
Look at jadeite has skills, teach you a small white change expert| Bihong jadeite 1525th lesson

After doing jadeite for a long time, I found a very interesting phenomenon, some cuiyou do not like green jadeite, prefer transparent and colorless jadeite; some cuiyou like violet, earrings, rings, pendants are all purple; and some cuiyou only love mocui, calm, atmospheric, can reflect their manhood. There are also many jade friends who like various colors, various types of jadeite, which is called each flower into each eye. One of the reasons why people don't like to buy green jadeite may be that there are too many types of green, and there are too many factors that affect color.

Look at jadeite has skills, teach you a small white change expert| Bihong jadeite 1525th lesson

Jadeite is the most colorful of many jewelry, there are about a hundred colors, and the jadeite we see on the market, the most common are green, red, purple, white, yellow, black, it is these different colors of jadeite, constitute a colorful jadeite world. Then, when buying jadeite, how to look at the color, today I will explain to you.

Look at jadeite has skills, teach you a small white change expert| Bihong jadeite 1525th lesson

Light source: do not look at jade under the lamp to see jade jewelry when you do not look at jade under the light, jadeite is most taboo to observe with fluorescent tubes, which will make the jadeite color more dull, not so bright. In particular, light sources with warm colors, such as under yellow soft lights, will appear more vivid, the texture is delicate and soft, like a beautiful woman, in the moonlight or candlelight will be more charming, both feminine and moving.

Look at jadeite has skills, teach you a small white change expert| Bihong jadeite 1525th lesson

In addition, some light illumination is easy to cover up some of the flaws of jadeite, so that it changes into its original appearance, when different lights enter, the reflected light source will change, making jadeite much inferior. The jadeite taken under natural light is the most real restoration of the actual object, and the picture and the hand photo are basically the same. Comparing all gemstone colors to each other is a fear of comparison, and jadeite is no exception. A color can be subdivided into many kinds, a person can not remember all the green colors, even if it is the same jadeite, the finished color of the grinding is different, it is impossible to touch the same. Therefore, take a few more to compare, or collect a set of green specimens yourself, which can be used as a reference for colorimetric stones.

Look at jadeite has skills, teach you a small white change expert| Bihong jadeite 1525th lesson

Looking at jadeite in different contexts will also have different effects. Usually, jadeite is bought and sold in white paper or a box on a black background. White paper will make the jadeite color lighter, and the black substrate will make the jadeite color visually darker. If the jadeite product is very thin, the seller will usually put a layer of tin foil on the bottom, and the color will jump out, which is very eye-catching. It is best to put jadeite jewelry on your finger to observe. Observe whether the color is uniform, observe the different directions of the top surface, side and bottom surface of the jadeite, and whether the color is uniform. This can affect the price of jadeite, especially egg noodles or pendants.

Look at jadeite has skills, teach you a small white change expert| Bihong jadeite 1525th lesson

In addition to paying attention to whether the color is uniform, it is also necessary to pay attention to whether the color is getting darker and darker, and there will be a discount on the price of jadeite. The degree of vividness of the color is commercial, and the imperial green (emerald), yang green, etc. are all subdivisions of bright green. Golden green, boxwood green, apple green and seedling green are sub-names for bright green. As for bean green, melon color, aqua green, light green. Dark green, oil green, etc. are all darker green, and the value is relatively poor.

Look at jadeite has skills, teach you a small white change expert| Bihong jadeite 1525th lesson

At the same time, you must also look at the seeds. Any color that meets a good kind of water is a high-grade jadeite product, such as dry green jadeite, the color is green and full of green, but if the seed is not good, there is not much value to speak of.

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