
The incidence of pharyngitis is high, and these five commonly used teas are the most effective

author:Lingnan famous doctor

New Year's Day these three days in Guangdong clear skies, many people choose to go out during the day, cook drama at home at night, eat meat in the farmhouse, brush drama when snacking do not leave the mouth... Is your throat okay? According to statistics, during and after the festival, the number of patients in the department of otolaryngology and emergency departments in major hospitals increased significantly, and Professor Li Yunying, a famous Chinese medicine doctor in Guangdong Province, recommended 5 kinds of commonly used medicinal teas to you.

The incidence of pharyngitis is high, and these five commonly used teas are the most effective

Five commonly used medicinal teas to deal with laryngitis

(1) 15 g honeysuckle, 5 g mint, 5 g raw licorice, rinse with decoction water. Suitable for patients with pharyngitis attacks, sore throat and dry throat.

(2) 10 grams of white chrysanthemum flowers, 15 grams of honeysuckle, 10 grams of platycodon, 5 grams of mint, 5 grams of raw licorice, serve warmly with decoction water. Suitable for acute occurrence of chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

(3) 15 grams of ginseng, 15 grams of dendrobium, 15 grams of wheat dong, 5 grams of raw licorice, and serve warmly with decoction water. Suitable for patients with dry throat and slight pain.

(4) 5 g tangerine peel, 10 g mulberry leaves, 10 g bellflower stem, 5 g raw licorice root, serve warmly with fried water. Suitable for laryngitis with a lot of sticky sputum and cough.

(5) Fat sea 10 g, wood butterfly 10 g, dendrobium 15 g, licorice 5 g. Serve warmly with fried water. Suitable for patients with laryngitis pharyngeal discomfort accompanied by hoarseness.

The above medicinal teas can be selected according to the symptoms.

Text/ Song Liping

Photo/Visual China

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