
Hundreds of Cantonese cuisine methods to share, there is always a suitable one for you to cook yourself! Top half

author:Run csy
Hundreds of Cantonese cuisine methods to share, there is always a suitable one for you to cook yourself! Top half

Cold frozen Admiralty chicken

【Dish Name】 Cold Frozen Admiralty Chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Light Chicken (1000 grams), Fish Gel (5 grams), Lard (15 grams), Large Vegetables (10 grams), Eggs (2 pieces), Ham (25 grams), Coriander (12 leaves), Asparagus (50 grams), White Salt (10 grams), Flavor Powder (10 grams), Soup (500 grams), Ginger, Green Onion, (50 grams), ShaoJiu (25 grams). 【Production process】 First, use 2.5 grams of white salt, 25 grams of rice wine, spread the chicken outside, put ginger, minced green onion, five minutes later, steam for about fifteen minutes, take out and let it cool, then cut the chicken into small pieces, add 5 grams of flavor powder, 2.5 grams of white salt, 15 grams of lard, mix well, and marinate the chicken for use. Second, wash the fish gelatin and large vegetables, put them in a soup cup, add 500 grams of soup, 5 grams of powder, and 5 grams of white salt, put them into the steamer basket, steam until the vegetables are dissolved, and take them out and set aside. 3. Steam 2 eggs, slice the egg, slice the ham, coriander leaves, slice the shoots, cooked chicken grains, etc. Ready, and then use 12 tea cups, coat the cup with a little lard, and put the above ham slices, coriander leaves, egg white slices, asparagus slices, chicken grains, etc. in the cup. Fourth, when the soup is about 70% cold, pour the soup into the cup, pour it until it is soaked with chicken, and when it is frozen, put it in the refrigerator, take it out after an hour, and take out a foreign Golden Bell chicken from the cup when eating.

Teochew oil fruit

【Dish Name】 Teochew Oil Fruit 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 240 grams of sweet potatoes, 120 grams of glutinous rice flour, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of lard or vegetable oil, 1/4 cup of water, 4 tablespoons of crushed peanuts, sautéed sesame seeds, and brown sugar. 【Preparation process】 1: Cut the sweet potato into 2 cm thick pieces, steam for 20 minutes, and press into sweet potato mushrooms while hot. 2: Rub the peel material into a powdered fruit; mix well with the fruit filling

3: Divide the dough into 12 parts, press them thin one by one, wrap them in the filling, and knead them into a triangular form of oil. 4: Fry the oil nuts in hot oil until golden brown. Can be garnished with cherries

Crispy pigeons

【Dish Name】 Crispy Pigeon 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Fat and tender pigeon (2), Cinnamon (a little), Licorice root (a little), Star anise (a little), Rice wine (325 grams), Green onion (165 grams), Ginger (80 grams), White soy sauce (80 grams), Chicken broth (2500 grams), Salt (80 grams), Caramel (a little), white vinegar (a little), Cloves (4 grams). 【Production process】 1. Remove the pigeons and wash them. In addition, put various spices into the chicken broth, cook for about an hour, that is, become white brine, and then put the pigeons into the white brine, that is, cease fire, soak until one hour and then take out. Second, with caramel, white vinegar into the original paste, coated on the pigeon skin, hanging in the cool place to blow for three hours, wait for the pigeon skin to dry, that is, into the raw oil pan fried until golden brown, then cut into pieces and plate, the side of the plate with pepper salt is good. Golden in color, crisp and tender in skin, most suitable in autumn.

Lamb roasted lamb

【Dish name】 Lamb roasted lamb 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Mellow and tender. 【Ingredients】 1000 grams of lamb, 50 grams of southern ginger, 25 grams of rice wine, 20 grams of red soy sauce, 1000 grams of lard (consumption of 150 grams), 50 grams of soup, 250 grams of pork belly, 100 grams of mangguang silk (pickled sweet and sour), 100 grams of hawthorn cake shreds. Dried flour soy sauce Sichuan pepper minced raw garlic sesame oil salt, starch, monosodium glutamate, two soups, raw green onion to taste. 【Preparation process】 1, wash the lamb, red soy sauce, dry starch mixed well on the lamb skin, under the oil to fry until it is golden brown. 2: Put the fried lamb into the pot (with bamboo noodles at the bottom), add the second soup, Shaojiu, nan ginger, raw garlic, fine salt, red soy sauce, pork belly (first cut into pieces and stir-fry incense), put on the stove and boil over high heat, simmer until the lamb is soft and rotten, take out, pick up the pork belly, remove the bone cut of the lamb 5 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, and place on the plate. In 1 small bowl, add soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, soup and starch water to form a bowl. 3: Place the lamb in the steamer basket for 2 minutes, remove and sprinkle with dry starch. Heat and sauté the lard, pour the lamb into the slightly fried, and pour back into the fence. Shunding stir-fry the minced Sichuan pepper and chopped green onion, add the lamb, cook it in Shaojiu, add the bowl and mix well to plate it. Mangguang silk, hawthorn cake silk platter. Sauce plate: sweet sauce

Dried fried liver flowers

【Dish name】 Dried fried liver flower 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Crispy and tender 【Raw materials】 400 grams of pork liver, 50 grams of white meat, 100 grams of shrimp meat, 1 egg, 200 grams of lard oil, 2 pieces of rotten skin, 1 gram of sichuan pepper minced, 15 grams of green onion, 1000 grams of lard (consumption 100 grams). Shao wine, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame paste, starch, coriander, pepper oil each appropriate amount 【Production process】 1. Cut the pork liver and white meat into thin slices, chop the shrimp meat into minced pieces, add monosodium glutamate, salt, Sichuan pepper minced, green onion, sesame paste, Shao wine and stir well, divide into 2 parts, wash the lard oil, dry and set aside. 2. Wipe the tofu skin with a damp cloth, after softness, drape it on the cutting board, put the pork liver material on the rotten skin, roll it into a round roll with a diameter of about 3.5 cm, then wrap it with pork oil, make 2 pieces in total, and then put it into the steamer basket, steam it for about 15 minutes with a low flame, use a bamboo needle to cut the middle of the pork liver roll, no blood water flows out and cooks, take out the outer skin of the pork liver roll and touch the wet starch and fry. 3. Heat and stir-fry the lard, when the oil temperature reaches seven ripe, the pork liver is rolled under the oil and fried until it is golden brown, the cut pieces are placed on the plate, drizzled with pepper oil, and the coriander is used on the plate. Sauce plate: sweet sauce.

Peony fried snake breast

【Dish name】 Peony fried snake breast 【Belongs to the cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Crab yellow is known as "peony", shrimp glue is known as "Hundred Flowers", fresh and smooth and delicious 【Raw material】 Main ingredient 1 water law snake, crab meat 50 grams, crab yellow 50 grams, shrimp glue 360 grams, egg white 50 grams. Seasoning 600 grams of large oil (actual consumption is about 60 grams), sesame oil 6 grams, cooking wine 10 grams, corn starch 10 grams, wet horseshoe powder 10 grams, salt 10 grams, green onion 10 grams, ginger 6 grams, soup to taste. 【Production process】 (1) Remove the head of the water snake and use 70% boiling water and 30% cold water to scale. Use a knife to cut the snake's back twice, then a knife in the stomach, stabbing it to the tail, removing the internal organs and blood stains. Then soak in a bowl of boiling water for about 20 minutes and remove. (2) Tear open 2 snake breasts by hand. Then cut 24 snake pieces into 3 cm long pieces, add a little oil, cooking wine, green onion, ginger and soup, and steam them for about 15 minutes. (3) Soak the crab yellow in boiling water. (4) In the steamed snake breast thin pat corn starch, each piece stuffed with shrimp gelatin about 15 grams. (5) Stir-fry spoon over medium heat, pour in the appropriate amount of large oil, and then remove. (7) Spoon the cooking wine, add the soup, add crab meat, salt, and two wet horseshoe powder to outline the soup. Then pour in the egg whites and crab yolks. Wrap the tail oil and stir-fry a few times. Sesame oil is dripped on the snake breast surface and ready.

White fruit duck stew

【Dish Name】 White Fruit Duck Pot 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Raw Materials】 One light duck, 4 white fruits, yellow buds and white eight twos, two coriander trees, carrots, grinding soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, chicken powder, corn starch, wine, salt, soy sauce, fruit peel each appropriate amount [Production process] (1) White fruit shelled, boiled in boiling water for five minutes, washed and dried water. Wash the duck, cook in boiling water, remove the drip dry water, cut into pieces; (2) two tablespoons of oil, fry through the white fruit, then fry the duck for a while, add seasoning, simmer the white fruit, about 20 minutes, turn off the heat (3) wash the buds white, cut into short pieces. Cook in a pot, put the duck on top of the yellow buds and roll, and put on the coriander. The original pot is on the table.

Spinach chicken casserole

【Dish name】 Spinach chicken pot 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Cantonese cuisine 【Ingredients】 Half chicken, half two shiitake mushrooms, six or two dried green onions, a few slices of ginger, five pieces of spinach, a few slices of sweet shoots, a tablespoon and a half of oyster sauce. 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 tablespoon of corn starch, 1 tablespoon of oil, salt to taste. 【Preparation process】 (1) Wash the spinach, cut into short pieces and put it in a pot. Peel off the red coat and wash the drizzles of water. Shiitake mushrooms are soft and remove the feet and wipe dry with water. (2) Two tablespoons of oil, sauté the shallots, stir-fry the shallots and ginger, add the chicken, shiitake mushrooms and oyster sauce and fry for a while, add cooking wine, seasoning and sweet shoots, stir-fry, cook until the chicken is cooked, scoop up and put on the spinach, and roll.

Chicken casserole with tomatoes

【Dish name】 Tomato chicken pot 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Cantonese cuisine 【Ingredients】 1/2 chicken, 3 bamboo shoots and shrimp, 2 teaspoons of minced garlic, several slices of ginger, 3 slices of green onion, 1 eggplant, 1 cup of water, wine, soy sauce, chicken powder, sugar, star anise, corn starch, salt. 【Production process】 (1) Wash the chicken, wipe dry water, chop the pieces, add a teaspoon of old soy sauce and mix well. (2) Wash the bamboo shoots and shrimp several times with water, wipe the water dry, put in boiling water and boil for ten minutes, then fish it out, then wash it with clean water, roll out the dry water, cut into appropriate length or size; (3) put down four tablespoons of oil, fry the shallots, garlic, tomato sauce, fry the bamboo shoots for a while, add seasoning and boil, simmer for 20 minutes, add chicken to the well, simmer for another fifteen minutes, try to taste the cocoon, scoop up and put it into the pot to boil, put the green onion, and put the original pot on the table.

Red grilled fish maw

【Dish name】 Red Grilled Fish Belly 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 Golden color, soft and tender, rich in nutrition, good food in winter. 【Ingredients】 Main ingredients Water hair fish maw 600 grams. Seasoning 50 g oyster sauce, 300 g chicken broth, wet starch 10 g, soy sauce 30 g, cooking wine 30 g, pepper a little salt 3 g, monosodium glutamate 3 g, minced green onion 3 g, ginger 2 g. 【Preparation process】 (1) First, cook the fish maw in boiling water, and after drinking, soak it in cool water. This is repeated several times depending on the fish maw gum and its fishy taste as the standard. Then soak in cool water for 24 hours, the fish belly is cool ski white, this is the fish belly water hair method. (2) Combine the fish belly into pieces, simmer the original soup with cooking wine, minced green onion, minced ginger and chicken soup over a low heat. (3) Stir-fry spoon pour oyster sauce, heat on high heat, add fish maw, then add chicken broth, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, salt, pepper, etc., and then add thick and thin wet starch before serving.

Juice fish nuggets

【Dish name】 Juice fish nuggets 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Golden color, soft and tender texture, fresh and fragrant fish, sweet and sour. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 300 grams of net fish meat, 120 grams of fruit juice, 30 grams of corn flour, 20 grams of eggs Seasoning 600 grams of vegetable oil (actual consumption of about 80 grams), salt 2 grams, wet starch 30 grams. 【Preparation Process】 (1) Cut the processed net fish into 3 cm long, 0.6 cm thick and 1.5 cm wide pieces, put them in a bowl, add salt and marinate. (2) Put the eggs and wet starch in a bowl, add the appropriate amount of water, stir well and put the fish pieces into a layer of dip, and then dip a thin layer of corn flour. (3) Pour vegetable oil into the stir-frying spoon, heat it to 7 to 80%, put in the fish pieces one by one, fry until golden brown, and then drain the oil and put it on the plate. (4) Pour out the hot oil in the stir-frying spoon, leave some bottom oil, put it back on the fire, add the juice and stir-fry well, use the thinning wet starch to outline the thin mustard, add the tail oil, and drizzle on the fish pieces.

Fish belly

【Dish name】 Fish belly 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Fish belly cartilage is white, the taste is light and tender, the disc is elegantly decorated, and the banquet is beautiful and generous. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 120 grams of fried fish maw, 100 grams of pork fat, 200 grams of shrimp meat, 50 grams of minced ham, 200 grams of eggs, a little chopped coriander. Seasoning 300 g chicken broth, 25 g cooking wine, salt to taste, a little pepper, wet starch 30 g, monosodium glutamate 5 g, green onion 3 g, ginger minced 2 g. 【Preparation process】 (1) First wash the fried fish maw and soak it thoroughly, and then simmer it with chicken soup to remove its fishy taste. (2) Cut the belly into rectangular pieces and squeeze the water out. (3) Chop the fatty pork belly and shrimp meat, add eggs, cooking wine, salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, etc. to form a filling, and brew on the fish maw. Add the minced ham and chopped parsley and steam them in the basket drawer. (4) When eating, use wet starch to dilute the mixture and drizzle it.

