
"Out of the box": how to carry out archival cultural and creative services?

author:Wen Archives Agency

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Xiao Wen: Xiao Cha Xiao Cha, Happy New Year! I recently found an interesting archival creative services news story that I would like to share with you!

Tsubasa: Oh? Let's hear it

Small Inspection Classroom: Archival Cultural Creative Services

In the article "Discussion on the Concept of Cultural and Creative Services in Archives", the ideological and political team of the curriculum led by Professor Huang Xiaoyu defined that the cultural and creative services of archives refer to the public services of archives relying on collection resources to re-recognize, transform and recreate archives by integrating multicultural cultures to re-recognize, transform and recreate archives, develop the historical and cultural value of archives, and meet the individual needs of the public.

This tweet basically adopts this concept, and believes that the main body of archival cultural and creative services is broader than the main body of archival cultural and creative services, or includes archival intermediaries and community archival entities.

News introduction

Out of the box": American archivists tell Jewish stories with Facebook Live

Time: 2021-12-08

来源:The Detroit Jewish News

Founded in 1850, Temple Beth El is also the largest Jewish archive of its kind in Michigan. The museum has about 1,500 feet of archives documenting decades of Jewish history in the Detroit metropolitan area, much of which is rarely known to the public. Archivist Laura Gottlieb wants to change that.

During the 2020 pandemic, it launched the "Out of the Box" project to share the history of local Jews with the public through Facebook Live. In the "out of the box" project, Gottlieb posts weekly videos on Facebook Live about interesting or unusual information he finds in the archives through short video clips, most of which start with documents or pictures in the archives' collections and introduce the history they carry by introducing newspaper articles or other objects.

Gottlieb is currently working with Robbie Terman, director of the Jewish Community Archives, to further expand the impact of the "unboxing" project. They are committed to bringing Jewish culture to new audiences, especially the young fans who come into contact with TikTok. Since creating their TikTok account two months ago, they've garnered more than 300,000 likes, 2 million views, and nearly 6,000 followers.

"Out of the box": how to carry out archival cultural and creative services?

Laura Gottlieb

News analysis

In this piece of news, some people think that archives have always been considered dusty old boxes filled with boring documents. Through the "Unbox" project, Gottlieb also proved that this was not the case when he shared funny, surprising, and even eccentric archival stories.

In my opinion, the archive is indeed like a huge chest, but whether it contains waste or treasure depends on whether it can be used effectively through creative services. As far as this news is concerned, whether archival resources can be "used out of the box" and then achieve creative services depends on the archivist's awareness of creative services, the degree of archival content mining, and the presentation of archival stories:

1) The subject consciousness of the creative service of archival resources: Gottlieb turned the epidemic crisis into a good opportunity for archival creativity, and with the advantages of temple Beth El collection, took the initiative to change the unknown status quo of local Jewish history through archival services, reflecting that the main sense of agency is the basis of archival creative services.

2) Content focus of archival resource creative services: Gottlieb focuses on archival stories, starting from the documents or pictures collected by the archives, and introducing the history it carries to the public by introducing newspaper articles or other items, reflecting the principle that archival creative services need to uphold the principle of "content is king".

3) Innovative display of archival resource creative services: Gottlieb adopts the "out-of-the-box" project, with the help of social media Facebook live and Tik Tok to tell archival stories to the public, changing the traditional means of archival lending, exhibition, compilation and research, reflecting that new technologies can be used to show archival resources and achieve creative services.

Based on the above analysis, combined with the background of the times of "building an archival power" and "achieving high-quality development" and the existing research on archival cultural and creative services, the author believes that the above experience can be appropriately promoted and learned. The following will be further analyzed and reviewed in combination with specific cases, hoping to provide a mirror enlightenment for the theoretical research and practical development of China's archival cultural and creative services.


Active empowerment: Establish the underlying thinking of archival creative services

The first set of domestic juvenile archival books "I am an archival fan" was launched

Time: 2020-07-17

Source: Jiangsu Archives News Network

"Out of the box": how to carry out archival cultural and creative services?

In order to publicize and popularize archival knowledge, inherit and promote history and culture, and help protect the world's documentary heritage, the first set of domestic youth archival reading books "I am an archival fan" series compiled by Suzhou Industrial and Commercial Archives Management Center (Suzhou Academic Center of the World Memory Project of China Silk Archives) and published by Soochow University Press was published. The series consists of 6 volumes, which were published from August 2019 to June 2020.

"Out of the box": how to carry out archival cultural and creative services?

