
Wait no more! Exposure of Real Madrid 50 million to buy Mbappe: come now, the Champions League against Paris

Real Madrid chased Mbappe, which is known to the world. Mbappe's contract with Paris Saint-Germain expires this summer, and Real Madrid are expected to waive the French superstar. However, Real Madrid aim to sign the emperor as soon as possible, the sooner the better. On January 4, super agent Giovanni Blanccini broke the news: Real Madrid has quoted 50 million euros and hopes to sign Mbappe in January!

Wait no more! Exposure of Real Madrid 50 million to buy Mbappe: come now, the Champions League against Paris


Giovanni Blanccini, Honorary President of the Italian Agency association, has a wide network in football, having run transfers for footballers such as Romario, Ronaldo and Ancelotti. Ronaldo returned to Manchester United, Lucas joined Bayern, and Blanccini was also an intermediary, involved in matchmaking and negotiations.

On January 4, Blanccini was interviewed by The Milano Sport. The agent tycoon broke the news about the transfer scandal between Real Madrid and Mbappe:

Wait no more! Exposure of Real Madrid 50 million to buy Mbappe: come now, the Champions League against Paris

Real Madrid asked for Mbappe for 50 million

"Real Madrid have sent an offer to Paris Saint-Germain for 50 million euros to buy Mbappe. It all depends on Paris Saint-Germain. Real Madrid want to get Mbappe as soon as possible and club president Florentino has a strong will. I don't know exactly how it ended up, but it would be a shame for football to have a free transfer for a superstar of Mbappe's caliber. Blanccini said.

Wait no more! Exposure of Real Madrid 50 million to buy Mbappe: come now, the Champions League against Paris

For Mbappe, Real Madrid is full of sincerity. Last summer, Real Madrid offered 150 million euros for Mbappe, but Paris Saint-Germain chose to refuse. Recently, the media broke the news that Real Madrid will waive Mbappe this summer, offer a fixed annual salary of 21 million euros (excluding bonuses), and a signing fee of 40 million euros. Mbappe is also very eager to join Real Madrid, but Paris Saint-Germain do not want to release people.

Wait no more! Exposure of Real Madrid 50 million to buy Mbappe: come now, the Champions League against Paris

In order to avoid the long night, Real Madrid hope to sign Mbappe in January. According to Blancini, Real Madrid has already quoted 50 million euros. Of course, Paris Saint-Germain is not bad money masters – the club's backstage, qatar's National Investment Authority, manages $300 billion in assets. For the past 3 years, Paris Saint-Germain has been rejecting Real Madrid, but this time it is basically impossible to keep the emperor.

Wait no more! Exposure of Real Madrid 50 million to buy Mbappe: come now, the Champions League against Paris

If Real Madrid sign Mbappe in the winter window, the Champions League will stage a dramatic scene: 1/8 final Real Madrid vs Paris Saint-Germain, Mbappe will oppose Paris, messi from teammate to opponent. "Marca" also said that Mbappe can now open negotiations with Real Madrid, considering the Champions League quarter-finals, the relationship between Real Madrid and Paris will be more "hot".

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