White chopped chicken

【Dish name】 White chopped chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Fresh alcohol, fat and tender. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 1 chicken in tender oil (1.25 kg), 5 grams of coriander. Seasoning: 25 g of soy sauce, 10 g of sesame oil. 【Production process】 1. After the chicken is slaughtered, blanch it with 80% hot water, remove the hair and dig out the internal organs, wash it and put it in a pot of boiling water (to submerge the chicken), soak it for about 1 hour on low heat (the water cannot boil, so as not to break the chicken skin), poke the chicken leg meat with a bamboo skewer, if there is no blood water, you can fish it up and let it cool naturally. 2. Cut the cooked chicken from the back ridge into two pieces, then remove the legs, then take 1 piece of chicken breast, cut it into 6.6 cm long and 1 cm wide strips, repair it into a knife face and put it aside for use; after the other piece of chicken breast is chopped into pieces, it is put in a basin with the trimmed shredded chicken, and then the two chicken legs are cut into 6.6 cm long and 1 cm wide strips with a diagonal knife, neatly arranged on both sides of the chicken nuggets; then the chopped knife surface is covered on top, slightly bridge-shaped. Top with parsley. 3. Divide the soy sauce into two small plates, add sesame oil, and dip it on the table with the white chopped chicken.

Shrimp sea cucumber

【Dish name】 Shrimp sea cucumber 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Golden color, cartilage texture, delicious and strong, nourishing cuisine. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 600 grams of water sea cucumber, 200 grams of shrimp. Seasoning 30 g sesame oil, 300 g chicken broth, salt 4 g, sugar 20 g, pepper a little, cooking wine 30 g, starch 10 g, a little monosodium glutamate, 20 g soy sauce, 10 g green onion, 10 g ginger. 【Production process】 (1) The sea cucumber is soaked with water, the intestines are removed and washed, then boiled over low heat, and after the ginseng body is enlarged, it is soaked in cold water, so that it is processed repeatedly. In order to make the ginseng easy to expand, alkali surface or wood ash catalysis can be added, which takes about 36 to 48 hours, and it can be developed well. (2) Cut the haired sea cucumber into long strips, put it in a pot, and use green onion and ginger water to remove the ash flavor. (3) Stir-fry spoon on the fire, pour sesame oil to burn to 6 to 70% heat, add green onion, ginger to incite the aroma, add chicken soup, sea cucumber, shrimp, stir-fry a few times, and then add salt, sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce, pepper, monosodium glutamate, etc., and finally use diluted starch to outline the sauce.

Fried grass finches

【Dish name】 Stir-fried grass flower finch 【Belonging cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Black color, sour and spicy sweet taste, unique, welcome to foreign guests 【Raw materials】 Main ingredients Net grass flower finch 20 grams, only vegetables 260 grams, carrot 120 grams, lemon half. Seasoning 600 grams of vegetable oil (about 60 grams of actual consumption), a little pepper, 40 grams of sugar, 10 grams of cooking wine, 8 grams of soy sauce, 8 grams of salt, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, a little green onion, ginger, chicken broth. 【Preparation process】 (1) Wash and dry the grass finches first, and then put them in a bowl and marinate with an appropriate amount of green onion, ginger, cooking wine and salt. (2) Pour oil into a stir-frying spoon, heat over medium heat until 7 to 80%, add the marinated grass finches, fry for about 1 minute, and drain the oil. (3) Put sugar, pepper, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger and other spices into a bowl, add 150 grams of chicken broth and mix well. (4) Spoon the fried finches, sauté them a few times over high heat, cook a little cooking wine, then add the mixed seasonings and fry the juice dry. (5) When walking vegetables, cut the carrots and lettuce into thin strips, place them on the bottom of the plate and around them, place the grass finches in the center, put lemons on top, and pour the juice by the guests themselves when eating.

Yamakota chicken slices

【Dish name】 Sanjiatian chicken slice 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Sweet and soft, special flavor, good feast, salty in all seasons. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 100 grams of beetle meat, 100 grams of field chicken slices, 40 grams of egg white. Seasoning 800 grams of vegetable oil (about 60 grams of actual consumption), 10 grams of light soy sauce, 10 grams of sugar, 15 grams of cooking wine, 8 grams of salt, 6 grams of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of wet horseshoe powder, green onion, ginger minced to taste, a little baking soda. 【Production process】 (1) The tender pangolin is peeled, bone, film, tendons and other toughest impurities, and then pulled into sheets. Marinate for 30 minutes with cooking wine, green onions, baking soda, ginger slices, wet horseshoe powder, soy sauce, etc. Remove the green onion, ginger and mix well with a little egg white. (2) Mix the chicken slices with egg whites and wet horseshoe powder (3) Pour oil into a stir-frying spoon, heat them on high heat, pull the marinated beetle slices and field chicken slices until cooked, and drain the oil. (4) Stir-fry the bottom oil back to the fire, sauté the green onion a few times, pour in the mountain nail slices, field chicken slices, add sugar and stir-fry a few times, cooking wine, pour in the pre-prepared wet horseshoe powder, raw oil, monosodium glutamate, salt, sugar and other sauce

Fry eight pieces

【Dish name】 Fried eight pieces 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Fresh and crispy, outer and tender 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 1 chicken with bamboo shoots (about 700 grams), 25 grams of egg white. Seasoning 900 grams of vegetable oil (about 90 grams of actual consumption), 15 grams of ginger and soy sauce, 10 grams of cooking wine, 3 grams of salt, 25 grams of green onion, 10 grams of pepper salt, 50 grams of wet starch. 【Production process】 (1) Remove the chicken eyes, claws and mouth of the bamboo shoots, cut the legs with a knife, wash them, and chop them evenly into 8 pieces. After that, marinate with salt, soy sauce, green onion, ginger (pat loose), cooking wine, egg white and an appropriate amount of wet starch syrup. (2) Heat the vegetable oil on a stir-frying spoon to 70%, fry the syruped chicken nuggets in oil for 3 minutes, then drain the oil. When the oil temperature reaches 8 ripe, fry the chicken nuggets for 2 minutes, and then put in the frying for 1 minute to quickly remove the drainage code into the dish when the oil is 90% hot. Put the pepper salt on a plate and serve with the chicken nuggets.

Cantonese roasted duck filling

【Dish name】 Cantonese-style roasted duck 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Decorated with long fish plates, the shape is beautiful and generous, the color is golden and pleasant, and the skin of the food is crisp and fragrant. 【Ingredients】 1 light duck (about 2.5 kg is appropriate). Seasoning 15 grams of sugar, 50 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of peppercorns, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of dilute sugar, 100 grams of soy sauce, onion ginger, garlic appropriate amount [Production process] (1) Put the duck on the cutting board, take out the internal organs from under the wings, wash it, and then blanch it with boiling water to tighten the duck skin, and then spread the dilute sugar evenly on the duck, hang it up and dry it. (2) Put sugar, cooking wine, peppercorns, salt, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, green onion, ginger, minced garlic and other spices in a bowl, mix well and pour into the belly of the duck. (3) Roast the duck in the oven until the skin is crisp and the color is even and cooked. (4) Cut the grilled duck into pieces, arrange it in the shape of the original duck, and pour the marinade from the duck belly to serve.

Gangnam Hundred Flowers Chicken

【Dish name】 Jiangnan Hundred Flowers Chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 White, green and red bright, crisp and tender texture, light and refreshing taste, 【Raw Materials】 Ingredients 1 tender chicken (weighing about 1 kg is good), net shrimp meat 500 grams, pork fat 100 grams, ham mushroom 25 grams, crab yellow 50 grams, crab meat 50 grams, egg white 80 grams, coriander 100 grams. Seasoning 10 g pepper, 50 g wet starch, 10 g salt, 7 g MSG. 【Production process】 (1) The slaughtered and processed light chicken is stripped of meat to leave the head, wings and skin. (2) Smash the shrimp meat into purees, cut the fatty meat into fine cubes, stir in the shrimp puree, add salt, monosodium glutamate, egg white, pepper and wet lake pine (30 grams), stir well to form a thin filling. (3) Spread out the chicken skin, head and wings in order, and smear a little wet starch (sticky effect). (4) Insert the fried thin filling into the chicken skin, pat it to a thickness of 0.3 cm, and then add the ham minced pork, crab meat, crab yellow, coriander, etc. to the filling. (5) Put the chicken into the box, steam the basket drawer for 7 to 8 minutes, take it out and use the oblique knife method to cut into long strips, transfer it into a long dish, and then add the head, wings, and arrange it into the shape of the original chicken

Rose hand tear chicken

【Dish name】 Rose hand-torn chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Golden and beautiful color, fragrant rose hops, smooth and tender meat, and its reputation has spread at home and abroad. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 1 chick hen (weighs about 700~800 grams). Seasoning Rose sugar 1 kg, rock sugar 1 kg, rose wine 750 g, white raw soy sauce 15 kg, jade cinnamon 150 g, licorice 150 g, cardamom 25 g, fragrant leaves 25 g, apple 100 g, large ingredient 25 g. 【Production process】 (1) Wrap the above spices in a thin cloth, put them into the sauce jar, use the flame, until the aroma emanates out, add wine sugar to become soy sauce wine candy sauce tank, can add soy sauce, never add water. (2) Put the slaughtered and processed chicken into the rose drum oil tank and smoke it, and the chicken rot shall prevail. (3) Tear off the chicken and cut it into chopstick strips. (4) Put part of the chicken bones on the bottom of the plate, put the chicken on top, pour a little juice and serve. Can be served with rape core trimming.

The more beautiful the chicken

【Dish name】 Yuexiu chicken 【Belongs to the cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Golden yellow and pleasant, the skin is smooth and slightly crisp, and the meat is sweet and fragrant, no less than the sun chicken. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 1 light chicken (weighs about 1 kg, qingyuan chicken is the best), 30 grams of fried egg shreds, 20 grams of bamboo shoots. Seasoning 800 g sesame oil (actual consumption is about 100 g), salt 15 g, sand ginger powder 25 g. 【Preparation process】 (1) Put the salt and ginger powder into a bowl, add a little water to open into a paste, evenly rub in the processed chicken cavity, and at the same time apply a little on the chicken skin, and then marinate for about 1 hour. (2) Heat the steel pot on a high heat, put the sesame oil together with the chicken, cook for 5 minutes, then cook for 10 minutes on low heat, turn it once, and cook for about 5 minutes to cook. (3) Start the pot, chop into pieces, drain the oil, take the original juice and drizzle the noodles. Place on a plate and trim with fried egg shreds and garlic shreds.

Hundreds of Cantonese cuisine methods to share, there is always a suitable one for you to cook yourself! Top half

Coconut crystal chicken

【Dish name】 Coconut Crystal Chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 600 grams of chicken, 1 large coconut, 150 grams of cooked ham, 30 grams of egg white. Seasoning Chicken broth to taste, wet starch 8 g, salt 6 g, MONOS glutamate 4 g. 【Preparation process】 (1) Cut the chicken into pieces, add egg white and wet starch and stir well, then blanch it in a pot of boiling water. Cut the ham into slices. (2) Remove the outer skin of the coconut and saw off the lid from 3 cm from the top. Remove the coconut water, remove the coconut meat, add the ham, chicken, coconut juice, chicken broth, mix it into the coconut, cover the lid and form the original shape. (3) Place the prepared coconuts in a bowl and steam them over high heat until the chicken is hot

Teochew roast geese

【Dish name】 Chaozhou roast goose 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Red and purple color, crispy skin and tender meat, sweet flavor. 【Ingredients】 1 goose (about 2000 grams), 5 grams of cinnamon, star anise and licorice, 50 grams of southern ginger (Chaoshan specialties), 25 grams of coriander, 150 grams of sour beets, 10 grams of pepper, 5 grams of sesame oil, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 20 grams of cooked lard, 60 grams of refined salt, 250 grams of dark soy sauce, 50 grams of sugar, 50 grams of cooking wine, 30 grams of wet starch, 1500 grams of vegetable oil (consumption of 100 grams). 【Preparation process】 1. Pepper, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, lard mix well into pepper oil, set aside. 2. Cinnamon, star anise, licorice into a small cloth bag into the mouth into the wok, add soy sauce, salt, sugar, rice wine, water 3000 grams, boil over medium heat and then switch to low heat, put in the fat goose roll (氽) for about 10 minutes, pour out the soup in the goose cavity, and then put it back into the pot, while rolling and turning, about 30 minutes to cook (chopsticks inserted into the chest meat without blood water for the degree). 3. Take out the goose to cool, cut off the goose meat on both sides, remove the four-column bone; chop the goose backbone into cubes, mix well with 10 grams of wet starch; and coat the goose skin with 20 grams of wet starch. 4. Heat the frying pan over medium heat, heat the oil until slightly boiling, first put the goose bones and then put the goose meat (skin up), soak the end from the fire, fry while turning, fry for about 7 minutes and then bring it back to the stove, continue to fry until the bone is hard, the skin is crisp, and it is golden brown. 5. Put the goose bones into a dish, cut the goose meat diagonally into 6 cm long, 4 cm wide and 5 mm thick pieces, and cover the bone. Sour beets and coriander are served on the side of the dish, and pepper oil is drizzled over the goose meat, accompanied by a tidal sweet sauce.

Dragon's Whisker Swallow Pills

【Dish name】 Dragon's Whisker Swallow Ball 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 Tender and clear mouth, white and transparent 【Raw materials】 Swallow skin (Note) (175 grams), Shrimp (175 grams), Pork Shank Meat (175 grams), Kaiyang (20 grams), Ground Chestnut (275 grams), Celery (a little), Salt (7 grams), Clear soup (750 grams) 【Preparation process】 1. Chop shrimp, leg meat, and Kaiyang into fine minced; Ground chestnuts are also chopped into fine minces, squeezed out of the water, placed together with shrimp, leg meat, and minced kaiyang, mixed with salt and less washed clear soup. Make 40 balls. Second, sprinkle the swallow skin with a little water, and then roll it soft by hand, cut it into thin wires, and stick it to the outside of the balls. Third, use a plate and apply a thin layer of oil to the bottom of the plate to prevent sticking to the bottom. The finished balls are then placed on a plate, basketed and steamed over high heat (about five minutes), removed and rinsed with a little hot soup so that the balls are not too dry. Fourth, use a large bowl to fill the hot clear soup, push the balls into the bowl, sprinkle with celery and fine. Note: The method of making swallow skin is to first de-ribbed and peel the pork leg meat, smash it into a pulp with a wooden stick, add salted water (500 grams of meat needs a tablespoon of salted water) and evenly. Then, like rolling dough, sprinkle some dry flour on the panel, put the pulp on top, slowly roll it out with a wooden stick, and roll it on the stick, so that it is rolled out repeatedly like a paper book, and then dried in the shade.

