
Universal Essay Topic: You can write nothing to write

Some people say, "I really don't have anything to write!" ”

Some people say, "Writing an essay is really crazy!" Don't know what to write. ”

How can there be nothing to write about? Writing an essay is about writing about your happiness, sadness, anger, irritability...

That is to say- you feel that you have nothing to write, you are very irritable, and this "irritability" can be written into an article!

Universal Essay Topic: You can write nothing to write

You have nothing to do at home, very boring, this kind of "boredom" can be written into an article!

You always go to the training class, there is no time to play, this kind of "helplessness" can be written into an article!


Appreciation: There is no subject matter to write

To be honest, I'm not afraid to write. I can describe all kinds of beautiful things in my essays, with the sea and the sky wide and unrestrained. When you are bored, reading your own composition, there is an indescribable beauty.

However, there are also times when essays are upsetting—I really can't think of anything to write about.

"Mom, what should I write about this week's weekly journal?" I scratched my head and asked my mother.

"I think to myself, I don't care!" Mom rejected me.

"Tell me! Please. "I started to coddle.

Universal Essay Topic: You can write nothing to write

"No, if I say it, it's my idea, not your idea." Mom is still so stubborn.

I went back to my desk with a fire in my belly and looked up, the sky outside the window was bright, isn't this a good time for me to hang out? But this composition has become a "prison" that imprisons me, and I am the bird that can't fly out.

"Mom, just tell me one!" I still couldn't help but ask my mother again, and now my mother has become my only supporter.

"Okay then! Just propose one! I finally moved my mother, "Just write about the party you sent yao Xuanyi off!" ”

"No, I don't like writing about this narrative the most." I'm not happy.

alas! The essays that used to bring me fun are now boring, and each essay takes a long time and has to think left and right. If you write slowly, you must be urged by your mother; if you write badly, you cannot be selected by the "class newspaper", and you cannot share the joy of writing with everyone.

Universal Essay Topic: You can write nothing to write

In the midst of all the worries, time slipped away. My favorite books, my favorite TV, and the games I wanted to play all abandoned me, and I had to stay at home and meditate constantly.

Remember the book recorded that in ancient times, kao zhuangyuan all relied on a good article, but fortunately, now there are many choices and channels, and there are many ways to win everyone's appreciation. How lucky I am! Still, I have to work hard to write better articles.

The editor has something to say

You see, the "nothing to write" thing can also be written as an article. We saw it and there was a resonance because almost everyone had that experience.

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