
He jumped from a 480-meter cliff and lived in seclusion in a mountain village for 30 years, pointing to the tombstone of the martyr: There is me on it

In the spring of 1947, Yishui County, Shandong Province, held a large-scale memorial service to mourn the soldiers who heroically sacrificed their lives in the just-concluded Battle of HuangyaShan, and the 7th Company of the 3rd Battalion, 70th Regiment, 70th Regiment, 8th Column, 24th Division, of the East China Field Army, with fewer enemies and more enemies, completed the feat of blocking the strength of two regiments of the 74th Division of the Kuomintang ace unit, annihilating more than 600 enemy troops, while all the soldiers of the 7th Company were killed (a few missing), of which the platoon responsible for holding the main peak fought against the enemy until the enemy ran out of food, and the only 6 remaining fighters collectively jumped off the cliff and committed suicide. Therefore, a row was awarded the "Model Platoon", and their names were all engraved on the tombstones of the East China Martyrs Cemetery. What is unexpected is that 30 years later, one of the martyrs in the tombstone was actually "resurrected from the dead", and after the comrades-in-arms identified him as Han Chengshan, the deputy head of the health squad of a row.

He jumped from a 480-meter cliff and lived in seclusion in a mountain village for 30 years, pointing to the tombstone of the martyr: There is me on it

At the beginning of 1947, our army annihilated more than 53,000 enemy troops in the campaign against the Kuomintang in Lunan and achieved great success. Three months later, the Kuomintang troops made a comeback, mobilized 3 corps and 13 integrated divisions, and attacked central Shandong. In accordance with the strategic arrangements of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, Chen Yi, commander of the East China Field Army, sent a small number of troops to block the enemy from the front, and the other main forces surrounded and annihilated the Nationalist 72nd Division entrenched in Tai'an from the flanks. As the deputy squad leader of a platoon of the 7th Company of the 3rd Battalion, 70th Regiment of the 24th Division of the 8th Column, he accompanied the team to carry out the task of blocking the enemy head-on, buying time for the large troops to prepare for battle, and at the same time responsible for covering the transfer of the masses.

In the early morning of April 26, the soldiers of the 7th Company took advantage of the fact that the sky was still not yet light, and rushed to Huangya Mountain, 20 miles away, the position was just laid out, the shells flew from both the overhead and the front, the enemy sent 4 aircraft and two artillery battalions to fire together, the other battalion launched a fierce charge on the hill, the 7th Company, which was good at fighting hard, quickly repelled the charging enemy troops, and within a few minutes, the enemy troops who charged forward increased to two battalions, and the tenacious 7th Company resisted the enemy's fire and repelled it. The enemy army, who had no choice but to do anything, could only continue to increase its strength, using one regiment to charge from the front, the other regiment to attack from the flank rear, and the 7th Company once again showed its tenacious spirit, repelling the enemy of the two regiments 8 times in a row, but because the disparity in strength was too great, the casualties of the 7th Company were very heavy, and the bullets were basically all gone.

When the enemy rushed to the mountain for the 9th time, they found that the gunfire on the mountain had scattered, and they understood that our army's personnel and ammunition were running out, so some people began to shout: "Catch the live." Zhu Jichang, a platoon leader on the main peak, looked at the remaining 5 fighters behind him, knew that it was impossible to resist the enemy, so he ordered Han Chengshan to throw all the guns except in his hands under the 480-meter-high cliff, saying: "We must not leave the enemy with a single shot." Then the 6 men agreed to fight until the last moment, rather than be captured!

He jumped from a 480-meter cliff and lived in seclusion in a mountain village for 30 years, pointing to the tombstone of the martyr: There is me on it

Han Chengshan finished throwing his gun and began to lift the stone and smash it in the direction of the enemy, while Zhu Jichang found an unused grenade in the hands of the comrades who died next to him, and while pulling the string, he said to the five comrades behind him: "Comrades, jump with me, long live the Communist Party"! After saying that, he jumped for life, the first one jumped, and the other comrades jumped off the cliff one after another, and one of the soldiers was seriously injured in both legs, asking Han Chengshan to take him to jump off the cliff together, so Han Chengshan also jumped on his back.