Teppanyaki beef

【Dish name】 Teppanyaki beef 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Beef tenderloin, sizing, red yeast rice, lemon, onion, carrot, chili fennel, tomato paste, sugar, white degreas. 【Production process】 (1) Remove the tendons of the beef tenderloin, cut into thick slices, add seasoning and marinate, and then sizing and set aside. The ingredients of the teppanyaki sauce are its key points, you must use red yeast rice, lemon, onion, carrots, peppers, fennel and other spices, add an appropriate amount of water to make brine, and then mix it with lee pailin juice, sauce and tomato sauce, sugar, etc.; (2) Put the beef into a 40% hot oil pot and over-oil, and then mix it with the mixed teppanyaki sauce, slightly collect the juice into the basin, put the chopped onion and white degreas on a small dish, and serve it at the same time as the hot iron plate, and put the minced onion and white degreasin into the iron plate in public, and mix it slightly.

Beef with oyster sauce

【Dish name】 Oyster Sauce Beef 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 (Cantonese Cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Beef leg meat, soda powder, rice wine, eggs, sugar, starch, water, soy sauce king, sizing, oyster sauce, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, pepper, wet starch, soup, green onion, ginger, rice wine. 【Preparation process】 (1) Cut the net beef thigh meat into thin willow leaves, mix and sizing with soda, rice wine, eggs, sugar, starch, water and a little soy sauce, mix and paste, mix some peanut oil and set aside. Mix oyster sauce, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, pepper, wet starch, soup and mix into a sauce; (2) Sprinkle the sizing beef slices into a three-ripe oil pot, slide until ripe, and drain the oil. Sauté the green onion and ginger in a pot, pour in the sliced beef, cook rice wine, stir-fry the shallots with the sauce, stir-fry a few times over high heat, and quickly plate

Gollum beef

【Dish name】 Gollum beef 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 300 grams of beef, 150 grams of cooked fresh bamboo shoot meat, 30 grams of egg liquid, 25 grams of chili pepper, 5 grams of green onion, 0.5 grams of garlic paste and sesame oil, 1.5 grams of refined salt, 250 grams of sweet and sour brine (made of sugar, white vinegar, refined salt, tomato juice), 7.5 grams of fenjiu, 40 grams of wet starch, 75 grams of dry starch, 750 grams of peanut oil [Production process] (1) Cut the beef into pieces, and gently cut the horizontal vertical pattern on the top with a knife. Cut the fresh bamboo shoots and peppers into diamond-shaped pieces; mix the meat pieces with fine salt and fen wine, marinate for about 15 minutes, add egg liquid and wet starch and stir well, and then stick to the dry starch; (2) Heat the wok on medium heat, burn in oil until five ripe, fry the meat into steak, fry for about 3 minutes, leave the fire, fry for about 2 minutes. Put the pot back on the stove, cook until it is 50% hot, put the fried steak and bamboo shoots together, fry for about 2 minutes, until the meat is golden brown until cooked, pour in a colander to drain the oil; (3) Leave a little oil in the wok, put it back on the stove, add garlic, pepper, burst the aroma, add green onion, sweet and sour brine, burn until slightly boiled, dilute with wet starch, then pour in the meat and green onion pieces, stir-fry, knead into balls, pour sesame oil and peanut oil, and fry well

Plum vegetables buckle meat

【Dish name】 Plum vegetable button meat 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 Pork belly with skin l000 grams, dried plum vegetables 200 grams, soy sauce 20 grams, clear oil l000 grams. 【Production process】 (1) Scrape the skin of the pork, put it in a pot of cold water, cook it on high heat until it is eight ripe, remove the moisture on the skin with a clean cloth, and smear the soy sauce while it is hot; (2) Heat the pot, pour in the clear oil, burn until it is 80% hot, put the pork belly skin down into the pot and fry it until it is dark red, fish it out to cool, put the skin down on the cutting board, cut it into 7 cm long, 2 cm thick pieces, cut the skin in a neatly stacked bowl, put the plum vegetables on the meat, pour the soy sauce evenly, steam it in the steamer for about 30 minutes until the meat is soft and rotten, Remove the buckle in the dish.

Shrimp noodles

【Dish name】 Shrimp noodles 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 300 grams of noodles, 60 grams of shrimp, 50 grams of fresh meat. Green pepper, red pepper 30 grams each, green onion, rice wine, ginger juice, soy sauce, starch, sesame oil each appropriate amount. 【Preparation process】 (1) The sizing shrimp is sliding out of the pot, then the minced green onion is added to the pot, cooking rice wine and ginger juice, adding water and seasoning to the boil, the shrimp soy sauce is hooked, the shrimp are put into the pot again, drizzled with sesame oil out of the pot, and the noodles are made of toppings. (2) Put the cooked noodles into the fresh soup prepared with cooked lard and shrimp soy sauce, cover with shrimp toppings, put on the shredded meat, green and red pepper shreds, the meat is cooked

Steamed shrimp dumplings

【Dish name】 Shrimp steamed dumplings 【Belonging cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 450 grams of flour, 50 grams of starch, 500 grams of shrimp meat, 125 grams of fatty pork, 125 grams of dried bamboo shoots, 90 grams of lard salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, sesame oil, pepper powder each appropriate amount; [Production process] (1) Mix the flour and starch with salt, stir with boiling water, cover and simmer for 5 minutes, take out and rub well and then add lard to knead into a ball, set aside; (2) wash and absorb the dried water with the back of a knife, chop into a fine mushroom with the back of a knife, put it into a basin, and cut the cooked shrimp meat into small pieces The fat pork is soaked in boiling water and cut into small pieces; dried bamboo shoots are rinsed with water, add some lard and pepper and mix well; (3) add some salt to the shrimp mushroom, stir vigorously, add cooked shrimp meat grains, fatty meat grains, bamboo shoot shreds, monosodium glutamate, sugar, sesame oil, etc., mix well, put into the refrigerator and freeze; (4) Pick the dough, make the skin, wrap it in shrimp filling, pinch the salted dumplings, and steam it in a fire cage.

Shrimp tofu

【Dish name】 Shrimp tofu 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 300 grams of tofu, l00 grams of shrimp, 8.5 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 4 grams of cooking wine, 20 grams of chicken soup or water, 3 grams of starch, 40 grams of oil, l grams of sesame oil, l grams of green onion and ginger, 1 egg. 【Preparation process】 (1) Cut the tofu into cubes and blanch it with boiling water to drain the water. Cut the green onion and ginger into slices. (2) Put the green onion, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, chicken broth, starch and sesame oil into a bowl and mix into juice. Put the shrimp into a bowl, add salt, cooking wine, starch, half an egg, stir well; (3) Fill the frying pan with oil and heat it, put in the shrimp and fry it, add the diced tofu and stir-fry, after heating evenly, pour in the hooked mustard juice, quickly stir-fry, so that the soup is evenly attached to the tofu and shrimp, you can get out of the pot

Hundreds of Cantonese cuisine methods to share, there is always a suitable one for you to cook yourself! Top half

Cantonese shrimp dumplings

【Dish name】 Cantonese shrimp dumplings 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 (Cantonese cuisine) 【Raw materials】 450 grams of powder, 50 grams of starch, 125 grams of shrimp meat, 125 grams of dried bamboo shoots, 90 grams of lard, salt monosodium glutamate, sugar, sesame oil, pepper powder. 【Production process】 (1) Mix the powder and starch with salt, stir with boiling water, cover and simmer for 5 minutes, take out and rub it thoroughly, then add lard and knead it into a ball, set aside; (2) wash and absorb the dried water, chop it into a fine mushroom with the back of a knife, and put it into the basin; cut the cooked shrimp meat into small pieces; pork fat is slightly blanched with boiling water, soaked in cold water and cut into small particles; dried bamboo shoots are good, rinsed with water, add some lard and pepper to mix well; (3) Add some salt to the shrimp mushroom, stir vigorously, put in the cooked shrimp meat grains, fat meat particles, green onion shreds, monosodium glutamate, sugar, sesame oil, etc. Put it in the refrigerator and freeze; (4) Pick the dough, make the skin, wrap it in shrimp traps, knead it into dumpling shape, steam it in a fire cage or fry it in oil.

Fried quail pine

【Dish Name】 Stir-fried quail pine 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Three quails, 100 grams of lean meat, 75 grams of liver sausage, 25 grams of wet mushroom grains, 75 grams of egg yolk, 5 grams of green onion rice, 0.5 grams of minced garlic, 1 gram of ginger rice, 450 grams of bamboo shoot rice, 10 grams of dried corn starch, 60 grams of wet hoof powder, 0.5 grams of soup, 15 grams of shao wine, 10 grams of dark soy sauce, 2.5 grams of chili powder, 2.5 grams of sesame oil, 10 grams of oyster sauce, 2 dishes of lettuce slices, 500 grams of lard (or peanut oil) (100 grams of oil consumption). 【Production process】 1, the head, feet and wings of the slaughtered quail are cut off and boned, the head is cut in half, and then the head, feet and wings are dried corn starch, and fried in the oil wok for use. 2: Chop the quail, lean meat and chicken fat separately, then mix them into quail pine and cut the liver and intestines into the size of rice grains. 3: Roll the bamboo shoots in boiling water; after squeezing 1 water, stir-fry the wok over low heat. 4: Add oyster sauce, dark soy sauce (5g), pepper, sesame oil and wet hoof powder (20g) to the soup and mix into a bowl. 5: Mix egg yolk, wet hoof powder (40 grams) with quail pine, then put it into the wok and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the soup, wet mushroom grains, green onion rice, garlic, bamboo shoot rice, ginger rice, add dark soy sauce (5 grams) and stir-fry well, splash into the shao wine, add a bowl of mustard and fry thoroughly, then fry the tail oil evenly, build the head, feet, wings, and two plates of sterilized lettuce slices.

Duck stew with winter melon barley

【Dish name】 Duck stew with winter melon barley 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Duck is soft and the soup is delicious. 【Ingredients】 750 grams of light duck, 1500 grams of winter melon with skin, 75 grams of barley, 10 grams of ginger mushrooms, 10 grams of Cantonese rice wine, 6 grams of refined salt, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 1 gram of tangerine peel, 25 grams of vegetable oil, 3000 grams of water. 【Production process】 1. Ginger mushrooms are soaked in rice wine to form ginger wine. 2. Heat the wok over medium heat, fry the duck slightly, cook the ginger juice and drink the duck. 3. Take a large clay pot, add winter melon, barley, tangerine peel, add water to boil first with high heat and then put the duck, change to a slow simmer until the soup is concentrated about 1500 grams. 4. When serving, put the winter melon on the bottom of the dish, arrange the duck cuts on the melon noodles, and add the salt and MSG to the soup.

Sesame balls

【Dish name】 Sesame ball 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Golden color, sweet and delicious 【Raw materials】 Glutinous rice flour 700 grams, Japonica rice flour 300 grams, sugar 200 grams, oil 150 grams, cooked sesame seeds to taste. 【Production process】 (1) Mix glutinous rice flour and japonica rice flour, add an appropriate amount of water to knead into a powder ball, divide into several parts of the billet and set aside; (2) put the sugar into the pot, add a little cold water to cook into the sugar juice; (3) put the oil into the net pot until the smoke is seen, remove the oil pot end from the fire, mix with the cooked sugar juice, and then put the raw blank into the oil pot one by one, until the powder raw blank is full of sugar juice in the oil, the oil surface is floating, and when it is golden, fish out and filter out the oil; Take another container, pour in the sautéed sesame seeds, and put the fried hemp balls into the sesame seeds

Oyster sauce duck feet

【Dish name】 Oyster sauce duck feet 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This dish is soft and delicious, the sauce is strong, the oyster is fragrant, and the wine and rice are suitable. 【Ingredients】 20 pairs of duck feet (about 800 grams), 15 grams of green onion strips, 5 grams of ginger slices, 2.5 grams of tangerine peel, 1 gram of star anise, 40 grams of refined salt, 10 grams of sugar, 15 grams of oyster sauce, 0.5 grams of sesame oil, 45 grams of dark soy sauce, 15 grams of rice wine, 10 grams of wet starch, 50 grams of vegetable oil. 【Production process】 1. Peel the duck feet and toenails, rub well with 30 grams of fine salt, wash and dry, and spread well with 10 grams of soy sauce. 2. Heat a wok over high heat, add 15 grams of oil, add ginger, green onion, duck feet and stir-fry slightly, cook Shao wine, add 15 grams of soy sauce, transfer to the clay pot with bamboo grate at the bottom, add oyster sauce, star anise, tangerine peel, soy sauce 20 grams, 10 grams of refined salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of sugar and appropriate amount of water, cover, simmer for about 70 minutes over medium heat until soft and rotten. 3. Pour out the original juice, remove the ginger, green onion, star anise, tangerine peel, put the duck feet in a bowl, steam in a steamer basket and then take it out, cover it on the plate. 4. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add 15 grams of oil, add the original juice, the rest of the soy sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate, dilute with wet starch, then add sesame oil and peanut oil to push well, drizzle on the duck feet and make it.

White Cloud Pig Hand

【Dish name】 Baiyun pig hand 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This dish skin is smooth and smooth, fat and sticky [Raw materials] Ingredients: one pig each in front and back hooves (weighs about 1250 grams). Seasoning: 45 grams of refined salt, 1500 grams of white vinegar, 500 grams of sugar. Five willow ingredients (melon, goldenrod, red ginger, white sour ginger, sour mustard head) 110 g. 【Production process】 1. Remove the pig's feet from the hair nails, wash them, boil them in boiling water for about 30 minutes, rinse with clean water for about 1 hour, cut and cut into pieces, each piece weighs about 25 grams, wash, boil in boiling water for about 20 minutes, take out, rinse with clean water for about 1 hour, then change the boiling water and boil for 20 minutes to 60% soft rotten, take out, let cool, plate. 2. Bring the white vinegar to a boil, add sugar and salt, cook until dissolved, filter, cool and pour into the basin, soak the pig's feet for 6 hours, take as you eat.

