji Daily newspaper and the state Charity Federation jointly launched the "Old Party Member Heart Action" network public welfare assistance activity; the Manas County Party Committee Cyberspace Office and the County Internet Association jointly held the "Clear Space E-Guard" network security comic collection activity; the Xiamen Aid Xinjiang Branch Headquarters and the Jimsar County Internet Association jointly launched the "Beiting Network Public Welfare Festival" theme network culture activity; the State Party Committee Cyberspace Office launched the "Network Gathering in the New Era and E-Road to Promote Development" The volunteer service project aims to create a sample of Changji Prefecture for Internet public welfare co-construction and sharing. In October, the network V was organized to walk into the Xindi Township Central Primary School in Jimsar County to carry out the "Love Tianshan • Love Aid" network public welfare activity, and donated 30,000 yuan to ethnic minority children for the purchase of musical instrument accessories. In the past two years, the e-road peer volunteer service team has carried out 418 network public welfare activities, participated in more than 6,000 volunteers, helped farmers sell more than 30 million yuan, donated 1.788 million yuan in donations and materials, and benefited more than 20,000 people. The Cyberspace Administration of the Prefecture Party Committee also won the 2021 "Beautiful Countryside , Yilu You" Network Public Welfare Action Advanced Unit of the Autonomous Region, the "Watching Over Children's Heart" Volunteer Service Project in Fukang City, and the series of public welfare activities of "Yiwang Linkage and Helping Rural Revitalization" in Jimsar County won the Excellent Case of Network Public Welfare in the Autonomous Region. In the second Changji Prefecture New Era Civilization Practice Volunteer Service Project Competition, the volunteer service project of "Network Gathering New Era and E Road to Promote Development" won the "Excellence Award".

Looking back with great joy, the cohesion set off again. In 2022, we are about to usher in the 20th victory of the party, a new era, a new challenge, we will repack, carefully plan, continue to promote the implementation of the "cultural run Xinjiang" project, continue to carry forward the main theme, spread positive energy, tell the story of Changji, and create a clean and healthy network space for building a united, harmonious, civilized and progressive, civilized and good Changji.

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