
Adult collapse, do you want to tell others?

author:Yan Xiaoxi said

Yesterday I was very emotionally devastated all day, if there is no specific reason, but I feel that my mood is not good, there is no reason to be happy, I feel that I am not interested in many things, and I don't want to do anything. Some people said that when the mood is not good, they should clean or exercise, but it has no effect on me, and I don't want to do anything if I am in a bad mood! I have always been a relatively strong person who does not like to complain and does not like to complain, but I feel that yesterday's emotional backlog has been too long, and I very much want to find friends to talk about.

Adult collapse, do you want to tell others?

The first person I looked for was one of my female girlfriends, and I talked to her for half an hour, and then I found that the more I talked, the more depressed I became, the topics I talked about were particularly pessimistic, and I felt that I was more depressed than before, and I didn't get any relief, but the mood was more serious. We talked about each other's troubles, and although we could empathize with each other, it didn't ease my emotions.

Then I tried to find a second male friend, he was busy when he messaged him, and then asked me what was wrong with me when I messaged me back this morning? I said I was in a bad mood and he gave me back 4 hahahahaha, and my heart was very speechless at the time. Everyone is an adult, when one person and another person say that they are in a bad mood, most of them cannot digest their emotions, and their emotions must be more serious. How to directly "hahahahaha"?

Adult collapse, do you want to tell others?

From this, I am reminded of Fu Seoul's previous speech in the Strange Story, she said: "When all mankind is plunged into the deep sea of despair, what saves us is a ship called responsibility, reason makes us stop tears, and grinds it into a pearl, the collapse is of course everyone's right, but the collapse that cannot be hidden is only a scar, and the collapse that is hidden is a medal." I agree with that.

Adults themselves are suffering from all sentient beings, each with its own troubles, some because of feelings, some because of money, some because of family, some because of work. Everyone desperately wants to talk about their troubles, but it doesn't solve anything. The distress is still there, and I even think that the bitterness will be aggravated after the talk, because it may not be so serious that the emotion is aggravated and emphasized by being spoken.

Adult collapse, do you want to tell others?

I'd rather spend more time thinking, or in a daze, or maybe reading. People say that reading is a haven of suffering, at least when reading books, the heart is calm, not anxious, not depressed.

Today I saw a survey done by a big V on Weibo, the question is whether you are intermittent emo, I participated in the survey and saw the results of the investigation. Only about 1/10 of people don't have intermittent emo, which means that everyone's emo is not an exception, everyone is like this. Something else can be done to distract the distractions, and this stage of the emo may pass easily.

Adult collapse, do you want to tell others?

Of course, if there is a depressive tendency or depression, it is necessary to talk to someone appropriately, because talking is a distress signal. Of course, this scene is a different story!

Are you willing to talk about your troubles to your friends when you read the article? Welcome to discuss.

Adult collapse, do you want to tell others?

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