Money steak

【Dish name】 Money steak 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Golden yellow with red color, crisp and tender and sweet, suitable for all seasons. 【Ingredients】 Beef tenderloin (net) (500 g), potato (note) (150), spicy soy sauce (25 g), tomato juice (15 g), sugar (a little), baking soda (3 g), chestnut powder (3.5 g), butter (a little), egg yolk (1 piece), salt (a little). 【Production process】 First, the beef tenderloin is repaired, cut into money-shaped pieces, each piece is about 200 grams, pat the pine with the back of a knife, add wine, baking soda, salt, egg yolk, chestnut powder and water 50 grams and mix, marinate for about an hour. 2. Cut the potatoes into strips (slightly larger than one finger), cook in salt water for about three minutes, then fry them in a pan of raw oil until golden brown, and put them on the side of the plate. Third, put the beef tenderloin into the oil pot, fry it to yellow on both sides, drain the oil, add tomato juice, spicy soy sauce, sugar, and slowly cook until the soup is dry, set on the other side of the plate.

Teochew frozen meat

【Dish name】 Chaozhou frozen meat 【Belongs to the cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 The taste is fresh and soft, melting in the mouth, fat but not greasy; accompanied by fish sauce and coriander, the flavor is special. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: pork belly 500 grams, pig front feet 750 grams, pork skin 250 grams, coriander 250 grams, fish sauce 150 grams. Seasoning: 2 teaspoons MSG, 3 teaspoons of ice bran, bead oil (a condiment in the Chaoshan region, the color is similar to dark soy sauce, applause is sweet) 3 teaspoons, alum 0.5 teaspoons, 3 cups water. 【Production process】 1. Scrape the pork belly, pig's trotters and pig skin into pieces (each piece of flower meat is about 100 grams, pig trotters are about 200 grams, and pig skin is about 50 grams). 2. Roll the above meat in boiling water for about 1 minute, remove and wash. 3. Put 1500 grams of water in a wok, bring to a boil, add rock sugar, bead oil, fish sauce, put in the bamboo grate at the bottom, put all the meat on top of the bamboo grate, first boil over medium heat, then switch to low heat and simmer for about 3 hours until soft and rotten. 4. Remove the meat and place it in a sand pot (skin down). Then put the concentrated original soup (about 750 grams) in the wok back on the stove and cook until slightly boiled, add the alum, skim off the foam, add MSG, filter the soup with clean gauze, and pour into the sand pot. 5. Put the broth in the sand pot on the stove and boil until it is slightly boiling, put it away from the fire, cool and condense, then take it out and put it on the plate, accompanied by coriander and fish sauce

Crispy chicken

【Dish name】 Crispy Chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 This dish is delicious and crispy 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: a chick hen, 50 grams of lobster slices. Seasoning: 0.5 tbsp ji juice, 1 dish of peppercorn salt, 5 teaspoons salt, 5 star anise, 6 grams each of cloves, licorice, cinnamon, 20 peppercorns, 20 grams of maltose, 0.5 tablespoons of rice wine, vinegar and boiled water, 500 grams of vegetable oil. 【Production process】 1. Clean up the chicken. 2. Wrap the star anise, cloves, licorice, cinnamon and peppercorns in gauze and put them in a pot with water before the chicken, cook for 1 hour, put the salt and cook to cook and fish out. 3. Put maltose, cooking wine, vinegar and boiling water in a bowl and mix well, drizzle on the chicken and hang for 2 hours. 4. Heat the oil in the wok and pour it into the chicken belly cavity, fry the chicken, move while frying, and fry until it is big red. Cut the fried chicken into pieces and plate them with chicken juice and peppercorn salt.

Guangdong pink fruit

【Dish name】 Cantonese pink fruit 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Thin skin and beautiful filling, mouth-watering. (Cantonese cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Pork (four two), carrots, meat (3/4 each), shiitake mushrooms (1/4 two), coriander (1 stalk), cheng noodles (6.5 two), corn starch (1 or 2), chestnut flour (1.5 two), salt (2 teaspoons), water (9 two), oil (3 tablespoons), seasonings: salt (3/4 teaspoons), sugar (1 teaspoon), light soy sauce (2 teaspoons), corn starch (1/2 teaspoon), sesame oil, pepper (a little each) 【Preparation process】 1. Soak the mushrooms and cut them with pork, carrots and meat. Coriander wash and pluck leaves. Two. Heat the wok, fry each ingredient with a tablespoon of oil, add the seasoning and mix well into the filling, waiting for freezing. Three. Cheng noodles, raw fen, chestnut powder with sieving evenly, water and salt boiling, extinguish the heat, pour in the powder quickly stir well, cover for three minutes to remove. Four. Add oil to rub the powder to the extreme, then rub into long strips, cut into small pieces, grind into round thin slices, wrap in the filling and coriander, coat with oil and drain on the dish, put in the steamer basket and steam for 10 minutes.

Steamed eggs with fish intestines

【Dish Name】 Steamed Egg with Fish Intestine 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: Fish intestines (two pairs), eggs (three), fritters (half a bar), green onion (1 tablespoon), Seasoning: salt, wine (1/2 teaspoon each), ginger juice (1 teaspoon), pepper (1/4 teaspoon), sesame oil (a little) 【Preparation process】 1. Fish intestines degreased and fish bile, fish liver washed and sliced, fish intestines cut open, washed with salt and corn starch, cut into sections, dried water. 2. Beat the eggs, add the cod liver, fish intestines and seasonings, mix well, and pour into the oiled deep dish. 3. Cut the fritters into thin slices, put them on the egg, steam them in water for 10 minutes, take them out, sprinkle them with green onions, praise a little cooked oil, and eat them while hot.

Parsley jellyfish roll

【Dish name】 Parsley jellyfish roll 【Belongings】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Unique with unique, fresh taste 【Raw materials】 Ingredients: jellyfish skin, crab fillet, celery, spiced tofu dried sauce: vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, [production process] 1, jellyfish skin washed, soaked for two days (often change water), put into large hot water to drag water, half cut into one inch wide strip, the other half cut into strips, drip dry water. 2. Wash the dried tofu and crab fillets in boiling water and cut into coarse strips. Third, tear off the celery, cut into coarse strips, put in oil, salt and boiling water to sear. Fourth, lay out the jellyfish skin, add dried tofu, crab fillet, celery each, roll up and arrange in the dish, put the sea sting in the center, mix well and eat with the juice

Buckle up the globe on the soup

【Dish name】 Button universal soup 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This is a soup dish, with many colors, beautiful colors, and tender taste. (Cantonese cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Chicken (125 grams), chicken soup (1250 grams), sea cucumber (200 grams), chicken gizzards (2 pieces), small shiitake mushrooms (or fresh mushrooms) (10 pieces), water squid (125 grams), pork (125 grams), fish meat (175 grams), lard to taste, (salt, pepper, sesame oil, rice wine, monosodium glutamate, sugar each a little. 【Production process】 1. Chop the chicken into mushrooms, humidify the diamond powder and salt to make 10 round balls, chop the fish and pork into mushrooms, add salt, pepper, sesame oil, and dried diamond powder, and make 10 round balls each. Cut the chicken gizzard, sea cucumber and squid into 10 pieces each, wash the small mushrooms and cut off the old stalks. Second, these raw materials together under the boiling water pot, under the wine, lard Sichuan cooking, fished out in a small bowl, and then add MSG, salt, pepper buckled, basket steamed out, poured into the large soup bowl, add chicken soup boiled, on the original soup pot on the table.

Plant grilled four treasures

【Dish name】 Plant Grilled Four Treasures 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 Light yellow color, fresh and crispy taste, suitable for all seasons. 【Ingredients】 Bamboo shoot tip (100 grams), water hair mushroom (65 grams), fresh mushroom (65 grams), green cabbage heart (14 pieces), dried bamboo thorn (20 grams), oyster sauce (13 grams), chicken fat (40 grams), (monosodium glutamate, diamond powder, fine salt, sugar each a little), chicken soup (400 grams) [production process] First, put the bamboo shoot tip, winter mushrooms, mushrooms, bamboo thorns into the warm oil pot, fry it with a warm fire, add chicken soup (300 grams), chicken fat (15 grams) and oyster sauce, monosodium glutamate, sugar each a little simmer for about five minutes. Place each separately in the center of the plate to form a petal shape. Second, when you are about to eat, one side will be steamed on the original plate for about ten minutes, while the green vegetables under the heart of the hot lard pot, add the appropriate amount of condiments, cook with warm heat, take out the edges. Finally, a small amount of braised bamboo shoot tips and other original soup, add an appropriate amount of diamond powder, chicken fat to the mustard, pour well

Stewed field chicken with winter melon and scallops

【Dish name】 Stewed chicken with dried scallops with winter melon 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Light and refreshing 【Ingredients】 Winter melon (500 grams), dried scallops (150 grams), field chicken (500 grams), refined salt (15 grams), ginger (a little). 【Production process】 1. Peel and cut the winter melon into a chess piece shape, peel the chicken and cut it into pieces, wash it with warm water, take it out and drain it. 2. Boil the scallops, remove the odor and pour out the water. 3. Prepare another cup of boiling water, put the winter melon, field chicken, scallops, ginger, salt together under the pot, basket steaming for about two hours that is good. Features: light blue with light yellow color, for summer good dish, clear heat to heat. Note: When steaming, the cup should be sealed with lotus leaves, and then sealed with corneal paper to maintain the original juice. This dish should be light and refreshing, not suitable for chicken soup, otherwise it is thick and uncomfortable.

Mesh oil phoenix liver roll

【Dish name】 Net oil phoenix liver roll 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: chicken liver (175 grams), ham (40 grams), fresh mushrooms (40 grams), net oil (20 grams), fresh bamboo shoots (40 grams), sesame oil (a little), monosodium glutamate (4 grams), refined salt (a little), ground chestnut powder (40 grams), pepper (a little), oyster sauce (8 grams). 【Production process】 1.First boil the water, put the chicken liver into the hot seven ripe, take out, cut into nail slices, put the fresh mushrooms ham Fresh shoots are also cut into nail slices, and monosodium glutamate sesame oil oyster sauce pepper salt and other mixture, put the chicken liver into the drag 2.Then spread the net oil, sprinkle some ground millet powder, roll the chicken liver on top of the net oil into a 4-inch long 2-inch circle, smear a thin layer of wetland chestnut powder on the outside of the roll, then sprinkle a layer of dried chestnut powder, put it into a hot raw oil pan to fry it, and then turn the heat to fry it into a golden brown 3.Take out, Cut into piece shapes

Oyster sauce duck paws

【Dish name】 Oyster Sauce Duck Palm 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 Crisp and fresh, best as a snack 【Raw materials】 Duck palm (500 grams), tangerine peel (a little), star anise (a little), monosodium glutamate (a little), raw oil (a little), oyster sauce (12.5 grams), ground chestnut powder (a little), chicken soup (appropriate amount) [Preparation process] (1) Cut off the nail toes, first put it in boiling water, take it out, peel off the outer skin, and then wash it (2) Cut the tangerine peel into small pieces, cut the star anise into small pieces, and put the oyster sauce and duck paws into the pot. Add an appropriate amount of chicken broth, simmer for about an hour, and then add MSG. Before the pot is raised, remove the tangerine peel and star anise, remove the duck paws and put them on a dish. (3) Then use the marinade in the pot to mix a little chestnut powder, drizzle on the duck paw, and pour a little raw oil.

Crystal shrimp balls

【Dish name】 Crystal shrimp ball 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Snow white and transparent, crisp to eat, the most suitable in summer. (Cantonese cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Ming shrimp (10 pieces), monosodium glutamate (12.5 grams), refined salt (a little), ground chestnut powder (a little), sesame oil (a little), pepper (a little). 【Production process】 1. Peel the shrimp off the head and tail, and then remove the black skin from the surface with a blade. Each shrimp slice is divided into 3 pieces, marinated in lye water (50 grams of lye water per 500 grams of shrimp), removed after two hours, and then rinsed in cold water for one hour. Second, use another pot of warm oil on high heat, put the shrimp in, slightly burst and fish out, and then boil with water, put the shrimp into a river and fish it out. Heat the frying pan, put the shrimp in, and pour it out with a push. Three. Using the crude oil pot, put the ginger shredded and green onion shredded into the sauté, then pour the shrimp in, quickly scratch open, and add sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, pepper, salt, oil hook, immediately pour into a colander, filter out the chestnut powder and plate. Serve with a small plate of oyster sauce and shrimp paste. The color is snow white and transparent, and it is crisp to eat, which is most suitable in summer.

White-blanched screws

【Dish name】 White scorched snail 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Milky white color, crisp and tender and refreshing. (Cantonese cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Large snail meat (2000 grams), ginger (2 slices), green onion (2 pieces), rice wine (20 grams), white vinegar (3 drops). 【Production process】 1. Knock out the large snail shell to remove the meat, wash it and cut off the edge of the snail, and use the horizontal cutting method to slice the snail into a lamp shape. 2. In a pot of lard, pour the ginger and green onion into a slightly frying, then add water to burn thoroughly, take out the green onion and ginger, add 3 drops of white vinegar, immediately put the screw into the pot, blanch it for three seconds, take it out, drain the water (use a clean towel to suck the snail water dry). 3. Use another oil pot, add a little lard to heat, pour the snail meat down and fry it a few times, that is, add a little rice wine and stir-fry a few times, then leave the fire and put it on the plate

Fried red cloud snow shadow

【Dish name】 Stir-fried red cloud snow shadow 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 The color is red and white, and the taste is fresh and smooth. (Cantonese cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Egg white (8 pieces), milk (250 grams), water hair elm ear (65 grams), crab yellow (net, 65 grams), wet powder (a little), monosodium glutamate (a little), refined salt (a little), sugar (a little), pepper (a little). 【Production process】 1. Turn the elm ear slices into thin slices, put them into boiling water, beat the egg white, wet diamond powder, monosodium glutamate and milk (125 grams) evenly, drag the crab yellow oil pot, that is, take it out, mix it with the above two raw materials, and then pour it into the warm large raw oil pot, slowly push it with a scoop, soak it up, that is, fish it out with a soup spoon, filter out the oil, and pour out the oil in the pot at the same time. In addition, milk (125 grams), monosodium glutamate, salt, sugar, pepper and rhombus powder are added, and then the fished elm ear and crab yellow are poured into the mustard and turned over.

