
Loulan Ancient City!

author:Eye-opening posture

Why did the ancient country of Loulan disappear overnight? Before 2000, Lou Lan was a popular actress? Unsolved Mystery Article | The Mystery of Tomb HistoryEdit| Why did the once popular mystery of tomb history in the ancient country of Loulan disappear overnight? Does it really exist? Is there a treasure in the ancient kingdom of Loulan? These issues have been a controversial topic. Can the mystery of the disappearance of the ancient kingdom of Loulan be solved? 01. Is it true that the Lou Langu kingdom has an incomparably rich treasure? It is said that the treasure of the ancient country of Loulan was moved by eight camels at that time. It can be said that the ancient country of Loulan is surrounded by treasures, which can be said to be "a big grasp". The restored Loulan Ancient Kingdom is surprising, but why has today's Loulan Ancient Kingdom become a small mound? This is a stupa more than 10 meters high. At the time, it was the tallest building in the ancient state, with a row of government adobe houses and a house with only walls. What kind of surprises will the incredible "sun burial" bring us? How did the ancient kingdom of Loulan disappear overnight? 02. How bad is Lop Nur in the southeastern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the "Sea of Death"? Loulan Ancient Kingdom is located in Lop Nur in the Lop Nur region in Xinjiang. This place is arguably a household name, as the climate here is dry and hot all year round, and the environment is extremely harsh. It is known as the "Sea of Death". What is even stranger is that countless explorers and scientists have entered Lop Nur to look for the location of the Loulan Ancient Kingdom. In the end, many people don't reciprocate. So far, there is no reasonable explanation for this matter. 03.Is Loulan Ancient Country the most prosperous first-tier city in modern times? It is said that when the ancient kingdom of Loulan was in its heyday, it was as prosperous as first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, the capital of China. The rhetoric is baseless. Does the Ancient Kingdom of Loulan really exist? If there is historical data, there should be records. The experts consulted a large number of historical materials and finally found the name of Lou Languo in the historical year. However, in the Hanshu Xiyu Biography, there is a specific description of the Loulan ancient style. At that time, the ancient country of Loulan was covered with flowers and trees, and the golden wheat field was compared with Jiangnan. At that time, Jiangnan may not be as beautiful as the lou lan nian. 04. The throat of the global trade of lou lan ancient country. However, at that time, the ancient country of Loulan was still the throat of the world's trade. Silk, tea and other commodities exported by the central name would be traded here. It can be said that the ancient country of Loulan is the gathering place of civilizations in the world. Although the historical records record this, the authenticity of the ancient country of Loulan has been questioned by people from all walks of life since ancient times. 05. Is lou lan ancient country real? It is said that in 6488, when the monk passed through 6608, he saw nothing because he wanted to learn the scriptures from the West. It can be said that he was abandoned, there were no birds and beasts, only a ruin, which inevitably made people a little suspicious. During the Tang Dynasty, many scholars also questioned the records of the historical years. Does the Ancient Kingdom of Loulan exist? You might never have imagined that a Swede was the first to discover our Chinese cultural sites. What happened? What did he find at the site of the ancient city of Loulan? The story goes like this. At that time, the Qing government was forced to open its doors because of the Opium War. At this time, many foreign archaeologists came to China. Sven Hedin is one of them. At first, Sven Hedin came to China not to study the ancient city of Loulan, but to study the geology of Lop Nur. It is a bit dramatic to say how he found the Lou lan ancient country website. 6. The Swede Sven Hedin people first discovered the ruins of the ancient country name of Loulan. It was a day in 1845. As he and his guide sorted out the equipment, he suddenly noticed that his shovel was missing. He came back to retrieve his shovel and guide. At this time, they suddenly encountered a sandstorm. Fortunately, sandstorms are not violent, otherwise they would have been blown away. After the sandstorm, the two men were ready to stand up and find a shovel. They saw some tiles, and Sven Hedin saw a piece of wood, and they didn't even want to take it back to base camp. Back at base camp, Sven Hedin looked at the piece of wood in his hand. He was surprised. He had lived in the desert for decades and had never seen such exquisite carvings, but he guessed that there must be unexpected gains here. So he moved his base camp here the next day. After a period of digging and tidying up, he found that it was most likely an ancient country. But which country needed further identification, so he brought all these artifacts back to Europe. A scientist with a Chinese character was discovered in the European year. The results explained by the experts surprised everyone. The wooden blocks on these texts are inscribed with the place name "LouLan". This shows that Sven Hedin did dig out the ancient country of Loulan. This suggests that the relevant records in the chronicle are true. When he discovered the location