
No need to knead the dough, no need to roll the dough, make a fluffy and salty steamed bun, simple and delicious

author:Home is pleasant

This season, cabbage is always the main theme, stir-fried and tired of eating it to make stuffing, make buns, wrap dumplings are good. Today I will share with you a method of steaming buns without rolling the dough, without kneading the dough, the method is simple, soft and salty.

No need to knead the dough, no need to roll the dough, make a fluffy and salty steamed bun, simple and delicious

Well, without further ado, let's start making it.

【Cabbage minced meat steamed bun】

Ingredients: 300 g of flour, 2 cocoats of yeast, 230 ml of warm water, 300 g of minced meat, appropriate amount of green onion, 3 leaves of cabbage, 2.5 hours of salt, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce, a little chicken powder, a little pepper.

Here's how:

1, first come and noodles, add yeast to the flour, use warm water and noodles, because this noodle is relatively soft, directly use chopsticks to stir into a delicate and slightly soft batter, and then cover the plastic wrap and put aside, fermentation to twice as large.

No need to knead the dough, no need to roll the dough, make a fluffy and salty steamed bun, simple and delicious

2, then adjust the filling, first add half a small spoon of salt and cooking wine to the meat filling, use chopsticks to whip in one direction, put aside a little filling.

3: After the cabbage is cleaned, cut into large pieces on the board and put into the meat grinder and stir into the filling. Stir well and put it in a cage cloth to squeeze the water slightly without drying it too much. Do not pour out the squeezed cabbage juice, and use it later when it is filled.

No need to knead the dough, no need to roll the dough, make a fluffy and salty steamed bun, simple and delicious

4, now the meat filling is almost over, first put the green onion in, then add 5 tablespoons of cooking oil, and beat it again. The fillings made in this way will be tender and juicy, which is particularly delicious. Then put in the squeezed dry cabbage, add salt, pepper, chicken essence, soy sauce, soy sauce and stir well, and then divide it three times, add 3 tablespoons of cabbage juice each time, and make the filling into this viscous consistency.

5: After the noodles are awake, sprinkle more dry flour on the panel and use the dry flour to organize the dough into long strips. There is no need to knead the dough here, because there is no need for secondary fermentation to make this pasta, and the small bubbles inside the fermented dough should be retained so that the pasta will be steamed out softly.

No need to knead the dough, no need to roll the dough, make a fluffy and salty steamed bun, simple and delicious

6, the use of dry flour to divide the dough into equal small dough, with the hand to freely knead the dough, put in the filling, and then lift the surrounding dough skin to knead it. Note here that the dough does not need to be rolled with a rolling pin, but the small bubbles in the dough are retained so that the steamed pasta will be soft.

No need to knead the dough, no need to roll the dough, make a fluffy and salty steamed bun, simple and delicious

7, after wrapping, do not need to wake up twice, cold water into the pot, after the high heat boiled, turn the medium heat to steam for 12 minutes, turn off the heat can be opened, do not need to stew, so that the bottom of the bun will not collapse wet.

No need to knead the dough, no need to roll the dough, make a fluffy and salty steamed bun, simple and delicious

8, this way out of the small steamed bun, the skin is soft, the inside is salty and juicy, very delicious. Especially suitable for children and the elderly, salty and suitable for digestion.

Well, today's sharing is here, I am a pleasant taste, the article is my original work, I hope you can like, if you have any problems in the production process, you can pay attention to me, leave me a message to discuss and exchange gastronomic experience, we work together to do a good job of food, let us eat healthier, more nutritious. Every day will bring you the same food sharing, I hope you eat a good mood!