Fill the soup dragon and phoenix balls

【Dish name】 Soup dragon and phoenix ball 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Yellow and red color, sweet and crisp (Cantonese cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Chicken breast (175 grams), shrimp meat (175 grams), pork skin sauce (40 grams), sesame seeds (80 grams), minced bread (40 grams), diamond powder (13. 5 grams), brandy (13.5 grams), (minced shallots, monosodium glutamate, salt, sugar, pepper. 【Preparation process】 1. Chop the shrimp into mushrooms, add pepper, monosodium glutamate, salt and mix, and divide into 12 stacks. Chop the chicken breast into mushrooms, add MSG, salt, chopped green onion, sugar, pepper, powder and water 50 grams and mix well into 12 stacks. Add the pork skin sauce to the brandy, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it, remove it and cut it into 12 pieces. 2. Wrap into 12 round balls, when wrapping, first use shrimp mushrooms in the palm of your hand to open the skin, chicken mushrooms in the second layer, frozen pig on the top of the block as filling, after wrapping, one by one rolled full of sesame seeds and minced bread, put into a warm large oil pan and fry, as soon as the balls float on the oil surface, that is, fish out the plate

Crispy fried chicken

【Dish name】 Crispy fried chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 The taste is crisp and tender. (Cantonese cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Light oil chicken (1 piece, about 750 grams), rice wine (4 grams), ground chestnut powder (5 grams), caramel (4 grams), white vinegar (4 grams). 【Production process】 1. Remove the offal debris from the light chicken (chicken should be tender), drain the blood and soak it in the prepared white brine (two hours). The brine is made of salt, star anise, cinnamon, grass fruit, tangerine peel, water, the chicken is taken out and cleaned, mixed with caramel, white vinegar and chestnut powder, wiped all over the chicken, air-dried, and then coated with a paste mixed with chestnut powder, wine and vinegar. Two. Another pot, the lard is burned to six ripe, one side put the chicken head into the frying, one side with oil from the chicken's anus into the belly, the head is golden, the belly is also hot, and then the legs are put into the frying, one side with oil poured all over the body, see the skin is golden, take out the knife, first cut the legs, wings, and then cut the knife from the waist into two pieces, and finally cut into small pieces, still in the shape of the whole chicken, packed in two rows on the plate, put the chicken breast meat in the middle, put the leg meat on both sides, and put the chicken head in front. Serve with salt and pepper. The taste is crisp and tender.

Dried fried shrimp

【Dish name】 Dried fried shrimp 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Fresh meat, charred skin, bright red, very beautiful taste. 【Ingredients】 Cut off 600 grams of shrimp (shrimp), 50 grams of eggplant juice, 15 grams of quaint sauce (available in sauce shops), 5 grams of refined salt, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of sugar, 0.5 grams of sesame oil, 750 grams of vegetable oil (consume 100 grams). 【Preparation process】 1. Cut the shrimp into sections (cut the prawn into 3 pieces, cut the medium shrimp into 2 pieces). 2. Dilute the mustard juice (about 100 grams) with eggplant juice, quercium juice, sesame oil, salt, monosodium glutamate and sugar. 3. Heat a wok over high heat, heat the oil until slightly boiled, add the shrimp segments and fry for about 1 minute, then scoop up with a fence. 4. Pour out the remaining oil, put the frying pan back on the stove, fry the shrimp on both sides until cooked, slowly add the sauce, until the juice is dry, pour 15 grams of oil and fry well, and build a mountain shape in the dish.

Shrimp balls on the soup

【Dish name】 Shrimp balls on the soup 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 White, tender and crisp, suitable for all seasons 【Ingredients】 Fresh shrimp (275 grams), monosodium glutamate (40 grams), Deng flour (40 grams), fine salt (a little). 【Preparation process】 First, remove the head and tail of the shrimp, wash it with salt, wrap it on a clean white cloth, and squeeze out the water. Then spread the shrimp on the table with clean paper, squeeze the undried water again, add MSG, salt, and flour, knead until soft, put in the refrigerator, freeze for an hour and take out (not frozen, not brittle). Second, the shrimp meat into a round, into the boiling water boiling water boiling (boiling water can not roll bubbles otherwise too old) cook until the shrimp round floating, that is, fished up, put into the bowl of fresh soup that is good

Da liang meat rolls

【Dish name】 Daliang meat roll 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This dish is crispy and soft, salty and sweet, fat but not greasy. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 300 grams of fatty meat with skin, 200 grams of lean pork, 50 grams of fire, 2 eggs. Seasoning: 3 teaspoons of refined salt, 2.5 teaspoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of monosodium glutamate, 3 teaspoons of soy sauce, 5 teaspoons of fen liquor, 1000 grams of peanut oil. 【Preparation process】 1. Grow 20 cm and 16 cm wide slices of pork fat slices, marinate with 1 teaspoon of fenjiu and 2 teaspoons of refined salt for about 30 minutes; turn the lean meat slices into thin slices, use 2 teaspoons of refined salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, fenjiu, 1 egg, beat the eggs and mix well, marinate for about 20 minutes; 2. Beat the fat meat on dry starch, spread out, and then spread the lean meat on the fat meat 2/3, roll the ham (sausage) strips into a cylindrical shape, and break the egg into a dry starch sticker. Place in a long dish and steam for about 40 minutes until cooked, remove, cool and put on a cutting board to cut into chess pieces, add egg liquid and mix well, then pat on dry starch. 3. Put the wok on the high heat, add peanut oil after heating, when it is 60% hot, fry the meat pieces until golden brown and put them on the plate

Stir-fried shredded sheep

【Dish name】 Stir-fried sheep shreds 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This dish is green, brown, red, white, yellow, fresh, tender, crisp, refreshing, smooth, fresh and spicy. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 200 grams of shredded sheep, 250 grams of bamboo shoots, 25 grams of wet shiitake mushrooms, 25 grams of green and red pepper red, 15 grams of egg white, 15 grams of vermicelli. Seasoning: 1.5 tsp shredded ginger, 3 tsp dark soy sauce and shredded green onion, 1 tsp pepper and sesame oil, 0.5 tbsp each of rice wine and wet starch, 500 g vegetable oil. 【Preparation process】 1. Put the shredded sheep into the basin, add the egg white, half of the wet lake and mix well. 2. Put the wet starch in a bowl, add sesame oil, pepper, dark soy sauce, half of the wet starch, mix into the juice and set aside. 3. Put the wok on high heat, add vegetable oil, when it is 50% hot, put in the vermicelli and fry thoroughly, pour it into a colander, drain the oil and put it on the plate. 4. When the pot is 0.5 tablespoons of oil and cooked to 50% heat, soak the shredded sheep in the oil until cooked and pour into a colander. 5. Put a little oil in the wok and heat it for 40% to add ginger shreds, shredded green and red peppers, bamboo shoot shreds, and shiitake mushroom shreds and fry thoroughly, add shredded sheep, cook shao wine, mix in the sauce, stir well, add a little cooked oil and put it on the plate, fry the vermicelli with the side.

Teochew raw drizzled fish

【Dish name】 Chaozhou raw drizzled fish 【Belonging to the cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This dish has the characteristics of one fish and two tastes, salty and sweet, the fish is fresh and sweet and smooth, and somewhat similar to the Fish of Hangzhou West Lake. (Teochew cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Fresh anchovies (1 piece, 750 grams), monosodium glutamate (10 grams), refined salt (10 grams), white vinegar (75 grams), diamond powder (20 grams), sesame oil (15 grams), lard (100 grams), sugar (75 grams). 【Production process】 First, the fish is cut and washed, the back is separated from the knife pattern, put up in the basin, and the fish is soaked in the basin with fifteen pounds of boiling water, and then covered with a lid, and the fish is cooked after about twenty minutes. Second, when the fish is about to cook, start cooking two small bowls of salty sauce and sweet and sour sauce. Stir-fry the salty sauce first, then add 150 grams of soup, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, a little salt, under the wet diamond powder, and then add a little sesame oil to make a salty sauce. Stir-fry the sweet and sour sauce, add sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate 5 grams, and a little, under the wet diamond powder, and then add a little sesame oil, it becomes a sweet and sour sauce. Third, when the fish is cooked, fish up and pour 100 grams of boiling lard on the fish. Serve in two small bowls of salty sauce and sweet and sour sauce. This dish has the characteristics of one fish and two flavors, salty and sweet, and the fish is fresh and sweet and smooth, which is somewhat similar to the Fish of Hangzhou West Lake.

Ginger shallots stewed carp

【Dish name】 Ginger shallot stewed carp 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Ruddy color, smooth and tender meat, delicious sister road, mellow and rich. 【Ingredients】 1 carp (about 750 grams), 100 grams of ginger pieces, 100 grams of green onion, 5 grams of garlic paste, 2.5 grams of soaked tangerine peel, 5-10 grams of refined salt, 4-5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of sugar, 10 grams of oyster sauce, 15 grams of dark soy sauce, 25 grams of rice wine, 0.5 grams of sesame oil, 15 grams of wet starch, a little pepper, 150 grams of vegetable oil. 【Preparation process】 1. Wash and dry the fish; the ginger pieces are cracked and blanched in a pot of boiling water for about 1 minute. 2. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add 60g of oil, add the fish and fry until golden brown on both sides. Stir the garlic, ginger and green onion until fragrant, cook the wine, add an appropriate amount of water, tangerine peel, salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, oyster sauce, soy sauce and oil 50 grams and push well, then add the carp, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes until cooked, take out and put on the dish. 3. Sprinkle the ingredients in the pot with pepper, dilute the mustard with wet starch, and finally add sesame oil and vegetable oil 40 grams and push well, drizzle on the fish.

Oil soaked fish green balls

【Dish name】 Oil-soaked fish green balls 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Fish balls are white, tender and smooth, fresh and salty. 【Ingredients】 500 grams of fish green. 5 grams of green onion, 1.5 grams of ginger, 0.5 grams of pepper, 5 grams of sesame oil, 10 grams of rice wine, 20 grams of mustard soup, 15 grams of soup, 7.5 grams of wet starch, garlic weig, lard 1000 grams (actual oil consumption 50 grams). 【Preparation process】 Take the green onion and cut it into olive shapes, and cut the ginger into ginger flowers. Minced garlic. Fill the fish with a large dish of water, squeeze the fish green into olive-shaped (chicken loin-shaped) small balls, each grain weighs about 5 grams, and squeeze into the dish as you like. Add 1000 grams of boiling water to the iron pot and put the squeezed fish green balls into the water.

Soak over slow heat until cooked (fish green balls float up, pinch the elastic stool is cooked), drain the water, and add the soup, soup, sesame oil,

Poached carp

【Dish Name】 Poached Carp 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 Teochew Cuisine 【Ingredients】 Carp (1 piece, 1200 grams), Net oil (200 grams), Shrimp rice grains, Ground fish grains (25 grams), Winter shoot grains (50 grams), Wet shiitake mushroom grains (100 grams 0, flower meat (400 grams), Meat granules (300 grams), MONOS glutamate, soy sauce, diamond powder, soup. 【Production process】 First, the carp is cut and washed, the back is opened with a knife, the intestines are removed, and the middle bone and abdominal bone are also cleaned. Second, stir-fry the ground fish grains, put them in a bowl, add meat grains, mushroom grains, bamboo shoot grains, monosodium glutamate, fine salt and stir well, and then brew these materials in the fish belly, and apply a small amount of wet diamond powder on the back. Third, heat the oil pot, fry the fish until it is golden brown, fish up, wrap the flower meat slices in oil, put it into the pot and simmer until the fish is cooked, take the fish out, remove the net oil, put the fish on the plate, add the original juice to the MSG, and drizzle on the fish.

Juice meat

【Dish name】 Fruit juice dried meat 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This dish has a strong fruity flavor. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 300 grams of lean pork, 100 grams of juice, 1 egg. Seasoning: 3 teaspoons rice wine, 1.5 tablespoons dry starch, 1 g sesame oil, 500 g peanut oil. 【Preparation process】 1. Wash and slice the pork, and then use the back of the knife to chop the egg into the bowl and beat it. 2. Sprinkle the pork slices with egg mixture, sprinkle with MSG, mix well and marinate for 5 minutes, patting on the dry starch. 3. Put 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok, put the pork with dry starch into the pan and fry it on both sides is yellow, then add 450 grams of oil, heat 60% of the back end away from the fire, and soak for 1 minute. 4. Heat another wok and add 0.5 tablespoons of peanut oil, cook in rice wine, add juice, sesame oil, soak the fried slices of meat, stir-fry a few times, and it will be ready

Sichuan pepper chicken

【Dish Name】 Sichuan Pepper Chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 (Chaozhou Cuisine) 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: Chicken, Kale Leaf Sichuan Pepper Powder, Ginger Flower, Carrot Flower, Green Onion, Wine, Seasoning: Salt, Soy Sauce, Corn Starch, Egg White, Sesame Oil, Pepper, Oil, Sauce Ingredients: Salt, Sugar, Corn Starch, Soy Sauce, Water, Sesame Oil [Preparation Process] 1, Chicken washed and dried, sliced, add seasonings and mix well for 30 minutes, soak tender oil. 2: Wash the kale leaves, drizzle the water and cut into strips, fry them in slow-heat oil to make them crisp, absorb the dry oil around the side of the dish. Wash and cut the shallots into sections. 3: Heat the wok, sauté ginger flowers and green onions in half a tablespoon of oil, chicken wok, praise wine, sauce and carrot flowers evenly, then sprinkle sichuan pepper powder and stir-fry well.