of the Loulan Ancient City, it caused a sensation all over the world. More and more people are coming to Lop Nur to find treasure. So far, the ancient city of Loulan has become a world-famous ancient city site. The Ancient National Treasure of Loulan was transported by Sven Hedin and others along with eight camels. Unfortunately, the Loulan Ancient National Treasure was taken by the Sven Hedins and others with eight camels. Basically, foreigners who come here don't return empty-handed. They could see that all the people who had moved were taken away. To this day, hundreds of artifacts have been retaken by the Sven Hedins after hundreds of years. I'm still a little sad to hear this data. After all, it was the wealth left by our ancestors that they wantonly plundered. It's not a taste in my heart. If China had not lagged behind at that time, foreigners would not have been able to excavate these artifacts. On August 6, 1978, scientist Peng Jiamu and other explorers were killed, and the "cause of death" was chilling. In the 1980s, Chinese scientist Peng Jiamu organized an expedition to the Loulan ruins of the Lop Nur people for field investigations. Because his usual drinking water far exceeded the previous estimates, he went out alone to find water for his companions. Unfortunately, he never came back. In order to find Peng Jiamu, the state sent more than 30,000 soldiers and civilians to search for Peng Jiamu's whereabouts, sent several helicopters to conduct multiple carpet searches, and finally found nothing. Even stranger is the explorer named Yu Chunshun. In the 1990s, he went alone to the Lop Nur Desert, but he never returned. After a period of searching, a helicopter pilot accidentally spotted him. When I found him, the direction of his head was special. It can be said that it is too strange. His head was facing the direction of Shanghai. You said that his hometown happened in Shanghai Year, and it can be said that it is no worse. Even more incredibly, the site of his death was 18 kilometers from the original route. As a professional explorer, how could he deviate so far? So far, there is no reasonable explanation for this matter, and there are many strange things. This lou lannian beauty defeated the popular female star, which shocked the world! Speaking of Loulan, we must talk about the beauty of Loulan. A Mummy of Lou Lan Nian on display in the Xinjiang Museum is still well preserved thousands of years later. Her eyebrows were also clear. By restoring the map, you will discover that her beauty will never lose the beauty of Gangnam. The sand table you see now is a complete view of the restored loulan ancient country. From the sand table, we could see small streams flowing through all the streets, and people lived in dense houses. It's a prosperous sight. 10. The restored Loulan Ancient Kingdom is shocking. It is said that the sand table of the ancient country of Loulan is made completely according to the records of the historical record, and the similarity can reach more than 95%. Today's Loulan Ancient Kingdom has been turned into mounds, leaving only a few wall-style buildings and a stupa more than 10 meters high, which should be the tallest building at that time. There is also a row of simple earthen embryo houses, which are said to be yamen, and there is a house next to it. Now it had become a wall, too far away from the demobilized Loulan Ancient Kingdom. What makes Loulan Ancient Country look like today? Why didn't the once popular Loulan Ancient Kingdom continue? There are different views on the reasons for the disappearance of the Loulan ancient people. 11. How much damage has the current "sun burial" in Loulan Ancient Country caused to the environment? Patterns like the sun appear in front of everyone. At first glance, you may not see what it is? You might think it was naturally formed, otherwise it would be a tomb. Some people may not believe it. Experts say there was actually a man named "Sun Burial" who dug a circular pit after his death and then inserted poplar root pillars around the grave. According to incomplete statistics, there are 150 piles in the largest circle and 120 piles in the smallest circle. Is this sun burial related to the disappearance of the ancient country of Loulan? Do not mention the reason for the disappearance of the 12.Lou Lan Ancient Kingdom. This is really important. You say that if the whole country chooses the sun burial system, how many trees will need to be cut down? It is precisely because the people of Loulan ancient country do not know how to control and indiscriminately cut down and deforest, which seriously damages the environment of Loulan. Without the protection of the trees, the vegetation around the trees will disappear over time, causing the river to dry up and the pristine oasis to disappear. Later, the king of Loulan Guonian also realized the seriousness of the situation and promulgated the Forest Protection Law in the year of LoulanGuo. Among them, the regulations for cutting down trees and punishing camels are good, but it is too late. Due to the deterioration of the environment and the lack of water resources, it is not suitable for human habitation. Finally, the ancient civilization of Loulan disappeared. Therefore, it is enough to see the importance of the environment to human beings and maliciously damage the environment. A country is not necessarily destroyed. The above is also the speculation of experts. How the ancient country of Loulan disappeared needs further research.

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