
Rockets: The team won't give up Potter Jr. so quickly real life isn't a game

Rockets: The team won't give up Potter Jr. so quickly real life isn't a game

Rockets player Kevin Porter Jr. was previously banned for violating team rules. Rockets reporters Adam Spolane and Adam Abramson tweeted today about the team's attitude toward Porter.

Adam Abramson writes, "The joy of rebuilding is trying out what works and what doesn't. Decide which players to stay and which players to send away. The Rockets have lost a lot this season and the team has been sluggish, but from my point of view, I'm not going to give up on Porter Jr. after he makes a mistake. ”

Adam Spolane replied: "I understand that, especially since this young man is thousands of miles away from home to play in Houston (Porter was born in Seattle). For Porter, a young man, it's more than just basketball. The Rockets aren't going to give up on him that soon, and this team really cares about him. Could this be a bad decision? Let's wait and see. ”

"It took the Rockets a year to make Potter feel at home in Houston, and it's part of it. Given Porter's upbringing and past experiences, you can imagine how ruthless the Rockets would have been if they had thrown him aside after he made a mistake. It's not a video game, it's real life. Adam Spolane went on to write.

(Best 15th Person)

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