【Dish name】 Chaozhou frozen meat 【Belongs to the cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 The taste is fresh and soft, melting in the mouth, fat but not greasy; accompanied by fish sauce and coriander, the flavor is special. 【Ingredients】 Pork belly 500 grams, pig trotters 750 grams, pork skin 250 grams, coriander 25 grams, fish sauce (a by-product of pickled salted fish, market available) 150 grams, pearl oil (Chaoshan condiment, approximate dark soy sauce, sweet taste, mainly used for coloring) 6 grams, rock sugar 12.5 grams, monosodium glutamate 3.5 grams, alum 1 gram. 【Production process】 1. Scrape the pork belly, pig's trotters and pig skin into pieces (each piece of flower meat is about 100 grams, pig trotters are about 200 grams, and pig skin is about 50 grams). 2. Roll the above meat in boiling water for about 1 minute, remove and wash. 3. Put 1500 grams of water in a wok, bring to a boil, add rock sugar, bead oil, fish sauce, put in the bamboo grate at the bottom, put all the meat on top of the bamboo grate, first boil over medium heat, then switch to low heat and simmer for about 3 hours until soft and rotten. 4. Remove the meat and place it in a sand pot (skin down). Then put the concentrated original soup (about 750 grams) in the wok back on the stove and cook until slightly boiled, add the alum, skim off the foam, add MSG, filter the soup with clean gauze, and pour into the sand pot. 5. Put the broth in the sand pot on the stove and boil until it is slightly boiling, put it away from the fire, cool and condense, then take it out and put it on the plate, accompanied by coriander and fish sauce

Earth quail flakes

【Dish name】 Earth quail slice 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Earth fish flavor is fragrant, quail is delicious and better, the entrance is smooth and tender, suitable for late autumn consumption. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 700 grams of net quail, 15 grams of dried earth fish, 15 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 400 grams of fresh bamboo shoots, 80 grams of egg white. Seasoning 800 grams of vegetable oil (actual consumption is about 70 grams), cooking wine 15 grams, soy sauce 10 grams, wet starch 6 grams, pepper 2 grams, salt 10 grams, monosodium glutamate 8 grams, green onion 10 grams, ginger 6 grams, chicken broth to taste. 【Preparation process】 (1) First, slice the quail meat into thin slices, mix well with cooking wine, soy sauce and salt. Then add the egg white and wet starch and mix well. (2) Pour oil into a stir-frying spoon, heat it to 70% to 80% over medium heat, add the ground fish and fry it into minced pieces, then drain the oil. (3) Cut the bamboo shoots into rectangular thin slices. Shiitake mushrooms, green onions and ginger are also cut into small pieces. (4) Use the hot oil of the stir-fry spoon, add the fresh bamboo shoot slices into the oil, and then remove the drainage oil after cooking. Leave the stir-fry spoon with oil, put in the fried bamboo shoot slices, add the green onion, ginger and other stir-fry, and then add cooking wine to taste. Then add the quail slices, add chicken broth and mushrooms, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger, pepper, etc., stir-fry evenly, and finally use wet starch to outline, stir-fry dry juice to serve. (5) When walking, sprinkle the fried ground fish on the dish.

Steamed big red lamb crab

【Dish name】 Steamed Red Lamb Crab 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 This dish is original and delicious, and it is one of the "Top Ten Seafood" of Cantonese cuisine. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 3 lamb crabs about 1000 grams. Seasoning: 5 slices of ginger, 1 tablespoon each of pureed ginger, Zhejiang vinegar and peanut oil, 2 green onions, 3 teaspoons of refined salt, 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. 【Preparation process】 1. Slaughter the crab, remove the crab yellow, put it in a bowl, add 0.5 tablespoons of oil and mix well. Remove the crab claws and arrange them in a dish, and place the crab melons on top of the two ends in two fan shapes (one end of the crab body is outward, and one end of the claw is inward). 2. Put 4 crab claws on the crab claws, and the other 2 on the top of the first 4, pour 0.5 tablespoons of oil on top of the salt, ginger slices, green onions, put the crab lid face down on all sides, and put into the steamer basket.

White cut chicken in shallot oil

【Dish name】 White cut chicken with shallot oil 【Belongs to the cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 White color with oil yellow, with the flavor of shallot oil, green onion section with flower trim, with mustard sauce when eating, guangdong hometown cuisine, food has a different flavor. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients 1 net fat tender hen (weighing about 0.8 ~ 1.2 kg is better), 120 grams of green onion, 40 grams of ginger. Seasoning 120 g vegetable oil, a pinch of pepper, 15 g salt, 8 g msg of monosodium glutamate. 【Preparation process】 (1) Soak the chicken in a boiling soup pot (not overcooked, generally about 15 minutes), take it out and cut it into pieces (keep the original chicken shape), and load the head wings. (2) Cut the green onion and ginger into thin strips. (3) Pour oil into a stir-frying spoon, bring to a boil over high heat, sprinkle ginger shreds on the chicken, pour in hot oil, and then add shredded shallots. (4) Stir-fry 200 grams of soup, bring to a boil over low heat, then add pepper, salt, monosodium glutamate and other boiling sauce, pour on the chicken and serve.

Plum koshiki goose

【Dish Name】 Plum Koshiki Goose 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 This dish is golden red, sweet and sour, tender and smooth, raw and thirst-quenching, is a seasonal dish in summer (Cantonese cuisine) 【Ingredients】 1 light goose (about 2,000 grams), 250 grams of sour plum, 50 grams of sesame paste, 5 grams of salt, 150 grams of sugar, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 15 grams of minced garlic, 10 grams of minced ginger, 5 grams of minced green onion, 1 gram of pepper powder, 10 grams of white vinegar, 10 grams of soy sauce, 1500 grams of raw oil (consumes 150 grams), 15 grams of water starch [production process] (1) 1 light goose (about 2000 grams) cut off the foot and wingtips, remove the internal organs by caesarean section, wash the blood and wipe the water dry. Wash the sour plum 250 grams, chop into mushrooms, put them in a bowl, add 50 grams of sesame sauce, 3 grams of salt, 100 grams of sugar, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 15 grams of minced garlic, 10 grams of minced ginger, 5 grams of minced green onion, 1 gram of pepper, mix well, pour into the goose belly, twist the hole with thread, and spread well with 10 grams of white vinegar on the skin (so that the oil gall is not easy to flow out, so as not to shrink the goose meat), and then spread well with 6 grams of soy sauce. (2) Heat the pan, add 1500 grams of raw oil (consumes 150 grams), when the oil is 80% hot, fry the goose under the pan until golden red, take it out, and put it into the stew pot. A little soup, add 4 grams of soy sauce, 2 grams of salt, 50 grams of sugar, mix into a red soup, pour into the goose, basket steamed and then taken out, decanted out of the original method, goose meat changed knife chopping pieces under the original method after the pot is burned through, with water starch 15 grams of thin mustard, drizzled on the goose meat noodles.

Open-hearth plum duck

【Dish name】 Open stove plum duck 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This dish is red with sauce, fragrant, crisp, tender and smooth. 【Ingredients】 Tender duck 1 sour plum 5 minced garlic, ginger, chopped green onion 2.5 grams each [Production process] (1) take 1 fat tender duck (about 1500 grams), cut a hole in the bottom of the wing with a knife, take out the internal organs and hard soft throat tube to wash, drain the water, boil the duck skin in a pot of boiling water and fish out (duck skin should not be too cooked, otherwise it is not easy to color) hang with an iron hook. (2) Rub 5 sour plums and set aside. (3) Heat the pot with 25 grams of raw oil, add 2.5 grams of minced garlic, ginger and chopped green onion, cook 8 grams of cooking wine, add sour plums, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of salt, 25 grams of sugar, 25 grams of column sauce, 1 gram of pepper and stir-fry well, and pour into the duck belly. (4) 10 grams of maltose with Zhejiang vinegar 10, cooking wine 7 grams of dilution, spread on the duck skin by hand, hang in the ventilation place after blowing dry, put into the oven, baked after taking out, pour out the original juice, cut off the duck head, duck tail, cut off the duck body, row in the basin, install the head and tail into the shape of the original duck; the original juice is added to the sesame oil 5 grams to mix well, drizzle on the duck noodles.

Fried chicken

【Dish name】 Fried chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Fried chicken can be said to be the signature chicken of Cantonese cuisine, with crispy skin and tender meat, and the birthday feast is indispensable. 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 1 light chicken, weight, salt, rice wine, ingredients: salt, ginger juice, dipped chicken ingredients: peppercorns, star anise, tangerine peel, cinnamon, ginger, grass fruit. Sweet and sour ingredients: sugar, white vinegar, Zhejiang vinegar, corn starch, horseshoe powder, white wine, seasoning: salt, pepper five-spice powder [production process] First, the chicken is washed, and the chicken cavity is rubbed with ingredients. 2. Soak the chicken in a buhua bag, add 10 cups of water and simmer for 20 minutes, take the cloth bag, add salt, rice wine and chicken, and cook slowly until the chicken skin is raised and take out. Third, mix the sweet and sour ingredients, stew in water until dissolved, coat the chicken body, seasoning evenly coat the chicken cavity, hang the chicken in the wind, the chicken skin is slightly dry and then coated with sweet and sour material, repeat four to five times, and finally blow the chicken until it is dry four, boil a large amount of oil, put the chicken into the fried until golden brown, see the chicken thigh meat shrinks and cooks, chop the piece on the plate

Winter bamboo shoots stewed cat meat

【Dish name】 Winter bamboo shoot stewed cat meat 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This dish is a famous Cantonese dish with a unique taste. 【Raw materials】 Ingredients: 250 grams of cat meat, 200 grams of winter shoots. Seasoning: 1 tsp minced wet tangerine peel, 2.5 tsp minced ginger, minced garlic, dark soy sauce, wet starch, ginger wine - 5 tbsp each, 5 tsp salt, 2 tsp monosodium glutamate, 1 tsp pepper and sesame oil, 2 tablespoons 2 tablespoons, 1 tbsp vegetable oil. 【Production process】 1. Roll the cat pieces, pour them in the basin, filter out the water; cut the winter shoots into olive-shaped pieces and roll them over. 2. Put the oil in the wok and heat it 20%, put the minced garlic, ginger, wet tangerine peel, and rolled cat pieces in the pot and fry it thoroughly, add ginger wine and stir-fry well, inject two soups, season with fine salt and monosodium glutamate, mix it with dark soy sauce to make it golden brown, cover it to 80% of the barley, add winter shoots to throw well, wait for it, sprinkle pepper, beat it with wet starch, add cooked oil, sesame oil and evenly, put it on the plate.

Pot fish balls

【Dish name】 Pot fish balls 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Fish balls are a daily food loved by Cantonese people. Generally, freshwater fish is used as the main ingredient, and the fish meat is crushed to make a ball. Fish balls can be boiled, steamed, fried, boiled, stir-fried, to cook [Raw materials] crushed mud carp meat 225 grams, sausage 1 soaked soft hair vegetables 20 grams, 50 grams of vermicelli, chicken broth 100 grams, lettuce 180 grams of soy sauce, oil 15 grams each, corn starch, sesame oil 15 grams, refined salt, pepper 5 grams each, chopped coriander, green onion, shrimp 10 grams each [Production process] shrimp grains, sausage grains, hair vegetable segments, coriander, shallots and fish meat stir evenly; chicken soup poured into the pot to heat, fish meat squeezed into fish balls into the soup, cooked and fished out; Put the lettuce in the soup pot, then cook the soy sauce and other condiments slightly, and the fish balls are lined up on top;

Use another pot to contour the starch and pour it on the fish balls.

Dried scallop hair dish

【Dish name】 Dried scallop hair dish 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Guangdong home cooking. It is made by steaming dried scallops, hair vegetables and Chinese cabbage as the main ingredients. The characteristics are neat, colorful, thick soup, light taste, [raw materials] 300 grams of dried scallops 200 grams of Chinese cabbage, 50 grams of hair vegetables 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of refined salt and pepper, 10 grams of starch 100 grams of broth 50 grams of oil [production process] dried scallops are soaked in boiling water, moved into the steamer for 1 hour, neatly discharged into the bowl; Chinese cabbage is cut into thin wires, oil, salt, msG stir-fried softly, drained into the bowl of dried scallops, steamed for 20 minutes and taken out of the plate;

The vegetables are soaked and boiled in the broth, and when they are flavored, they are fished out and discharged around the scallops, and the salt, pepper, stock, and starch are added and drizzled.

Steamed shrimp with cheese

【Dish name】 Steamed shrimp with cheese 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Cantonese cuisine. It is made by steaming shrimp, eggs and milk as the main ingredients. The color of the dish is light yellow, the cheese is smooth, the shrimp is tough and tender, light and fragrant, camp [raw materials] 250 grams of shelled shrimp, 100 grams of egg white, 200 grams of skimmed fresh milk, 50 grams of chicken powder, 30 grams of ham mushrooms, 3 grams of refined salt, 10 grams of coriander, 5 grams of sesame oil and corn starch, 1 gram each of pepper and sugar, 80 grams of chicken broth [Preparation process] Mix eggs, fresh milk, chicken powder, salt, sprinkle shrimp, ham and mushrooms on the original plate, steam for 20 minutes, drizzle sesame oil, monosodium glutamate and pepper after leaving the basket

Ancient law buckle all rui

【Dish name】 Ancient Fa Kou Quan Rui 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 Cantonese Style Casserole Dish. Rui: Turtle, because of its long life, has a good tonic effect on the human body, so it is called "Rui", which means auspicious longevity. The most common [raw materials] 600 grams of live turtle, 20 grams of fire belly and shiitake mushrooms 5 grams of refined salt, 2 grams of cooking wine and pepper, 10 grams of green onion and winter shoots, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate and minced ginger 200 grams of broth [Production process] Turtles are gutted and washed. Blanch the fire brisket, shiitake mushrooms and winter shoots; set the wok on high heat, sauté the green onion and ginger, add the fire brisket, winter mushrooms, winter shoots, cooking wine, and broth and simmer slightly, and then put the soup into the casserole;

Put the turtle in a casserole dish, add salt and MSG and steam until soft and rotten, sprinkle with pepper and serve.

