
People's Daily Commentary: Say no to algorithmic "technical bullying"

Algorithmic discrimination, "big data killing", inducing addiction... In response to the problems caused by the irrational application of these algorithms, the State Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Administration for Market Regulation recently jointly issued the "Provisions on the Recommendation and Administration of Internet Information Service Algorithms", which will be implemented from March 1, 2022. The promulgation of this provision is to standardize the recommendation activities of Internet information service algorithms, protect the vital interests of the vast number of netizens, and promote the healthy development of Internet information services.

"Algorithm" is a strategic method of using computers to solve problems, which has long been closely related to netizens, and can even be said to shape the online world in people's eyes. At present, the Internet has entered the development stage of big data and artificial intelligence, and digital life can almost be said to have been dominated by algorithms. Open the mobile video APP, are your "love to watch" short videos, news client, are your "love to read" message, shopping APP, are your "want to buy" things ... ... By tailoring and actively recommending information services for users, the algorithm makes individuals get the pleasure of having their needs met, merchants more accurately reach customers, and grouping and live streaming are more efficient, which really injects new momentum into economic and social development.

But at the same time, in the face of strong algorithms, users often have a sense of helplessness that cannot be rejected and have no right to choose. You may have only stayed a few seconds longer on short videos on this topic, or searched for this item occasionally on this shopping platform, but the algorithm has made private customizations and personalized recommendations according to your preferences, and then pushed you the same type of videos, products and news. In the "siege" created by the algorithm, users cannot break through the wall, get personalized customization of information recommendations, and lose the opportunity to receive information diversity, and they have also become a harvested traffic group.

In particular, with the increasing popularity and deepening of algorithm applications, problems such as "big data killing", inducing addiction and other algorithm discrimination, and irrational application of algorithms have also profoundly affected the normal communication order, market order and social order. Sometimes Apple phone users may see a higher price of goods than Android phone users see, or use algorithmic recommendation services to induce minors to become addicted to the Internet... If these "technical bullying" caused by algorithms are not eliminated as soon as possible, they will not only harm the legitimate rights and interests of netizens, but also bring damage to the healthy development of the Internet industry. In fact, the algorithm seems objective, but it is artificial to decide which algorithm to adopt, which data "labels" to use, and what purpose to achieve. For example, big data killing is a typical algorithmic discrimination, and after the e-commerce platform obtains data such as user shopping records, mobile phone models and even gender, it can accurately profile the user, so that the same product can be fine-tuned into "thousands of people and thousands of prices". The "technical bullying" of these algorithms is often difficult for users to know, so it is difficult to "avoid pits".

The promulgation of the "Provisions on the Recommendation and Administration of Internet Information Service Algorithms" clarifies that users can choose to turn off algorithm recommendations, and can also refuse to use their personal characteristic data algorithm recommendation services, and also stipulates that algorithms may not be used to implement unreasonable differential treatment on transaction conditions such as transaction prices according to consumer preferences, trading habits and other characteristics, so as to curb the bad wind of big data killing. It can be said that this is the original source of algorithm abuse from the source of technology. In the next step, the governance of algorithm recommendation services requires the joint participation of governments, enterprises, society, netizens and other parties to promote the fairness, fairness, standardization and transparency of algorithm recommendation services, and promote the upward and benevolent of algorithm recommendation services, so as to create a clearer cyberspace.

Source: People's Daily News

People's Daily Commentary: Say no to algorithmic "technical bullying"

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