He jumped from a 480-meter cliff and lived in seclusion in a mountain village for 30 years, pointing to the tombstone of the martyr: There is me on it

After the end of the war, all the troops held a memorial service in Yishui County, Shandong Province, in order to mourn the comrades who died in the war. When people learned that Captain Zhu was sacrificing himself by jumping off a cliff with five comrades, everyone was moved. In order to commemorate these heroic martyrs, their names were also engraved on the stone tablets of the East China Martyrs' Cemetery, of course, Han Chengshan's name is also among them.

In fact, everyone did not expect that Han Chengshan did not die after jumping off the cliff, he was stopped by a tree halfway up the mountainside, due to the strong impact, the warrior on his back was separated from him at this time and fell off the cliff, while Han Chengshan hung on the branch until the next day.

He jumped from a 480-meter cliff and lived in seclusion in a mountain village for 30 years, pointing to the tombstone of the martyr: There is me on it

Old Man Han Chengshan (left)

When Han Chengshan woke up, he climbed down the mountain with his body wounded, and when he saw two comrades-in-arms on the mountainside, he was overjoyed, but when he climbed to his comrades-in-arms, he found that they had already lost their breath. Because he could still hear the enemy's voice, Han Chengshan could only climb into the grass and hide. At that time, he had not eaten a mouthful of food and drank a mouthful of water for a day and a night, Han Chengshan felt thirsty like a fire in his throat, but there was no water around, in a hurry, he squeezed out a little bloody urine, and then pulled out a few hay roots at hand and ate it together, and after a while he was unconscious again, and when he woke up, he found himself lying on a large rock, surrounded by a white-haired old man.

It turned out that after he was unconscious that day, a local 70-year-old man went up the mountain to cut firewood, passed by there, found that someone was injured, and immediately carried Han Chengshan down the cliff with difficulty.

Because there were often spies in the village to inquire about the news, the old man had to hide Han Chengshan in a nearby cave, and then go home to get water and the little salt left in the house to clean up Han Chengshan's wounds. Then the old man went up to the mountain to collect medicine, and after frying it, he took advantage of the night to send it to Han Chengshan, and the villagers heard that the old man saved people and sent food one after another.

He jumped from a 480-meter cliff and lived in seclusion in a mountain village for 30 years, pointing to the tombstone of the martyr: There is me on it

Han Chengshan old man

The old man's name was Shi Zhenwen, and he took good care of Han Chengshan, not only continuously frying medicine for him for more than 70 days, but also changing four places behind his back in order to avoid the pursuit of secret agents. After Han Chengshan went down to the ground on crutches, he eagerly bid farewell to the old man and looked for his troops, but he walked for seven days and seven nights without hearing from the troops, and in desperation, he could only drag his lame legs back to zhao jiawang village in Kugou Township, Nan County.

After Han Chengshan returned to his hometown, he did not give up looking for troops, and he often wrote letters everywhere, but there was never any news. Fellow villagers also advised Han Chengshan: "Hurry up and find the troops, and when you find them, you will be able to arrange a job for you, which is better than seeing people in the village."

One day, when a child in the village was playing, he was kicked in the abdomen and shocked, because there was neither a hospital nor a doctor nearby, so the family was very anxious, when someone suddenly thought that Han Chengshan had studied military medicine in the army, so he rushed to call him. After Han Chengshan arrived, he checked the injury, pressed a few times on the child, and then used a hot towel dipped in salt for hot compresses, and within a few minutes the child woke up.

Han Chengshan thought that his legs could no longer go to the battlefield, and even if he found the troops, he could only drag everyone back, so he finally resolutely gave up returning to the troops and became a soil doctor in the mountain village.

One year in the cold winter month, Han Chengshan had gone to 3 homes during the day to see people, and at night he was so tired that he just lay down, he heard someone rushing to knock on the door, it turned out that Li DaNiang's lung disease in the next village was severe again, and he coughed so badly that he couldn't breathe, Han Chengshan immediately put on his clothes, braved the wind and snow, dragged his own very painful lame leg to the patient's home, took the pulse, gave injections, and then personally fried the medicine, until the middle of the night, after Li Daniang's symptoms improved, he left.