Chicken wings with oyster sauce

【Dish name】 Oyster Sauce Chicken Wings 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 Cantonese Cuisine. Chicken wings are used as the main ingredient, fried, stewed and boiled. The chicken wings are golden brown, the side dishes are crisp green, the juice is thick and thick, and the meat is soft and tender. Guangdong happy to eat chicken wings 【Raw materials】 500 grams of chicken wings in the middle of the green wing 250 grams of green onion, 25 grams of ginger slices, 40 grams of oyster sauce, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of refined salt, 20 grams of sugar and soy sauce each, 200 grams of water, 300 grams of oil [Preparation process] Chicken wings marinated in soy sauce for 5 minutes, fried and discolored and then taken out; Leave a little oil in the pot to fry chives and ginger, pour in chicken wings, oyster sauce, sugar, water, monosodium glutamate, simmer until the juice is thick; half a pot of boiling water, add refined salt, put into Qingjiang vegetables, blanch it, fish out the rinse plate, and drain the cooked chicken wings.

Salt crispy chicken nuggets

【Dish Name】 Salt Crispy Chicken Nuggets 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 The dish is golden yellow, the outside is charred and tender, it is eaten with pepper and salt, it is salty and fragrant, and the taste is excellent 【Raw materials】 Chicken breast 700 grams Lettuce 100 grams, sweet potato flour 200 grams of salt and pepper, soy sauce, green onion 15 grams each, sugar and wine 25 grams each, garlic 10 grams, salt, ginger 1 gram each, pepper, monosodium glutamate 1 gram Egg 1000 grams [Preparation process] 1. Chicken breast washed and chopped into small pieces, first put soy sauce, sugar, fine salt, wine, pepper, eggs, green onion, ginger, garlic After mixing the MSG into the container, mix the chicken nuggets and marinate for 10 minutes; 2. Each piece of the pickled chicken nuggets is dipped in dried sweet potato powder and set aside; after the oil is heated, put in the chicken nuggets dipped in sweet potato powder, fried over medium heat, fried until golden brown, it can be fished out, discharged into the plate of laid lettuce, dipped in pepper and salt

Scrambled eggs in Huangpu

【Dish name】 Huangpu scrambled egg 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 This dish is tender and smooth, because the preparation method originates from Guangzhou Huangpu, so the name [Raw materials] Ingredients: shelled eggs 250 grams. Seasoning: 2 teaspoons of refined salt, 1 teaspoon of monosodium glutamate, 350 g of cooked lard. 【Preparation process】 Add MSG, salt and cooked lard to the egg mixture and stir into egg paste. Wash the wok and put it on medium heat, pour the oil back into the oil basin, pour 0.5 tablespoons of oil into the egg paste, scoop and oil while pouring, and fry until just cooked and plated

Guangzhou Wenchang chicken

【Dish name】 Guangzhou Wenchang chicken 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Famous Guangzhou cuisine. It is made by boiling, steaming and stir-frying Wenchang chicken from Hainan Island, accompanied by ham, chicken liver and country dishes. This dish is beautiful in appearance, bright sauce, [raw materials] 1250 grams of fat and tender chicken, 65 grams of cooked lean ham, 250 grams of chicken liver, 300 grams of suburban vegetables 5 grams of refined salt, 1 gram of sesame oil, cooking wine, and monosodium glutamate, 15 grams of wet starch, 25 grams of mustard soup 2000 grams of light two soup, 75 grams of cooked lard, 225 grams of broth [Production process] The whole chicken is cooked for 15 minutes to remove the bone, cut into 24 slices; chicken liver is boiled with refined salt until just cooked, take out and cut into 24 slices, and the ham is cut into 24 slices of the same size; Chicken liver slices spaced on the butterfly to form fish scales,

Together with the chicken head, wings and tail, the chicken is arranged into the original shape of the chicken, steamed over low heat and then decanted; oil, cooking wine, broth, monosodium glutamate, wet starch are placed on medium heat, and sesame oil, ?

Kirin perch

【Dish Name】 Kirin Perch 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 1,000 grams of sea bass 6 shiitake mushrooms, 300 grams of ham, 150 grams of bamboo shoot slices 20 grams of ginger slices, 8 grams of refined salt, 25 grams of wine, 2 grams of pepper and monosodium glutamate, 15 grams of shallots and sesame oil [Production process] The sea bass is cut off from the head and tail, cut into 2 large pieces from the back of the middle section, each slice is cut into 6 small pieces, and then marinated with fine salt, wine, pepper and monosodium glutamate, and the mushrooms are soaked softly and cut into 12 slices;

Fish, shiitake mushrooms, ham, bamboo shoot slices each take 1 piece to form a group, a total of 12 groups, after lining up, put into the steamer basket steaming for 8 minutes, salt, monosodium glutamate, water, sesame oil, starch hook drizzle

Oyster Emperor Claw

【Dish name】 Oyster Emperor Chicken Claw 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 Famous Guangzhou cuisine. Cantonese people love chicken feet and eat a lot. However, this dish is cooked in a delicate way, first boiled, then fried and then stewed. The dish is golden in color, containing [Raw materials] 750 grams of large chicken feet Each 20 grams of green onion and ginger pieces, 30 grams of soy sauce and oyster sauce, 15 grams of monosodium glutamate, fennel and tangerine peel, 10 grams of refined salt, peppercorns and sesame oil, 50 grams of sugar, 25 grams of cooking wine, 5 grams of pepper noodles Peanut oil and 1000 grams of soup [Preparation process] Take off the outer coat of chicken feet, remove the tip of the toe, mix well with soy sauce; when the oil is 70% hot, put in the chicken feet and fry until the big red, pick up and soak in water for 2 hours, control the moisture, and ginger pieces, green onions, fine salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, Cooking wine, soy sauce, soup,

Fennel, tangerine peel, peppercorns steamed together, scoop up the chicken feet, leave the original juice; medium heat oil, add cooking wine, soup, chicken feet, oyster sauce, sugar, monosodium glutamate, original juice, sauce?

Dried osmanthus shrimp pickled loofah

【Dish name】 Dried osmanthus shrimp pickled loofah 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 4 two cinnamon fish (160 grams), 12 dried prawns, 1/2 kg loofah (about 300 grams), 4 slices of ginger, 1 can of clear chicken soup, 1 cup of water. Marinade: 1/4 tsp salt, a pinch of sesame oil and pepper, 1 tsp corn starch, 1 tablespoon egg white. Seasoning: Salt and pepper to taste. 【Preparation process】 1: Rinse and dry the cinnamon, cut into double flights, and mix in the marinade for about 10 minutes. 2: Rinse the prawns dry, add 1 slice of ginger to the dish, steam for 5 minutes until soft, peel the loofah, rinse and take out. 3: Heat 4 tbsp oil, sauté the fillets until they change color and just cook, remove. 4: Sauté ginger slices and loofah in the remaining oil, fry until soft, add chicken broth and boil until loofah is soft, add steamed dried shrimp and fish fillets and stir-fry well, add seasonings and serve. Experience: This dish is sweet because of the cinnamon fish and dried shrimp.

Coriander pine stuffed silver lotus

【Dish Name】 Coriander Pine Stuffed Silver Lotus 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 4 pairs of mud carp meat, 1 piece of chopped coriander, 1 green onion, 2 slices of Jinhua ham, 1 tablespoon of dried shrimp, 1 marinade of white radish: 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 6 tablespoons of water, a little pepper and sesame oil, 1 1/2 tablespoons of corn starch. 3/4 cups water (and steamed radish juice), 1/4 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sugar, 2 tsp light soy sauce, a pinch of sesame oil, 3/4 tbsp corn starch. 【Preparation process】 1, the carp meat slices and minced, mixed with marinade and coriander crushed, stir into fish glue. 2: Fine onion, Jinhua ham diced, shrimp soaked. 3: Peel the white radish, cut it horizontally into thick slices, scrape off the central part into a circle, coat the inner ring with thin corn starch, brew it into fish glue, drain the dish, steam it for 8 to 10 minutes, filter out the juice and retain it. 4: Heat 1 tbsp oil and sauté chives, Jinhua leg and drizzle shrimp, pour down the sauce and bring to a boil, drizzle on the radish and serve. Tip: Add a little water when stirring the fish, stir vigorously in the same direction until the fish is sticky, and then pat the tart several times to become fish gelatin

Broccoli bacon soup

【Dish name】 Coconut bacon soup 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 1/2 broccoli, 6 slices of bacon, 1 piece of sweet shoots (small), 1 onion (small), 1 clove of garlic, 3 cups of water or soup Spices: 1 celery leaf, 1 bay leaf, a little vanilla. 【Preparation process】 (1) Peel out the broccoli piece by piece, wash it, blanch it with boiling water, and take it out. (2) Peel the sweet shoots and cut into round pieces. (3) Tie the spices into bunches or hold them in a gauze bag. (4) Peel the onion and cut into strips. (5) Add the ingredients of (2) (3) (4) to 3 cups of water and bring to a boil over high heat. Cook over medium heat until the ingredients are sticky and soft, then add the bacon and wait to roll.

Dried eggs with spicy and sour shrimp

【Dish name】 Sour and spicy shrimp baked egg 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Sweet and sour 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 4 shrimp 2 (160 grams), 1 small onion, 1 green onion, 2 garlic, 4 eggs Marinade: 1/3 teaspoon salt, pepper and sesame oil, 1/2 teaspoon corn starch, 1 tablespoon egg white. Ingredients: 1/4 cup chili sauce, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 tsp sugar, corn starch, 1 tsp light soy sauce. 【Preparation process】 (1) Remove the black intestines from the shrimp, wash and dry the water, mix in the marinade and marinade for 20 minutes, cut the onion into strips, chop the garlic in green onion, mix the egg and seasoning well, (2) heat 2 tablespoons of oil, pour the egg juice and stir-fry until solidified, switch to medium and slow heat to bake until golden brown on both sides, remove from the dish. (3) Heat 2 tablespoons of oil, sauté the shrimp, add onion, garlic and shallots and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the sauce and bring to a boil, drizzle on the egg noodles and serve. Experience: This dish is sweet and sour, the eggs should be fried smoothly, and the amount of oil and heat should be mastered.

Garlic Yaozhu bean seedlings

【Dish name】 Garlic Yaozhu bean seedlings 【Belonging to the cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 Ingredients; bean seedlings 12 pairs (480 grams), Yaozhu 3 grains, garlic 8 grains, ginger flower 4 pieces. Seasoning: 1/2 tsp salt, 1 tsp chicken powder, 1 tsp sugar. Sauce: 1/2 cup water, 1 tablespoon each of light soy sauce, oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon sugar, sesame oil, a pinch of pepper, 3/4 tablespoon corn starch. 【Production process】 1, bean seedlings to remove the hard stem, wash the dry water, Yaozhu with water cover surface soaked, fished out and shredded (soaked in water to retain), steamed for about 10 minutes to soft, garlic to clothe, the whole grain retention. 2: Heat 1/2 cup of oil, fry the garlic over medium heat until golden brown, take it out, leave 6 tablespoons of oil, sauté the bean sprouts over high heat until soft, put the seasonings evenly, and take out the water dish. 3: Sauté ginger slices with 1 tablespoon of oil, add the sauce, Yaozhu silk, soak Yaozhu water and garlic to cook into juice, drizzle on the bean sprouts. Tips: Bean seedlings should be fried with a fierce fire to avoid water and yellowing.

Fresh eggplant meat crispy pan

【Dish Name】 Fresh Eggplant Minced Meat Crispy Pot Bar 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, 4 pairs (160 grams) of pork without treatment, 2 minced garlic, 1 pack of salty crispy pot marinade: 3/4 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1/4 teaspoon sugar, a little sesame oil and pepper, 1 teaspoon corn starch, 1 tablespoon of water Sauce: 1/4 cup of water, 3 tablespoons of eggplant juice, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 teaspoons of light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon corn starch [Preparation process] (1) Tomato, onion diced, The pork is marinated for 10 minutes. (2) Heat the pan in the oven over medium heat for 2 minutes, or fry in oil for a while and serve on the plate. (3) Heat 3 tablespoons of oil, sauté pork, add minced garlic and onion, add tomato and sauce and mix well, cook until thick, deep dish, and serve with a pot. Tip: The oven should be preheated for 1-2 minutes before being put in the pan to heat.

Winter melon soup

【Dish name】 Winter melon soup 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 Ingredients: 1 kg of winter melon (600 grams), 1 tablespoon of green beans, 2 tablespoons of crushed carrots, 3 pairs of pork without smelting, 1 can of clear chicken soup, 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of corn starch, salt, sesame oil and a little pepper. Marinade: 1/4 tsp salt, 1 tsp light soy sauce, a pinch of sesame oil and pepper, 2 tsp corn starch, 1 tablespoon water. 【Production process】 1, winter melon peeled and then shaved, even the juice put in the pot, free pork mixed into the marinade marinade for 10 minutes. 2: Clear chicken soup, water and winter melon crushed boiling, add green beans, carrot crushed and untreated pork and then boil, mix in corn starch water into a soup, add salt, sesame oil, and pepper to taste. Experience: Winter melon is chopped, steamed soft to crush convenient and fast, and it is also refreshing when eating.

Hundreds of Cantonese cuisine methods to share, there is always a suitable one for you to cook yourself! Top half

Lettuce with oyster sauce

【Dish name】 Oyster sauce lettuce 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 600 grams of lettuce, 30 grams of oyster sauce, 60 grams of clear oil, 10 grams of soy sauce, 10 grams of sugar, 20 grams of cooking wine, 1 gram of pepper noodles, 1 gram of salt, 10 grams of water starch, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of sesame oil, appropriate amount of soup, 3 grams of minced garlic. 【Preparation process】 (1) Remove the old leaves of the lettuce and wash them clean. Sit in the pot and put water, add salt, sugar, oil, put the lettuce after opening, turn over and pour it out, press the water into the plate; (2) Sit on a spoon and put the oil, add garlic and stir-fry, add oyster sauce, cooking wine, pepper noodles, sugar, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, soup, after opening, hook the mustard, drizzle sesame oil, pour on the lettuce.