The editors of the "I am an archival fan" series carefully pondered the psychological characteristics and reading needs of teenagers, and launched three cartoon images of "Lanlan", "Taitai" and "Uncle Fang" to endorse the image of silk archives. Through a series of experiential adventure activities between the sisters and brothers, they integrate historical archival stories, so that teenagers can acquire archival knowledge in relaxed and pleasant reading. The series covers many contents such as minors' growth archives, Suzhou Silk Industry, Silk Road, Memory of the World Project, etc., and the author team uses infectious texts, vivid and interesting pictures and games that are closely related to knowledge to guide young friends to contact world memory, understand the documentary heritage, and understand the Suzhou Silk Archives.

"Out of the box": how to carry out archival cultural and creative services?

Small review news

Archival cultural and creative services are inseparable from the awareness of low-level empowerment. This kind of basic cognition, which is deeply rooted in the "archival resources are information resources, knowledge resources, cultural resources, and memory resources, and have a basic supporting role in the development of the information family and various undertakings", provides confidence and self-confidence for archival cultural and creative services, and also requires the archival department to establish an enabling thinking of "active service, deep integration, and efficiency". The purpose, positioning, content and method of publication of "I Am an Archival Fan" all reflect its profound creative service thinking:

1) At the level of purpose, it breaks through the single purpose of publicizing archival knowledge. Expanding the service horizon to inherit and promote history and culture, and helping to protect the world's documentary heritage, it can be seen that its service purpose is both pioneering and innovative;

2) Positioning level, avoiding the ambiguity of traditional archival compilation and research products "suitable for all ages". Clearly position "I Am an Archival Fan" as "the first set of juvenile archival reading books in China", with a clear positioning to force the efficiency of archival cultural and creative services to improve;

3) At the content level, focus on the characteristic archival cultural needs of young people. The content covers the minors' growth archives, Suzhou silk industry, silk road, memory of the world project, etc., to guide young people to contact world memory, understand the documentary heritage, and understand the Suzhou silk archives.

4) Formal level: Break through the traditional archive "picture + text" arrangement and presentation method. Creatively develop cartoon images of special archive collections that meet the psychological characteristics and reading needs of adolescents, and form a form of archival cultural and creative service that combines "experiential adventure activities + historical archive story content".

It can be seen that the Suzhou Industrial and Commercial Archives Center can be described as full of creativity, not only focusing on the value of the museum's characteristic silk archives, but also based on the grand perspective of "memory of the world", taking the initiative to play the function of archival culture education, and tailoring archival cultural and creative products for young people. We are not advocating for local archival departments to copy the creative service path. More importantly, it pays attention to its archival culture and creative service thinking, takes the initiative to highlight the advantages and characteristics of the library, adopts ingenious ways to exert the value of resources, and walks out of an innovative service path of archival culture with the characteristics of the library.


Create a boutique: Archival creative services adhere to content as king

The "Our Olympics" theme exhibition was held in Beijing

Time: 2021-12-20

Source: World Wide Web

In order to vigorously create a strong atmosphere for welcoming the Winter Olympics, popularize Olympic knowledge, carry forward the Olympic spirit, enhance the enthusiasm of the whole people to participate in the Olympic Games, and help the Successful Holding of the Winter Olympics, the "Our Olympics" theme exhibition sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Archives, the Beijing Olympic City Development Promotion Center, the Secretary and Administration Department of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, and co-organized by the Capital Institute of Physical Education and Beijing Union University was grandly launched at the Beijing Municipal Archives on December 16, 50 days before the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

"Out of the box": how to carry out archival cultural and creative services?
"Out of the box": how to carry out archival cultural and creative services?

Source: People's Daily (

The exhibition is divided into two parts: "Summer Olympics" and "Winter Olympics", and more than 1,000 archives and documents including pictures, audio and video, and physical objects are exhibited. The exhibition displays the wonderful moments of the 32 summer Olympic Games and the 23rd Winter Olympic Games over the past 100 years on a time axis, reviews the origin and development history of the Olympic movement, shows the struggle and struggle of Chinese sports from "the sick man of East Asia" to creating glory, and then to building a sports power, and reproduces the wonderful and glorious glory of the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games from bidding to successful hosting. Spread the theme culture of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, comprehensively present the style of Chinese Olympic athletes and the spirit and strength of the whole people to participate in the Olympic Games, support the Olympic Games, and help the Olympic Games, and vividly record the great journey of the Chinese nation in the centennial Olympic Games.

The essence of archival cultural and creative services lies in the distinctive, gripping and timeless archival content. If it is conceived as a delicious dish, then the content of archival culture is undoubtedly the best ingredient, and the creative form of whimsy constitutes a different cooking method, and the ingredients are the key to the formation of delicious food. Therefore, archival cultural and creative services should adhere to the principle of "content is king", so as to attract more lasting attention with its cultural background.

