
Liyang chip: The company has purchased test equipment from Huafeng measurement and control and linkage technology

Liyang chip: The company has purchased test equipment from Huafeng measurement and control and linkage technology

Jiwei network news, recently, Liyang chip said in an institutional survey that the company has purchased test equipment from Huafeng measurement and control and linkage technology. Sorting machines and probe stations are mainly based on imported equipment, and there is still a certain technical gap between domestic and imported equipment. The company follows the comprehensive assessment of consistency, reliability, stability, precision and other aspects of equipment selection.

Liyang chip said that the company and the packaging and testing of the company compared to the integration of the company, the packaging and testing of the company more focused on the field of packaging research and development, focusing on physics, materials, mechanics and other technologies, its test is more of a self-test, that is, after the completion of the packaging to carry out supporting testing and inspection, the content of the test is mainly the basic electrical performance test and continuity test of the chip.

As an independent third-party integrated circuit testing company, the company focuses on the research and development of the test field, focusing on chip electronic circuits, performance, logic functions, signals, communications, system applications and other technologies; the company is an independent third party in the position of the industrial chain, only providing professional testing services, and the test report is more neutral and objective.

Regarding the market space of independent third parties, Liyang Chip pointed out that the market data of independent testing is relatively difficult to obtain fair and neutral data; according to some of our forecasts and data from the Taiwan Institute of Industry and Research, chip testing accounts for about 6-8%, the current global sales of Wingss is about 100 billion US dollars, IDM sales are about 300 billion US dollars, and the test foundry market size is about 6-7 billion US dollars; our vision is to be the world's largest test base, we will be in talent 3. Increase investment in technology, production capacity and other aspects to accelerate the pace of development; the company according to the past compound growth rate and the scale of existing capital expenditure, the company mentioned the future development goals at the 2020 annual performance briefing meeting: it is expected to maintain an average annual compound growth rate of more than 30% in recent years; the company has formulated medium- and long-term development goals: double in 3 years, 1 billion in 5 years of revenue scale.

As for how to achieve the rapid development of independent third-party testing, Liyang Chip said that the business model of division of labor cooperation makes Taiwan stand second in the world in the semiconductor field, and the scale of the industry determines the depth of the division of labor. With the expansion of industrial scale, chip complexity and integration are getting higher and higher. Packaging companies will have some tests, mainly in China that there is no certain volume of test companies that can match design companies, and the two models are currently coexisting. After 10 years of technology accumulation, the company has accumulated testing technology in the more mainstream field, hoping to achieve overtaking in curves. The company will achieve a faster development speed through the power of the capital market, increase capital expenditure and R & D investment.

In terms of test pricing methods, Liyang Chip said that the influencing factors and influencing mechanisms of the company's test service pricing: (1) test equipment: normal temperature, low temperature, high temperature probe table / sorting machine and other configurations; (2) test process flow: different types of chips will have differences in test processes, such as whether it is necessary to do multi-channel testing, electrical sampling, aging testing, optical appearance testing and special packaging and other processes; (3) environmental factors: the cleanliness of the production workshop and the difference in temperature and humidity requirements, the production clean workshop has tens of thousands, thousands, Hundreds of levels of difference, temperature and humidity require precise control. For example, CIS products require a clean workshop of more than 100 levels, and the computing power chip requires the temperature to be controlled within plus or minus 1 °C; (4) technical difficulty: Different customer products use different test schemes. The difficulty of test program development is related to the seniority, quantity, development cycle and development difficulty of the company's technical personnel invested in research and development, and the funds invested in the development process. The more advanced or unique the test technology, the higher the price. In addition to the above factors, it is also affected by quality requirements, service requirements, order volume for testing, capacity requirements, etc.

At present, the company's refinancing plan is in an orderly manner, and the first round of feedback responses has been actively prepared; according to the stock issuance plan, the company expects to generate 645.7198 million yuan per year after the investment reaches production.

In terms of capacity expansion, Liyang Chip said that the company will take the initiative to make reasonable predictions for customers' future production capacity needs according to market conditions, lay out the corresponding production capacity in advance, continue to optimize the production capacity structure, and will actively invest in chip testing capacity in 5G communications, sensors, memory, high computing power and other fields, and will give priority to the world-renowned test platform.

It is reported that the company is more inclined to cooperate with integrated circuit design companies, the current packaging plant packaging capacity and testing capacity is not exactly matched, but do not rule out that it will also cooperate with the packaging plant, there will be certain cooperation opportunities in the future.

In addition, Liyang Chip said that the round test and the chip finished product test are related to the customer's product type, and we meet the market's capacity needs, and the future will also change due to different product types of different customers. The company has been advocating and practicing the business model of integrated circuit division of labor and cooperation, and will continue to cover different types of chips to provide customers with integrated circuit "food street".


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