Intestinal powder

【Dish name】 Intestinal powder 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 1000 grams of starch, 200 grams of sweet chestnut powder, a little salt, 2 coriander, 100 grams of chili sauce. 【Production process】 (1) Mix the starch with warm water into a paste, pour in sweet chestnut powder and salt, add water and knead thoroughly, and let stand for 2 hours; (2) Roll the dough into strips, pick embryos, and then roll into skins and rolls; (3) Set aside for 2 to 3 minutes after basketing, steam for about a quarter of an hour with boiling water, and after coming out of the pot, sprinkle with chili sauce and coriander garnish.

Char siu fried noodles

【Dish name】 Char siu fried noodles 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 300 grams of noodles, 100 grams of char siu pork, green onion, coriander, soy sauce, salt each appropriate amount. 【Preparation process】 (1) Cut the char siu meat into strips and set aside; (2) Put the noodles into a frying pan, when the noodles are five or six ripe, add the char siu meat strips, shredded green onion, coriander, salt, and stir-fry for a while.

Cantonese roast duck

【Dish name】 Cantonese roast duck 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 1 tender duck, a little salt, pepper, rice wine and spicy soy sauce, 100 grams of dissolved butter, 500 grams of vegetable spices, and an appropriate amount of vegetarian dishes for side dishes. 【Preparation process】 (1) Wash the young duck, drain it, spread it with fine salt and pepper, cook the rice wine and spicy soy sauce, pour it with dissolved butter, cut the vegetable sesame oil into pieces and sprinkle it with a little water; (2) Enter the oven, bake until golden brown and cook thoroughly, take it out, cut into large pieces and put it into the basin, pour the remaining oil juice on the side, and put some seasonal vegetarian dishes on the side

Ginger shallot crab

【Dish name】 Ginger shallot crab 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 Crab 1000 g, salt 2.5 g, monosodium glutamate 2.5 g, pepper 0.1 g, cooking wine 15 g, peanut oil 750 g, green onion 2.5 g, minced ginger 2.5 g, starch 2.5 g, balsamic vinegar 2.5 g, oyster sauce 25 g. 【Preparation process】 (1) Shell and wash the crab and change the knife into pieces; (2) Take a bowl of clear soup, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, green onion, ginger, garlic, starch, sesame oil, oyster sauce, mix into juice and set aside; (3) Put the crab into the pot of oil and fry it slightly. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the white section of the green onion, add crab cooking wine, quickly cover the pot lid, pour in the mixed juice, turn well out of the pot.

Kale salad

【Dish name】 Kale salad 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 300 grams of fresh kale, salad dressing or salad seasoning to taste. A little salad oil. 【Production process】 (1) Wash the kale, mourn it with hot water, take it out and cool it with clean water, and dry the water and set aside. (2) Cut the mourned kale into long pieces, or put the whole core code on the plate, drizzle a little salad oil, and squeeze on the salad dressing.

Horseshoe cake

【Dish name】 Horseshoe cake 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 Water chestnut powder 400 grams, white sugar 200 grams of red yeast rice flour, lard and an appropriate amount. 【Production process】 (1) Put the sugar into the grass curtain powder, add water and mix well, divide into several bowls, and then add a little red yeast rice flour to the half of it and knead it evenly, set aside; (2) Take a square plate to wash and wipe off the water and apply the oil, then pour into a bowl of non-pigmented grass curtain powder and lay flat on a little grass curtain pieces According to this method, plate by plate and steam for seven or eight minutes

Casserole crab

【Dish name】 Casserole crab 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 One crab, three green onions cut into sections, 25 grams of sugar in shaojiu, monosodium glutamate, cooked lard, garlic, ginger, fresh soup each appropriate amount. 【Production process】 (1) Heat the wok on high heat, use oil to fry the crab, cook the crab slightly, cook the rice wine and ginger juice, cover and simmer slightly, add sugar, fresh soup l000 grams, cover and then simmer; (2) Crab to eight ripe, put MSG, boil, pour into a large casserole, simmer on low heat for 5 minutes and then move into medium heat for about two or three minutes, skim off the foam, add MSG, pour onion into cooked lard, and the original pot can be served.

Corn soup

【Dish name】 Corn soup 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 A can of corn, 2 eggs, 120 grams of beef, a little salt; 【Preparation process】 (1) Egg shelling, beaten salted egg paste, set aside. Wash the beef, cut into small pieces, set aside (2) Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, first use a fierce fire until the water boils, then add corn, continue to boil until the water boils, then add the beef grains and egg pulp, and stir continuously, so that the egg rice salted egg flower, add a little salt to taste, you can drink.

Field chicken rice cooker

【Dish name】 Field chicken rice cooker 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 Twelve pieces of field chicken, fifteen green onions, ten pieces of ginger, ten pieces of cloud ear, ten mountain roots, red dates, salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, ginger juice, wine, corn starch, oyster sauce each appropriate amount. 【Production process】 (1) Mountain root into boiling water to boil soft, scoop up drip dry water, cut two pieces of each; yun er soaked in water, put into boiling water for five minutes to pick up dried water; green onion cut into two inches long; (2) field chicken peeled, washed and dried water chopped, add marinade marinade marinated for ten minutes to soak in oil; two tablespoons of oil fried ginger, green onion, under the field chicken pocket evenly, under the wine two teaspoons, turn off the heat; (3) in the pot under the oil one tablespoon, under the cloud ear, mountain root, add seasoning and boil and boil for a while. (4) Use another pot of rice to cook, pour it into the chicken pot and cook it for a while, and the original pot can be on the table.

Randu pigeon breast

【Dish name】 Randu pigeon breast 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 【Raw materials】 1 pigeon, 200 grams of kale section, garlic, ginger flower, sweet shoot flower appropriate amount 【Preparation process】 1 Randu kale cut into sections, twice cut cross flower knife in water and soaked rolls for use. 2 pigeons remove the fat from the meat, slice them into pigeon breasts, stir-fry them with salt and MSG, and place them on a plate. 3 pigeons are cooked in 40% hot oil. Leave the bottom oil in 4 pots, add the minced garlic, ginger flowers, sweet shoot flowers, add the soup, flavor powder, oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper, water starch in the pigeon breast cooking wine, add the pigeon breast cooking wine and serve.

Hainan coconut cup

【Dish Name】 Hainan Coconut Cup 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Raw Materials】 1 large coconut, 100 grams of water hair silver ear fungus, 100 grams of rock sugar [Production process] 1 Coconut peeled and washed, penetrated the coconut eye, controlled out of the coconut juice and sawn from the hooves to make a coconut cup; 2 Rock sugar placed in a bowl and then poured into the coconut cup, basketed and steamed for 1 hour, then pour in the haired white fungus and coconut milk, steamed and ready.

Coconut Cup Emperor

【Dish Name】 Coconut Cup Haihuang 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Raw Materials】 1 fresh coconut, fresh sea shrimp, raw fish, fresh squid, fresh strips 100 grams each, onion about 75 grams, sweet shoots 50 grams [Preparation process] 1 Coconut sawn from 1/4 and washed; 2 sea shrimp meat, raw fish meat, fresh squid, fresh strips, onions, sweet shoot slices, blanch each of the above ingredients; 3 pots of soup, pour various ingredients into the pot, add salt, monosodium glutamate, coconut juice, fresh milk, water starch hook, pour in the coconut cup; 4 Put in the oven and simmer for 15 minutes.

Thousand Island Juice Chicken Ball

【Dish name】 Chicken balls with Thousand Island Sauce 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 【Ingredients】 450 grams of chicken thigh meat, 11 mustard hearts, 10 grams of Thousand Island juice, 2 grams of minced garlic, 5 grams of chicken powder, 1 gram of pepper, 5 grams of salt, 1 gram of sesame oil. 【Preparation process】 1 slice of chicken thigh meat; 2 add salt, monosodium glutamate, corn starch, food powder, water marinate for 20 minutes; 3 slip and mature into balls in 40% hot oil; 4 pots of oil, put a little garlic and Thousand Island juice, then put the chicken balls in, and then add the soup, salt, chicken powder, sesame oil, pepper and stir-fry, hook the oil out of the pot, put on the plate; 5 after blanching the mustard hearts, leave a little bottom oil in the pot, put the mustard hearts cooking wine and stir-fry slightly; 6 pot yards on the side of the chicken balls can be.

Nestlé stone worm

【Dish name】 Nestlé Stone Worm Lun 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 Tender and delicious meat, peculiar shape, fragrant and slippery, full of novelty. 【Ingredients】 500 grams of stone worm lun, green pepper, carrot, ginger rice, rice wine, dried noodles, fine salt to taste. 【Production process】 Peel the stone worm, remove the leech dirt from the body, remove the internal organs by dissection, and cut the frog meat into large pieces. In a special vessel, dry the dough to a nestle-like shape, fry in a frying pan and remove. Cook the lard in a pot, stir-fry the frog meat, add rice wine, green pepper, carrot, garlic rice, salt, ginger rice, stir-fry and put it in Nestlé.

Refreshing breeze

【Dish name】 Refreshing breeze 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Unique shape, clear and clear, pleasing to the eye. 【Ingredients】 500 grams of tofu, lean meat, shrimp, egg white, water chestnut, white onion, tomatoes, shiitake mushrooms, eggplant, sesame oil to taste. 【Preparation process】 (1) Take the tofu horizontal knife and cut it into pieces, make a fan shape, the bottom surface is 2 layers, and set aside. (2) Make lean meat, shrimp meat, egg whites, and water chestnuts into meat, mix well with salt and monosodium glutamate, and spread it on the bottom layer of tofu, and then cover the noodle layer of tofu to form a sandwich. (3) Make a fan handle skeleton with eggplant, cut the tomatoes into semi-circles, place them on the top of the fan, make a fan pendant of white radish shreds, and steam them in a steamer basket for 5 minutes after molding. (4) Take it out, use the rest of the bedding to decorate the pattern on the fan surface, sprinkle with sesame oil, and serve.

Roast meat hidden beads

【Dish name】 Roasted meat hidden pearls 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Roasted meat lined chestnuts, like Tibetan beads, sweet and delicious, and has the function of moisturizing the lungs [Raw materials] Pork 1 to 1.25 kg, shelled chestnuts 300 grams, vegetable oil, soy sauce appropriate amount [Preparation process] Pork (three flower board meat or legs can be) cut into pieces, chestnut shelling and inner skin, divided into two pieces. Heat the pot, add vegetable oil, add green onion and stir-fry, then add chestnuts and pork and stir-fry for a while, then add an appropriate amount of water and soy sauce to boil, turn to simmer and simmer.

Winter melon

【Dish name】 Winter melon koshiki 【Belongs to the cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 The color is grass green, its taste is fragrant, cool and cool [Raw materials] 1 winter melon (about 3 ∽ 4 kg), 50 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 150 grams of squid, 500 grams of lean meat, 1 kg of broth, vermicelli, shrimp, salt, monosodium glutamate each appropriate amount [production process] (1) The winter melon is haired and washed, and the melon cover is cut at a waist about 8 cm from the winter melon tip, and the winter melon is dug out. (2) Fill the washed winter melon in a porcelain pot, and then pour the mushrooms, squid, fine meat, and vermicelli into the winter melon and steam the medicine with a low flame for 50 minutes. When cooking, add salt, monosodium glutamate and serve. (Avoid soy sauce)

Ginseng pigeon (Mandarin duck playing in the water)

【Dish name】 Ginseng pigeon (Mandarin duck playing in the water) 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Double pigeon in the same pot, shaped like Mandarin duck, sweet tulip 【Raw material】 50 grams of ginseng, 5 grams of supplementary tablets, 1 pair of full moon male and female chicks, 50 grams of rice wine, 200 grams of rock sugar. 【Production process】 First suffocate the pigeon, remove the hair and wash it, use scissors to open the cavity to remove the internal organs, and retain the blood and water. Put the pigeons, ginseng, attached pieces, and rock sugar into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, steam in the pot for 1 hour, remove the residue from the pot, add rice wine, and put the pot on the table.

White jade hidden beads

【Dish name】 White Jade Hidden Pearl 【Cuisine】 Cantonese Cuisine 【Features】 This dish is clean in color, eye-catching, sweet and delicious. 【Ingredients】 12 eggs, 25 grams of white fungus, 25 grams of white lotus seeds, 200 grams of sugar. 【Preparation process】 Put the eggs into the pot, add cold water, cook them over high heat, then remove them with a colander and place them in the basin, cool them with cold water, and peel off the eggshells. Wash the white fungus, soak in cold water for 2∽3 hours, remove and boil in boiling water for 2 minutes, then place on a plate and set aside with the egg. Pour the sugar into a bowl, dissolve it with a little boiling water and drizzle over the eggs and white fungus. After the plate is finished, cooked white lotus seeds are used to mix into various patterns.

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Vegetarian roast goose

【Dish name】 Vegetarian roast goose 【Cuisine】 Cantonese cuisine 【Features】 Beige, shaped like braised goose, attractive flavor 【Raw materials】 2 pieces of tofu skin, 500 grams of white glutinous rice, 200 grams of sugar, 250 grams of peanut oil, 100 grams of red dates, money cake, winter melon sugar, sesame oil [Preparation process] The white glutinous rice is simmered with water, soaked for 1 hour, and drained. Bring water to a boil in a pot, then steam the glutinous rice in the pot for 1 hour, then remove the glutinous rice and set aside. Mix well with dates, money cakes, winter melon sugar, sugar, sesame seeds, sesame oil and sticky rice. Lay the tofu skin flat on the board, put the mixture on the tofu skin, roll it into long strips, fry it in a frying pan, cut it into cubes and serve on the plate.

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