The core idea of the "Our Olympic Games" theme exhibition is to carefully curate the special "Olympic Archives" composed of the 32 summer Olympic Games and the 23rd Winter Olympic Games in the past 100 years, and to build the Beijing Municipal Archives into the only international "double Olympic Pavilion" with the cooperation of multiple departments. For the exhibitors, it can instantly ignite and release the Olympic spirit of athletes around the world, the cultural prosperity of the host city, the common inheritance of human civilization, and the Olympic feelings of international audiences in the immersive field of the Beijing Municipal Archives, and the key to all this is the essence of Olympic culture carried by the "complete, complete and systematic" Olympic archives.

In summary, what is a boutique? The author believes that "unique, full of creativity, empathy and observation" is the key to the archival cultural and creative services becoming cultural boutique IP in the international scope.


Leveraging technology: Inserting the wings of technology for archival creative services

Australia: Digital archives reconstruct cultural heritage in unique spatial experiences

When: December 03, 2021

Source: UNSW

The Shoei Yoh (Renowned Japanese Architect) Archive is an online interactive display platform developed by designers from the School of The Built Environment at the University of New South Wales to recreate the iconic architectural works of Japanese architect and digital design pioneer Shoei Yoh in an immersive virtual environment. Using 3D scanning technology, the design team created a digital building repository where the data could be used to generate new digital renderings and animations that brought the building to life in an experiential digital exhibition space.

In the practice of sustainable heritage preservation, digital archiving can protect fragile heritage from over-access while raising awareness of heritage conservation. A similar approach can be used to guide the restoration of cultural sites in the real world. For example, recent 3D digital scans have been used to help rebuild and restore Notre Dame Cathedral.

"Out of the box": how to carry out archival cultural and creative services?

Digital technologies such as 3D scanning will disrupt and alter the recording and preservation of cultural heritage

With the help of new technologies, it can plug the wings of technology for archival creative services, give archival services a more intuitive, vivid and interesting feeling, and constitute a multiplier for the efficiency of archival creative services. The application of digital technologies such as 3D scanning can not only digitally develop architectural archives and digitally "reconstruct" the architectural image on the drawings, but also shape the experiential archival exhibition space, improve the participation, sense of experience and sense of acquisition of the participating public, and promote their understanding of the cultural value and significance of architectural archives.

Perhaps the archival department should take the initiative to embrace new technologies, through the integration of archival cultural creative services and technical applications, to achieve the digitization, visualization and storytelling of archival content, so that the archival culture with historical background and modern technology with audiovisual impact are integrated. In this way, it not only adds a humanistic atmosphere to digital technology, but also casts a technical impetus for archival cultural and creative services, and can also provide a feasible path for the in-depth understanding of digital and humanities, mutual benefit and win-win results.

Small smells and small observations to summarize

"Out of Box" means opening the archive treasure box and actively activating and releasing the charm of archival culture with ingenuity. The enlightenment of the above cases to the archives department is that the archival culture and creative services not only need the archival department to establish the "empowerment" of the underlying thinking, but also need to adhere to the "content is king", but also need to insert the "wings of technology" for it, which may not only revitalize the value of the archives, but also enhance the sense of achievement of archivists, but also enhance the awareness of social archives.

In fact, China's existing policies, practices and theoretical research have provided a lot of guarantees for archival cultural and creative services. Article 34 of the new version of the Archives Law proposes that the state encourages archives to develop archival collections, carry out archival cultural education through various forms of services, enhance cultural self-confidence, etc., and the "14th Five-Year Plan" national archival career development plan also clearly proposes to "continuously launch archival cultural boutiques with extensive influence" and "strengthen the development of archival cultural creative products and explore industrialization paths", providing policy guarantees for archival cultural and creative services. On December 24, 2021, the Chinese Archival Society established a professional committee on archival culture, indicating that the construction of archival culture, including archival cultural creative services, is the trend of the times. The existing conceptual discussion, model analysis, and strategic research on archival cultural and creative services have gradually become systematic, which can provide theoretical guidance and reference for archival cultural and creative services.

In this context, archives are poised to be "out of the box". Looking forward to the advent of more archival cultural and creative products that carry China's excellent culture, I believe that under the empowerment of thinking, content is king and technology, archival cultural and creative services will usher in a broader space for development.

Regarding the archive culture and creative services, what are your ingenuity and ideas, welcome to share and communicate together! Finally, Xiaowen Xiaocha once again sincerely wishes readers and friends a happy new year, peace and happiness, and all the best! Let us continue to be brilliant in the new year, work hard, and forge ahead!


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Typography | Tang Yifei Jin Wenjun

"Out of the box": how to carry out archival cultural and creative services?

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