
Fang La only had 8 generals, why could he let the good men of Liangshan lose most of them?

Before Zhao'an, the good men of Liangshan had hardly been defeated, and even if they were defeated, there were no generals to be damaged. In fact, until the Liangshan army conquered Wang Qing, it did not lose any damage, and also defeated the Liao state, forced the Liao state to surrender and claim subjection, and took in Sun An, Bian Xiang, Qiao Daoqing and other fierce generals and mages, which can be regarded as the peak of Liangshan.

Fang La only had 8 generals, why could he let the good men of Liangshan lose most of them?

However, after embarking on the journey against Fang La, the good men of Liangshan began to decline, at least the generals lost a lot.

Specifically, in the Battle of Zhengfangla, except for six people who did not participate, only 36 of the 102 generals returned alive. Among them, Yan Qing returned to hermitage, Li Jun took Tong Wei Tong out to sea, Lu Zhi sat deeply, Yang Zhi Yang Xionghe died of illness, Wu Song became a monk, Lin Chong suffered a stroke, and nine people did not go to the imperial court to receive a reward.

Therefore, to be precise, in the campaign against Fang La, Liangshan lost 66 generals, and the loss rate reached 64.7%, more than half.

Fang La only had 8 generals, why could he let the good men of Liangshan lose most of them?

Some people say that Fang La's 8 generals were able to kill 66 generals in Liangshan, why is this? Is it because Fang Labu will be more powerful?

In fact, there were indeed not many fierce generals under Fang La, only Fang Jie, Shi Bao, Deng Yuanjue, Li Tianyan, Si Xingfang, Lü Shinang, Wang Yin, Pang Wanchun and others, even if they added Bao Daoyi and Zheng Biao, there were only a dozen or so people.

There are many reasons why Liangshan has suffered a lot of damage, not only because Fang La's subordinate generals are powerful, this is just one of them.

Fang La only had 8 generals, why could he let the good men of Liangshan lose most of them?

For example, Shi Bao, as one of the four marshals, had courage and strategy, once killed Suo Chao, Deng Fei, Yan Shun, and Ma Lin in two battles, and was later forced by Li Kui's foursome to get off his horse and run to the city, even so, he did not mess up, hid at the city gate and killed Bao Xu who was chasing him, although he did not retreat in chaos, he sought stability in chaos, showing his military qualities.

However, compared with Shi Bao, Deng Yuanjue did not have such a record, although he and Lu Zhishen fought for fifty rounds without distinction between victory and defeat, but he failed to cut the general, and finally was shot by Hua Rong and killed by the Liangshan army.

Therefore, not all of Fang La's fierce generals could kill the Liangshan generals. Of course, Wang Yin, Zheng Biao, Bao Daoyi, Fang Jie and others killed many Liangshan generals, roughly estimated to be about 20.

Fang La only had 8 generals, why could he let the good men of Liangshan lose most of them?

The good men of Liangshan were more than half damaged, and there were many reasons besides Fang La's fierce generals.

For example, improper command.

Lu Junyi once sent Shi Jin, Shi Xiu and six other people to patrol the post, but Zhu Wu did not stop him, and as a result, Shi Jindang was first shot by Pang Wanchun, and then Shi Xiu and five other people were surrounded by Pang Wanchun, and they were all shot to death. In fact, under normal circumstances, Wu Yong would send people to inquire into the enemy's situation before making specific arrangements.

In the Battle of Hangzhou, Wu Yong made a mistake, and he initially made two consecutive plans, but did not capture Hangzhou, but instead damaged Xu Ning and Hao Siwen' two brothers.

Fang La only had 8 generals, why could he let the good men of Liangshan lose most of them?

For example, Gongsun Sheng and An Daoquan were not there.

The reason why Wang Ying and Hu Sanniang died was because of Fang La's mage Zheng Biao; the reason why Wu Song broke his arm was because Of Bao Daoyi, who was also a mage; if it were not for fan Rui, the demon king of the Mixed World, Liangshan might have lost more. If Gongsun Had been there, perhaps this would not have happened.

Also, after Xu Ning was poisoned by an arrow, he died because there was no good doctor to treat him; Yang Zhi, Yang Xiong, and Shi Qian also died of illness, and if the divine doctor An Dao was all there, even if he couldn't save everyone, he could at least save a few leaders.

Fang La only had 8 generals, why could he let the good men of Liangshan lose most of them?

For example, geographical reasons.

Like Ding Desun, he was bitten by a poisonous snake in the grass of the mountain road, and died of poisonous gas in his abdomen; Xiao Wenhou Lü Fang, he actually fell off a cliff in Wulongling and died. Meng Kang and Duan Jingzhu were even more miserable, and the two actually drowned.

Still others die because of pride over enemies.

The most unfortunate are Dong Ping and Zhang Qing. Both were generals of the Ma Army, and Zhang Qing was also good at flying stones. As a result, in order to break the enemy as soon as possible, the two did not tell Lu Junyi, and directly dismounted from the horse and fought, Dong Ping's arm was still injured, and Zhang Qing did not play with flying stones, and as a result, the two died at the hands of Li Tianyan and Zhang Tao.

Fang La only had 8 generals, why could he let the good men of Liangshan lose most of them?

In short, the reason why Liangshan was seriously damaged was many reasons, and it was definitely not because of the eight generals under Fang La.

In fact, the statement that "Fang La only has 8 generals, but he can make the good men of Liangshan lose most of them" is unfair. From another angle, you can see it.

According to statistics, among Fang La's forces, even if princess Jinzhi is not counted, there are 102 generals (including Fang La himself). There were also 102 Liangshan generals who participated in the conquest of Fangla, and the two sides were evenly matched. In fact, Song Qing did not fight, so if you look at it this way, Fang La still has a slight advantage.

Fang La only had 8 generals, why could he let the good men of Liangshan lose most of them?

Under these circumstances, Liangshan overthrew Fang La's forces and completely wiped them out. In addition to the surrender of Jin Jie, Duan Kai and others, the good han of Liangshan beheaded 100 of Fang La's generals at the cost of 66 people.

From this point of view, who is more powerful?

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