
Hang San Xian, braised crucian carp, steamed sauce meat... The owner of this restaurant in Qingzhiwu personally cooks and cooks Chinese New Year's Eve rice for the employees in Hangzhou

author:Qianjiang Evening News

Correspondent Feng Chenchen Qian Zhenhua

Recently, Zhang Jun, the owner of the Tonglingge Hotel in Qingzhiwu, Hangzhou, is frying dishes in a hot way, and he is cooking Chinese New Year's Eve rice for employees who stay in Hangzhou for the New Year.

"Last year, due to the epidemic, the Spring Festival employees stayed in the store. This year, the government called on everyone to stay in Hangzhou for the New Year, and 13 of our employees chose to stay. The employees have been working hard in the store for a year, and this time I will cook a meal for the employees Chinese New Year's Eve meal. Zhang Jun introduced.

Hang San Xian, braised crucian carp, steamed sauce meat... The owner of this restaurant in Qingzhiwu personally cooks and cooks Chinese New Year's Eve rice for the employees in Hangzhou

Hang San Xian, braised crucian carp, steamed sauce meat, fried er dong, eight treasure rice... These are the must-order dishes for Hangzhou people to Chinese New Year's Eve meals. Zhang Jun rolled up his sleeves, tied up his apron, and personally cooked to bring the most Hangzhou-style Chinese New Year's Eve rice to the employees.

Zhang Jun said happily: "When the employees heard that I cooked and invited them to eat Chinese New Year's Eve meal, they were both surprised and happy, and they felt that the boss was very warm. I also prepared a red envelope of 200 yuan for each person to make everyone happy. ”

Hang San Xian, braised crucian carp, steamed sauce meat... The owner of this restaurant in Qingzhiwu personally cooks and cooks Chinese New Year's Eve rice for the employees in Hangzhou

Zhao Yan, from Anhui, said that he had been in Hangzhou for three years, and he had not returned to his hometown last year, and he had bought a smartphone for his parents before, and he made video calls when he thought of them. This year, his parents also supported him to stay in Hangzhou for the New Year, and I also bought a lot of Hangzhou specialties to send back, and then went home to see the two old people after the New Year. ”

It is reported that in late December, the party committee of Yuquan Community in Lingyin Street mobilized and encouraged qingzhiwu merchants to let employees stay in Hangzhou for the Spring Festival, and did a good job of epidemic prevention and control propaganda door to door.

According to current statistics, among the more than 200 merchants in Qingzhiwu Neighborhood, about 65% of them decided not to close during the Spring Festival this year and open as usual. In addition to ensuring overtime wages and rest during the Spring Festival in accordance with the law, merchants also prepared lucky red envelopes, New Year gift packages, Chinese New Year's Eve meals to care for employees to the greatest extent.

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