After liberation, as there were fewer and fewer villagers who knew Han Chengshan's situation at that time, some people began to doubt Han Chengshan's identity, and people knew that he had been a soldier, but he had neither a disability certificate nor a demobilization certificate, so he had been suspected of being a deserter for more than twenty years. Although Han Chengshan was aggrieved in his heart, he did not defend himself, he only treated others, and did not respond to anything else, he only advised himself: "So many comrades who fought with me have sacrificed, and I can still live to see the founding of New China and be satisfied."

He jumped from a 480-meter cliff and lived in seclusion in a mountain village for 30 years, pointing to the tombstone of the martyr: There is me on it

Liu Yanghou old man

In 1977, a unit named Liu Yanghou left Hugh cadres to revisit the Menglianggu and Huangyashan battlefields of that year, because he was the machine gun squad leader of the 7th Company, passed out on the battlefield to escape the enemy's pursuit and survived, he knew that there were 6 soldiers who jumped off the cliff that year, and the troops looked for no news several times, this time he came to the foot of the cliff to inquire about the events of that year, because 30 years had passed, only the old man still vaguely remembered that incident, and later he found out about the home of Shi Zhenwen's descendants. Only then did he know that Han Chengshan was rescued after jumping off a cliff and returned to his hometown.

So Liu Yanghou rushed to Han Chengshan's hometown overnight, and it was very fortunate that Han Chengshan was still alive. Liu Yanghou immediately reported this situation to Han Chengshan's unit at that time, and after the head of the unit received the news that the martyr who had "sacrificed" 30 years ago had "come back from the dead," he attached great importance to it and immediately took a special car to visit Han Chengshan's old man's home. Subsequently, the old man was also taken back to the army and dozens of reports were made to tell the officers and men about their experiences in those years. After that, people understood the experience of the elderly Han Chengshan, because his name was engraved on the monument of the martyrs' cemetery, so everyone affectionately called him "living martyr".

After the local government learned of Han Chengshan's miraculous experience, it immediately applied for a disability certificate for him and implemented the treatment.

He jumped from a 480-meter cliff and lived in seclusion in a mountain village for 30 years, pointing to the tombstone of the martyr: There is me on it

Once, when the elderly Han Chengshan came to the East China Martyrs' Cemetery to visit his fallen comrades-in-arms, he found that there were not only statues of 6 people who jumped off the cliff together, but also his own name on the tombstone, pointing to the tombstone and smiling with the accompanying people, saying: "There is me on this, it turns out that I am also a martyr."

The "famous" old man Han Chengshan still did not give up his identity as a doctor, carrying a medicine box through various villages every day. Because of his popularity, the villagers also elected him as the village's mediation director.

In 1986, there was a pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the village because of family trivia quarreled, the daughter-in-law returned to her mother's house with grievances, how the husband could not persuade her to come back, so she found the village cadres to help do the work, but to no avail, helplessly finally came to Han Chengshan to help, at this time near the End of the Year, Han Chengshan's old man's home was very busy, but he still put down the work in his hands, dragging a painful and lame leg between the daughter-in-law's in-law's family and the mother-in-law's family four or five times, and finally solved the contradiction between the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law, The husband picked up his daughter-in-law and happily went home to prepare for the New Year. There was a 12-mile road between the two families, and when he returned home after running these four or five times, Han Chengshan's leg was already in pain and could not move, but he did not tell anyone.

The elderly Han Chengshan has been using his own actions for decades to fulfill the promise of a Communist Party member. On 8 July 1992, President Jiang Zemin inspected the work in Linyi, Shandong Province, and after hearing about the deeds of the elderly Han Chengshan, he cordially received him. The chairman said: "You are a hero of our country, a 'living martyr', and the glory of the people of Shandong, you must take care of your health, any difficulties in life must be mentioned, and the government will do its best to satisfy you!" ”

He jumped from a 480-meter cliff and lived in seclusion in a mountain village for 30 years, pointing to the tombstone of the martyr: There is me on it

The chairman's words made the 66-year-old Han Chengshan excited, he said that he will never live up to the expectations of the party and the country, he will continue to work hard, give full play to his residual heat, share his personal experience with more people, tell everyone what is the revolutionary spirit, let the children not forget history, but also let them understand that today's good days are not easy to come by, and we must double cherish.

Over the years, the elderly Han Chengshan has made hundreds of revolutionary traditional reports to various organs, enterprises, troops, schools and other units, and as many as 100,000 people have been educated. In February 2011, the elderly Han Chengshan died of illness at the age of 85.

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