
The weather is sweltering, people who want to lose weight eat more of it, appetize and lose fat under the meal, nutrition is healthy

author:Bright Net

Generally in the summer, many people will breed a mentality of wanting to lose weight, and some people will choose to eat fruit every day to diet to achieve weight loss. Some people will choose to take diet pills or go to liposuction to achieve the effect of weight loss, but what Xiaobian wants to say is that it is unhealthy to do both things well, and we need to balance our body needs with a healthy and hungry diet.

This abnormal diet or with the help of external forces of the diet, will cause our body immune function is getting worse and worse, our physical and mental health are not good, so is losing weight or want to lose weight friends, Xiaobian to give you two suggestions: First, in the case of everyone's time is more abundant, you can go to the gym to fitness, which is also a good way to lose weight. The other is to achieve the effect of weight loss through the reasonable diet of Xiaobian, a reasonable diet can also help us lose weight, some foods are common in our lives, if we will eat or will be matched and will find, it will have a certain fat loss effect on us.

For example, Xiaobian wants to share with you today - Amaranth Pie. The weather is sweltering, people who want to lose weight eat more of it, appetize and lose fat under the meal, nutrition is still healthy!

First of all, Xiaobian told you about the nutritional value of amaranth:

Amaranth, also known as bulb kale, is a vegetable that is generally derived mostly from Shandong.

Amaranth is rich in nutrients, containing a large number of carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fiber, vitamins and mustard oil, etc., these nutrients are mixed together to help us moisturize the lungs and cleanse the intestines, especially to promote our large intestine peristalsis, but also has the effect of eliminating toxins, because amaranth contains a large number of vitamins, which can enhance our human immune function.

In addition, Xiaobian also told you about the advantages of cold mixed amaranth:

The first point: the amaranth is well hydrated, and the appetizer also loses fat.

The second point: the method is simple, basically, everyone will look at it, and the dishes made are quite good-looking and delicious.

When we make cold mixed amaranth, we first need to prepare ingredients: amaranth, green onion, ginger and garlic, small peppers, sesame oil, cooking oil, white vinegar, sugar, etc.

Here's how:

Step 1: First we clean the prepared amaranth, and then remove the skin of the amaranth.

Step 2: after peeling the amaranth, we then wash it with water, after cleaning, use a kitchen knife to cut the amaranth into filaments, the finer the better, friends who have a wire cutter at home can also directly use a wire cutter to rub the amaranth into silk better.

Step 3: After cutting the amaranth into silk, prepare a basin of clean water, put the amaranth into it to wash it, after scrubbing, you will find that there will be a layer of foam on it, we must first skim off the foam on it.

Step 4: After skimming off the foam on the surface of the water, we will add an appropriate amount of salt to the water to marinate the amaranth silk, about five minutes on it, after the time is up, we will directly fish out the inner akane with a colander and set aside.

Step 5: Wash the prepared shallots, ginger and garlic, cut them into small pieces and set aside, then wash the small peppers and cut them into rings for later.

Step 6: Prepare a large clean bowl, put the alfalfa silk, green onion, ginger and garlic, put it together in the bowl, and then add white vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, edible salt, etc. to it, and use chopsticks to stir the ingredients in the bowl evenly.

Such a refreshing and delicious plate of cold mixed amaranth is done well, not only the nutritional value is relatively rich, but also very refreshing to eat, eat more can clear the excess fat in our body, help us appetize the next meal, friends who want to lose weight may wish to try this way of eating, not only can enhance our immunity, but also help us lose weight Oh, interested friends can try to do it at home, as long as they eat it once will fall in love with it!

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