
13th in the league, Irving can't save the Nets! 3 bench efficiency + 13, why not nash reuse it?

13th in the league, Irving can't save the Nets! 3 bench efficiency + 13, why not nash reuse it?

On January 4, Beijing time, the Nets lost again! After Durant's return, the team suffered three consecutive defeats. Of course, this pot can not let Du Shao to carry, but the Nets' problems are already very prominent. As head coach Nash, why are you still obsessed? After the game, the reason he gave was: I think defense is the root cause of our last three losses, but we can't panic, it's a crazy period, 80% to 90% of our team is infected with the new crown virus, we are recovering from the new crown, which (3 consecutive losses) is a big blow to the momentum of our whole season. We can't help but sigh: Aren't other teams infected with the virus?

From the first place in the east to the second place in the east, watching the Bucks are about to complete the counterattack. We have to say that the Fundamental Problems of the Nets have not been solved, and it is too early to win the championship. 13th in the league, Irving can't save the Nets! 3 bench efficiency + 13, why not nash reuse it?

13th in the league, Irving can't save the Nets! 3 bench efficiency + 13, why not nash reuse it?

While Nash insisted it was a defensive problem, we looked at the Nets' offense. (1) Averaging 110.3 points per game, 11th in the league; 110.1 in offensive efficiency, 13th in the league. Is this still the Nets we remember? Last season, they were second in the league in offensive efficiency and number one in the league in scoring per game. Driving defense with offense is the path the Nets should stick to. Instead of the current situation: overemphasizing defense and ignoring offense. So, what is the level of the team's defense? No. 6 in the league, nor is it the top 3.

Irving, Harden, Durant, Mills, Aldridge, the Nets have a very good offensive lineup in the league, why do they always emphasize defense? The long-awaited Irving is finally back, but will he be able to save the Nets?

13th in the league, Irving can't save the Nets! 3 bench efficiency + 13, why not nash reuse it?

In today's post-game interview, when mentioning Irving's return, Durant said: He is an efficient player, he can put pressure on defenders, and he is also a good defender. So I'm looking forward to the energy he brings personally and the energy he brings to the team, and we'll see what happens.

In other words, the Entire Nets are looking forward to Irving's ability to bring some changes to the team. However, can Ou Shenxian, who has not played a game for half a season, really meet the team's expectations? We say: Soldiers bear one, will bear a nest. If you want to change the status quo of the Nets, head coach Nash must boldly use people to stimulate the potential of the team.

13th in the league, Irving can't save the Nets! 3 bench efficiency + 13, why not nash reuse it?

Remember that during the Nets' epidemic, Nash was forced to use David Duke, Edwards, Sharp, the three rookies, plus the first round of the show Thomas, the Nets were full of firepower, and even defeated the Philadelphia 76ers. However, when the team's main players returned, the three rookies did not have a minute to play.

Just today's game against the Grizzlies, with more than 9 minutes left in the fourth quarter, Nash chose to surrender and sent a pure bench. The efficiency values of Sharp, David Duke, and Carter are +13, and the efficiency values of Thomas are +9. The Nets, who were once more than 20 points behind, were chased by several rookies to only 10 points, and even saw the hope of turning the tables. Rookies can't reuse them, but they also need to be used fairly, and their enthusiasm and energy can sometimes help the team. Harden, Durant, Ader, Mills, James Johnson and other players are all dead.

13th in the league, Irving can't save the Nets! 3 bench efficiency + 13, why not nash reuse it?

In addition to Sharp and David Duke, there is also a 3D striker Edwards who is also very good to use, and it is really sad that he did not get a chance to play in garbage time today. The Nets don't have a tall center, and the first-round show Sharp can exercise more, and in some specific games, it is better than Ade, Griffin, and Zhao Si. Nash said that defense is not good, so let David Duke and Edwards give it a try, and the young people are extremely motivated to defend.

A good coach is to dare to use new people and train new people. For example, the Warriors' Kerr and the Spurs' Popovich are all objects that Nash needs to learn well.

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